Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 98 Arriving at the Horned Dragon Star

Jiang Mingyue seemed to be training in this killing space, so Wang Cheng didn't disturb her too much. After understanding her situation, he quickly logged off.

However, this meeting with Jiang Mingyue reminded Wang Cheng.

A long time ago, Wang Cheng relied on the chance capture system to sneak into the inheritance world of Ganwu Universe Country, using his true identity...

Not to mention whether the ray of soul that the Oracle left behind in that place of inheritance can be contacted with his true form, besides the Oracle, there is a woman named Jiu Meng who also knows many things about him.

Wang Cheng knew that the female warrior Jiang Mingyue was talking about this time was most likely "Nine Dreams"!

"Wind God's Shadow" should be the Oracle's unique secret book. There are definitely very few people who possess this secret book.

Wang Cheng passed the highest test of the Oracle Marquis and obtained this secret book. Although Jiu Meng did not accept the highest test, she had the possibility of obtaining this secret book!

She also got this secret book, and then recognized Jiang Mingyue who was using "Wind God Shadow" in the elimination round... Thinking about it this way, everything made sense.


"It's not a big deal to sneak into the inheritance world of Qianwu Universe. Even if I'm discovered now, Qianwu Universe Country probably won't trouble me. As for how I got's not impossible to explain!" Wang Cheng was thinking secretly in his heart.

Wang Cheng asked the clone to participate in the genius battle and enter the Virtual Universe Company. Naturally, he had already thought about the clone's origin.

The avatar of Wang Cheng was taken by a mysterious old man to learn from him since he was a child. Later, the old man left for some reasons. He threw Wang Cheng to the earth and also asked Wang Cheng to participate in the genius battle.

In this case, the blame for Wang Cheng's entry into the inheritance world of Qianwu Universe Country can also be pushed to the mysterious old man... In fact, Wang Cheng did not write this script himself. He directly copied it from the genius of this generation. The origin of Bolan in the war!

Of course, Bolan's use of this script can be accepted by Virtual Universe Company very calmly, but Wang Cheng may not receive the same treatment.

After all, the talent that Wang Cheng is about to show is countless times stronger than that of Bo Lan, and the attention he is about to receive will be much more than that of Bo Lan...

However, Wang Cheng was not too worried.

First of all, he is a clone, so even if the car rolls over, it won't matter!

Secondly, he is not joining the human race as an undercover agent. He really wants to enter the core of the human race. If the human race needs it in the future, he will also come forward and contribute his strength.

The most important thing is that Wang Cheng's own talent is not fake, and his identity as a human race is not fake. According to Wang Cheng's understanding, these two points should be the most important thing for the top management of the human race. As for the others, they are actually just minor details.

Who in the universe doesn’t have secrets? It's normal to have secrets that you want to hide.

Just like Luo Feng, he has always kept the fact that he is a golden-horned giant beast secret from the outside world, and even his relatives don't know.


"However, there is a problem that I did neglect before. Fortunately, it is not too late to solve it now!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and at the same time, he directly controlled the spacecraft to start turning.

Almost at the same time, Wang Cheng's self, who was in retreat at Jiuying Star, also left directly on the spaceship. However, in just over a day, Wang Cheng's self returned to Jiuying Star.

No one knew that during Wang Cheng's trip, he had left a star-level ninth-order clone with thirty times the genetic level on a deserted planet about tens of thousands of light years away from Jiuying Star.


After about seven or eight days, Wang Cheng's clone from the earth also arrived on this desolate planet. Soon, Wang Cheng's two stellar-level ninth-level clones met here!

After that, the stellar-level ninth-level clone with thirty times the genetic level continued to ride the spacecraft to the Horned Dragon Planet, while the clone with one genetic level simply dissipated on the spot.

This was Wang Cheng's first time to dissipate his clone at a very long distance, and it was considered an experiment.

The final result was...the soul of the clone quickly returned to Wang Cheng, but the energy carried by the clone was not brought back.

. . .

Originally, it only took Wang Cheng about six days to go to the Horned Dragon Star, but now it was unexpectedly delayed to half a month.

However, Wang Cheng had not agreed on a specific date with King Sea Shark before, and half a month in Earth time, placed in some special places, might not even last a day. If you think about it, it shouldn't be too late for him to come. .


After Wang Cheng arrived outside the Horned Dragon Planet, he then followed the guidance information from the planet and wanted to park the spacecraft at an airport within the Horned Dragon Star.

However, before Wang Cheng landed, a slightly familiar voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"You came really slowly..."


Hearing this voice, Wang Cheng turned around in shock. Sure enough, the Sea Shark King entered his spaceship without knowing why, and appeared behind him.

However, compared to the virtual universe, the aura of Sea Shark King in reality is obviously countless times more domineering. Even if he did not deliberately release the aura, Wang Cheng still felt tremendous pressure!

"Senior Haisha has kept me waiting for a long time!" Wang Cheng apologized: "I was delayed because of some things, so I came a little late!"

"Haha, this little time is nothing!" Sea Shark King smiled and said directly: "I will ask my subordinates to help you deal with your spaceship. Come with me!"

As King Sea Shark said, his hand had already been put on Wang Cheng's shoulder. The next moment, Wang Cheng felt a trance in front of his eyes.

Of course, when Wang Cheng came to his senses, he had already arrived in a vast metal room with extremely luxurious decoration.

"That was...teleportation just now?" Wang Cheng was slightly shocked. Being able to teleport, this "Senior Sea Shark" is indeed at least a king.

"Welcome to my Sky Shark!" Sea Shark King smiled.

"Sky Shark? This is your spaceship, Senior Haisha?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Of course it's my spaceship!" Sea Shark King nodded, and he continued: "Most of the metal used to build this Sky Shark is F9 grade, and some core cabin materials are G grade metal. After a while, you You will be extremely safe in my spaceship!"

"Senior, didn't you say you wanted to stay in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire for a while?" Wang Cheng asked with some confusion.

"So the Sea Shark will stay in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire until the end of the Genius War!" Sea Shark King smiled and said: "I know you have doubts, and I will explain it to you later. As for now... ..”

Sea Shark King laughed, and he enthusiastically pulled Wang Cheng out of the room.

"Let's go, let me show you my Sky Shark..."

Wang Cheng: "..."

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