Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 209: The original image and the clone

"Master, the Queen is definitely the most powerful person in the entire universe. You must not be impulsive!" Sikaya couldn't help but remind her.

Sikaya was soul-connected with Wang Cheng. She had just become acutely aware of Wang Cheng's unrest after knowing the location of the "Queen's Nest", so she became increasingly worried.

As the most powerful person in the entire universe, the Queen of the Zerg is definitely not something anyone can mess with.

"True God, I know!" Wang Cheng nodded lightly.

Although the True God is powerful, he uses his clone to seize by chance from hundreds of thousands of light years away, and it is impossible for the other party to detect him! Moreover, in the original universe, the strength of the true god would be greatly suppressed. Even the true god would not be much more outrageous than the Lord of the Universe, which reassured Wang Cheng even more!

"True God?"

Sikaya was a little confused. Even though she had an extraordinary status, she was still immortal in the end. At the moment, she couldn’t quite figure out the difference between the Lord of the Universe and the Strongest Person in the Universe. She only knew that the Queen of the Zerg had a status in the Zerg that was comparable to that of her teacher. "Lord of Minglian" is too tall!

Sikaya couldn't even figure out "the strongest person in the universe", let alone the title "true god".

"You don't need to know too much!" Wang Cheng did not explain. Although the soul slave would not betray, Wang Cheng did not have the time to explain these things.

Besides, it’s just a name, and it won’t do Sikaya any good to know!

"By the way, the treasure I gave you is enough for you to completely restore your divine body. Please fully recover as soon as possible. I still have something for you to do!" Wang Cheng gave another instruction.


Sikaya nodded directly and agreed.

. . .

Wang Cheng didn't say much, he turned and left.

Sikaya also began to recover her divine body alone in this room. Before, Sikaya passively absorbed the energy from the treasure to recover while in a coma, so her divine body did not recover quickly, but now she has woken up and on her own initiative Under the absorption, her divine body recovered quickly.

"The master is so kind to me. Each of these treasures is more precious than the last, but in the end, the master used them all for me!" At this time, this thought flashed through Sikaya's mind.

Sikaya was moved by herself, but completely forgot that the reason why her divine body was lost like this was entirely caused by Wang Cheng...


Sikaya took the initiative to absorb it, and with the help of many precious treasures, Sikaya's divine body was completely restored in just over three months!

"It's faster than I thought!" Wang Cheng looked at Sikaya who had fully recovered and nodded with satisfaction.

"The key is that the master has given enough treasures. If I rely on myself alone, I may not be able to recover in hundreds of millions of years!" Sikaya looked at Wang Cheng gratefully, and she immediately asked:

"Master, you said before that you have a task for me to do, but what is it?"

"This is your treasure!" Wang Cheng waved his hand, and in an instant, a green crown and a world ring appeared in front of Sikaya. She looked at the two items in front of her, especially the green crown. A look of surprise appeared on Kaya's face.

"Thank you, Master!"

Sikaya quickly thanked her. Although she became a soul slave, this does not mean that Sikaya has forgotten the importance of strength. Sikaya originally thought that Wang Cheng would use the Queen's Crown himself, but she did not expect that it could be lost and recovered!

This is a huge surprise.

"You enter your world ring first!" Wang Cheng ordered.

Glutinous rice

"Yes!" Although Sikaya was confused, she did not hesitate and entered the world ring directly.

Wang Cheng grabbed the world ring and put it into the space connected to his consciousness.

Then, with a thought, Wang Cheng's consciousness left his body and began to enter the permanent secret realm "Outside the Territory Battlefield"!

As a familiar feeling came, Wang Cheng soon appeared in the place where he was last time he left the battlefield outside the territory, which was inside the Ninth God Bee's Nest.

At this moment, the Demon Emperor's Palace where Wang Cheng's clone was riding was waiting nearby. Wang Cheng teleported and instantly arrived near the Demon Emperor's Palace and quickly entered it.

At this point, Wang Cheng’s clone and his true self met for the first time in a long time!

In fact, if Wang Cheng's clone is elsewhere, then when his original self enters the permanent secret realm, the clone will fall into a coma. However, Wang Cheng's original self entered the permanent secret realm of the outer battlefield, and the clone is also outside the realm. The battlefield, so the clone is also awake at the moment.

Of course, it doesn't matter!

They were all alone anyway, so Wang Cheng didn't say much. He directly handed Sikaya's world ring to the clone, and then also handed over a lot of unused treasures to the clone.


Although Sikaya is not weak, Wang Cheng himself does not need to fight. She is of little use following Wang Cheng himself, so Wang Cheng directly gives her to the clone.

He has created the pinnacle secret skill and has mastered the first three turns of "The God of Hades". The clone should have the strength to be infinitely close to the limit of becoming a king when using all his strength. Although such strength is not weak, in the battlefield outside the territory, it is possible to encounter all kinds of monsters and monsters. Yes, it would be much safer to have Sikaya who is good at souls to help.

Furthermore, after all, Sikaya has a teacher from the Lord of the Universe. Although Sikaya herself said that as long as she does not return to the Zerg tribe, nothing will happen to her, but Wang Cheng is still worried that there is some secret door in her body. With Sikaya's position coming to the door, wouldn't Wang Cheng just give it a try?

But throwing Sikaya to the clone will be different!

Even if the Lord of Minglian comes to visit, Wang Cheng will lose at most one clone. Such a loss is completely within the tolerable range!

Moreover, this clone of Wang Cheng can ask the Lord of Chaos City for help at any time, and it is not immune to the Lord of Minglian. It is much stronger than the original body after all!


Of course, it is actually unlikely that the Lord of Minglian will come to your door.

After all, no matter how much Sikaya is valued, it is estimated that the Lord of Chaos City does not value Wang Cheng as much as the Lord of Chaos City. If Wang Cheng is quietly enslaved by others, the Lord of Chaos City will probably not know about it for a long time to come.

The Lord of Chaos City is like this, and the Lord of Minglian cannot be much stronger than the Lord of Chaos City. He does this just out of caution!


As for the treasures Wang Cheng gave to the clone...those treasures are a bunch of things that Wang Cheng doesn't need. Wang Cheng only takes up space with these treasures and has no use. It's better to give them to the clone. Sold.

In the past, Wang Cheng's true self and his clone could not communicate, so he had nothing to do with the treasures. Now in a special place like the extraterrestrial battlefield, his true self and his clone could meet. Wang Cheng would not let go of this perfect opportunity.

. . .

Wang Cheng himself had no intention of staying longer on the battlefield outside the territory. After leaving Sikaya and many treasures behind, he then took the initiative to dissipate and leave.

More than half a year later, Wang Cheng's spaceship finally arrived near the Zerg territory.

However, Wang Cheng simply did not enter the Zerg territory this time. He separated himself, drove another spaceship, and carefully entered the Zerg territory...

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