Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 684 Waaagh Gate

The battle moon finally stopped shaking.

The battle on the lunar surface has basically ended, and most of the weapon arrays on the lunar surface have stopped firing, including the most terrifying gravity weapons. But throughout the inner space, the Space Marines were still engaged in desperate close combat with hordes of green monsters. They cleared the caves one by one, destroying the orc machinery within. However, the number of orcs has not decreased at all, and they are still pouring out.

After more than ten hours of fierce fighting, the battle moon has been paralyzed over Endin's hive world. The phased goals set by Fu Qinghai have been achieved, and the hive world has finally avoided the fate of destruction. But then, as the space warriors continued to penetrate deep into the satellite, the advancement was not as smooth as when the gang was first launched, and it became very difficult.

There are more and more orcs, and the green tide is endless. It seems that they will never be killed. Every time the Space Marines captured a passage or a cave, the Orks would immediately launch a frenzied counterattack with a force that was ten or even a hundred times superior to that of the Space Marines. The Space Marines could only retreat and give way to the newly captured cave, or leave a few melta bombs to completely destroy this passage.

The battle has now begun to reach a stalemate, turning into a repeated tug-of-war over passages and caves. The White Scars' speed advantage was slowly being worn away, and the Space Marines were being dragged through a complex cave system inside the moon. This kind of stalemate and attrition is a situation that no one wants to see - because even if the legion is reorganized, the Space Marines still have no strength advantage over the Orcs.

At this time, seven chapter leaders gathered together in a temporary command center. Their power armor was covered with staggered deep and shallow scratches, scorched black from the explosion, and layers of blood scabs formed by repeated drying and splashing of blood.

Apparently just back here from the front.

Through the rough holographic image transmitted to the portable auspicious device through the probe eyes of the servo skull, Fu Qinghai, Mandu Latu and Baoshu Lige saw that the "Orc Gate" was in operation - many of the rescued human captives The oral accounts mentioned the giant green fire gate hidden deep in the satellite.

The servo-skull peers down from a window in the cave's roof. The angle was a bit odd, and the image was covered in a blurry, gradient brown streak, but the poor image quality couldn't hide the sheer scale of what they were seeing.

The orcs carved out a huge cave five kilometers wide to accommodate it. The walls were embedded with strange machines that crackled with energy overload. Inside the circle of machines, piles of crates, scrap bags, and power supply equipment occupy the flat gravel floor. Thick cables snake through the materials piled on the ground, connecting the gates to the machines.

The gate itself was made of three metal corners, as tall as a Warmaster-class Titan, curving up from a rough platform and hanging several meters above the cave floor. Densely packed steel cables, chains and clamps of different thicknesses fixed the door in the center of the cave. Still, they waver, disturbed by the energy they contain.

Dancing light danced in the center of the door, growing brighter every few minutes, almost whitening the fangs of the surrounding orcs. Then there was another group of green-skinned orcs with thick shoulders and long fangs, holding weapons and howling, stepping on the platform, eager to join in any battle.

"The Battle Moon is not as simple as we thought. No wonder the planets under attack are so easily overwhelmed. The Battle Moon is just a bridgehead rather than a base camp. The Orcs use the Battle Moon as a frontline fulcrum to project troops across endless distances. This is better than any other Navigation technology will be more efficient.”

Mandu Ratu Khan said in a deep voice.

"Where did they learn this technique?"

Targujin Khan waved his hand and cursed:

"Every time we meet, we discover more unknown information. Are there no limits to their ingenuity?"

"We've never seen this before."

Chief Storm Prophet stroked his beard:

"What exactly changed?"

"It is said that the Eldar have something similar, a warp network that allows their scattered worlds to communicate. I suspect the Orks' mastery of gravity science and teleportation technology may have something to do with it, and the Orks have cracked the secrets of the Eldar."

A tech sergeant offered his conjecture.


Fu Qinghai was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then shook his head:

"Not quite a webway."

"Either way, it's fucked that this ability is in the hands of the Orks. The Orks are like an epidemic and these machines will make it worse. I guess that's how 'Beasts' were able to take over so much of the Empire in a short amount of time." The reason for the world.”

