Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 358: Entering the Tomb Boat

call! call! call!

With the five-color flag in hand, Wang Cheng waved it continuously. As the countless dense patterns on the flag were activated, five raging rivers gushed out of it in an instant.

boom! boom! boom!

The five-color river swirled crazily around Wang Cheng, and in an instant, it tore into pieces the superimposed powers of the two surrounding realms.

The mighty river, in turn, suppressed the two Beizhen Star Masters.

"This guy actually has a domain-type supreme treasure, and he is so strong..." Beizhen Star Master frowned slightly, and at the same time, he also tried his best to activate his domain-type supreme treasure in an instant.

The same goes for the other white-robed true god.

Soon, the situation stabilized. After all, two powerful treasures joined forces and could not be completely defeated.

Of course, Wang Cheng didn't expect to completely settle the situation with one most powerful treasure.


When the three most powerful treasures were entangled and suppressed by each other, Wang Cheng once again killed the two true gods.

"Stop him!"

Beizhen Star Master blocked the gate with a huge black ball, and another white-robed true god faced Wang Cheng.

boom! boom! boom!

The two of them fought together instantly!

This white-robed true god is not weak in strength, but he is not the best. However, he possesses the most powerful treasures as if they are free of charge. The previous domain treasures are just that, and there is no shortage of armor and palace treasures. He was just a turtle shell, and Wang Cheng couldn't do anything to him for a while.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, we are here to help you!"

At this time, a bunch of universe masters behind saw that the time was ripe and immediately took action.

The attack of a single Master of the Universe may not be a big deal, but the attack of a group of Masters of the Universe at the same time is enough to change the power, and even the white-robed true god will find it troublesome.


Wang Cheng saw the right moment and struck him hard.

Wang Cheng's attack was not aimed at killing, but when the power exploded, the white-robed true god instantly turned into a stream of light, reaching dozens of times the speed of light in the blink of an eye, and was thrown far away.

"not good!"

The expression of the white-robed true god changed, but it was already too late. Wang Cheng did not hesitate to attack Beizhen Star Master, who had transformed into a huge black ball and was blocking the door.

boom! boom! boom!

Wang Cheng's attack arrived instantly, and the other masters of the universe who had long been salivating over the tomb boat behind them became even more crazy.

Attack after attack hit the black ball.

This black ball is obviously a treasure similar to a palace treasure. Attacks one after another cannot cause much damage to the Beizhen Star Lord inside, but the terrifying bombardment makes the black ball tremble continuously.



The black sphere was violently thrown away, and the gate that had been blocked finally opened.


All the masters of the universe were instantly overjoyed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Rays of light instantly cut through the void, approaching the tomb boat in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Wang Cheng's figure began to become blurry.

There was only a shadow left in the void. When the shadow dissipated, Wang Cheng was the first to enter the tomb boat.


After a while, the White-robed True God and Beizhen Star Lord, who were blasted away one after another, returned to this place.

"It's better to let him in!" The white-robed true god looked a little ugly.

"Even if we block it for a while, when more and more powerful people arrive, this human race Wujie will still get in!" Star Master Beizhen was not too frustrated. To be honest, he didn't really believe that Wang Cheng was still the master of the universe. Now after the fight just now, he didn't believe it even more.

If the human race Wu Jian had the strength of the strongest person in the ordinary universe and exerted the power of the seventh level, he might still believe it, but every move and every move of the opponent just now had the power of the ninth level... This could be Lord of the universe? Can the Lord of the Universe be so powerful?

Totally impossible!

"I hope so!"

The White-robed True God didn't say much. At this time, he could only hope that Wang Cheng was indeed not the Lord of the Universe. Otherwise, what else could he do if Wang Cheng had already entered?

. . .

the other side--

After Wang Cheng entered the tomb boat, he followed the map given by Luo Feng and came to a place close to the core.

Soon, other masters of the universe also arrived one after another.


A burst of energy descended, and a vague shadow quickly solidified. What appeared in front of everyone was a human-like silhouette of a man.

The Duandonghe inheritance has been around for a long time, and many universe masters present naturally know that this is the master here, Duandonghe Wu.

"Very good, another forty-one universe master!" Duan Donghe looked quite happy, but he still said: "The more you come into contact with my Duan Donghe's inheritance, the more likely it is that there will be life. Have you thought about the danger?"


All the masters of the universe nodded and joked. They had been blocked outside for so long and finally got in. How could they give up?

Afraid of danger? I won’t come here if I’m afraid of danger!

"Well, let's accept the inheritance test one by one!" Duan Donghe nodded slightly.

"Wait a minute, senior, I have some tribesmen here who also want to take part in the test!" A Lord of the Universe suddenly spoke, and then he waved his hand, and in an instant, a group of Universe Venerables and massive immortals appeared nearby.

"I also have tribesmen..."

"Me too!"

The masters of the universe were not polite and released many of the tribesmen they were carrying.

"Of course this is better!"

Duan Donghe is not afraid of anyone who comes, he does not despise the Universe Venerable, even if he is immortal, he still does not despise him.


Wang Cheng looked at the increasingly happy Duan Donghe and sighed in his heart. Duan Donghe really worked hard for the inheritance.

Fortunately, the leader of the Falcon Kingdom is different from him...

But there is no telling. If he had not met Wang Cheng, the leader of the Falcon Kingdom would probably have to conduct a large-scale screening, and he might not be able to find a suitable one.

When you reach the level of the Falcon King, your requirements are definitely much higher than those of Duan Donghe.

. . .

The test was carried out in an orderly manner. The first level was to check the identity. Wang Cheng's identity was no problem. The human race was within the scope of Duan Donghe's selection of successors, so he naturally passed the level easily.

The second level was a test of strength. Wang Cheng was assigned to the other four masters of the universe, and the five of them came to a secret room together.

"The Lord of Infernal Affairs is evenly divided with me. Is he really still the Lord of the Universe?" A Lord of the Universe from the human race in the Second Round Era whispered, with a hint of amazement in his tone.

"Perhaps, this Duan Donghe is not as powerful as I imagined, and it is impossible to tell the strength of the Lord of Infernal Affairs!"

"Yes, how can the Lord of the Universe be so powerful?"

"However, we are lucky to be assigned together with the Lord of Infernal Affairs!"

"Yes, according to the intelligence, a strange beast will appear in this second level, and its strength will continue to increase. In the end, the strength of the strange beast will exceed that of the strongest person. Although it is only for a moment, it is also extremely dangerous to us. Things, but with the Lord of Infernal Affairs, there is no need to worry about this matter..."


Several universe masters spoke secretly, and soon, the strange beasts of this level appeared.

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