
Wang Ruoyan took the ball of light and broke it alive with brute force!

A golden light shot out, and suddenly, several crystals appeared out of thin air!

“Two low-grade Ciyue bodies, one high-grade Ciyue body!” Excited, Wang Ruoyan was delighted: “I know!” ”

“I’ll take one, okay?”

Zhang Datang naturally picked up the high-grade Ciyue Light Body, in this battle, it was he who killed the spear lion with his own hands, and he had to get what he deserved.

The high-level Ciyueguang body was useful to Zhang Datang, so he decisively took that piece of high-grade Ciyueguang body, as for the remaining two: Whoever loves to take whom, he can’t use it anyway.

“I’ll take two low-grade Ciyueguang bodies,”

Huang Mao took the remaining two moonlight bodies, domineering and rightful.

In this battle, his sacrifice is also very large, if it were not for his taunt, the spear lion could not have been defeated, he was risking his life to taunt, so he took the remaining Ciyue Light Body, there was nothing wrong with it.

As for Wang Ruoyan… Wang Ruoyan’s contribution in this battle is very small, so she has no share.

The end is like this, whoever contributes more, gets more, there is no equal distribution, those who do not contribute can only starve to death!

Huang Mao put two crystals on his chest, and slowly, the crystals turned into light and merged into Huang Mao’s body.

His face was flushed, and smoke appeared on his yellow hair: “Damn! I didn’t get the power again! ”

It’s just that his physical fitness has increased, and Huang Mao has not received new abilities.

The low-level Ciyue Light Body is like this, most of the use is to increase the quality of the flesh, and if you want to rely on the low-level Ciyue Body, only the Ou Emperors can do it.

Zhang Datang also immediately used the high-grade Ciyue Body.

Not as red as yellow hair, Zhang Datang was very plain, he only felt that there were a few warm currents on his body, and the warm currents were full and kept swirling.

“So… It’s over? ”

Nothing was gained, Zhang Tang did not gain new powers, he only felt a little more relaxed.

Eighty percent of the advanced Moonshine Agents are likely to give users new powers.

“So I’m exactly that twenty percent…”

Non-emperor possessed, Zhang Datang felt a little sad, but fortunately, although he did not get new powers, his comprehensive quality increased a lot.

Opening the personal panel, Zhang Datang found that the defense power and attack power of the original Jade Quality have become one in a hundred at this moment, although I don’t know how much it has increased, but it must be a lot!

“Next, only that zombie dog remains!” Wang Ruoyan looked at the big dog and controlled the flying sword with his mind.

“Eh..” Embarrassed, Zhang Datang hurriedly blocked: “That’s my pet.” ”

There was an indescribable silence at the scene, and after a while, everyone reacted.

“Teleportation, strength bonus, collecting zombie dogs as pets…” Wang Ruoyan was bitter: “How strong are you..?” ”

I thought I still looked down on each other in the first place… Humiliated to the extreme, Wang Ruoyan fully savored the feeling of being slapped in the face.

“Big brother, you’re walking completely sideways in the last days, right?”

Huang Mao habitually called others big brother: “Little brother, this ability is also good, we can completely form a team, I taunt and attract monsters, and then you crackle and kill them all, the treasure crystal will be in a uproar at that time!” ”

Admiring Huang Mao’s onomatopoeia, Zhang Datang was embarrassed: “Sorry, I don’t want to form a team… Because I’m going to Kyoto in a few days…”


At the same time, Huang Mao and Wang Ruoyan were shocked: “What are you doing there?” ”

“Find someone.” Zhang Datang smiled.

“Okay.” Without asking more, Wang Ruoyan is now very docile, compared to her when she first met Zhang Datang, Wang Ruoyan now has low self-esteem like a little bird.

In the face of the strong, the strength of the weak has always been insufficient.

“Then it’s all right: I don’t dare to go to Kyoto, the monsters in Kyoto are too strong, little brother, if I activate my powers, I haven’t taunted Hachi Cheng to eat. Huang Mao spread his hands helplessly: “Forget it, I’d better go to the safe area to eat and wait for death!” It’s too tiring to live in a fixed place every day. ”

“Well, although the safe zone is not guaranteed, it at least gives me a stable place to live at night.”

Wang Ruoyan also wants to go to the safety zone: “The closest to here is Qingzhou City, I heard that the safety zone there is good, we can go there.” ”

Listening to the discussion between the two, Zhang Fatang couldn’t help but smile: “I know the way, I’ll take you there.” ”

Just go, there is no nonsense, Zhang Datang knows the nearest straight road, so it didn’t take too long to go back this time.

As soon as they arrived at the gate, the two guards saluted respectfully: “Hello Lord Chief!” ”

“Shou…. Chieftain??! ”

Huang Mao was stupid, and Wang Ruoyan looked at Zhang Datang with a dull expression.

“Well, this is my friend, they are all psychic beings, they can pass.” Zhang Atang spoke.

Said laughed: Friends of Lord Chief, even if they are not superpowers, can pass for free. ”

The guard scratched his head and smiled stupidly.

Allowed to enter the safe zone, Wang Ruo’s face hung lower.

She suddenly found herself terribly small.

I think she also mocked Zhang Datang for not having money: I didn’t expect the other party…

Chief, what kind of concept is this, how can the leader of a security zone lack such a little point coin?

“Brother, big brother, dear brother!!”

As for Huang Mao, Huang Mao has already regarded Zhang Datang as an idol at this moment: “It turns out that you are the leader of the Qingzhou City Safety Zone, why didn’t you say it earlier!” ”

“I still have some business, you guys go around the safe zone by yourselves.”

Zhang Datang smiled brightly, coped, and then left and went to Li Shuren’s residence.

After telling Li Shuren about the cause and effect of everything, finally, Li Shuren suddenly realized: “In other words, chief, you are going to Beijing, so you can’t be a leader?” ”

“Yes, so I want you to be, because you are the most suitable person.” Zhang Datang looked serious.

“It won’t work.”

Li Shuren shook his head: “I don’t have that strength, in case the monsters gather into a nest one day, I can’t protect the safe zone…”

Zhang Datang was a little depressed.

“But!!” Li Shuren smiled brightly: “In fact, Chief Zhang, you can go to Beijing and be the head of it, anyway, there are usually no major events in the security zone, we can deal with it, and when something big happens, you can come back and take care of it!” ”

“Chief Luo used to do this!”

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