The other Chapter Master clenched his fists and said.

"Where is the other side of the gate? Can we capture this gate, and then control the gate to reach the orc lair in the opposite direction? In this way, we can understand the birthplace of this Waaagh, and then completely end this green plague!"

The leader of the Berserker Chapter said with great fighting spirit.

"No, I don't agree."

Fu Qinghai immediately shook his head to express his rejection.

What's on the other side of the gate?

Others don't know, but he knows.

Over there at the gate is fucking Ullanor!

With their current strength, they still want to attack Ullanor, the beast's base camp? It's just a dream. In the original book, the human empire dared to march on Ullanor only after knowing that the Sisters of Silence restrained the orcs' psychic field, and also recovered a primarch, Vulcan Vulcan, Lord of the Fire Dragon.

While they were talking, they watched another group of orcs come out of the shining tunnel. The orcs obviously haven't discovered the servo skull that luckily penetrated into the core of the satellite. However, the terrain inside the satellite is complex, and the signal sent back by the servo skull is intermittent. The Space Marines also had to discuss tactics in person, because communication would lose signal once they were too far apart.

"As long as they keep the tunnels open, there is no way we can defeat them. Endin will become an eternal battlefield, and the orc numbers will grow as we dwindle them. This gate must close, and the Battle Moon must set."

Fu Qinghai said decisively.

After surviving Fu Qinghai's initial three attacks, despite heavy losses, the orcs did not lose their war boss - the legendary "beast" has not yet appeared, so they will not disperse and retreat due to a temporary defeat. Now the Orks stood firm and began to fight back furiously, trying to drive the Space Marines bit by bit out of their battle moon.

"What are your plans, Aoyama?"

Mandu Latu looked directly at Fu Qinghai.

The first battle was successful, and Qingshan Khan's prestige greatly increased.

"I recommend a massive Terminator assault."

Targujin also looked at Fu Qinghai and made suggestions:

"Gather the entire legion of Terminators together."

"Yes, but from multiple directions."

Fu Qinghai squinted his eyes and said in deep thought.

He brought up a hologram of the Battle Moon, turning the voyeuristic image away from their oriole screens. Most of the Ork moon was mapped by a depth holo-augur, but has large red-shaded areas and lacks detail.

"This is the largest passage from the depths of the satellite to the surface. These are the various narrow paths from the depths of the satellite to the surface. Our troops are scattered among these paths, repeatedly pulling and consuming. This is not right. of."

Fu Qinghai pointed to a spiral tunnel. It is as wide as a highway, leading from the deepest part to the ground, and then coming out of the widest crater. Dozens of smaller paths cut through it, filling the moon's deeper interior.

"We have to divert their attention."

Fu Qinghai then continued his story:

"Humans launch wars to achieve certain results. We often say that war is an extension of politics. But this is not the case for orcs. They launch wars for the sake of war itself. No matter what new skills and new skills these orcs have mastered, Technology, they are still Orks after all. They are teleported from the other side of the galaxy, snorting and eager for war, so they will not shy away from the most immediate challenge."

The chapter leaders began to think thoughtfully after hearing this.

"Inform the frontline troops and blow up all the trails. We will not continue to fight for these places with the orcs. Inform the rear fleet and let the armored forces of the entire legion land, deploy them all in this tunnel, and assume a decisive battle with the orcs - —This is a temptation that no orc can resist."

Fu Qinghai began to make preliminary arrangements:

Blow up all the paths leading to the depths of the moon.

Concentrate a large number of troops in the widest tunnel.


As Fu Qinghai spoke, the topic suddenly changed:

"We concentrated all the tactical fearless armor of the entire legion, randomly selected one of the more than fifty bombed paths, used the termite-level Tyrant assault drill vehicle to reopen the passage, and the Terminator concentrated the assault to destroy that gate."

It is not a very complicated tactic to build plank roads openly and secretly attack Chencang. Use a frontal feint attack to attract the attention of the orcs, and then concentrate all the terminators to steal the home from behind. The key lies in the use of reverse thinking - the Orks may not have thought that the Space Marines who took the initiative to blow up the passage would go back and repair the passage.

