There was a faint sweetness in the wind, and Zhang Datang was really moved by everyone’s choice.

How do you say this feeling? Just two words! It’s worth it! Although he did not get a return, at least his kindness was not in vain, and this group of old classmates did not become white-eyed wolves!

No one will do good deeds in vain, and although Zhang Atang is to help his old classmates, in fact, he still hopes to be rewarded in his heart.

Now everyone supports him, choose him: This reward, although intangible, is very happy.

This feeling of being trusted is really good, and all sincerity should not be disappointed.

“Thank you..” Inexplicably wonderfully spoke, Zhang Datang really felt a lot.

In the apocalypse, monsters are the most terrifying thing, and now everyone is willing to put down their guard and use their lives as a bet to follow monsters, in the final analysis, it is all because of trust in Zhang Datang.

The trust in the apocalypse is really too precious, this kind of preciousness makes Zhang Tang unable to accept it for a while, and he doesn’t know what to say, so he can only say thank you.

“Thanks for what??”

Qiaoqiao blinked: “Without you, we may not even be able to reach Qingzhou City.” ”

“You are the captain, we follow you!”

“Xiao Zhang, it should be us to thank you, if it weren’t for you, my son and I, my wife might have died in the face of a third-level zombie!”

Recalling the bits and pieces on the road, everyone said word by sentence, and Zhang Datang’s feelings in his heart became more and more.

Although this journey is very tiring, I really have fun with everyone.

Zhang Datang can be resurrected infinitely, he is not afraid of death, even if someone drags him down again, he will not have any problems, on the contrary, death can bring him greater benefits, so he is not afraid at all!

To be honest, when he first took everyone away, Zhang Atang was a little selfish.

What he had in mind was: Anyway, you have to go to the safe zone, it’s better to bring some people, if you encounter danger on the road, the whole army will be destroyed, anyway, you can be resurrected.. It doesn’t matter…

This kind of thinking is very selfish, Zhang Atang believes that everyone should be selfish in the end times!

But after these two days of contact, Zhang Datang found that the end was not as cruel as he imagined, and the end was not as dark as described in the novel… Only when you have truly experienced the end will you know that there is also warmth in the end times.

“Peony: Come with me. ”

Zhang Datang raised his head and looked at the other side: “I won’t harm you.” ”


Peony began to waver, but still firmed his mind: “You won’t lie to me, but what about vampires?” ”

“I trust her.”

Zhang Datang was gambling: “And we are not fools, if she wants to take us to the monster’s lair, then we can detect and escape before entering the monster’s lair!” ”

“You’re gambling.” Peony bitterly: “I hope you can think carefully about what will happen to us if we lose the bet.” ”

“。。。” Sinking his heart, Zhang Tang looked up at the sky, and there was a lot of worry in his heart.

Gambling… You can be resurrected infinitely, even if you lose, it doesn’t matter, it’s a big deal to die a few more times.

But what about the others? Once the bet is lost, then they are really dead!

But then again, this kind of thing is actually easy to deal with.

“In that case, then I am alone, and I will follow him alone!”

If you can reach the safe zone, that Zhang Da Tang will come back to show everyone the way, if you reach the monster’s lair, that Zhang Da Tang doesn’t matter, it’s a big deal to resurrect a few times, and by the way, you can become stronger! Gain competence!

Since everyone’s life is only once, then this gamble… Zhang Datang can come alone!

Everyone’s pupils were dilated and they were shocked.

“Can you?” Everyone was thinking about Zhang Datang’s safety: “Let’s go together!” ”

“You guys stay!”

Zhang Datang has made up his mind: “Just find a place to rest and spend tonight, and I will come back tomorrow morning whether I find a safe area or not!” ”

It was getting late, and Zhang Datang’s eyes revealed endless light, which was absolute confidence.

Being able to revive infinitely, of course, can be absolutely confident!

“Trust me!” Under everyone’s gaze, Zhang Dadang patted the vampire on the shoulder and began to walk.

The female vampire reacted and quickly led the way ahead.

What kind of place the safe zone is, Zhang Tang is very confused, he does not know, but he knows that there must be many strong people in the safe zone.

The only way to settle down in the midst of the apocalypse is to be strong enough.

“The strong…”

Thinking of being able to meet other superpowers, thinking of being able to spend point coins, for some reason, Zhang Datang was a little hot in his heart!

He suddenly wanted to do something, and suddenly wanted to do something!

After walking for half an hour, finally, the female vampire stopped, pointed ahead and opened her mouth.

“Cross this street, opposite the safe zone!”

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