Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 129 Purpose and Preparation

Wang Cheng's points count is actually quite terrifying. He successfully crossed the seventeenth floor of the Tongtian Bridge and gained a total of more than 130 million points.

Of course, there are so many because the points earned by crossing the Tongtian Bridge in the initial universe are ten times that of the outside world. Otherwise, Wang Cheng's points should only be over 10 million at this moment!

But no matter what, the 100 million points are already in his hands!

Normally, such a number of points is enough for Wang Cheng to practice anyway. After all, when Wang Cheng had hundreds of millions of points, other geniuses at the same stage as him were probably still fighting for tens of thousands or even thousands. Worry about points.


As for Wang Cheng's purchase of a large number of nutritional cabins... Needless to say, Wang Cheng must have used them for himself!

Of course, Wang Cheng didn't want the main body to have contact with the clone, so it was impossible for him to send these nutritional cabins to the main body through any normal channels.

After all, Wang Cheng is still too weak at the moment. No matter what channel he uses, he can almost be said to be transparent in front of the Virtual Universe Company. Therefore, normally, it is impossible for Wang Cheng to send these nutrition capsules to the main body. of.

However, Wang Cheng also knew of an abnormal channel...that was his opportunity capture system.

Wang Cheng has already experimented on earth, and his clone can also grab by chance, and the treasures grabbed by chance appear directly in the space connected to the original body.

Wang Cheng has always been seizing unknown opportunities, so what about known opportunities?

In other words, it was an opportunity created by Wang Cheng himself...

Is the large number of nutritional cabins an opportunity?

Definitely is!

So if there are no other treasures within a certain range, but only this pile of nutrition cabins, what will be the result if Wang Cheng grabs them again by chance?

It’s certainly worth a try!

Once it succeeds, from now on, the evolutionary problems that trouble Wang Cheng will be solved directly.

That's right, after Wang Cheng broke through the Territory Lord, physical evolution has become a problem that bothers him!

Wang Cheng's clone has been in the original universe for thirty years, and his original body and other clones have been in the original universe for a full hundred years. In one hundred years, Wang Cheng used a lot of treasures to help him reach the seventh level of the Domain Lord level.

Of course, any domain lord could go from level one to level seven within a hundred years. This speed could be described as lightning fast.

After all, the lifespan of a Territory Lord is a million years. If you rely on yourself to absorb energy, you can become a seventh-level Territory Lord within 100,000 years. A hundred years? This is a dream!

But even so, Wang Cheng is still not satisfied!

Especially, if he is so slow as a Territory Lord, when he becomes a Realm Lord and his genetic level is further improved, will he be completely stuck?

That's why Wang Cheng will now purchase a nutrition capsule from Virtual Universe Company and find a way to deliver it to himself!

Once this method is successful, the benefits it will bring to Wang Cheng will be extremely huge!

His current realm is high enough, close to becoming a king and becoming immortal, but his foundation is too weak. Once his foundation is made up for...

"Whether it can soar into the sky depends on three months from now!" Wang Cheng thought secretly.

. . .

The nutrition cabin for Wang Cheng's clone was delivered the next day. While he let the clone soak in the nutrition cabin, he slowly waited for the delivery of the remaining nutrition cabins.

Three months passed quickly.

At this time, a spaceship stopped outside the 136 huge stars in the original secret realm.

After numerous inspections, a total of 1,000 Domain Master-level nutrition capsules on the spacecraft were transferred to another spacecraft, and the spacecraft soon entered Wuchen Continent.

"Your Highness, the items you purchased have arrived. The quantity is quite large. How should they be arranged?" Samir asked Wang Cheng when she found him.

"Are we here?" Wang Cheng was slightly excited, but on the surface he threw out a space ring very calmly.

"Help me transfer them all into this space ring!" Wang Cheng ordered.


Samir didn't think much, she turned and left.

Not long after, Samir returned to the palace where Wang Cheng lived, and returned the space ring to Wang Cheng.

"Your Highness, they are all among them!" Samir said respectfully.

"Sorry to trouble you!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then said: "I want to be alone for a while, you go down first!"


Samir didn't think much, she immediately withdrew.

At this time, Wang Cheng put his consciousness into the space ring, and a thousand nutrition capsules were neatly placed in it.

"very good......"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and the next moment, he moved and left the palace directly, arriving at a huge open space in his territory.


In the past three months, Wang Cheng has done nothing. He has already found a place for himself to seize the opportunity.

According to Wang Cheng's experience, a little chance can capture a place as large as the earth, that is, a spherical space with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers.

Wang Cheng's territory has a diameter of about 100,000 kilometers, so it is easy to find such an open space.

Wang Cheng uses this place as a place for daily drills, and he does not allow anyone to get close within a radius of 30,000 miles.

In Wang Cheng's territory, no one can disobey his words. Therefore, in this area, the possibility that other people's treasures may be locked by the chance capture system is first eliminated.

After that, Wang Cheng also purchased a detector to detect the entire area of ​​30,000 miles in diameter. All valuable things, even some broken and disfigured metals, were quietly detected by him. Collected.

Of course, the environment of the original secret realm is extremely special. The things that exist here, even a handful of sand, would be extremely precious treasures placed elsewhere. At the very least, they are more precious than the "Nine Layers of Thunder Sword" created by Thor on Earth!

Therefore, Wang Cheng would not be able to finish the collection just by relying on him.

The principle of capturing treasures in the chance grabbing system is that the more chance points are consumed, the wider the range and the greater the possibility of catching precious treasures.

Wang Cheng only consumes a few chance points to grab each time. It is not impossible to catch good treasures, but he is more likely to catch ordinary treasures!

The possibility of catching a handful of sand or a piece of gravel in one grab is really quite high.

However, Wang Cheng had no choice about this. This continent was right here, and he had no way to take it away. When trying to grab it by chance, he could only fly as high as possible to avoid touching some of the "sand" here. "Something like that.


After arriving in this open space, Wang Cheng found a random place and dropped the space ring containing a thousand domain master-level nutrition capsules, and he quickly reached the high altitude in the distance.

"Let's start!" Wang Cheng didn't hesitate, he just thought, and in an instant, a virtual screen appeared in front of him.

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