Fu Qinghai's improvised tactical plan based on the current situation was unanimously approved and resolutely implemented by all Astartes officers present, and the legion quickly changed its strategy.

The front line began to shrink its troops. At the edge of the territory controlled by each chapter, the Space Marines planted melta bombs and began to retreat in an orderly manner. Continuous explosions were heard from the depths of the moon. As these passages were blocked by tens of thousands of tons of rock and metal, the pursuing orcs were also buried in the rubble.

Space Marine landing craft shuttled between the lunar surface and the fleet, and the concentration of tanks marked the beginning of the attack. Land Raiders, Predator tanks, Rhino personnel carriers, and Porcupine personnel carriers, armored groups of seven Chapters rumbled forward through the main tunnels. There are also different types of knight mechas walking between the tanks, from the trapping brigade of the Iron Buddha Chapter. There were more Space Marines scattered among the tanks and knights.

It's completely like a decisive battle.

As expected, the Orcs took the bait.

The Orks swooped down on the advancing Space Marine armored clusters along the main channel. They also organized a not-so-small armored force, fighting trucks or fart tanks pieced together from scrapped tank chassis, and so on. Brain-crushing vehicles, bone-crushing vehicles, chamber-ripping vehicles, sausage-burning vehicles, as well as canned murderers and hair-catching vehicles that compete with the Sentinel and Knight mechas. There is a vast green tide among the strange and weird vehicles.

The Space Marine armor advanced slowly with purpose, while the Orks charged forward with impatience, the tunnels echoing with the noise of their engines and bloodthirsty howls.

"Rumble, rumble, click, click, click..."

Termite-level Tyrant-type ground-penetrating tanks, these two ground-penetrating weapons of the Cult of Mechanicus can be regarded as the old treasures of Master Quinto, from the days of the God-Machine Brotherhood to the Iron Buddha Chapter and now. Because there are no earth-burrowing vehicles in the Space Marine's arsenal, these two big drills have to show their faces from time to time.

The blocked channel after the explosion was lower in strength than the natural rock structure, and the ground-drilling tank easily broke through the rubble and metal. When the rapidly rotating sharp teeth crushing stones appeared in front of the rag pickers, these Oko subspecies were stunned and didn't know what to do, and then the terminators swarmed out.

Several grts were beaten into puddles of pulp by explosive bombs.

Fu Qinghai's iron boots stepped on the ground of the passage.

When he saw that on the opposite side of the drilled passage there were only a few grunts digging for corpses and picking up tatters in the rubble, he knew that this plan would most likely succeed - because the orcs had almost no idea about this "returning gun" move. Defense, most of the attention is devoted to the decisive battle with the Space Marines.

"Set off!"

Fu Qinghai glanced at the bird fortune teller and ordered.

There are three chapter leaders responsible for commanding the frontal battlefield, and Fu Qinghai leads the other three chapter leaders to conduct a surprise attack from behind. The entire legion has a total of 330 Terminators at full capacity, with an average of only 30 to 40 sets of tactical fearless armor per battle group. The Iron Buddha Chapter has a hundred sets of assault terminator armor, and they are the main force in the attack on the orc gate.

They passed through a maze of tunnels, and all the orc farms they passed were slaughtered. Passages are rarely straight, and almost every battle is a close encounter. The armor of the Chapter Masters had just been painted, but was soon covered with scratches, and was partly stained a dark red. Every warrior's sword was stained with blood blackened by the powerful force field from tip to hilt.

"It feels good."

Targujin muttered in his mouth, and used his power hammer to smash the head of an orc deeply into its shoulder:

"Tactics sometimes require us to hold a gun and shoot, but most of the time I prefer to see the enemy's face up close."

After saying that, he roared, swung the handle of the hammer, and smashed an orc warrior so hard that he staggered two steps. Mandu Latu took the opportunity to cut off the opponent's hand with a knife. The orc warlord roared angrily, raising his bloody wrists still trying to fight back. Other terminators ended its life with storm bolters.

"Melee combat saves ammunition."

