Infinite Sims

Chapter 134: Little slave

Fruit is not watery

Early the next morning.

Vivian led people to the back of the Rose Arena, the entrance and exit of one of the slave living quarters.

"Miss Vivienne, from today onwards, all the slaves in this area and in it will be handed over to you."

Ur, who had been waiting at the door, handed over a stack of documents.

Xilu Weiya opened her teeth and danced her claws, staring at Ur fiercely, "What is given to our young lady, this is our young lady's thing, you can only say it is worth it!"

She didn't know her expression, not only was there no scary place, but it made people feel cute.

"Miss Vivienne, your maid is so cute."

Ur smiled, and after an apology, he left with the guard who had just retreated from the slave area.

Xiluweiya clenched her small fists, her cheeks puffed out like goldfish, "Damn it, what is cute, he is humiliating me!"

"All right."

Vivienne rubbed her hair, and immediately calmed her irritable like an ocelot.

Xiluvia raised her head, looked at the lady with a faint smile on her face, and asked in a low voice, "Miss, can we really rely on a slave living area and hundreds of slaves in it to regain the arena?"


Vivienne smiled confidently, and at the same time secretly said in her heart-it can't be, it's okay.

Xiluvia nodded, and then asked, "That bad guy has transferred all the people who are not slaves. Isn't it troublesome to deal with?"

Vivienne removed her hand from her head and rode on the dark horse beside her. "This slave living area is my own choice."

"Is there any difference here?"

The petite Xiluweiya rode on a pony and looked at her own lady questioningly.

"Here is a servant of my father."

Vivian divided the guards he had brought to guard the door, and then led others into the area surrounded by high walls.

Soon, he arrived at his destination.

"Miss, your tea."

Outside the shop full of all kinds of messy goods, the old man wearing a monocle put the black tea on the tray on the table just set, and said respectfully to Vivian on the chair next to him.

"Thank you, Afu."

Vivian picked up the black tea and took a sip.

There was an alluring beauty in the graceful movements, but neither the old man named Ah Fu nor the surrounding guards lowered their heads to look.

"You are too kind."

Ah Fu, who heard her thank you, was a little at a loss. "As a servant of the Patriarch, I should continue to serve the young lady. I didn't expect..."

Vivienne interrupted him with a smile, and said, "I know your loyalty, otherwise I won't come to you."


Afton feels honored.

Vivian asked, "You should know why I came here, right?"

"Have heard of some, miss wait for me."

With his aging body, Ah Fu moved like a young man. He stepped quickly into the store and found a thick note hidden in the corner from behind the counter.

Immediately, he gave it to Vivian.

Vivienne took the note.

When you open it, you will see a name written on the first page, and detailed information associated with this name, including but not limited to gender, age, personality, and spirituality.

Ah Fu explained to the side, "This is the information of all the slaves in this area. I will update them every three to six months."

"You did very well."

Vivienne’s nodded nod, then quickly flipped through the notes, and said, "Eric said that he will gradually hand over the rights of the arena to me, but based on my understanding of him, he will inevitably think that I did not make it. On the grounds of results, the handover time will be postponed indefinitely until something favorable to him arises."

Ah Fu has some doubts. "What do you mean by Miss?"

"The most important role of slaves in the arena is to create income for the arena, and the main method of generating income..."

Having said that, Vivian stopped.

Ah Fu did not hesitate and added, "Become a gladiator and participate in a gladiatorial fight?"

"Yes, I wonder if you have found a gladiator worth training over the years?"

Vivienne knew this question, and it was a bit difficult for others.

After all, the slave areas that Eric chose for her were the ones with the weakest overall strength. If there were any gladiators worth training, they would have been transferred to other areas a long time ago.

She did not dare to ask for any miracles.

As long as there is something worth training, we will train that slave as much as possible and try to make him a good record in gladiatorial fights.

At that time, Eric could not find a reason to delay, and could only release part of the authority again.

"If you are talking about slaves of registered gladiators, miss, then no."

Ah Fu said, shook his head.

Xiluvia, who had been listening nearby, couldn't help but say, "How come there are none, can't you find one?"

"You mean, among the slaves who are not registered as gladiators, are there any goals worth training?"

