"You have received the Demon Emperor's inheritance, and your future prospects are already limitless!" Wang Cheng looked at the young man in front of him and smiled: "However, that alone is not enough. Do you have any plans for the future?"

"Of course I'm participating in the Peak Genius Competition!" The young man said without hesitation, "Genius Battle?" Wang Cheng went to Void Universe to check with interest. The next Genius Battle was held by Void Universe Company, and Isn't it a coincidence that the project is coming soon?

"Not bad!" Wang Cheng nodded with satisfaction and said, "When you join Virtual Universe Company, if you are interested, you can come to me!"

"Senior, are you from Void Universe Company?" The young man was surprised. "I do belong to Void Universe Company!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, "I wonder what you call me, senior?" The young man asked quickly, "My name is Wujian!" Wang Cheng didn't say much, he His figure blurred for a while and disappeared directly into the void. "Wu Jian?"

The young man silently wrote down the name. At this time, the Lord of the Universe, who had been silent before, finally became a master of the air. He did not pay much attention to the things on this continent. Unexpectedly, to the guide, of course, this is not a bad thing. This Lord of the Universe Of course, it is clear that in the universe, there can be a once powerful, but in the end, dead, but there is a living Lord of the universe as a backer. On the other side of this moon, Wang Cheng has returned to the Seven Temples, and he has indeed gained a lot of respect for that name by practicing. The young man named "Liu Dong" is very interested in the Demon Emperor's inheritance, and the Demon Emperor's Pearl and Demon Emperor's Armor in the Demon Emperor's inheritance can be said to be quite destined for each other!

If everything goes well, Wang Cheng is willing to accept this disciple. Of course, everything must go well. First, the young man must pass the genius battle to join the Virtual Universe Company. Secondly, after the young man joins the Virtual Universe Company, he can still think of him...

"Let it go!"

Wang Cheng didn't think much about it. He continued to practice. Wang Cheng's practice in the Lord of the Universe has basically reached the extreme. The only way he can continue to improve is the "Divine Power Flow"!

Although 90,000 times the gene has basically reached Wang Cheng's goal, since he has already entered the divine power stream, he will try to sprint to the 100,000 times the gene no matter what!

It's best if you succeed, but it doesn't matter if you don't. In short, you have to give this a try!

If he gave up without even trying, Wang Cheng would probably regret it in the future!

Of course, the gene level is 100,000 times higher, and it is estimated that the power of the world beast is needed, but this is nothing to Wang Cheng. His current strength is enough to easily obtain the power of some world beasts. When this incident in the original universe is over, he will go to a When Wang Cheng was practicing in the dark land of Qingfeng Realm, except for a few people in the original universe, no one could realize that the original universe was about to undergo earth-shaking changes. At this time, they were even more aware that the original universe was about to undergo earth-shaking changes. More attention is still paid to the Universe Sea, or to be precise, to the newly born Duan Donghe inheritance, especially after many people guessed that the person who finally received the inheritance this time was Luo Feng!

"The inheritance of Duan Donghe has fallen to Luo Feng, he must bring it back to the original universe!" Many powerful people in the original universe are secretly thinking about whether they can get a copy of the inheritance of Duan Donghe from Luo Feng. It is extremely mysterious. Within its inheritance, there may be an opportunity to transcend reincarnation. This opportunity cannot be missed. "I'm afraid it's impossible to force it. The current human race has giant axes, Wujian, and those who have inherited the Dongdonghe River." Luo Feng can definitely be called the number one force in the original universe, more terrifying than the Ancestral God Cult!" Many people secretly nodded. Of course, not everyone has backed down. There are also stubborn people who are ready to give it a try. But, no. Try it on your own, but collude and join together. In the original universe, after all, there is an upper limit to power, and the role of numbers is still much greater than in the cosmic sea. Moreover, they may not really have to go head-to-head and unite to exert pressure. Maybe the human race He handed over part of his inheritance. "Master, the founder of Tianzhou just contacted me and said yes."

More than a hundred years after Wang Cheng returned to the original universe, the Queen of the Zerg sent a message to Wang Cheng. Then, the Dream Demon Ancestor also sent a similar message to Wang Cheng: "You can do whatever you want!"

Wang Cheng is too lazy to care about this matter. In the original universe, he doesn't care about these people, but if they meet in the universe sea in the future, he promises to let them know what regret is. The original universe is extremely lively. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed. In the past, Luo Feng, who was the "culprit" of all this excitement, finally returned to the original universe, and he came back in a tomb boat. It was really a return to his hometown in fine clothes. However, Luo Feng's harvest this time was indeed huge. In the virtual universe, he promised the Lord of Hun City that what he gained this time would be enough to bring about real changes in the human race and increase the number of strong people several times or even dozens of times. Of course, that would all happen later. In a short period of time, , the human race will not change much. The most important thing for the human race at the moment is the unification of the ethnic group. "Teacher, when will the war start? My self, the demon slaying clan clones, and the golden horned giant beast clones can all participate in the war!"

Luo Feng saw City Lord Hun in the virtual universe, and immediately said, "Don't rush to start the war, things have changed!" City Lord Hun smiled and said: "Wang Cheng enslaved the Queen of the Zerg and the Ancestor of the Dream Demon. It’s hard to say, but the Zerg race is very likely to be peacefully accepted by our human race!”

"Slavery?!" Luo Feng was stunned. "Wang Cheng, like you, always does some unexpected things!" City Lord Hun sighed with emotion. The two disciples he accepted in the end were indeed extremely outrageous. Moreover, one The comparison is outrageous. "The last Duan Donghe told me that senior brother is still the top genius even in ancient civilizations!" Luo Feng said: "In the entire Duan Donghe inheritance, there are only two people who can compete with senior brother when he is the Lord of the Universe. beautiful!"


City Lord Hun was slightly shocked. In the past, he only thought Wang Cheng was incredible. This was the first time he had a clear understanding of him. It turned out that Wang Cheng's genius was also the best in that incredible ancient civilization. No wonder he always felt that other people were incredible. Incredible!

"But it's still unbelievable that the Lord of Yu Shen enslaved the God of Heaven!" Luo Feng added, "Perhaps Wang Cheng is more powerful than when he entered the tomb boat and saw the Duandong River!" City Lord Hun sighed after all. , he entered 300,000 years ago. With the speed of his cultivation, he might not make any progress in 300,000 years. "More progress?"

Luo Feng's common sense inherited from Duan Donghe told him that this seemed unlikely, but thinking that Wang Cheng was a figure that he always had to chase after, Luo Feng subconsciously felt that this was really the case. We are really going further and further. I have obtained the inheritance of Duan Donghe, so I can’t fall behind! "Luo Feng was thinking secretly in his heart. PS: Two updates.

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