Mandu Ratu shook off the blood line on his scimitar and said:

"I have a feeling we're going to need the ammunition."

"Speed ​​up, we're almost there."

Fu Qinghai stood on the armored chest of a five-meter-tall heavy-armed boss and reminded him. As he spoke, he pulled out the Blue Fang Chain Sword from the center of Mopan Da's forehead with one hand. Following his movements, the bulging eyeballs of the heavily armored boss at his feet twitched and kept turning upwards, as if the brains and meninges were hanging on the hook serrations and being pulled away together. It looked very penetrating.

Mandu Latu and Targujin realized very early that Qingshan was not just stronger than themselves. This young-looking "ancient warrior" was no longer a space warrior at the same level as themselves. Facing a giant heavily armored orc whose body was covered with welded steel plates, he didn't need to cooperate with anyone and could kill it alone.

They continued forward and turned a corner. The corridor led directly to the cave where the door was. Thousands of orcs are pouring out of the burning green circle of light. Targukin strode into the cave, selected a working machine to vent his rage on, and swung a sledgehammer into its shell, causing the metal plates to collapse and tear apart, revealing its gleaming interior.

"Destroy the machines! Destroy them!"

Talgujin raised his powered thunder hammer and roared.

After saying that, he hit the machine in front of him with another heavy blow. This time the attack impeded its progress explosively, with flames shooting out from a row of pipes overhead, followed by a puff of greasy smoke. The machine malfunctioned and jammed. A series of gears and screws burst out of the structure, making the Targu gold breastplate jingle.

"Prioritize cutting off power supply."

Fu Qinghai instructed the Guards not to attack blindly.

He is a technical sergeant and a Mars-certified foundry master. He has the most basic logical judgments about these unknown orc machines, which modules are responsible for power supply and energy transmission, and which parts are used to maintain operation. The Iron Buddha Terminator swung its power horse to cut through the thick cables that were winding on the ground. One machine after another quickly went out and stopped running. There was no need to waste energy on smashing and hammering like Targukin. .

Before the Orks could notice the attackers, the Space Marines destroyed five more machines and the ring of green fire began to drift. Hearing the sound of machine failure and explosion, on the edge of the platform, an orc warlord turned around with an ugly pig-like face, pointed his eyes angrily and roared:


Some orcs did not stop and continued to rush into the tunnel to participate in the frontal decisive battle. Others changed their direction and rushed towards this new group of threats.

"Now is the time to expend ammunition!"

Mandu Ratu raised his gun and shouted loudly:

"First Company, fire!"

More than forty Mandu Latu's Terminator guards formed an arch with him as the center, and the rest spread out in a fan shape. The Terminators raised the storm bolts on their arms (two bolters connected side by side. Storm Bolter), densely rotating crossfire tongues illuminate the corners of the cave. The terminators from other battle groups also raised their assault cannons and rotary cannons, and the barrage of bullets of various calibers instantly enveloped the orcs.


Wherever the explosive bombs hit the body, they will penetrate and explode. However, the orcs staggered forward with terrible injuries. Many super-large men who had been transformed by prosthetics even needed two or three shots to completely bring them down. They were split in half under heavy assault cannon fire, and the orcs either stumbled or fell and exploded to pieces. Piles of supply boxes were smashed to pieces, the ammunition inside exploded, and fireworks exploded everywhere.

The missile nest above the Terminator's head opened, and the whirlwind missile "sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstakes" flew into the crowd of orcs and exploded, tearing a red hole in the green tide. The enemy tumbled over the corpses of their companions, piled high by their own momentum, forming a wall of mangled flesh at the edge of the Space Marine's range. But the greenskins continued to press forward, and the tutu guns and click guns in their hands kept ringing.

The cave was filled with explosions.

Flames billowed upward among the machines.

Fu Qinghai ran towards the nearest metal corner, and the metal particles in his right arm transformed into a double-barreled melt cannon. He raised his right arm high and swept across the sky. The jet of blue flames melted the steel cables, chains and clamps that fixed the metal corners, like a spider web that had been ignited by flames. The metal corner suddenly fell downwards, and jagged green discharges penetrated the platform, debris and machines, triggering a new round of fires and violent explosions.

