In the next two days, Luo Feng went to Wang Cheng for advice twice more, and then he went to the wilderness area again with his teammates from the Fire Hammer team.

Wang Cheng didn't care about Luo Feng's departure. After Luo Feng left, he continued to practice step by step.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Cheng has been practicing steadily for nearly a month.

This morning, Wang Cheng was lying leisurely on the sofa watching the early morning program. Suddenly, the program on the TV turned into news, and the news content was a very special reward order.

"A reward of 100 billion for the murderer of their son?" Wang Cheng looked at the couple who appeared in the news. The husband looked a little gloomy, while the wife looked wealthy.

"Li Yao and his wife!" Wang Cheng recognized the two of them.

To ordinary people, Li Yao and his wife were considered two big shots. Coupled with the sky-high reward they offered, the entire Huaxia region would probably be in a state of excitement for a while.

However, this has nothing to do with Wang Cheng, even though he knows that there is a 90% chance that Luo Feng did it!

While Wang Cheng was thinking, suddenly, a sneer came from behind him.

"What? You have something to say?" Wang Cheng looked at Jiang Mingyue who was mopping the floor behind him strangely. At this time, Jiang Mingyue had obviously noticed the content in the news.

"I just think it's a bit ridiculous that the national news is used to report this kind of thing. Brother Cheng, what do you think?" Jiang Mingyue asked.

"It's a little ridiculous, but Li Yao and his wife are powerful after all, so there's nothing surprising about it!" Wang Cheng said lazily.


Jiang Mingyue didn't say anything else, she just kept mopping the floor.

"Do you have a grudge against them?" Wang Cheng asked strangely.

"I don't have much hatred, but if I have a chance, I wouldn't mind killing them!" Jiang Mingyue said without any secret, and Wang Cheng believed that she was not joking.

Jiang Mingyue is a ruthless person. Just look at Sylvia's team and you will know that. After snatching a shadow wolf corpse from her, she would lead the herd to take revenge on others.

You must know that the herd of beasts is not something that ordinary people can mobilize. If one person is not good enough, he will definitely be included in it.

Jiang Mingyue is cruel to others and also to herself. There is no doubt that she is a cruel person!

After a while, Jiang Mingyue finished cleaning the house, then turned around to serve Wang Cheng tea and water, tapping his legs and shoulders, as if he was already quite skilled at it.

It has to be said that Jiang Mingyue's ideological consciousness is really high. Anyway, in the past month, she has never compromised on Wang Cheng's instructions. Even though Wang Cheng originally planned to be more demanding on Jiang Mingyue, now she also Can't fault it.

Just as Wang Cheng was killing time leisurely and silently, suddenly, the phone in his villa rang.

Wang Cheng didn't move. At this time, Jiang Mingyue had already handed over the phone very consciously.


Wang Cheng answered the phone with some doubts. He had basically cut off all his social relationships during this period, and there were very few left. Who would call him at this time.

"Hello, God of War Wang Cheng, it's me!"

A familiar voice came from the phone, especially the word "God of War" was heavily bitten. Wang Cheng immediately knew who the call was from.

Wang Cheng glanced at Jiang Mingyue, who was already busy, and then smiled and said: "Sylvia, I haven't heard your voice for a long time!"

"You didn't take the initiative to contact me, how could you hear my voice?" Sylvia asked.

"Aren't we afraid of disturbing you? I know that warriors are very busy!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.


The two chatted for a while, and Sylvia soon revealed the true purpose of her call.

She was planning to come to China, so she wanted to see Wang Cheng to repay her life-saving grace.

Wang Cheng was familiar with this kind of thing, but he still asked: "Why do you suddenly think of coming to China?"

"Do you know that Li Yao and his wife from China offered a reward of 100 billion for the murder of their enemies? I am going to try my luck. If I really find any clues, I will pay for it!" Sylvia said, Wang Cheng was slightly surprised.

"The treasure I invited you to offer last time was worth well over 100 billion, but you weren't tempted. So why are you tempted this time?" Wang Cheng asked.

"That's different!" Sylvia said without hesitation. It seemed that she had no regrets about her choice.

"Okay, then tell me where we can meet!" Wang Cheng didn't hesitate too much.

"Where do you live now? I'm going to find you!" Sylvia said.

"Well, I'm..." Wang Cheng turned to look at Jiang Mingyue, and finally told him where he lived.

Jiang Mingyue used to be aliased as Jiang Yueming, and she made no distinction between human and ghost. There is a huge difference between Jiang Mingyue and her current image, and Sylvia should not be able to recognize him.

"It sounds very ordinary and does not suit your status!" Sylvia said a little unexpectedly, but she quickly agreed and said she would be there in the evening.


Wang Cheng shook his head, and then he called Jiang Mingyue and told her about Sylvia's coming. To Wang Cheng's expectation, Jiang Mingyue had no reaction.

"Brother Cheng, don't worry. It's Jiang Yueming who has a grudge against her. I won't ruin your good deeds!" Jiang Mingyue said very wisely.

"You understand!" Wang Cheng asked somewhat unexpectedly.

"Fortunately, I've seen a lot!" Jiang Mingyue nodded, and then she asked a little strangely: "But, is there reproductive isolation between alien humans and earth humans?"

"How do I know?" Wang Cheng said something speechless, and then he said: "Go and get ready. Sylvia is a guest from afar. No matter what, we must entertain her well tonight!"


Jiang Mingyue nodded, and then she ran to the kitchen to work.

Jiang Mingyue is good at cooking. When Wang Cheng wanted to eat something in the past, he always called people from the restaurant to bring it to him, but now Jiang Mingyue basically cooks it, and he doesn’t know that she is a high-level fighter. Where can I learn a good skill from?

. . .

Jiang Mingyue had been busy since the morning, and in the evening, Sylvia arrived outside Mingyue Community. After receiving her call, Wang Cheng asked Jiang Mingyue to go out and bring her in.

Although Sylvia thinks that the place where Wang Cheng lives is average, this is also a community for warriors. It is difficult for strangers to come in. If strangers want to come in, they must have a resident here as a guarantor!

Of course, these are all trivial matters. What really made Wang Cheng relax a little was that when Jiang Mingyue brought Sylvia in, the two of them were still talking and laughing. Sylvia did not realize that Jiang Mingyue was her at all. The enemy we are looking for is "Jiang Yueming"!

I have to say that Jiang Mingyue's acting skills are good and her psychological quality is also very strong.

After meeting Wang Cheng, Sylvia hugged him first, and then whispered in his ear: "The maid you found is really good. She has a good temperament, a good figure, and she is even more beautiful. No wonder you don't contact me." !”

"You misunderstood!" Wang Cheng smiled helplessly. He was not that kind of person.


Wang Cheng didn't know what Sylvia was thinking, but she did not mention it again.

The slightly restless night passed quickly. The next day, Sylvia left Mingyue Community alone as if nothing had happened.

This time she came to China to meet Wang Cheng just by the way. Investigating the murderer of Li Yao and his wife's son was Sylvia's main purpose, so naturally she wouldn't stay long.

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