
Invisible fluctuations radiated from Wang Cheng's body, and the many treasures scattered around him quickly poured a large amount of energy into Wang Cheng's body, which in turn began to nourish his soul.

Time passed little by little. In seven days, Wang Cheng completed the first level of "Three Layers of Mountain". At this time, less than half of the treasure he bought was gone.

Another month later, all the treasures Wang Cheng bought were consumed, and the second level of "Three Layers of Mountain" was finally completed.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Cheng began to practice the "Secret Technique of Ten Thousand Hearts and Soul Control" again!

Wang Cheng is a pure warrior, and the "Secret Technique of Soul Controlling Ten Thousand Hearts" is something for spiritual masters to play with. However, a powerful warrior's mental power will not be weak. Wang Cheng has previously mastered the secret technique of soul enslavement, "Heart Controlling Technique". "Jie", now practicing this "Secret Technique of Ten Thousand Hearts and Souls" is naturally not a problem!

The soul amplitude of more than a thousand times allowed Wang Cheng to complete the first three levels of the "Secret Technique of Ten Thousand Hearts and Souls" in one go. Although the fourth level caused Wang Cheng a little trouble, after spending half a month, he was still able to master it. Practice it directly.

"It seems that I am quite talented in the direction of 'spiritual master'. It was a real loss for not taking this path in the first place!" Wang Cheng secretly sighed in his heart. Of course, his talent as a warrior is actually pretty good, especially now. He has already created the "peak secret technique" of the warrior school, and it is impossible to change his path.

Moreover, warriors and spiritual masters are clearly divided under the Lord of the Universe. Once they become the Lord of the Universe, there is no difference between the two!

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much, let's try quickly to see if it can work!" Wang Cheng shook his head, and with a thought, he released the prisoner.


A ray of white light burst out from the prison, and soon, the sleeping Zerg Queen Sikaya slowly flew out of the white light.

Looking at the sleeping Sikaya, Wang Cheng did not hesitate. He directly activated the power of the Demon King Armor and punched forward with two punches.

In an instant, Sikaya's body was broken again. After she relied on her immortal body to recover, her divine body had weakened to less than ten percent.


Wang Cheng punched her again, and Sikaya's remaining divine body was estimated to be less than 5%!

"It's almost there. It can't go any lower. If it goes any lower, she will die suddenly!" Wang Cheng felt Sikaya's aura, and he silently put an end to the thought of giving Sikaya another shot in his heart.

To enslave any life, naturally the worse its condition is, the easier it is to succeed!

The difficulty of enslaving the Immortal-level Zerg Mother Queen is much higher than that of the World Lord level. The fourth level of "Mystery of Ten Thousand Hearts Controlling Souls" can be effective on the World Lord-level Zerg Mother Queen, but it may not be effective on the Immortal-level Zerg Mother Queen. Got it!

Therefore, Wang Cheng will pursue the limit now in order to succeed at once!

If this fails, then Wang Cheng may have nothing to do with the Zerg Queen in a short period of time!

"The Secret Technique of Soul Control" is already one of the top soul enslavement secret techniques in the Virtual Universe Company. If the fourth level fails, then Wang Cheng will have to find a way to learn the fifth level, or create his own one. The secret technique of soul enslavement, only in this way can the enslavement be successful!

But either of these two roads is extremely difficult!

The prerequisite for the fifth level of the Ten Thousand Hearts Realm of "The Secret Technique of Ten Thousand Hearts and Soul Control" is that the soul amplitude reaches 10,000!

In the original universe, the soul amplitude was divided into two parts, one part was the basic amplitude, and the other part was the arcane amplitude. The full value of both parts was one hundred. If the soul amplitude wanted to reach ten thousand, both parts of the soul amplitude obviously had to be perfect.

The basic amplitude is not difficult, but the secret amplitude is really difficult.

Just like "Three Mountains", Dacheng only has 28 times the amplitude, but the treasures it requires cannot even afford the limit of many kings. You can imagine how difficult it is to reach the full value of 100 in the direction of the secret arts amplitude. !

It can be said that most of the cosmic lords are far from able to do it!

Gu Li

As for the self-created soul secret technique... the difficulty of this one is much lower than the previous one, but Wang Cheng has never been exposed to many "spiritual master" training before, and he was suddenly asked to create his own soul slavery secret technique. That was really difficult for him!

Learning from scratch will definitely take a lot of time!

Therefore, Wang Cheng is now trying to reduce Sikaya's divine body to increase his success rate of enslaving the opponent!


"Must succeed!"

Wang Cheng looked at the soft and frail Zerg Mother Queen in front of him, and he no longer hesitated in his heart.


The power of the illusory world and spiritual power burst out from Wang Cheng and disappeared into Sikaya's body in an instant.

Ordinary life has only one soul core.

As for the Zerg Queen, there are a total of 10,000. This is the fundamental reason why the Zerg Queen is difficult to be enslaved by the soul!

However, having mastered the fourth level of the "Secret Technique of Ten Thousand Hearts and Souls", Wang Cheng did not panic at the moment. Under his control, the invisible power of the world began to rapidly turn into bloody soul webs. , began to invade each of Sikaya's soul cores.

Tens of thousands of soul cores were all penetrated and eroded rapidly.

"Much weaker than expected!" Wang Cheng nodded secretly.

In fact, it is normal. After cultivating the immortal body, every divine power comes with part of its own soul. Now that Sikaya has lost more than 95% of her divine body, her soul is naturally also seriously damaged. .

In this case, even if she has 10,000 soul cores, her soul is still weak and she doesn't even have the ability to resist!

"It seems that I was overthinking it before. Even the immortal-level Zerg Queen, after being beaten like this, doesn't have much power left to resist!" Wang Cheng thought quite relaxedly, and at the same time he enslaved Sika. Ya's speed also accelerated a lot.

Until the end, Wang Cheng finally felt the obstacle.

"Huh? The last trace of obsession?" Wang Cheng kept trying to break through this last obstacle, but was always blocked. The Zerg Mother Queen is indeed a master of the soul. Even if she is unconscious, she still The weak can defeat the strong.

"However, there is a limit to the weak defeating the strong. Let me see if you can hold it!"

Wang Cheng sneered in his heart, and then he immediately thought about it.

boom! boom! boom!

Wang Cheng's aura continued to grow stronger, and in the blink of an eye, his size surged to nearly twenty meters!

Titan Transformation, the third stage! !

The foundation that is hundreds of millions times the peak of the World Lord is almost comparable to that of the Universe Master in ordinary state.

The terrifying mental power and world power erupted, like a flood breaking down a dam. In an instant, Sikaya's last resistance collapsed.

The last territory of Sikaya's soul core was quickly conquered. At this point, this soul slavery was completely over.

The winner is naturally Wang Cheng!

PS: Two updates first, and two more updates in the evening.

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