"First Company, change formation!"

Mandu Ratu shouted loudly.

His Terminator Guards ran out of ammunition, retreated a few steps, and smoothly swapped positions with the other company, the White Scar's wall of death barrages uninterrupted.

Fu Qinghai and his guards rushed to the platform under the cover of other Terminators, and the orcs came more densely. Fu Qinghai cut off the cables on the floor, and there were blazing flames everywhere. Choking black smoke glowing green rolled out from the fire, moving strangely in the unstable artificial gravity of the door. The orcs who pass through the gate will be torn in half or crumpled into a ball by invisible forces.

"Keep on, keep on, the door is broken!"

Fu Qinghai yelled immediately when he saw this.

The door flickered a few more times, and new orcs appeared on the platform again, but this time the time interval became longer, which seemed to indicate that there was some kind of problem with the door.

The new orcs roared in unison as they faced rows of Terminators and pulled their triggers. The Space Marines converged at an even pace, closing in on the Orks. The sons of Jaghatai suffered heavy losses, but for every Space Marine who fell, more than twenty Orks died. Some orcs continued to flock to the tunnel, while others wandered around, not knowing which enemy to fight. They rushed back and forth, and finally turned back to kill.

In the entrenched position of Mandu Latu, the second front was penetrated. Ammunition is running out, and there is no third front that can replace them. The Orks crawled over their own heaps of corpses and swarmed into the ranks of the Space Marines.

The harsh sound of weapons hitting ceramite armor announced the formal meeting of Orks and Space Marines, followed by the strange sound of cracking force fields and annihilating matter, as Space Marines brandished their power weapons to meet the enemy.

"Keep going, to the door!"

Fu Qinghai waved his sword and ordered.

Several orcs tugged on his arms, and their thick green fingers slipped from his bloody armor. Fu Qinghai shook them off casually. The metal corner towered high above his head. He took out the miniature nuclear bomb that was magnetically attached to his thigh, twisted the top handle, and placed it in a key position with a snap.

Later, several Iron Buddha Terminators followed, installing their own micro-nuclear bombs or melta bombs. Fu Qinghai saw the soldiers of Mandu Latu and Targujin doing the same thing on the smoke-filled and empty platform. Targujin himself was also tying bombs to the metal corners.


shouted the Chapter Master of the Storm Lords.

"Retreat! This ends today's work."

Fu Qinghai decisively issued a retreat order:

"Start teleportation, countdown to five minutes."

On the timer in the upper right corner of his eyepiece field of view, the characters "Countdown to five minutes" flashed by, and the time began to tick down, and everyone was calibrated and synchronized.

This is a plan made in advance. Fu Qinghai considered that the moment the gate was destroyed, it might release huge and unstable energy, which would cause harm to one's own side. Therefore, they did not choose to directly launch a micro-nuclear bomb to destroy the door. Instead, they installed the bomb and then retreated to a safe location to avoid the impact of the door being blown up.

On the platform, the Terminators formed a formation to face the enemy, retreated step by step in an orderly manner, slowly moved off the platform, and retreated to the predetermined teleportation position. The number of Orks on the platform has been greatly reduced, but thousands of Orks still survive, and they are still charging at the Space Marines regardless.

There are still four minutes and ten seconds left before teleportation.

The door flickered again.

The last of the orcs appeared on the platform.

Through the swaying lights and dissipating mist, Fu Qinghai saw the largest orc he had ever seen. No orc warlord he had fought before could compare to this. It was taller than a knight mecha, and the ax held in its palm was as big as a jet motorcycle. Wearing a thick helmet on his head, the horns on the helmet stick straight into the sky like a power horse. Two rows of densely packed teeth interlocked like sabers, and the red eyes shone with wild wisdom and cunning. There were more than thirty orcs around. Although they were smaller than their leader, they were all terrifying beasts.

The giant orcs shouted a bunch of incomprehensible foreign languages, and the orcs who were rushing around on the platform began to gather together, organize their formations in an orderly manner, and launch a counterattack again.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, what is that?"

