Wujian Continent, within the Seven Temples.

Wang Cheng walked out of a side hall with a calm expression. At this time, there was a ball of blood floating in front of him that was constantly struggling and changing.

This is naturally the blood of a world beast, and it was just taken out by Wang Cheng from the body of the world beast Mo He. Of course, he did not touch the blood with divine power. He relied on the gravity and repulsion within the Seven Temples to lift and move it. of.

After all, the power of the world beast is completely opposite to the divine power. If touched at will, it can be easily annihilated. Although Wang Cheng already has the blood source of the world beast Mohe, he does not have to worry about not having enough blood of the world beast for research, but this He still won't be careless about this kind of thing.

At this time, Wang Cheng came to the tree of time with the blood of the world beast. After he sat down cross-legged, a glimmer of expectation flashed in his eyes.

"I hope the blood of this world beast can give me some help!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and without hesitation, he directly activated the Tree of Time.

At the same time, Wang Cheng also used the special secret method from "Origin Art" to start analyzing the blood of the world beast in front of him.

Dots of white light fell and quickly enveloped the world beast's blood.

From Wang Cheng's perspective, a ball of world beast blood was first quickly divided into ninety-two parts. Each part of blood was a drop and could not be divided any further.

Immediately afterwards, the white light continued to penetrate and began to analyze the structure of every drop of the world beast's blood.


Wang Cheng's perspective suddenly changed. Although it was just a small drop of blood, at this moment, he seemed to see an entire universe.

One hundred thousand light points are scattered in a unique structure, and each light point looks like a realm beast. These realm beasts either roar, cull, or linger. Each small realm beast contains infinite mysteries. Incredibly complex.

"This is one hundred thousand heavens!"

At this time, Wang Cheng immediately understood. He had previously understood the structure of "the beginning of one yuan, one hundred thousand heavens" with the help of the entire original universe, and was naturally very familiar with it.

At this time, after Wang Cheng deeply observed the blood of the world beast, he immediately understood that the structure of the most basic elements that make up the blood of the world beast was also "one hundred thousand heavens".

"However, although the structure of the world beast's blood and the original universe are both 'one hundred thousand heavens', in fact, there are subtle differences between the two." Wang Cheng thought quickly in his heart, and soon he realized that, too, It is this difference that creates a life that is completely opposite to normal life, a world beast!

"The lives bred in the original universe are all lives under the normal framework of 'One Hundred Thousand Heavens', but the world beasts are under a different framework. Therefore, the life of the universe sea is completely opposite to the world beasts. The difference between divine power and world beasts is Force is out of place!”

"One structure, two frameworks"

If Wang Cheng realized something in his heart, he even unconsciously analyzed the "endless time and space" structure he created before.

The three referenced and verified each other, and Wang Cheng quickly became completely immersed in it.

. . .

Endless mysteries continue to attract all of Wang Cheng's mind. Although the Tree of Time provides a million times acceleration, decades have passed and Wang Cheng is still completely immersed in understanding the blood structure of the world beast.

At this time, within the human race, another peak genius battle was held as scheduled.

In this genius competition, a young man named Liu Dong rose like a comet, and finally won the first place in this genius competition.

The rise of Liu Dong even attracted Luo Feng's attention. The reason is simple. Liu Dong is a real human being of the Earth's lineage, with half of the Earth's blood in him.

After hundreds of thousands of years of reproduction, although the population of the Earth's lineage has reached an exaggerated level, there are still only a handful of truly unique geniuses.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the Genius Competition has been held for dozens of times. There are many geniuses of the Earth's lineage who can stand out in the Genius Competition, but no one has ever won the first place.

What's more, Liu Dong won the first place with a crushing advantage.

At this time, Luo Feng, who had been staying on Earth, was watching Liu Dong's battle videos one after another, and he was quite satisfied.

"Although this little guy is not as good as his senior brother, he is more evil than Bo Lan back then. We need to find a good teacher for him!" Luo Feng thought in his heart.

He himself has no intention of accepting a disciple. Although Luo Feng is already a Galaxy Lord who threatens the universe and possesses terrifying sixth-level combat power, in fact, he is still a Lord of the Universe.

He hasn't even broken through to the Master of the Universe, so how can Luo Feng have the intention to accept a disciple?

But he has no intention of accepting a disciple, but Luo Feng can find a good teacher for Liu Dong. With his current status, it is not difficult.

"Let's take a look first and see how he chooses!"

Luo Feng did not take action immediately, and it was his own choice to find a teacher.

Because of the inheritance brought back by Luo Feng, the human race's training system has now expanded to thousands. Different teachers choose different paths. Naturally, the suitable teachers will be different.

After the genius war ended, the geniuses went to the original universe one after another.

In the original universe, Liu Dong attracted the attention of many senior executives of virtual universe companies because of his extraordinary talent. Under Luo Feng's instruction, several cosmic sages who were suitable for Liu Dong extended an olive branch to him.

However, when receiving these olive branches, Liu Dong was a little embarrassed.

More than a hundred years ago, he arrived at Wujian Continent due to an accident. The owner of that continent should be the Lord of the Universe, and the other party seemed to be very optimistic about him!

Liu Dong received the Demon King's inheritance, and he naturally knew that there was a huge difference between worshiping the Lord of the Universe as his teacher and worshiping the Master of the Universe as his teacher. If possible, Liu Dong would naturally want to choose that Lord of the Universe.

But the problem is that now he only knows that the other party is named "Wu Jian" and does not know any other information. He searched in the virtual universe, and the result also showed that he had insufficient permissions and could not obtain any information at all.

If Liu Dong insists on not becoming a disciple, Liu Dong is also worried that the original Lord of the Universe has forgotten him, and in the end, only to draw nothing from the bamboo basket, it will be a disaster.

"I have to give it a try. I won't give up just like that!"

Liu Dong made a decision in his heart, and at the same time, he sent an email to the highest person in charge of their genius battle, the Nine Swordsmen, through the virtual universe.

Liu Dong didn't say much in the email, he just said that he wanted to see the Master of Nine Swords.

"This Liu Dong is not only extremely talented, but I heard that the Lords of the Galaxy value him very much." After receiving Liu Dong's email, the Lord Nine Swords immediately made a decision.

If he were an ordinary genius, he would naturally not be able to see him whenever he wanted, but Liu Dong was extraordinary after all.

So, not long after, Liu Dong came to the residence of Lord Nine Swords in Chaos City.

"Liu Dong, I heard that Mu Su, Blood Demon and the others are very optimistic about you. Are you undecided?" the Nine Swords Master asked.

"Your Majesty, actually I want to ask you about someone!" Liu Dong said.

"Oh?" Lord Nine Swords was confused.

"I had an adventure before. I met a senior from Virtual Universe Company. He once told me that if I join Virtual Universe Company, I can go to him!" Liu Dong said briefly, Nine Swords Lord But he didn't pay much attention to it. Although Liu Dong was a genius, he was too weak!

Is it possible that he will have a chance to meet someone more powerful than Mu Su and Blood Demon?

"Do you know what that person's name is?" Lord Nine Swords asked.

"That senior is named 'Wu Jian'!" Liu Dong said.

"Wu Jian, um." Lord Nine Swords nodded slightly, but the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

The Lord of Nine Swords suddenly stood up. He looked at Liu Dong and asked in disbelief: "The Lord of Infinite Time?!"

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