Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 321: Defeat the Father God of the Mechanical Clan


Wang Cheng walked out of the void. He had already seen a huge black sphere releasing countless attacks, frantically surrounding a palace-like treasure in front of him. Although the treasure struggled hard, it would be lost if it was held for a long time. , this palace-like treasure is bound to be suppressed.

However, Wang Cheng was relieved when he saw this scene.

"Fortunately, although the Father God of the Mechanical Clan is not afraid of soul attacks, his attacks are purely material. Otherwise, the Lord of the Dragon Walk may not be able to last long with only a palace-like treasure!"

Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and without hesitation, he turned into a golden light and killed him.

"Stop it!"

Wang Cheng shouted angrily, and the next moment, a huge halberd appeared in his hand.

In an instant, the Lord of the Dragon Walk and the Father God of the Mechanical Clan who were chasing him both noticed Wang Cheng's arrival. The Lord of the Dragon Walk felt slightly relieved. Wang Cheng came over, not only to repel the Father God of the Mechanical Clan, but to hold him back. No problem!

When the Lord of Chaos City comes again, the overall situation will be decided!

"Lord of Infernal Affairs?" The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was startled at first, and then a voice came from the huge black sphere: "Just you? You are too young to deal with me, let the giant ax come!!"

call! call! call!

As the voice of the father of the Machine Clan fell, a considerable part of his attacks to besiege the Lord of Dragon Walk were diverted towards Wang Cheng.

"How dare you be careless when dealing with me?"

Wang Cheng sneered in his heart. The halberd in his hand shone brightly for an instant, and its power surged at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!

Time and space were completely crushed, and under the explosion of terrifying power, the attacks used by the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe to deal with Wang Cheng were wiped out one by one. In an instant, a halberd shadow flashing with infinite golden light struck towards the place where the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was. Huge black sphere.


The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was instantly shocked. Isn’t the Lord of Infernal Affairs good at soul attacks? But the power of the material attack in front of me has undoubtedly reached the peak of the sixth level!

At this time, the Father God of the Mechanical Clan had no time to think too much. He instantly gave up on dealing with the Lord of Dragon Walk and focused on dealing with Wang Cheng.

boom! boom! boom!

Wang Cheng and the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe fought together instantly, but unfortunately, the two fought fiercely for a while, but in the end neither could do anything to the other.

There is no way, the upper limit of the original universe is here, and both of them are at the top of the sixth level with all their strength. Other methods can play a very small role under this restriction, so naturally no one can do anything to the other!

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, you are so cruel!!" The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe gave up the idea of ​​continuing to entangle him. He didn't know that the giant ax was not in the original universe. He was afraid that if he continued to entangle the giant ax, he would come to support him.

Although it was unlikely that he would be in trouble in the original universe, Father God of the Mechanical Tribe did not want to be besieged for no reason, so he naturally retreated without hesitation.


Wang Cheng watched the huge black sphere leave, and he had no intention of chasing it. In the original universe, it was absolutely impossible for a true god to fall unless he committed suicide.

To be able to drive back the Father God of the Machine Clan, his goal has been achieved!



The Lord of Dragon Walk put away the palace treasures and flew over quickly.

"Wu Jian, what did you just say?"

The Lord of Dragon Walk looked at Wang Cheng with some disbelief. Wang Cheng just had a head-to-head fight with the Father God of the Mechanical Clan.

However, Wang Cheng is indeed the Lord of the Universe!

Is it possible that, in addition to the most powerful soul offensive treasure, Wang Cheng also has a most powerful material offensive treasure?

This is too outrageous!

If it weren't for his rationality, the Lord of Dragon Walk would have almost thought that the most powerful treasure has been ruined!

"Go to the virtual universe and tell the teacher not to come over!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"Okay!" The Lord of Dragon Walk nodded instantly.

. . .

A moment later, Wang Cheng and the Lord of Dragon Walk arrived at a palace on Thunder Island in the virtual universe. The Lord of Chaos City had already been waiting here after receiving the news!

However, although the Lord of Chaos City had already received the news, he was still a little confused after hearing the Lord of Dragon Walk explain the situation at that time.

