After the anger,

General Liu ordered the people to pull up the cordon here, returned to the Guardian Bureau with anger, and sat at the top of the round table in the hall, his face gloomy.

After guarding Liangcheng for so many years, something of such a serious nature had actually happened, and he simply lost the face of his high-level cultivator.

Within half an hour, the high-level officials in the Guardian Bureau were already in place, and they did not dare to come out one by one, obediently sitting in their seats, waiting for General Liu's order.

The anger on General Liu's face had dissipated a little, but the majesty on his body became stronger, and when he saw that everyone had arrived, his eyes were slightly cold: "Put the video out." An

assistant hurriedly stood up, turned on the projector, and released the surveillance video near the commercial street.

Everyone did not dare to speak, so they had to watch the video obediently.

The video is very short, only a little more than a minute long, but everyone does not dare to take it lightly and looks at the video content very seriously.

A Guoji Face Battle Qi Cultivator suddenly appeared on the commercial street, and at the moment of appearance, it directly turned into a galloping wind towards the Mitsuba Group transport vehicle team, lightning dodging all the bullets of the armed cultivator captain and beheading him.

In the blink of an eye, someone found that all the armed friars had fallen in a pool of blood, the transport vehicle had been pierced, and the bloody servants inside had also died violently on the spot.

The monk with a national character face indifferently speaks in an authentic Liangcheng local accent, alarming the operator, and the assistant also intimately merges the video and audio together to facilitate everyone to understand the situation.

The next picture is very simple, after the national character face monk finished reporting, he looked around and smiled faintly, and the dashing disappeared.

Liu Da put his hands on the table, his eyes majestic: "Liu Shoushan, you are a high-ranking attribute cultivator of the Battle Qi Department, tell me your opinion."

Liu Shoushan frowned tightly, stood up, his eyes were solemn, and he didn't even have time to salute, and said bluntly: "The situation is very serious, this is just a battle qi cultivator who is not in the flow of cultivation, but his killing skills, combat consciousness far exceed that of second-order cultivators, his physical quality is also different from ordinary people, and his control of battle qi is also extraordinary, I suspect that there is a certain disguise component." The

rest heard Liu Shoushan's analysis, you look at me, I look at you, eye contact.

They all saw the same dazedness in each other's eyes.

With such a strong lethality, you tell me that it is not a low-class cultivator, how do you see the physical fitness?

General Liu's always serious face relaxed slightly, and he nodded: "Not bad, tell me the reason."

Liu Shoushan walked to the projector on the side, began to control the picture, pulled the time to the beginning, and pointed to the dantian part of the national character face cultivator: "The battle qi runs extremely fast, it can never be a lower attribute of the battle qi system, and the amount of battle qi shown is too small, which is obviously not at the current level."

It is impossible to use so little here for cover-up, and in terms of coverage and performance, he is already the ultimate in strength. Everyone

listened to the analysis and nodded one after another, right.

Indeed, it has to be Old Willow.

Liu Shoushan began to slow down the video content, his eyes slightly puzzled: "Here, my strangest point is here... You see, it was not only the monks with the face of the national character who had already prepared, but also the captain of the armed friars, who almost did not have any thoughts, and subconsciously fired rapidly, like ... Experienced the same many times.

"Captain Willow, can't it be that he has trained many times before?"

Liu Shoushan shook his head: "No, you look at the details here, the angle of his rapid fire is the most lethal point, and there is no mistake." This is obviously aimed at the charging habits of the monks with the face of the national character.

What makes me most strange is that the dodging method of the national character face friar is also aimed at the rapid fire habit of the armed friar captain.

The difference here is subtle, but it's really completely different.

Only this way of fighting, which is aimed at personal habits, can be restrained to such death.

This cannot be practiced by training.

Training will improve your fighting skills, but it won't teach you the habits of a stranger.

Some people looked confused: "No, if they know each other so well, how can they be strangers?"

Liu Shoushan looked at General Liu and said in a deep voice, "I can't provide strong evidence, but I think General Liu must know this information."

General Liu tapped on the table, his face was silent for a moment, and he said in a deep voice: "They are strangers, because in this battle, they only learn about each other's fighting habits.

And the expression of the deceased is the same as yesterday's Zhao Cheng.

It's all a desire to die quickly.

Everyone gasped and felt the complexity of the matter.

Isn't it, the mighty one has struck again?

These ants He De He was actually hung up and beaten by the big guy himself with high-level spells.

Liu Shoushan breathed a sigh of relief and expressed his opinion: "Because he is not a cultivator, it is easy to understand that his physical fitness here is strong... Moreover, I share the view of General Liu, and suspect that the modus operandi this time is the same as yesterday.

Not only because of the deceased's performance, but also because of the coincidences at the point in time.

General Liu was a little surprised, and looked at Liu Shoushan: "Detail."

Liu Shoushan took out his mobile phone from his pocket, uploaded the information to the projector and released it, and swallowed his saliva: "This national character face cultivator is not the first time to appear, it appeared twice after seven thirty yesterday, and just now, it also appeared once, those who were killed or beaten to the point of incapacitation to fight have had similar experiences."

General Liu looked at the time displayed on the screen and was slightly speechless: "What time do the students leave school?" "

This is exactly the time when the students leave school for an hour, review an hour of literary or martial arts homework with their partners, and then go home.

This time point is too iconic.

Moreover, once is a coincidence, both times it is not necessarily a coincidence.

General Liu rubbed his temples: "So, there is a great power who intervened in these things, and he was even kind enough to let this monk with a national character face go to help catch the thief?"

Liu Shoushan felt helpless: "Yes, at present, this attitude of unknown power is worth maintaining a friendly attitude... And if it were not for the powerful intervention, I am afraid that today's Clover Group case will have a big accident.

General Liu nodded: "Yes, if it weren't for the mighty shot, that runaway bloody servant would have gone on a killing spree on the commercial street." There

was silence in the hall.

Everyone was silent, not daring to speak, finally knowing why General Liu was so angry.

Liu Shoushan said seriously: "I think... It is necessary to embellish these things a little, announce them to the public, and stabilize the hearts of the people. "

Such a bad thing broke out in the commercial street, and the official must have an explanation.

General Liu frowned and waved his hand: "Cover up the powerful things, announce it, and give him a code name by the way."

Liu Shoushan looked strange: "No need for us to go, he has left a code name at the scene."

General Liu was slightly curious: "Oh? Talk about it.

Liu Shoushan tried to keep his face tight, remained calm, and tried to pronounce those unspeakable titles: "Peppa Pig passing by, explosive murderer of the Terran, violent messenger of justice..."

These are the titles he left for his protected victims after calling the police. The

air was silent and everyone was stunned.

Is this really a title that our official bulletin can put on?

General Liu's eyelids jumped, and he chose the only title that could make people shout: "Use the title of violent justice messenger." "


General Liu paused and added: "Put the bonus and medal on it, even if people don't want it, our attitude can't fall into the name."

"Okay, I'll make it clear."

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