Luo Yuan often touches the computer for some reason, so Tobiichi Origami is also closely connected with Luo Yuan's social network.

  Origami itself is very smart, and she has the highest intelligence among the ten elves.

  Some people are smart but do not work hard, some people work hard but not smart, and some people are neither smart nor hard.

  Tobiichi Origami is the type of person who is both smart and super hardworking, so she is one of the best talents in the AST's anti-elf unit.

  Luo Yuan is a cheating type. Even if he suppresses the strength of a demigod to the human level, his attributes are far superior to those of his peers. Therefore, even if he is a salted fish, he has become a man of the year alongside Tobiichi Origami in school. .

  Tobiichi Origami has a cold personality, which makes the boys shy away, while Luo Yuan is arrogant and cold, and with the sign of sister control, it also makes other girls lose their minds.


  Seeing Luo Yuan's indifferent attitude as always, Origami nodded in disappointment, then sat back in her seat and picked up a book to read, but Luo Yuan knew that she didn't read anything.

  The two also happened to be sitting next to each other.

  Luo Yuan looked at the long and straight Tobiichi Origami, and knew that it was Origami's subconscious choice after paying attention to his online social profile.

  In the hobbies column of Luo Yuan's profile, it is written that he likes all kinds of beautiful girls with long straight hair.

  Although Origami still didn't see her heart clearly, she was willing to keep long straight hair to suit Luo Yuan's preferences, which showed that she still had some feelings for him.

  Whether it is a sense of dependence or a relationship between men and women, since they care about each other, it will be a matter of time before they can get together and untie the knot.

  Luo Yuan is very confident about this.

Chapter 80 Our Fate Begins!

  "Good morning, classmates, I am Gangfeng Zhuhui, and I will be your mentor for the next year."

  After the bell rang, the classroom door opened quickly, and a small woman with thin-rimmed glasses walked to the desk.

  "It's Bead..."

  "Ah, it's Xiaozhu."

  "Really, that's great!"

  A series of discussions sounded immediately below.

  At school, the character of a tutor will determine whether he can get along well with his classmates. Obviously, this teacher, who is affectionately called Xiaozhu, is a very popular teacher.

  Luo Yuan also found it interesting to see this teacher who had a face and body like a student.

  In the original plot, the male protagonist had an emotional entanglement with her, and was blindly confessed by the male protagonist.

  Luo Yuan has no idea about her. Although Teacher Xiaozhu looks petite, she is not pretty and cute enough, not his type.

  He remembered that Okafeng Zhuhui seemed to be engaged to Kannazuki Kyouhei, who had a trembling personality, and that pervert was just fine.

  What followed was some boring study sessions. During the class, Origami would look back at Luo Yuan from time to time, with a tangled look in his eyes that looked forward to his response but was afraid of his response.

  Luo Yuan sat quietly from beginning to end, patiently waiting for school to be dismissed at noon.


  As the clock pointed to twelve, the school bell rang, Luo Yuan packed up his books and went outside.

  "Luo Yuan, do you want to go to dinner together?"

  Tobiichi Origami stood up and saw that Luo Yuan had not had time to speak before Tonomachi Hiroshi warmly invited him.

  "No, I have to accompany my sister to the family restaurant for dinner at noon!"

  Luo Yuan smiled and nodded to Origami, and then responded to him without looking back.

  woohoo woohoo-

  Suddenly the windows of the classroom swayed, and then there was a piercing siren from outside the school.

  "—Not now, drills. Not now, drills. Foreshocks were observed. We speculate, spacequakes will occur. Residents nearby, please go to the nearest shelter and evacuate as soon as possible. Repeat..."

  Thanks to current technology, it is possible to predict the foreshock a period of time before a space earthquake occurs, so that people can enter the designated area for shelter in advance to avoid danger.

  Due to the frequent occurrence of space earthquakes in the Neon Kingdom in recent years, everyone practiced for this time, and they were very skilled in dealing with this situation. When they heard the alarm, they all ran to the school's shelter.

  But there was only one person who ran outside the school against the flow of people, and that was Tobiichi Origami.

  "Origami, the shelter is not over there!"

  Luo Yuan immediately grabbed her hand, he knew that she was a member of AST, and since a spirit appeared, she was going to kill the other party.

  "Ah... Yuan, I'm in a hurry, please let me go!"

  Yuan Yi Origami struggled hard, and found that Luo Yuan was caught tightly. Knowing that he was doing it for his own good, he was moved and anxious at the same time.

