Regarding Shenmu Mountain, Wang Cheng did have many doubts in his heart.

Shenmu Mountain is a super opportunity that he spent three million opportunity points to capture, but so far, Wang Cheng has not found that this opportunity is of any use to him.

The Shenmu Mountain Dacheng is more like a dangerous place than an opportunity.

But now, Wang Cheng knows.

This Shenmu Mountain is actually a lair, a lair that a super strong man spent countless costs to refine. Such a lair is naturally full of countless dangers!

For others, it is certainly a dangerous place, and a very dangerous one at that.

But for Wang Cheng, there is hope that Shenmu Mountain will become his territory.


The entire Shenmu Mountain can be regarded as a huge treasure. As long as it can be refined, you can naturally control everything in it.

The token that just flew over is actually an affiliated center of Shenmu Mountain. Holding this token and entering Shenmu Mountain, you can follow its guidance to the real control center of Shenmu Mountain.

And as long as the entire control center is refined, the entire Shenmu Mountain will be completely under Wang Cheng's control!

"Although no one in the universe sea can do anything to me now, if I can have such a territory that belongs to me, it will definitely be a great thing!" Wang Cheng was still quite happy in his heart, although he has not yet The entire Shenmu Mountain was refining, but Wang Cheng could already roughly guess how powerful this Shenmu Mountain was.

I dare not say more, but if all the dangerous places on Shenmu Mountain are activated, the Eternal True God will probably die if he enters.

It might even be even more terrifying!


"Refining this token first!"

Wang Cheng glanced at the token in the clone's hand, and then he asked the clone to begin to understand the secret patterns on the token.

"It's really complicated!"

Wang Cheng understood for a moment and quickly understood that although this token was only an auxiliary center, it would probably take quite a while for him to master the secret patterns on it.

However, Wang Cheng didn't care too much, it was just time, he had plenty of it!

. . .

Wang Cheng asked his avatar to comprehend the token, while his original self and other avatars continued to practice. The influence of the birth of Shenmu Mountain on him was already in the past, but in the universe sea and the original universe, the influence of the birth of Shenmu Mountain had just begun.

It was impossible to conceal such a huge Shenmu Mountain. As time passed, many forces in the Universe Sea became aware of the appearance of a behemoth.

"A giant mountain that looks like an eyeball? It's as high as a billion light years? Could this be the new Jedi?"

All the powerful people in the universe sea are excited. If it is true, it will mean that a large number of treasures will be born.

Things like Liuzhong Mountain, Universe Ark, and Qingfeng Realm have all existed for countless reincarnations. Treasures from the outer realm and even the inner realm have been searched for countless times by predecessors. Even if treasures are occasionally found in some places, they are still scarce. very.

In this case, if this Shenmu Mountain is a new and dangerous place, it will be a feast.

Of course, the most important thing when venturing into the cosmic sea is to be cautious.

Although many people are very excited, most people will not rush in if they don't know the specific situation. Only some masters of the universe who have clones and are not afraid of death will go there as soon as possible.


In the original universe, after the human race obtained the information about Shenmu Mountain, they quickly told some of the Lords of the Universe who had clones, and Luo Feng naturally got the news.

"It seems that a new dangerous place has appeared?"

At this time, Luo Feng was staying in the Star Tower, slowly approaching a source containing endless energy. After learning the news, he was a little tempted, but soon he shook his head.

He had just entered the cosmic sea, and he had never been to dangerous places where he knew the details. An unknown place was really not suitable for him.

Besides, he doesn’t have time to go now!

"It's better to get the opportunity in front of you first!" Luo Feng looked at the terrifying energy source in front of him, and then moved closer with all his heart.

At this time, many powerful people and forces were attracted by Shenmu Mountain. In comparison, whether Wang Cheng became a true god did not seem so important.

For a time, near the original universe, except for the people from the Ziyue Holy Land and the local forces in the original universe who continued to search for Wang Cheng's small universe, other forces withdrew one after another and began to shift their attention to the newly emerged "dangerous places" .

. . .

In the tenth year after Shenmu Mountain was born, at the foot of Shenmu Mountain, several universe masters came here.

"That is?"

Several Lords of the Universe raised their heads and saw that in the thin mist ahead, a road leading to the sky was vaguely visible, and at the end of the road, there were three big characters faintly appearing.

Several universe masters have never seen such words, but the will contained in the words automatically made them understand the meaning of these three words!

"Shenmu Mountain~~"

A master of the universe spoke softly, and at this moment he also understood in his heart that this behemoth was originally called "Shenmu Mountain"!

"I'm afraid, this is the real entrance to the Shenmu Mountain, right?"

Several people looked at each other, their eyes full of solemnity.

In the past ten years, they have sent clones to try to enter it from different directions. However, the black mist surrounding the giant mountain seems harmless, but in fact it is extremely terrifying.

Lord of the universe, how powerful is his divine body? But once it comes into contact with the black mist, it will be corroded in an instant. If you escape quickly, you may leave, but if you escape slowly, you will not even have a chance to come out!

They also tried to use palace-type treasures to pass through it.

In the beginning, the palace-type treasures could still withstand it, but as it went deeper, the corrosiveness of the black mist increased sharply. After about a million miles, the high-level palace-type treasures could no longer withstand it.

If you go thousands of miles deep, the top palace treasures will turn into scrap metal.

As for the pinnacle palace treasure... no one is willing to try it again!

Even if the peak palace-type treasures are more resistant, the black mist spreads for thousands of light-years and can corrode the top-level palace-type treasures for just tens of thousands of miles. There is a high chance that the peak palace-type treasures will be lost if you enter them!

As a result, no one dared to enter from those places shrouded in black mist, and everyone was looking for other entrances!


"There is a high probability that this is the real entrance. We are lucky. We should be the first ones to discover this place!" A master of the universe said:

"Let's go in first and see what's in it!"

"Be careful, I always feel like something is wrong with this mountain!" Another Master of the Universe said with a serious expression.

"The more dangerous it is, the greater the possibility of finding treasures. The black fog, the danger on the surface alone is almost comparable to some dangerous places in the space ship, Liuzhong Mountain, and the core of Qingfeng Realm, and the inside is even more unfathomable... This place is definitely not simple!”

"That's true!"

The man who spoke just now nodded slightly. The top palace-type treasures are already incredibly hard. The strongest person in the ordinary universe can only choose to suppress them when faced with such treasures.

Even among the three major Jedi, the dangerous areas that can destroy such treasures are already close to the core.

But in Shenmu Mountain, the black fog on the outside can easily destroy the top palace-like treasures. This is simply unbelievable. Once there is a treasure in such a place, it is absolutely unimaginable.

They were the first to discover this place, so it’s a must-see!

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