Upon seeing this, Targugin asked in shock:

"Is that the 'Beast' itself?"

"Whatever it is..."

Mandu Latu struggled to withdraw the scimitar:

"We have to find a way to retreat!"

When the giant orc slowly walked down the steps, the orcs' attack power suddenly increased. A group of bulky and heavily armed bodyguards swaggered behind it, and the armor and weapons all over their bodies gave off a sense of brutality.

As they walked off the platform, more orcs emerged from behind. Some orcs held the flagpole high, with the image of "an iron fist holding a wrench" painted on the front of the flag. These orcs all wore harnesses and aprons, and the pockets of the aprons were filled with a dazzling array of different tools, both tools and weapons.

They ran across the platform, jumping off the sides, towards the smoldering machines, followed by a string of grunt assistants in hot pursuit. The leading giant orc roared loudly and gestured, pointing to the most damaged part of the gate.

At the same time, large numbers of Orks began to retreat, forming a cordon blocking the Space Marines' path to these machines. Behind this crowded green defense line, the green-skinned technician squatted down and started working intensively.

"They're fixing the machine."

Mandu Ratu pointed over there and shouted.

"They're still defusing bombs."

Targukin also reminded with a gloomy face.

"Leave them alone!"

Fu Qinghai glanced back and looked away.

A powerful pressure and terrifying aura that seemed to be substantial enveloped him firmly, forcing him to be unable to divert his attention to see what those technician boys were doing. He had to be fully alert and focused to face the black shadow that was constantly approaching in front of him.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

The ground beneath his feet was trembling regularly. After the giant orc finished allocating his work, he turned around and strode towards this side. Its bloodthirsty gaze was locked directly on Fu Qinghai, and the giant ax in its hand spun with ease. Based on some wild intuition, this giant orc could tell at a glance who was the real leader among this group of space warriors.

Fu Qinghai glanced at the upper right corner of his field of vision.

Teleported in three minutes and twenty-four seconds.

The orcs were still attacking the Space Marines' front line. Fu Qinghai swung the Green Blade and swept across the orcs in front of him. Each time he swung the sword, he split a row of orcs in half. The orcs were slaughtered as smoothly as a sickle harvesting seedlings. The rest of the orcs, driven by the crowded green tide behind them and their own desire to fight, still stepped on the corpses of their fallen kind and rushed over one after another.

Transmitted in three minutes.

The Terminators' defensive circle is getting smaller and smaller. Although they have thick armor and sharp weapons, they are far behind in numbers, and the green tide is like a wave crashing on the steel reef.

The giant orc raised its ax high and then slashed it hard in the air, the tip of the ax pointed directly at Fu Qinghai.

"What's your name, human?"

The giant beast spit out clear and fluent low Gothic, and its low tone was like a muffled thunder passing through the cave.

"Qingshan Khan."

Fu Qinghai killed the last opponent, shook off the blood beads rolling down the blade's spine, stared at the giant orc and asked:

"Are you a 'beast'?"


The giant orc raised his mouth and showed his fangs:

"I will remember your name, human warrior."

Neither admit nor deny.

So is it a beast?

The giant orc lowered its head and stepped forward with its giant legs, charging heavily towards the Space Marine line. The pace was not fast but it could cover a few meters with each step. Its bodyguards followed behind and ran with all their strength to form an arrow. Fu Qinghai, who was holding a sword and a sword in each hand, put away the Blue Blade and instead held the Blue Fang Chainsword in both hands. He stood firm on his feet and gathered his mind, preparing to fight.

Those Space Marines who still had some ammunition opened fire first. Explosive bombs and bullets of different calibers penetrated the thick multi-layered armor of the behemoth, exploding green flesh on the granite-like muscles. . However, the giant orcs continued to charge forward as if they felt no pain. They stepped in front of the Space Marines' line and swept across with their giant axes.


The original, pure, and surging power of Ork penetrated directly through the reinforced ceramic-plastic-steel composite armor. The "squeaking" sound of violent metal deformation pierced the eardrums. It only sounded at that moment, and then the Terminators in the front row. It flew in all directions like a bowling ball hit by a dump truck.

