With Luo Tian’s corpse, the Burning Team returns!

Although more than a dozen supernatural people were sacrificed on this trip, and Liu Hu also lost his life, no matter what, this trip was a victory.

The alien lair is destroyed, and the boss of the opposite sex is slaughtered.

Luo Tiantian wanted to attack the alien lair no matter what, he should be afraid that the alien boss would upgrade and destroy the safe zone he personally created!

The wind blew short hair, and Zhang Datang took everyone home.

The two guards guarding the door were extremely excited when they saw Luo Tian, who was placed on the glass brick and held by the power booster.

“Is it Chief Luo?” A stout guard asked.

Zhang Datang nodded.

The two guards had been saved by Luo Tian before, and they were able to have this job and a life-guaranteeing residence, all because of Luo Tian.

They were very excited at the moment, but excitement would only be sadness and disappointment, Luo Tian was dead.

“I’m sorry…”

The superpowers nodded one after another, “It’s all because we went too late…”

“In. Go in and put. ”

The two guards’ emotions were obviously up and down, they did not overly sad, did not cry, they just silently let go, allowing all the superpowers of the Burning Team to successfully enter the safe zone.

News of the return of the burning battle soon spread throughout the security zone.

Luo Tian is a good person.

Most of the people in the safe zone have received his gifts, this safe zone was established by Luo Tian, and people can live in such an environment, in the final analysis, it is because of Luo Tian.

Now that Luo Tian is dead, everyone is more or less sad in their hearts.

As the leader of the safe zone, he was entitled to a great funeral, and the Mighty were planning Luo Tian’s funeral at this moment.

Hearing of the return of the Bath Fire Team, the most emotional is undoubtedly the conservative party!

“What? They wiped out the alien lair in Qingzhou City, and also killed the alien boss!? ”

“What? They brought Luo Tian back?! ”

“Damn it! Luo Tian is dead! Now we are really in danger! ”

Every message is the biggest blow to the Conservative Party, especially the matter of bringing back Luo Tian’s body.

Now there is panic in the security zone, and many supernatural people have attributed the cause of Luo Tian’s death to the Conservative Party.

It was all because the Conservatives tried their best to obstruct, so that the radicals did not have time to come to the rescue, and Luo Tian would die.

Yes, that’s what most people in the safe zone think now.

Yesen’s restlessness, early the next morning, Luo Tian’s funeral was officially held!

The powerful led the way, ordinary people watched, and Luo Tian’s contribution before his death was so great that the residents of the entire safe area admired.

“It is worth living like this in the last days, and dying.”

Peony smiled brightly, very envious of Luo Tian.

“Do you want to be the chief?” Zhang Datang suddenly had a question.

“Quite enough?”

Peony smiled brightly: “To be the leader of the security zone, you must first have strong strength, and secondly, you must have a sense of responsibility, I don’t have that kind of strength at all, even if I want to be, then I can’t be it.” ”

“Actually, being a leader is very simple.”

Zhang Datang smiled brightly: “Be my woman, let me sleep, and I will let you be the leader.” ”

Peony only thought that Zhang Atang was joking, so he also replied sarcastically: “If you can be the leader, then I will be your woman.” ”

This kind of thing is completely impossible, Peony would rather believe that there is a tiger in the sky than believe that Zhang Datang can really make her the leader.

“Who do you think you are…” Peony scorned.

“You man.”

Tease, there is no need for pure love in the doomsday, Zhang Datang grinned: “Haha, okay, don’t tease, the conservative people are coming, I have to say a few words with them.” ”

Not far away, a middle-aged man with two black balls in his hand walked in, followed by countless people, all of whom were Conservative Party pillar members.

“I heard that you are the current leader of the radical faction, Zhang Datang? Long time to look up! ”

Talking, the middle-aged man has a handful of mustaches, looks a little pretending to be a ghost, Taoist style.

“You are the leader of the Conservative Party, Huang Haonan.”

Huang Haonan, Huang Haodong’s older brother, is the strongest supernatural in the Conservative Party.

Zhang Datang personally killed Huang Haodong, and now Huang Haonan is coming, I am afraid that he has bad intentions!

“I heard that you wiped out the alien lair?” Huang Haonan asked.

“If you compromise earlier, we will wipe out the alien lair early.” Zhang Datang narrowed his eyes.


Huang Haonan touched his beard: “I think your trip this time is still a mistake.” ”

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