  "Is there anything I have to do now? If it's really too urgent, I'll help you! Otherwise, I won't worry about it."

  Luo Yuan frowned and still held onto her. Although he suppressed his strength, in order not to be too wasteful, he still performed some neon martial arts training as a cover.

  With his physical quality, it was naturally easy to practice these things, and various martial arts clubs in the school also offered generous conditions to let him join, but he declined.

  Even if Origami made unimaginable efforts in training, he was still no match for Luo Yuan.

  "It's about women. It's inconvenient for two people."

  Tobiichi Origami knew that if Luo Yuan's words were not settled, he would not want to leave, so he had to tell lies seriously.

  Obviously, he dared to say anything in front of him before, and now he still uses this as an excuse, Luo Yuan is also funny, but he also needs to go to the space near the quake to start the elf seal plan, so he let go of her.

  "...Well, if Origami can't handle it alone, you must tell me, and I will help you."

  "Um...thank you Yuan!"

  Tobiichi Origami took a deep look at Luo Yuan, then sped up and ran out of his sight like a sprint.

  "Student Luo Yuan, hurry up and go to the shelter..."

  Many people along the way saw that Luo Yuan was still in a daze, and couldn't help but remind him.

  Luo Yuan took out his mobile phone perfunctorily and tried to call his sister Kotori. It was obvious that Kotori was currently dealing with the coming space shock with the subordinates of the airship command, and had no time to care about his call.

  He made a few calls but no one answered, and then used his mobile phone to locate his sister's mobile phone, and sure enough, it was at the family restaurant.

  This is actually the corresponding ground position in the air of the airship called "Fraxinas". Luo Yuan did this to give himself a reasonable excuse to go there.

  After the preparations were completed, he rushed towards the target area with an anxious look on his face.



  "Control error, out of normal index."

  "Strong space shaking confirmed."

  "Target vs 'Princess'!"

  The staff in the airship carefully compared the data and confirmed that the elf that descended this time was the same as a elf that had descended in other areas before.


  As the volatility data climbed to a certain tipping point.


  As if a meteorite fell to the ground, a deafening explosion sounded, accompanied by a violent shock wave of strong light spreading around.

  Luo Yuan looked at the space shock crater that was still created near the family restaurant, and quickly approached in the smoke.

  When the smoke and dust faded away, Luo Yuan finally saw the scene in the center of the giant pit.

  At the bottom of the pit stood abruptly like a king's throne in the palace, but the hilt of a large sword was inserted upside down at the top of the backrest of the throne.

  And a girl with knee-length hair in purple night and wearing a strange purple dress that glows like a princess is stepping on the armrest of the throne. With the scene at this time, there is a feeling of blood and romance intertwined. The mind was shocked.

  Luo Yuan did not hide his traces. When he came to the edge of the giant pit, the girl also discovered him.


  It seems that Luo Yuan was regarded as the enemy who attacked her in the past. The girl immediately stood on the top of the throne and quickly grabbed the huge hilt and pulled it out. in her hands.

  Immediately, she leaped into the air and waved her giant sword in the direction of Luo Yuan, sending out a huge energy blade.



  With a huge impact, the light blade turned the target into ruins like a broken bamboo.

  Luo Yuan quickly flashed to the side while the girl's giant sword was slashing, dodging the strike of the light blade dangerously and dangerously.

  But then a giant sword appeared in front of him, and behind the giant sword was the girl.

  The girl's appearance looks pure and lovely and somewhat majestic, but those beautiful eyes like dream crystals reveal a sadness, as if about to cry.

  Luo Yuan knew that his fate with them had begun...

Chapter 81 Tohka is an idiot!

  "Commander, the boy next to the princess seems to be your brother."

  Inside the airship, Deputy Commander Kannazuki pointed to the boy who was confronting the spirit on the screen and reported to the girl sitting on the captain's seat.

  "...How did Oni-chan appear there, don't you know that elves are very dangerous creatures? Even if they have that kind of ability, they will suffer a lot!"

  The girl who was sitting upright and eating a lollipop immediately lost her composure. She approached the display screen with big eyes and checked it carefully, and hurried back to her seat.

  "Hurry up and find the right time to pick him up. It happened that I received an order from the round table meeting. The battle is about to start. Oni-chan is our most important secret weapon."



  "Are you here to kill me?"

  A sad and unbelievable voice sounded.

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