The giant orc raised his other hand and pressed hard. The powerful square claw blade "squeaked" through the hard metal, cutting off the head and limbs of the Space Marine. He held another Terminator with one hand, only With the strength of his grip, he crushed the Space Marine's strengthened chest bone plate and pressed his face into a cloud of blood mist.

The Ork leader held up a Space Marine wearing Tactical Dreadnought Armor and smashed it up and down, shaking the ground with its furious hammering. It threw the broken warrior out, knocked down the other two Space Marines who rushed up, trampled on the ground with its feet, raised its head and let out a deafening roar:


A miniature nuclear bomb exploded in front of him.

The giant orc was interrupted midway through his roar, and his mouth was filled with the impact of the explosion and the fiery radiation. Fu Qinghai originally aimed at its open mouth to throw a nuclear bomb, but the giant orc reacted very quickly and instantly leaned back to avoid the explosion of the micro-nuclear bomb. Despite this, his ferocious green face was still charred, cracked, and bleeding, and the visor of his helmet was dented.

Transmitted in two minutes.


The machine behind Fu Qinghai deformed and unfolded a pair of metal wings, suddenly lifting him off the ground. Fu Qinghai held Qing Zhiya tightly with both hands and flew towards the giant beast. The opponent was almost three times as tall as him and wider than a heavy tank.

The orc leader raised his hand and wiped it on his face. The charred and carbonized flesh and blood fell like rain, and new green flesh and blood was growing. The other hand held a giant ax and swept it over at will, as if to drive away an annoying animal. fly.

The iron wings behind Fu Qinghai spun and easily avoided the sweep, but he didn't expect that it was just a feint from the cunning orc. After sweeping with his hand, he immediately stepped forward with his shoulders down and struck forward. The wall-like shoulder armor instantly appeared in front of him, and Fu Qinghai was hit so hard that stars appeared in his eyes and he fell backwards. The giant beast swung its ax again, and the erect weapon was flying down at the speed of a comet.

Fu Qinghai reacted and used his flexibility to the limit, twisting around and raising his sword above his head to block. The Blue Fang chain sword collided with the cruel axe, making a huge roar. The ax blade exploded into blazing fragments, and several cracks spread inward along the gap in the middle. However, the Blue Teeth remained unscathed, not a single tooth was broken, and it was still spinning.

But the force of this blow was so great that it still knocked Fu Qinghai from mid-air to the ground. The fragments of the ax blade hit the breastplate, and the huge impact made all the bones in his body tremble. When he struggled to stand up from the pit with his sword, he looked down and found that the metal relief of the lightning eagle wings on his chest had been crushed, and the power armor seemed to be made of soft lead.

The metal particles on his chest began to squirm.

The power armor was quickly repaired.

Transmitted in one minute.

The giant orc looked at the split ax in his hand with some confusion, threw it aside, and took out two smaller axes from his belt. Holding the ax in both hands, he stepped on the ground and charged head-first despite the rain of bullets. He once again rushed towards Fu. Qinghai.

Not only does this orc possess unparalleled strength and bottomless physical strength, he also possesses incredible agility and superb skills. He occasionally displays the cunning and cunningness unique to green skin, and has no shortcomings.

The double axes swung out blurry afterimages, like a chef chopping loaches on the chopping board. Fu Qinghai was forced to fly up and down, move left and right to dodge, and could occasionally cause some wounds on the giant orc that were insignificant compared to its size. , but he also knew that the orcs even had multiple sets of internal organs.


The three chapter leaders, Tal Gujin of the Storm Lord, Mandu Ratu of the White Scar, and Jeb Khan of the Sun Eagle, struggled to break out of the siege of the giant beast bodyguards and attacked the giant orcs together. , the remaining Terminators are still stuck in the green tide, struggling and fighting, facing multiple enemies at the same time.

The giant orc faced the siege of the four chapter captains without losing any ground. He first kicked Targujin over, then set up his double ax to block the blue jets falling from the sky, and swung his ax to smash open the melt cannon. Fu Qinghai then used the hand holding the ax handle to backhand a heavy punch to Mandu Ratu, forcing Mandu Ratu to stagger to one knee and barely accept the punch.

