On a vast ocean, Wang Cheng stopped.


Terrence teleports in hot pursuit.

"Terrence, you keep chasing me, don't you think your purpose is too obvious?" Wang Cheng asked lightly.

"So what if you guessed it?" Terrence sneered.

"You are so confident!" Wang Cheng said nothing more. The next moment, he suddenly took action.

The dazzling light wings instantly cut through the void and headed straight for Terrence.


Although Terrence said he was very confident, his condition at this time was no longer one-tenth of what it was at its peak. Even with his divine body burning, he did not dare to be careless in the face of Wang Cheng's attack.

Without a trace, Terrence's control of the "Hundred Blades" formed countless defensive screens.

call! call! call!

Wang Cheng's body was extremely flexible and surprisingly fast. The heavy defenses formed by Terrence only blocked Wang Cheng for a moment before Wang Cheng broke through them one by one!


Terrence looked calm. As his thoughts moved slightly, a large space in front began to distort, and countless space cracks appeared, as if to destroy everything!

After having been entangled with Wang Cheng for so long, Terrence already had some ideas on how to deal with Wang Cheng, so he used "space strangulation" without hesitation!

Even if the space strangulation cannot hurt Wang Cheng, it will delay it for a while, which gives Terrence some opportunities to react.

However, Wang Cheng, who used to dodge when faced with space strangulation, chose to rush forward this time.

At the same time, the wings on Wang Cheng's back also bloomed with golden light instantly.

Endless golden light soared into the sky and encompassed everything around it in an instant.

Wang Cheng had rushed through Terrence's heavy blockade before and was already very close to the opponent. The sudden burst of golden light naturally enveloped him in an instant.

Terrence sensed that something was wrong, but the power hidden in the infinite golden light had already exploded in an instant.

A large number of golden sharp edges cut from all directions, and each sharp edge faintly carries the mystery of Wang Cheng's newly created secret skill "Wu Jian - Divine Bee", which makes the power of these sharp edges even more terrifying.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Almost in just an instant, Terrence's divine body was scratched by thousands of sharp edges. The most terrifying thing was that almost every sharp edge could hurt Terrence's divine body.

Although there were not many injuries, there were too many that could not withstand the sharp edges.

Terrence looked at the blurry shadow in the golden light, his face slightly distorted, and just when he was about to open his mouth to say something, his figure completely disappeared in the golden light.

The golden light goes as quickly as it comes.

In a burst of buzzing, the golden light quickly dissipated like a tide.

"I'll let you chase!"

Wang Cheng sneered, waved his hand, and collected the seven or eight treasures left in the void.


The attack just now was actually an attack stored in the "Wings of the Divine Bee". Under the control of someone like Jigusi who has not refined the Wings of the Divine Bee, this attack can kill all immortals almost instantly. Wang Cheng has completely After refining the "God Bee Wings", he can control this attack, which is enough to pose a great threat to the Lord of the Universe.

However, the Wings of the Divine Bee are after all a top treasure. Based on Wang Cheng's understanding of the law, he is still far from being able to exert the ultimate power of the Wings of the Divine Bee. Therefore, it is still not possible for him to control the attack to kill the Lord of the Universe instantly. Somewhat.

Gu Gu

However, it is not possible to kill a normal Universe Lord in an instant. A Universe Lord like Terrence, who is not strong to begin with and has lost most of his divine body, can still kill it easily.

The moment Wang Cheng activated his killing move, Terrence didn't even have time to react and died completely.

However, the power of the move just now was too terrifying, and Wang Cheng could not control it perfectly. Therefore, the world ring, space ring and most of the treasures on Terrence were destroyed, and only seven or eight special items remained. treasure.

However, Wang Cheng originally had no expectations for these treasures.

Terrence was so poor that he could only use the "Hundred-fold Blade" as a weapon. Even if he had plundered the entire Due clan, Wang Cheng did not expect him to have any precious treasures.

The holy land of the Due tribe may have had many treasures at the beginning, but after so many years of consumption and no external supplements, I am afraid it has already been exhausted.

"However, unless Terrence's true form is a special being with a huge divine body, losing such a clone will be enough to make him heartbroken!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart. At the same time, he did not hesitate and took it out directly. " "Acceptance Order".

Terrence had been pestering him before so that he could not leave. Now that Terrence is dead, he will naturally not continue to stay here.

You must know that Terrence's true self may arrive at any time outside. Even if Wang Cheng has the secret of the Dark Lord, he is not willing to cause more trouble.

If you can leave before the other party arrives, why bother with him?


Without thinking much, Wang Cheng directly urged the reception order.


The receiving order buzzed instantly. Wang Cheng sensed it carefully and found that the direction the order was sensing was towards the Due tribe's holy city.

Without any hesitation, Wang Cheng teleported directly to the Due tribe's holy city. At this time, the place had been turned into ruins due to the previous battle between Wang Cheng and Terrence.

Because time is still short, the strong men of the Due tribe who escaped have not yet come back to check.

"That's it!"

Wang Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked somewhere in the void.

Wang Cheng could tell at a glance that it was once the center of the Holy City, where the huge "Bee God" statue was located.

"Although the statue of Bee God was destroyed, fortunately the exit is still there!" Wang Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately, he quickly approached with the guide.

. . .

A moment later, deep in the Seventh God Bee's Nest, there was an unexplored place.


The huge Bee God statue slowly changed, returning to its original prostrate appearance in the blink of an eye. As a ray of silver light shot out from the eyes of the Bee God statue, Wang Cheng's figure also appeared here.


Wang Cheng scanned the surroundings, and in an instant, he discovered several auras.

"King of Infernal Affairs?!"

Everyone instantly recognized Wang Cheng's identity. Although the "Nine Fantasy Armor" on Wang Cheng's body had been replaced by the armor that came with the God Bee Wings, Wang Cheng still deliberately changed the God Bee Armor into He looked like the "Nine Fantasy Armor" from before, so these people naturally recognized him instantly.

"It came pretty quickly!"

Wang Cheng glanced at these people.

It didn't take long for him to enter the holy land of the Du'e tribe. Most of the time was spent on leading Terrence to leave the holy city. Terrence was still quite cautious. It took the soul slave Jiu Muwang a long time to do so. Lead it out.

However, even if the time is not long, there are too many immortals in the Seventh God Bee's Nest.

After the demon kings made the news public, a large number of immortals swarmed in. A large number of immortals gathered here in a short period of time, which is not surprising!

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