Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 65: Ghostland

As soon as Chai Yun said this, the whole room fell silent.

The dim light from the phone illuminated her fearful expression from bottom to top.

There are ghosts in this world, and even children know it.

"Could it be that your head rubbed against the quilt railing or something?" Wu Menghua forced a smile.

No one wanted to think about the supernatural, which meant death and fear here.

Chai Yun touched his head: "No, the feeling of touching the head is different!"

Taking advantage of the darkness, Wei Miao quietly opened his cross-shaped pupils, but saw nothing. Some supernatural beings are invisible and invisible in normal times, and are called "spirits". They can only be touched and seen when they attack and contact humans, but with the help of strange objects, supernatural beings can also see the spirits in normal states.

The cross-shaped pupils split into two eyeballs, and turned around in all directions, but no sneaky figures were found.

Chai Yun: "Should we call the hotline of the Exorcist Society?"

"Forget it, what if it's a mistake, Chai Yun, think about it carefully again, don't scare yourself." Wei Miao stopped him.

She suddenly thought of something. If the exorcist club is doomed to be unable to enter the venue in advance, then they should be unable to contact each other now?

Expanding a little, perhaps everyone is unable to contact the outside world now?

Wei Miao silently unlocked her phone and tried to make a call.

"Hello, the user you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please call again later..."

She changed a number, but the same voice came out of the receiver.


"We are now disconnected from the outside world." Wei Miao put down the phone and said to the roommates who were temporarily confused, "I suggest you find a counselor and report to the school."

However, it is easy to find out that the connection is disconnected, and the school should have known about it.

Hearing her say this, the faces of the other three people suddenly became ugly.

Chai Yun shuddered: "Are we... trapped by ghosts?"

Wei Miao briefly comforted: "Don't panic, there are so many people in the school who are suffering with us, let's see what the school arranges."

In the face of the supernatural, ordinary people can do very limited things, and the most reliable thing is to wait for rescue. Only a very small number of gifted people can survive on their own, or even become supernatural people.

"Look at the group chat." Suddenly, Wu Menghua said.

Wei Miao saw a message pop up in the VX group chat, which was sent by the counselor.

"Please all students stay in the dormitory and do not go out unless necessary. The classes for the next few days are cancelled. The school is suspected of having a supernatural phenomenon, and is actively contacting the exorcist club for support!"

"Supplies will be distributed starting tomorrow. The logistics staff will be responsible for delivering them to the first floor of the dormitory. Please pay attention to the group notifications to collect supplies in time."

There are many supernatural phenomena, and many places have their own emergency systems. Vanlenbeck University directly started to distribute supplies, which is decisive enough.

The messages in the group grew wildly, and the usual hidden gods were blown out one after another, bubbling up to care about the relevant situation. The administrator quickly turned on the mute for all members to prevent panic from spreading through text.

"So, I really encountered a ghost!" Chai Yun was obsessed with what he had just experienced, his eyes widened, and he wailed for help, "What should I do?"

Several people looked at each other. It was a matter of life and death, and they couldn't say anything sarcastic. At the same time, there was a glimmer of luck in their hearts. Fortunately, it was not me who was hit.

Wei Miao made a suggestion: "How about taking turns to keep watch?"

After all, only a few people can sleep peacefully after a supernatural incident. It is better to take turns to keep watch to prevent danger.

"Good idea!" Zhang Luo agreed, "Whoever is in danger can wake him up in time!"

The four people murmured for a while and decided the order of keeping watch.

Wei Miao took the lead and kept watch until 1:30, Wu Menghua took the second and kept watch until 3 o'clock, Zhang Luo took the third, Chai Yun took the last, and so on.

【 】

After the discussion, the few people finally felt relieved and lay down to sleep.

And Wei Miao sat on the bed, leaning against the wall to look around, with a thin crack on her forehead, peeking quietly.

Wei Miao herself lacked awe of ghosts. In reality, she had dreamed of ghosts many times and had no feelings for them. She was the kind of person who could kick Sadako back if she wanted to crawl out.

Now that she has supernatural powers, there is nothing to be afraid of. In the final analysis, people's fear of ghosts comes not only from the unknown, but also from lack of power.

Humans are creatures that bully the weak and fear the strong. If you have the strength to tear apart evil spirits, who would be afraid of ghosts? Just look down on everything.

In her spare time, she was browsing her phone, and the school forum had exploded.

"Does anyone know what happened?"

"Listen to me, my roommate was touched on the head by a ghost tonight!"

"That's the care of fatherly love (dog head)!"

"Don't talk without any back pain upstairs!"

"The school seems to be blocked. I just saw someone trying to go out at the school gate, and then walked back inexplicably!"

"When will the rescue arrive?"

"Don't be afraid, it's just a touch on the head. Try to find the trigger pattern!"

The communication pattern is very strange. Although it is impossible to make a call, you can send and receive messages through the chat software, and the school network is still strong.

However, she found that there has been no new messages in group chats other than school chats for a long time.

Only people in the school can send and receive messages to each other, but can't see messages from the outside world?

Wei Miao thought of something: "Ghostland?"

Ghostland is a spiritual place. People in it are disconnected from the outside world and cannot leave. And powerful ghosts are gradually bred in the ghostland.

But just as the formation of black pupils requires a ritual, the ghost domain also requires a similar ritual process to breed ghosts. Most of the conditions for breeding are blood and killing. The ghosts that appear first in the ghost domain are specifically for completing the breeding ceremony and are called ghosts.

"If it is really in the ghost domain, it is not surprising that the support of the exorcist society is delayed. The ghost domain can block communication and form a different space." Wei Miao pondered, "The one who touched the head should be a ghost, but why didn't he kill people directly?"

Generally speaking, ghosts must kill people when they appear, otherwise the resentment is difficult to eliminate and cannot be easily expelled, rather than just scaring them off.

The reason is that people have long discovered that there are very few beings with self-awareness in the supernatural, and they only know how to kill living beings and are full of murderous anger.

The murderous ghosts have their own set of principles, and those who violate their principles will not stop until they die.

Wei Miao pondered: "This time, the ghosts are not killing humans?"

That's a drop in value.

However, the ghost domain that can cover a school and block the exorcist society for five days is very large. Zwick Middle School, once designated as a Class B risk area, has blocked the Exorcist Society for six days. The death and injury have reached 5,000 people, and the tiles in the corridor are soaked with blood.

There is only one head-patting ghost, and Wei Miao always feels that it is unreliable.

Any ritual requires exchange. The birth of the supernatural is accompanied by great sacrifices, without exception.

Until 1:30, there are still scattered discussions. Tonight is destined to be sleepless for some people. After the shift change, Wei Miao slept very lightly, always paying attention to the slightest movement.

After all, she has not yet explored the bottom of the ghost, so she can't be arrogant.

"Being single is cool, being single is cool, being single is not afraid of being dumped, being single does not need to buy gifts, and the wallet card is controlled by oneself~"

At six o'clock in the morning, a sudden wake-up ring woke Wei Miao up.

What the hell...

Wei Miao's fists hardened.

I don't know if that easter egg chapter can be triggered. It would be best if it can be triggered, but it doesn't matter if it can't.

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