The founder of the universe retreated and stared blankly at all the lords of the universe who were watching the battle. Then, without any hesitation, everyone directly told the true god behind them about the matter.

"Dream Demon Ancestor, the Lord of Wujian sent a clone to fight against the founder of Tianzhou. The Lord of Wujian gained the upper hand, and the founder of Tianzhou retreated..."

"Father God, the Lord of Infinity defeated the founder of the universe with just one avatar..."

"Queen, the clone of the Lord of Infernal Affairs also has sixth-level strength..."

"Alliance leader, Lord of Infinite..."


The Lords of the Universe were all talking, and even Luo Feng told the Lord of Chaos City about this with some excitement.

"What did you say? Your senior brother defeated the founder of the universe with just one avatar?" Chaos City Lord did not react. Of course he knew that Wang Cheng's realm was extremely high, and he could easily reach the sixth level even without relying on the most powerful treasure. Power.

But that’s the real person, not a clone!

In the impression of the Lord of Chaos City, Wang Cheng's clones should be extremely numerous in number, but their quality is not very high, and each clone is very weak.

It's an exaggeration for that kind of clone to be comparable to the fifth-level Lord of the Universe depending on its realm. How could it be possible to defeat the strongest one?

"Teacher, this is true, I saw it with my own eyes!" Luo Feng said.


The Lord of Chaos City fell into deep thought. Speaking of which, before Wang Cheng took action on the Primordial Star, he did not say that it was his true identity.

It's just that everyone in the human race feels that it should be Wang Cheng's true self!

The key point is that there is no difference between Wang Cheng's original form and his clone. There is no way to tell this kind of thing.

"Is the clone so strong?"

The Lord of Chaos City thought of the incredible number of Wang Cheng's clones. If every clone could do this, then Wang Cheng alone might be able to lead the human race to crush many other races.

Thinking of this, even with the temperament of the Lord of Chaos City, he couldn't help but get a little excited at this moment.


the other side--

Without the interference of the founder of Tianzhou, Wang Cheng quickly completely sealed the Lord of Yuan Ao within the Seven Temples.

"The arrogant Lord Yuan'ao was actually suppressed by the Lord Wujian alone!"

Although this incident had been expected for a long time, when it actually happened, many of the universe masters who were watching the battle were still a little shocked.

What kind of monster is the Lord of Infinity? He actually did something that was difficult for even the strongest man in the universe to do!

. . .

Wang Cheng also knew that his performance at this time was a bit shocking, but he was very calm. After putting away the three clones, he took a step and arrived in front of the Lord of Nine Nethers in an instant.

"Lord of the Nine Nethers, please tell the Ancestral God that I will deal with this Yuan'ao Lord in a timely manner!" Wang Cheng said.


The Lord of Nine Nethers nodded.


Wang Cheng nodded. He didn't say anything more. He called Luo Feng, and the two of them quickly left the Yuan'ao Secret Realm.


On the way——

"Senior brother, I just went to see the teacher, and the teacher asked me to tell you that when you have time, go and see him!" Luo Feng said.

"I see!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly, he knew that the Lord of Chaos City should be doing it for his clone.

The Lord of Chaos City knew that he could create a large number of clones at once, but most of the clones he had separated to go to the Cosmic Sea were not very strong, and their foundations were far from even reaching the baseline of the Lord of the Universe.

But just now, he only relied on a clone to defeat the founder of Tianzhou, who is the strongest person in the universe. After knowing this news, the Lord of Chaos City will definitely not be able to calm down!

"Senior brother..."

Luo Feng suddenly asked again: "Your chain treasure seems to be very special?"

"Oh, you see?" Wang Cheng smiled and said: "It's called the Chain of Ice Sea. It can also be regarded as the most powerful treasure, but it is a very special supreme treasure. It is the same kind of treasure as your Wings Treasure!"

"No wonder I feel that the breath of your chain treasure, senior brother, is similar to my wing treasure. It turns out that they are the same kind of treasure!" Luo Feng was a little surprised.

At the same time, Luo Feng was secretly frightened. No wonder the chain treasure was so powerful. After the Lord of Yuan Ao was trapped in it, it was difficult to even move. It turned out that the chain treasure was another powerful treasure!

Luo Feng had previously communicated with other universe masters and learned a lot about Wang Cheng. Among the treasures Wang Cheng had revealed before, there were already three powerful treasures.

Now he took out a chain, and it turned out to be the most powerful treasure... Luo Feng felt quite speechless. Aren't the most powerful treasures so rare that some of the strongest people in the universe lack the most powerful treasures?

As a result, on his senior brother Wang Cheng's side, the most powerful treasures seemed to be free of charge, and were more valuable than the high-level treasures in the hands of some universe masters!

"Haha, if you put all your winged treasures together, they might be even stronger than my Chain of Sea of ​​Ice!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"It depends on your luck!"

Luo Feng shook his head with regret. There was obviously a lot missing from this winged treasure, and he didn't have much hope of getting it together!


Wang Cheng smiled and said nothing. It is indeed difficult for normal people to complete this task, but Luo Feng is different after all. If nothing happens, Luo Feng can collect most of this eternal true god-level mechanical treasure.

. . .

Wang Cheng soon separated from Luo Feng. Not long after, Wang Cheng returned to Wujian Continent. At the same time, he also logged into the virtual universe and came to the palace of the Lord of Chaos City on Thunder Island.

The Lord of Chaos City has been waiting for Wang Cheng here for a long time, and the founder of the giant ax is also here.


"Wujian, Chaos, tell me, can your clones be divided into dozens or hundreds?" The founder of the giant ax asked impatiently when he saw Wang Cheng.

"I can indeed have many clones!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Doesn't this mean that you can create a bunch of sixth-level combat powers in the original universe?" The founder of the giant ax widened his eyes.

"The founder of the giant axe, my clone's power actually comes from my true self. I create a clone. However powerful it is, my true self will be weakened!" Wang Cheng explained:

"If I create a hundred clones, then each of my clones will only have one percent of the power of my true self. In this case, if I want to maintain the sixth level of combat power, I have to use the seventh level secret method. , the consumption of the seventh-level secret method, you, the founder of the giant axe, should know better than me!"


The founder of the giant ax nodded slightly. The genetic level of a true god is 10081 times. Unless he is a special life, the height of the true god's body is 90,000 kilometers.

The seventh-level secret method is a regular secret method at the true god level. Ninety percent of true gods are at this level. The seventh-level secret method can be used by normal true gods for a long time.

But Wang Cheng himself is only the Lord of the Universe, and his divine power is already a hundred times weaker than the True God. If it is weakened another hundred times on this basis, then the consumption of his seventh-level secret method will be tens of thousands of times more than that of the True God. In this situation Under such circumstances, it is indeed difficult for Wang Cheng's clone to maintain the sixth level of combat power!


"Now, with all my strength, I can create ten clones with sixth-level combat power!" Wang Cheng said.

"Ten, that's a lot!"

A smile appeared on the face of the founder of the giant ax again. No matter how strong the strongest person in the universe was in the universe sea, he only had sixth-level combat power in the original universe, but Wang Cheng could provide ten sixth-level combat power at one time.

This simply gives the human race overwhelming strength!

"If you give me another tens of thousands of years, I can make this number grow to nearly a hundred!" Wang Cheng suddenly said again.


For a moment, the founder of Giant Ax and the Lord of Chaos City were stunned.

PS: Three updates.

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