However, unlike the Lord of Dragon Walk, the Lord of Chaos City has no intention of getting to the bottom of it.

After thinking for a moment, he immediately said: "Wang Cheng, if you have any difficulties with this matter, there is no need to talk about it!"

The Lord of Chaos City understood that whether Wang Cheng relied on another powerful treasure to achieve this step, or relied on other external forces to break the limit of the Lord of the Universe, it was definitely not a trivial matter. Wang Cheng did not tell all of this. The obligation to come out.

If it is the most powerful treasure, one piece can be interpreted as good luck, but what about two or three?

The Lord of Chaos City knows that Wang Cheng also has a most powerful treasure palace!

If it is other external forces, it would be even more incredible. As we all know, except for the extremely special situation of the ancestor god of the God of God, it is impossible for the Lord of the Universe to reach the sixth level without the most powerful treasure.

If Wang Cheng could do it without relying on the most powerful treasure, that would be amazing!

"Teacher, don't be nervous!" Wang Cheng said with a smile: "Actually, even if it didn't happen today, in a while, I will give a big gift to the tribe. Since I showed my strength today, let me tell you in advance. It’s nothing!”

"Big gift?" The Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Dragon Walk were both a little surprised.

"The Lord of the Universe is not incapable of creating sixth-level secrets!" Wang Cheng said directly: "I just fought with the Father God of the Mechanical Clan, and I used the sixth-level secrets!"


Hearing Wang Cheng's words, the Lord of Chaos City was instantly shocked, and the Lord of Dragon Walk also widened his eyes.

Of course, compared to the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Dragon Walk is still a little less surprised. After all, he is still far from the top of the fifth level. He just heard that the Lord of the Universe cannot create the sixth level secret method, but he has no personal experience of this!

But the Lord of Chaos City is different. He is stuck at this level, so he has a deep understanding of the sixth-level secret method created by the Lord of the Universe? How can it be? If someone else had spoken, the Lord of Chaos City would definitely refute, but if it was Wang Cheng who spoke, that would be a different matter...

"Of course, this is difficult, very difficult!" Wang Cheng said: "In terms of true realm, I am still far away from creating the sixth-level secret method, but there is another way that can allow me to take this step ahead of time. !”

"Another way?" The Lord of Dragon Walk was surprised, but the Lord of Chaos City asked: "Can the Lord of the Universe really create a sixth-level secret method?"

"It is indeed possible!" Wang Cheng nodded affirmatively, and he immediately said: "But I don't know the specific situation, and the teacher doesn't need to ask more about it. I don't know much, so let's talk about another way first! "


The two nodded.

"This other path is actually another school, called the dense pattern flow..." Wang Cheng briefly talked about the situation of the dense pattern flow. At the end, he said:

"I accidentally got the inheritance of the cryptogram flow. It is very easy to burn the basic 64 kinds of cipher patterns. I have finished burning it. After a while, I can also record all the 256 types of advanced cipher patterns. By the time When the time comes, this great gift will be given to the ethnic group!”

In fact, the 64 basic cryptic patterns and the 256 advanced cryptic patterns do not exceed the true god level. Wang Cheng can reproduce them without being affected by the will of the original universe. However, although he can reproduce the cryptic patterns at the true god level of the void, He had it under his control, but there was no way to reproduce it, so these were the only things he gave to the human race!

Of course, even this is amazing enough!

After all, this is also a kind of inheritance of the true god realm. The current human race does not have half of this kind of inheritance!

There is no way. Although Giant Ax and the Original Ancestor are true gods, they have not been able to leave this kind of inheritance. In terms of specific paths, the path taken by one true god is not suitable for another true god, and inheritance is not a specific path. It is a kind of guidance, which requires guidance from above from a higher realm. The giant axe, the original ancestor, and the many true gods of the universe sea cannot do this!

"Another way? The secret pattern flow?" After hearing what Wang Cheng said, the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Dragon Walk had a flash of surprise in their eyes.

It turns out to be this special sect that only seeks to create secret methods and does not seek realms. Wouldn’t those who practice this sect naturally become more powerful?

After all, in a real fight, what matters is not how high your realm is, but how strong your secret technique is!

No matter how high your realm is, it’s useless if you can’t fight with the secret method!

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