Magic spells!

It reminded everyone of the way magicians need to chant spells when they cast magic.

Long and cumbersome.

As long as he chants…

Taking advantage of this time difference, they rushed up in a bunch of people..,

There were already people who were flushed with excitement.

They began to simulate that scenario in their heads.

Inevitably, his body trembled violently at this moment.

It was an exciting and exciting feeling.

This time, they once again felt that they were a little closer to the treasure.

Countless strange lights in the pupils were beating.


“If you use this method, you can definitely subdue them, and then the treasure will be ours.”

Someone muttered to himself, his face flushed with excitement.

They have been immersed in a sea of treasures.

Holding a treasure, God blocks the killing of the god and Buddha in the picture.

The silent heart was once again stimulated to thump.


Looking at everyone’s expressions, Xiao Zhen’s heart had already blossomed.

But she maintained a ‘frightened’ expression on her face, and whispered apologetically to the somewhat gloomy Xiao Kill: “Cousin, I’m really sorry…”,

Halfway through, he pretended to be twisted and didn’t finish his words.

Xiao Jiao sighed when he saw this.

The expressionless one did not say anything more.

Xiao Zhen’s approach today already made him feel a little uncomfortable.

This kind of single-minded approach made his face dull.

If it wasn’t his cousin, even on the spot, he would have slapped him in the face.

Although he blamed his cousin for his self-made claims on the surface, he still couldn’t bear it, and he still couldn’t bear to blame his cousin in his heart.

After taking two steps, he turned around and shouted at Xiao Zhen, who was still in fear on the surface: “Don’t hurry up and follow.” ”

The tone is stiff, but the discerning person can still see it.

His anger has passed.

Hearing Xiao Kill’s urging, the smile on Xiao Zhen’s face bloomed again, and the moment he turned his head, a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


I finally passed this level.

After taking a long breath, he finally looked up at Zuo Yimu’s name, and thought hatefully: “Don’t worry, I will never let you have a good time.” ”

Then she followed Xiao Kill and left the Reincarnation Square.

The remaining people were unimpressed by the departure of Xiao Kill and the others.

Because they got the intelligence they wanted.

This time, they were already more confident to take the treasures in their hands for themselves.

Just when they were still thinking about the treasure in Zuo Yimu’s hand.

Our big guy is already with his team members who are crazy to break through.

Thirty-second floor

Thirty-third floor

Thirty-fourth floor

Thirty-fifth floor


Golden light danced throughout the space, and terrifying energy roared around the room.

One by one, the Spirit Stones were exchanged by them.

It was thrown on the floor and quickly piled into one

They were expressionless and drumming wildly.

The flesh and blood were churning, and the terrifying aura was erupting every second.

Points are dropping in staggering numbers.

The spirit stones also turned into chyme powder in the crazy consumption and scattered.

They looked focused, grabbed a mid-grade spirit stone and swallowed the spiritual energy that was filled with it.

The aura turned into strands of silk and poured in from their pores.

At this moment, it was as if they were no longer grasping spirit stones, but ordinary stones.

One! Two! Three…

More and more spirit stones were absorbed.

Qi and blood were surging at this moment.

This time, there are too many points gained from the plot world.

The number of creatures that died in their hands was as many as a million.

Just a little, the number of hunts will exceed the 10 million mark!

With that huge number of points as the cornerstone, they can strengthen themselves unscrupulously.

Improves physical strength.

Increase strength!

The aura in the spirit stone was frantically absorbed by them.


The pile of Spirit Stones was rapidly declining.

After the first round of crazy exchanges, everyone’s point points are still at the level of 500,000. ,

It never went down.

Thirty-sixth floor

Thirty-seventh floor

Thirty-eighth floor


The breakthrough continues.

Bang bang!

The ground trembled violently all the time.

It seems that at this moment even the air has a brief stagnation.


Countless ripples spread around them, drudging a circle of terrifying qi waves, frantically rushing in all directions.

Thanks to the house produced by the Lord God, in terms of quality, it was enough to resist the power they burst out.

Countless hot steam, rising from their pores.

Fill the air.

Shroud their bodies.

When the flesh broke through to the extreme, mysterious runes erupted on the skin.

These mysterious rune-like patterns are full of activity, and they jump on the skin, wandering through the muscles and internal organs.

The qi and blood were already boiling, and the feeling that the flesh was completely activated.

Everyone couldn’t help but think about it.

Golden light swallowed all around.

It was as if a cloak made of holy light had been draped behind them, and it was swaying vigorously.

The amount of spiritual energy in the middle-grade spirit stone was dozens of times better than that of the lower-grade spirit stone.

In terms of price, it is even more abrupt to stop ordinary reincarnation.

But, here.

Countless mid-grade spirit stones filled with spiritual energy were spread all over the ground like ordinary stones.

Debris after consumption is flying all over the sky.

The breakthrough, which continues, never stops.

Thirty-ninth floor

Fortieth floor



Until the fortieth layer, their breakthrough speed began to slowly decrease.

Like a giant wall, death stuck them.

Until the last mid-grade spirit stone was consumed.

Still, it’s still on the level on the fortieth floor.

“Redeem the Upper Spirit Stone and break the bottleneck in one fell swoop.”

As the words echo through the space.

Once again, everyone went into a frenzy of exchange.

Redeem (get)! Exchange! Exchange! ,

The second round of breakthroughs is about to begin.

One by one, the top-grade spirit stones filled with countless spiritual energy were exchanged by them without hesitation.

Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough!

They can already feel it.

With the absorption of the second wave of Shangpin Spirit Stones, the bottleneck that was stuck on the fortieth layer had begun to loosen.




Until the infusion of the eleventh spirit stone.

The crack in that bottleneck is getting bigger and bigger.


Forty-first floor

Under the terrifying aura riot, it was blatantly broken.

At that moment, all objects were dragged in the air by an invisible force.

At that moment, it was as if even the air felt the terrifying power and was trembling violently.

At that moment, a terrible storm had begun to roar in this space.

ps: I want to collect fresh flowers, I want to collect, can the big guys give me a monthly pass, if it is a reminder ticket, it will be better!!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – bookmark, recommend, share! ,

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