If one day, you are bitten by a Tibetan mastiff, will you turn into a dogman?

The answer is, no.

“Zhang Datang, what are you doing!” Fang Tong was busy, shouting while dodging.

“Catch the dog!”

Binding the zombie Tibetan mastiff, Zhang Datang worked hard to tie the white rope to the Tibetan mastiff.

After experiencing three bites, Zhang Datang finally tied up the zombie Tibetan mastiff.

The white rope melted into the Tibetan mastiff’s body and turned into blood loss.

The fierce zombie Tibetan mastiff gradually became mild, and his blood-colored eyes slowly flattened.

It was perfect, capture success!

The zombie Tibetan mastiff became a pet, Zhang Tang asked him to do anything, he would do anything, absolutely obey the order.


At this time, Fang Tong also cleaned up the other zombie dogs.

I have to say that Fang Tong’s physical fitness is very strong, he has no special abilities, and the fight against zombie dogs is completely relying on his own strength and reaction.

But think about it, the end has been going on for a year, and those who can live until now have their own abilities.

“He…” Looking at the Tibetan mastiff lying on the ground with gentle eyes, Fang Tong was dumbfounded: “He is also mentally retarded?” ”

Before King Slime did not attack, Zhang Datang said that he was mentally retarded.

Now the Tibetan mastiff does not attack, is it also…

“Oh, this is not.” Zhang Atang explained: “He was recovered by me and is now my pet. ”

Fang was the same leader, almost fell: “What ?!!”

Collect zombies as pets? Groove! What kind of plot is this, this apocalyptic opening is absolutely incorrect!


Knowing that Fang Tong didn’t believe it, shaking his head, Zhang Datang looked at the Tibetan mastiff: “Big dog, nod.” ”

“Wha…” the zombie Tibetan mastiff nodded obediently.


Fang Tong’s head broke out in cold sweat: “For: Why call him Big Dog? ”

“Because our clan is of the big characters, he is my pet, and there must be big characters in the name.” Zhang Datang explained.

There is a very strange rule in their old Zhang family, that is, the second word in the name.

There are three cases in the Zhang family, one in Binzhou, two in Kyoto, and three in the United States.

Zhang Datang knew that the names of the children of the 13th, 23rd, and 33rd generations of the Zhang family had to be changed, and there must be big in the name of one case, small in the name of the second case, and door in the name of the third case.

Very weird, very troublesome, very coincidental, Zhang Datang is the thirty-third generation of a sect.

In other words, his real name is Zhang Tang, because of the rules, so he changed to Zhang Datang…

“Your house is also strange.” Fang Tong wiped his sweat: “I thought your name was very awkward at the beginning, and the elegant Tang characters had to be matched with rough big… It’s hard to hear and die..”

“No way, who made me the 33rd generation? My sister is even worse, her name is Zhang Danan. ”


After holding back for a long time, Fang Tong shook his head: “Then I’ll call you Zhang Tang.” ”

“Whatever.” Zhang Tang doesn’t care much, many friends call him Zhang Tang, it’s not strange to hear.

Continue on the road, only this time there is one more teammate, the zombie Tibetan mastiff – the big dog!

The rest of the road did not encounter too many difficulties, occasionally encountered three or four zombies, and were all killed by big dogs.

I have to say that the third-level zombies are powerful, and the first-level zombies are the same as the waste, and it is easy.

Zhang Tang and Fang Tong fell idle, and the two talked and laughed all the way.

After chatting, Zhang Lobby knew something.

First of all, the security battalion is a base established by the supernatural, all kinds of food are produced in the base, and various weapons and bullets can be replaced in the base… It is even possible to replace the Ciyue body.

Ciyue Light Body is an energy body that can enhance the quality of the flesh after use, and if you are lucky, you can even get the same power!

Although the odds are small, someone really gets it!

The Ciyue Radiant Body is very expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford it, so Fang Tong saved four months’ points coins and gritted his teeth to buy a Ciyue Body.

Not surprisingly, he did not belong to the luck against the sky, so he only enhanced the quality of the physical body.

There are many supernatural people in the world, but there are more ordinary people who do not have supernatural abilities, because everyone wants to become superpowers, so the Ciyue Light Body has been in a state of high price for a long time.

Zhang Datang was not interested in the Ciyue Light Body.

Can those who are lucky against the sky get powers? And still a D-class power?

Not rare at all, what a rag.

As for his most basic increase in physical qualities….

Does Zhang Datang need to rely on the Ciyue Light Body to increase his physical quality? No, no, if he wants to increase his physical qualities, he only needs to die once.

At dusk, the two bumped all the way and finally returned to the police station.

In the police station, Peony and the mother and daughter were anxious, and when they saw Zhang Fang and the two returning, they put down their tense hearts.

“You’re finally back!!” Peony was excited.

“It’s back.” Zhang Datang grinned.

He didn’t let the big dog in, the big dog is also a zombie, other zombies will not attack him, let him guard the door in front of the door.

“Did you find food?”

Peony asked the real purpose of this trip, which is also the most critical question.

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