In the Seven Temples, Wang Cheng stood up and slowly walked into the side hall where the world beast Mohe was suppressed.

At this moment, although Mo He had manifested the ferocious prototype of a world beast, he closed his eyes slightly and the expression on his face was very peaceful.

Sensing Wang Cheng's arrival, Mohe didn't react at all.

Over the years after being suppressed by Wang Cheng, Mo He has learned that Wang Cheng will not kill him. Although he was suppressed, Mo He did not give up. Being suppressed and unable to move, he slowly used his consciousness to practice.

In Mohe's view, as long as he can live, there is hope for everything!

If all the world beasts in the outside world suddenly die due to accidents, then he will be the king!

Although the possibility of this is pitifully small, it is always possible that it is not?

But at this moment, the aura on Wang Cheng's body suddenly changed drastically. The originally pure aura of life began to become evil, seeming to swallow everything.

This is exactly the breath of the world beast.

Feeling this breath, the world beast Mohe opened his eyes instantly, but he did not see another world beast. In front of him, there was only Wang Cheng whose whole body turned black.

"You, you, you are"

The world beast Mohe was shocked. How could the guy in front of him exude the same kind of aura? And this breath was so pure, he knew clearly in his heart that this guy was not his kind at all, but he just couldn't tell the difference in the breath.

"Although the genetic structure of your world beasts is strange, it has not transcended the supreme rules after all!" Wang Cheng said in a very calm tone. Although the world beasts all consider themselves to be extraordinary, in fact they are just like that.

Before breaking through the 100,000x gene, Wang Cheng basically understood the world beast gene through the 100,000 heavens. Now that he has reached the 100,000x gene, he has mastered the "invisible and formless" ability and transformed into a world beast naturally. It's simple!

"Even if you can disguise yourself as us, you are still a humble cosmic sea life after all!" The world beast Mohe was naturally not convinced.

Wang Cheng shook his head, and he was too lazy to say anything more.


Wang Cheng instantly stretched out his hand, and instantly, wisps of evil power condensed on his fingertips.

"The power of world beasts?"

Mo He was horrified. At this time, the infinite power began to condense into a rune that looked like a river, and entered Mo He's body in the blink of an eye.


The strange power was not hindered in the slightest, and instantly began to penetrate Mohe's soul.

In an instant, Mohe felt that his consciousness was slightly blurred. Wang Cheng in front of him gradually disappeared and was replaced by a raging river.

The souls and wills of the world beasts are generally extremely strong, and the difficulty of enslaving Mo He is far greater than that of enslaving the Zerg Queen.

However, Wang Cheng is no longer the same person as he was before. After breaking through to the True God, Wang Cheng's soul and will have been greatly strengthened. In the past million years of practice, he has also seriously studied the soul path. If not for this, he would not be able to create it. The secret methods of Meng Shenshan.

Moreover, when he enslaved the Zerg Queen, Wang Cheng had just entered the "Nine Rivers Realm" and could only activate one level of river, but now, he can activate three levels!

In the turbulence of the river, the consciousness of the world beast Mohe became increasingly blurred.

I don’t know how long it took, but a terrifying will suddenly rose from the bottom of Mohe’s heart!

"Break it for me!


Mohe roared in his heart, and in the blink of an eye, the endless river collapsed instantly.

"so close!"

Mo He couldn't help but feel a little scared. The feeling just now drove him crazy.

However, just when Mohe felt that he had survived this crisis, suddenly——



Waves of crisp sounds sounded again.

"What's the sound?" Mo He was confused. He turned his head and looked in all directions. The surroundings were still the same as before. A boundless river appeared in his eyes and stretched endlessly.

Subconsciously, Mo He flew along the river. For some reason, he wanted to find the end of the river.

The river is endless, and Mohe keeps flying. In the process, his consciousness keeps sinking.

This time, Mohe never woke up again. He was completely immersed in the endless river.

"I thought you could let me activate the third river!" Wang Cheng from the outside had a smile on his face. This "Nine River Realm" is indeed abnormal. There are nine rivers, one after another. The most terrifying thing is that every time When the one who is recruited breaks the guidance of one river, the power of the next river will be a hundred times stronger than the previous one.

The complete "Nine River Realm" enslavement secret method is simply a nightmare!

"Wake up!"

Wang Cheng's voice resounded in Mohe's heart, and Mohe suddenly woke up as if waking up from a big dream.


Mohe's tone became extremely respectful. At this moment, the world beast Mohe had become Wang Cheng's soul slave.



Huge power suddenly descended on the primitive universe and swept across the Seven Temples.

"Supreme Rules"

Wang Cheng raised his head and looked into the void. Normally, enslaving world beasts was not allowed by the supreme rules, but Wang Cheng did it by transforming the genes of world beasts.

The supreme rule is also fair. Since Wang Cheng has done it, it will admit it.

However, enslaving world beasts, and the successful enslavement is only the first step. More tests will come later. The arrival of the supreme rule this time is a warning, warning Wang Cheng that this matter will not end here.

"No matter what the test is, I will take it!"

Wang Cheng has no fear in his heart. He has countless opportunities. No matter how defiant the world beasts are, they are still far behind him!

And at the same moment——

In the dark place of Qingfeng Realm, all the beasts that were fighting and hunting each other stopped.




This name flashed in the hearts of each of the realm beasts. All realm beasts can originally communicate with each other and send messages.

But now, their connection with Mohe is completely severed. They can only determine Mohe's location through their positioning!

"Mohe's life breath has changed, and he has become an enemy!"

All the realm beasts understood in their hearts that although the realm beasts have been fighting each other since their birth, it was for a great goal - to give birth to the king of realm beasts!

So strictly speaking, every realm beast is considered a companion, not an enemy!

But now, Mohe has become an enemy!

"The life of the universe sea, the Lord of Infinite Life, it is a great shame that he enslaved Mohe!"




"The shame must be washed away with blood. The Lord of Infernal Affairs, Mohe, will die!"


Each world beast is passing news to each other and venting the anger in their hearts.

When Mo He was captured, he sent news to countless world beasts. They naturally knew that Wang Cheng had captured Mo He. Now that Mo He was enslaved, countless world beasts naturally blamed Wang Cheng for this.

At the same time, because of the loss of three slaves including the Yanqiu Ancestral God, the world beasts did not understand the situation of the universe sea at this time. They naturally thought that Wang Cheng was still the master of the universe.

Of course, even if Wang Cheng is still the Lord of the Universe, judging from the news sent back by Mohe last time, the world beasts also understand that they are no match for Wang Cheng now.

If you want to find Wang Cheng to wash away his humiliation, you need at least the birth of a fifth-level world beast.

Although they wanted to tear Wang Cheng alive right now, in fact they could only endure it for now.

"Quick, we need to be faster!"

For a time, the world beasts were fighting even more crazily.

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