Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 378 Devouring the Purple Moon Holy Land

Mohe unleashed his strongest attack, and Beidi was immediately at a disadvantage.

If he were in other places, he would still have a chance to escape, but in this divine prison, he had no way to escape and could only fight to the death with Mohe.

In the end, Bedi really wanted to blow himself up, but fortunately Wang Cheng took action in time to suppress it.

Afterwards, Mohe swallowed Bedi's energy completely without any ceremony.

The energy of the two realm beasts at the peak of the fourth level was combined, and finally, Mohe broke through to the fifth level!

"I succeeded!"

At this moment, Mo He was extremely excited. Not only did he defeat Bedi, he also became the first among the world beasts to advance to the fifth level.

"I am far ahead now, and with the help of my master," Mohe seemed to have seen the day when he would become the king of world beasts.


Mohe fought all the way and finally became a fifth-level world beast. At this time, Wang Cheng also nodded slightly. Mohe's success was not in vain for all his efforts.

At this time, Wang Cheng did not break his promise. He released all the world beasts he had captured one by one and let Mohe swallow them.

Among the realm beasts that had fought with Mohe before, they only accounted for about one-thirtieth of the realm beasts captured by Wang Cheng, and most of the realm beasts were still in Wang Cheng's hands.

At this moment, as Mohe continued to devour, his energy accumulation became stronger and stronger.

Mohe's strength soared and soon reached the peak of the fifth level. He continued to eat and eat.

Suddenly, Wang Cheng frowned.

The world beasts he captured were all consumed, but to his surprise, they were stuck in the final stage.

"How far are you from advancing to the sixth level?" Wang Cheng looked at Mo He and asked.

"Probably we need several thousand second-level world beasts!" Mo He said.

"A few thousand?"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly. Thousands of world beasts were not difficult to catch.

"Master, I can also swallow other energies!" Mo He said:

"With my current strength, if I can devour other energies, especially the origin of the universe, my digestion speed should be very fast!"

"The origin of the universe?"

A smile appeared on Wang Cheng's face, and he smiled and said: "You reminded me!"



Without hesitation, Wang Cheng took Mo He directly away from Shenmu Mountain. He used "Road to the Void" and the two of them crossed the endless void in the blink of an eye and arrived in front of a huge small universe.

This small universe is 2.1 billion light-years across.

This is the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"This small universe is the last food for you to advance to the sixth level!" Wang Cheng pointed to the Purple Moon Holy Land and said to Mo He.

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely eat it clean!"

Mo He looked at the huge little universe, and a ferocious smile appeared on its face.

Mo He could guess that Wang Cheng specifically asked him to devour this small universe, so he must have a grudge against its owner, and if he had a grudge against Wang Cheng, he would have a grudge against Mo He, so he would naturally have to eat it all!

Moreover, in such a huge small universe, there must be an astonishing amount of universe origins. If he eats them all, it will be enough for him to become a sixth-order world beast!


Mo He was not polite at all, he flew directly into the void far away from Ziyue Holy Land.

Devouring the origin of the universe is the innate ability of world beasts. Even first-order world beasts can easily do it.

Nowadays, Mohe is already at the peak of the fifth level, not far from the sixth level. The speed at which he can devour the source can almost reach the peak.

At this moment, Mo He opened his mouth and sucked in, and immediately, the vast amount of essence in Ziyue Holy Land was sucked into his mouth.

“It’s really delicious!”

Mo He's eyes lit up slightly. This was also the first time for him to swallow the origin of the universe. Unexpectedly, the origin of the universe was so delicious, almost as happy as when he devoured the same kind.

"Suck, suck, suck me suck!"

Mohe feasted crazily, and at this moment, the shadow of the Ziyue Ancestor suddenly descended in the Ziyue Holy Land.

“Someone come quickly!


The ancestor of Ziyue felt the rapid passage of the origin of the universe, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

A moment later, dozens of universe masters flew out of the Purple Moon Holy Land at the same time, and they quickly began to search the void around the Purple Moon Holy Land.

Soon, the Lord of the Universe discovered Mohe.

"Who are you? In my Purple Moon Holy Land"

Just as the Lord of the Universe was about to ask, he saw Mo He open his mouth and take a breath. Suddenly, the Lord of the Universe's divine power surged out crazily, and in the blink of an eye, his divine body was completely eaten by Mo He.

"what is that?"

In the Purple Moon Holy Land, the other avatar of the Lord of the Universe, who had just been eaten by Mo He, opened his eyes with some concern.

Without hesitation, he quickly went to see the ancestor of Ziyue.

"There is a strange being that sucks all your divine power out of you when you meet him? Tell me, what does that life look like?" Ziyue Ancestor asked quickly.

"Yes!" The Lord of the Universe said clearly, and listening to the description of the Lord of the Universe, the face of Ziyue Ancestor became increasingly ugly.

The origin of the universe was lost inexplicably, which gave Ziyue the ancestor a bad association.

Now coupled with the description of the Lord of the Universe, she could almost confirm it in her heart

"World beast!"

Ziyue Ancestor was terrified, and at the same time, she was also filled with disbelief. How long had she been the True God of the Void? He actually encountered the birth of a world beast? Why is she so unlucky?

"Why didn't the original universe respond?" Ziyue Ancestor suddenly became confused. When the world beast appeared in the cosmic sea, the one who reacted the most should be the will of the original universe.

As a result, why is there no news in the original universe yet?

Although he was extremely confused, Ziyue Ancestor could not think too much.

In her induction, the suction force from the outside world is extremely terrifying. If it continues to be left unchecked, I am afraid that the Purple Moon Holy Land will be destroyed in about ten thousand years!

"Go, spread this information to the universe sea, especially let the original universe humans know!" Ziyue Ancestor handed a piece of information to a universe master and asked him to spread the information.

The information given by Ziyue Ancestor was naturally about the world beasts.

One of the most prominent ones is the harm caused by the realm beasts. Once the realm beasts grow up, no one in the entire universe will be spared!

From the perspective of Ziyue Ancestor, the only person in the entire cosmic sea who can deal with world beasts is probably Wang Cheng, whom she regards as a thorn in her side and a thorn in her flesh.

Therefore, the ancestor of Ziyue specifically emphasized that this information must be known to the humans of the original universe.

At this moment, Ziyue Ancestor extremely hoped that Wang Cheng could take the overall situation into consideration, temporarily put aside the conflicts between the two parties, and help her get rid of this world beast.

Of course, Ziyue Ancestor did not fully count on Wang Cheng, she had other plans.

For example, she is planning to organize a group of universe masters to unite and try to drive out the world beast!

For another example, she is also planning to negotiate with the world beast to let the world beast devour other small universes first.

You must know that for the same small universe, the more powerful the will is, the more difficult it is to swallow the origin. Ziyue's ancestor's will has reached the level of the eternal true god, and the difficulty of swallowing the origin of her small universe is of course far more difficult than that of other small universes.

In this case, there is hope to persuade this world beast to devour other small universes first.

All in all, Ziyue Ancestor is ready to try various methods!

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