Vivienne heard the extraneous words of Ah Fu.


Ah Fu topped his monocle and nodded, "It's on page 431 of this note."

The page number of the note was turned over in a snap, and finally stopped at page 431.

Xiluweiya, who was on the side, approached her own lady, looked at the text recorded on this page, and subconsciously said, "Shi Yong, male, twelve years old..."

Vivian felt that the name seemed familiar.

But after thinking about it carefully, I couldn't remember it. I just thought it was my own illusion, and I looked directly at the spirit calling message below.

[Awakening method is fully awakened]

[One Spirit Call]

[Human appearance]

[Department of Spiritual Life Classification]

[No special ability]

[Fighting Ability 5]

[Comprehensively assessing that this spirit caller has a human appearance, but the body is thin and has no other special abilities. The physical fitness is only equivalent to a normal adult male, and it is also the most useless one in the life system spirit caller]

See these.

Xiluweiya couldn't help but stared at Ah Fu, and opened her mouth to reveal her little tiger teeth, and "gritted her teeth" and said, "The spirit caller of the life system has a combat power of five. What is this goal worth training?"

Vivienne also raised her head and stared at Ah Fu silently.

She didn't think that her father's most faithful servant ever would play with herself unless he wanted to die.

"I wrote this deliberately, and his real information is here."

Ah Fu raised his hand and pointed to his head.

Although I have never revealed this note, no one can guarantee that it will not be discovered by others. For some hidden information, it is naturally the safest to exist in my mind.

"Miss Vivienne."

Ah Fu did not continue to play the mummy, and directly said, "I have been in this area for more than ten years. This little slave named Shi Yong is the most suitable and most promising slave for the spirits and people I have ever seen."

There was a hint of interest in Vivienne's eyes and motioned him to continue.

Xiluvia still stared at him "fiercely".

She still remembers the scene just now, if he hadn't said half of what she said, she wouldn't be embarrassed.

Ah Fu said again, "His spirit caller is a combat twin spirit caller."

"One twin?"

Vivienne's red lips slightly opened.

Every person has a spiritual caller in his body, some of them are one, a few of them have two, three, or even more.

However, the energy of the spiritual caller is limited. Even if there are multiple spiritual callers in the body, if two or more spiritual callers want to appear at the same time, it is an extremely burden on the body, and some spiritual callers cannot maintain it.

However, the two twins are different.

Because it is equivalent to a spirit calling, it can be said to use it to participate in a gladiatorial battle, and the game has already been won by half before it starts.

Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is indeed true for spirit callers with similar strengths.

Moreover, this rare spirit summoning, as long as the fighting ability is not too weak, can attract more customers to the arena.

"Yes, one twin."

Ah Fu nodded.

He discovered this at the beginning, and then discussed with the little slave named Shi Yong and concealed his spiritual call information.

On the other hand, he will also provide him with some help within his capacity.

It turned out that I just didn't want to make Eric cheap, but I also had the idea that if the young lady controls the arena someday, she would give her away.

Don't want to be a little clever, now it finally comes in handy.

"Miss, shall I bring him here?"

Afu asked.

The corners of Vivienne's mouth turned slightly, and she shook her head slightly, "No, take me to see him directly."

Ah Fu was about to answer, his attention was attracted by a figure in the distance, and he quickly said, "Miss, I don't think I need to go anymore, he is already The direction looked past.

I saw a handsome young man standing there at the intersection of the road dozens of steps away.

"what's the situation?"

Jiang Ren, who had just got out of the carriage, looked at the guards that surrounded the shop in a puzzled manner.

Judging from the clothing and the aura of these people, it is obviously much better than the guards who usually patrol here, and the tall horses next to them that are expensive to see at a glance.

"Could it be that someone came here? But where did the original guards go?"

Jiang Ren was thinking about it, and suddenly found that the group of guards turned their heads in unison, all looking at him with scrutinizing eyes.

He was silent for a moment.

Then slowly raised his foot, took a step back, two steps, three steps...

Just as he was about to withdraw two more steps and turned to leave, Ah Fu's voice suddenly came from the guard, "Shi Yong, come here, there is something good for you."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Ren knew that he couldn't run away.

However, he was also a little curious about the good things Ah Fu said.

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