The giant orc chopped Zhebu with an axe. The ax was not made of rare materials, but it was so powerful that it bit deeply into the ceramic cladding of Jebu's thick shoulder armor. The leader of the Sun Eagle Chapter gritted his teeth and resisted the blow. Regardless of the severe pain of his shoulder being severed, he twisted his body to tilt the ax blade to the side, then turned around and stabbed upward with his sword, wrapped in an electric arc. Stab it into the palm of the orc's hand.


With an angry roar, the giant beast waved away Zhebu, and the Sun Eagle rolled out like a broken sack. Mandu Ratu immediately followed up with a spin and cut off the other three fingers of the giant beast, and the bloody severed fingers flew out together with the giant axe. Talgujin jumped up with the hammer in both hands above his head, and the powerful thunder hammer hit the side of the orc's knee hard. After a crisp "click" sound, the orc's left knee bent inward and fell to his knees with a "pop".

In the end, it was Fu Qinghai who delivered the fatal blow.

The metal iron wings folded up and turned into a flight pack. The roaring and rotating turbofans and raging flames pushed him across the sky like a meteor. He held the Blue Fang chain sword tightly and put it at his side, and then used Thrust forward with all your strength.

Looking from a distance, Qingshan Khan hit the giant orc on the left chest like a bullet. The giant beast leaned back and staggered back a few steps after being hit... However, Fu Qinghai really The target is actually the head. Attacking at such a fast speed, the giant beast could still react in an instant and turn sideways to avoid the vital parts of its head. Slowing down the speed a hundred times, you can see the Blue Fang chain sword cutting through the gaps in the orc's power armor among the lightning flints, and then sinking straight into the chest...

Fu Qinghai pinned his whole body on the giant beast's chest, clenched his cheeks and twisted the hilt of the sword in his hand. The Green Fang Chain Sword mashed the orc's heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and internal organs to a pulp... just when he thought he had killed this beast. When he saw an orc, he looked up and saw a bloody mouth full of fangs coming towards him.

It was too late to draw the sword.

Fu Qinghai kicked off his legs and somersaulted backwards, narrowly avoiding the attack. The chainsword was still stuck in the orc's chest, with only the hilt exposed. However, the orcs could still smash Mandu Ratu into the floor with one punch, and Mandu Ratu's breastplate was dented and his life and death were unknown. The orc slapped Targujin with his backhand, and the eyepiece of Targujin's helmet shattered and flew out. He staggered and became unsteady, and was then stepped on by the giant beast.

The giant orc's foot stepped on Targu's golden leg, stretched out his hand to grab the helmet of the Storm Lord Chapter Leader, clenched his fist and pulled it back hard... Fu Qinghai just watched helplessly, the orc took Targu's leg. Kim's head was screwed out!


Melta bombs and micro-nuclear bombs began to detonate continuously in stages. The cave was filled with golden light for an instant. The door and the surrounding technicians were cut into pieces, and pieces of molten liquid were sprayed out from the machine. Torn metal screamed and severed cable leads whipped back and forth wildly. The first metal corner came down, then the second and the third...

at the same time as the explosion.

The countdown is over and the teleportation begins.

Fu Qinghai's vision was blurred. He could see the orc leader looking back at the door that was constantly exploding. Then the green fire circle spread outwards, and an invisible force instantly swept across the giant orc's chest, destroying its entire chest. Compressed into a thin piece of paper, a chain saw sword ran through it...

The scene in front of me went black and then suddenly changed.

He stood on the transfer deck of the battleship Suzheng. White cooling mist spewed out from the pipes above his head, drenching the whole body of the power armor. A mechanical voice announced in his ear:

"Transmission successful."

Fu Qinghai turned his head stiffly and looked around. On each teleportation block, some Iron Buddha Terminators were barely standing on their power horses, and thick plasma was still dripping along the edges of their armors. The dead warrior had collapsed in the armor, and there was only a broken armor mixed with flesh and blood on the teleportation block.

[You killed a beast! 】

[Calculating assimilation point rewards...]


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