Infinite Sims

Chapter 248: longevity

(Anti * Chapter - Anti * Chapter - Anti * Chapter)

(Anti * Chapter - Anti * Chapter - Anti * Chapter)


January 30, daytime, light snow.

Snow City is located south of the Tianhe River.

Because it is close to the north and the temperature is cold, it snows constantly in winter, and the buildings in the city are dyed with silver makeup, so it is named Snow City.

Three months ago, Syracuse changed hands.

Because the Da Zhao generals and officials who were defending the city surrendered without a fight, there was not much bloodshed in the city, and power was smoothly handed over. Both the population and the buildings were well preserved, but there were many more barbarians.

These barbarians are the most popular.

It must be Dochier who arrived a month ago.

As the most slaughtered among the nine banners of the barbarian race, he has set up the Zhenglu Banner Dutong with many military exploits. His arrival has added a chilling atmosphere to this icy city.

Congyun Restaurant.

As the largest and best restaurant in Syracuse, all kinds of luxury carriages are parked outside the restaurant, and there are many guards and soldiers brought by many guests to guard, and the defense is no less strict than that of the military camp.

The common people passing by will look at the closed door with curiosity.

Many people even slowed down and started discussions on the gossip they heard from nowhere.

"What happened, why are there so many soldiers and guards today?"

"Look at their clothes."

"Nearly half of the soldiers have light green underclothes, and they are obviously people with the green flag. I'm afraid there is a big man with the green flag. I don't know who it is?"

"Didn't you see the carriage on the side? The green flags all belong to Duo Chi'er's carriage, and he is in the restaurant."

"Be quiet, if what you said just now gets out, you will inevitably get hit with a few boards."

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Duo Chi'er likes to be called a general by others, but it is strictly forbidden to say that."

"Thank you dear brother for reminding me, I forgot...but looking at this carriage, the reason why the general came here today should be related to a woman."


"Huang Lanxi, the daughter of the first-rank officer Huang Zeshu."

"That's not right, didn't Huang Zeshu follow the emperor... did he flee to the north of Tianhe with the great Zhao Yu Nie? Why did he leave his daughter here?"

"I want to know that too, but Duo Chi'er is pursuing her, and it's absolutely true."

"Is it a pursuit? Not just for fun?"

"The general promised the position of concubine..."


From inside the cloud restaurant.

In the middle is a square hollow structure, from the upper floor you can see the high platform built on the first floor.

Originally, this was for the convenience of performing dramas and storytelling, but since Syracuse changed hands a few months ago, the high stage has changed from a stage to a competition stage.

At this moment.

On the competition stage, a big Zhao warrior and a barbarian warrior are fighting.

Although it was an empty-handed duel, the two of them could easily make a loud noise when they punched, and the style of the fist could even be felt by many people in the best viewing position.

Compared to this competition, many people put their sights on a private room on the second floor.

Most of the eyes are fear and awe, because it is Duo Chi'er inside.


An old barbarian woman knocked on the door and entered the private room.

Duo Chi'er, who was sitting by the window, immediately got up and greeted her: "Mum, how is Miss Huang?"

His mother passed away a long time ago, and his successors were all raised by the breastfeeding **** in front of him, and he was affectionately called his mother.

Grandma replied, "It's better than before, so I didn't refuse."

"Very good, very good."

Duo Chi'er looked happy, turned her head through the viewing port, and looked at a private room diagonally opposite.

Because there were dense beads of beads hanging outside the private room, the expressions, appearances, and even movements of the people inside could not be clearly seen, and only a faint figure in white could be seen.

"As you are, even if she doesn't agree, you can forcibly enter the room."

Seeing this, the grandmother shook her head and said, "Why use a hot face to stick to her cold feet?"

Duo Chi'er's eyes flashed with brilliance, and she said, "Among the women I've ever met, Miss Huang can't be called the most beautiful, but her literary talent and character are different from other women."

Grandma was silent for a while and asked, "I heard that you are going to marry her as your wife?"

"As a Da Zhao person, she can't be my wife."

Duo Chi'er poured a cup of hot wine on the table into her throat, and her heart seemed to be filled with fiery heat, and said solemnly: "But as long as she wants, she will become my favorite concubine, no one."

Seeing his brows dancing, my mother said solemnly: "But after I heard it, she once had a private life with a man, and that man was among the 200,000 Yecheng people who were slaughtered by you."

"so what?"

Duo Chi'er filled the empty glass with wine.

Grandma reminded: "Aren't you afraid that she will retaliate against you?"

Duo Chi'er picked up the glass and gently smelled the aroma of the wine: "It's not me who did it, let alone how could I, a big man, be afraid of a little girl?"

Mother: "That's why you rarely summon the father and son of the Niu family recently?"

Duo Chi'er: "I have already told Miss Huang that as long as she is willing to be my concubine, I will hand over the father and son to him, whether it is killing or cutting."

"Aren't you afraid that this will arouse the dissatisfaction of those Da Zhao officials?"

"Being under my command, they are a dog. They should feel honored to be able to do things for their masters. If they dare to yell at their masters, I don't mind killing dogs and eating meat."

"You really have to be that Da Zhao woman?"

"It has to be her."

"Well, I'll try my best to help you."

"Thank you mum." Duo Chi'er smiled.

Grandma is willing to help herself, not to say that she will succeed, but it should improve a lot of opportunities.

Grandma turned around to leave, and then turned back halfway: "What are you going to do about that?"

Duo Chi'er was stunned: "What's the matter?"

Grandma: "It's the revenge of the dead that is said to be caused by you."

Duo Chi'er: "Is that the chaotic army that has been raging behind us for two months, and even strangled the son of the Xiangchi Banner and the tens of thousands of Dazheng elites?"

"That's not a rebellion, it's..."

"It's just a bunch of incompetent trash. In order to make excuses for defeat, they put the enemy on ghosts and gods, and even put the responsibility on me."

"What do you mean, those who attacked them were all Da Zhao people who formed a chaotic army?"

"Apart from the chaos of the army, there will be nothing else."

"But the survivors' confessions are surprisingly consistent, saying that they saw the resurrection of the corpse with their own eyes."

"I have collected a lot of relevant information. Even if it is true like they said, it is a demon and can revive the dead to fight, but as long as it is still human, as long as it can still be injured, it is no threat to me."

"No threat?" Grandma wondered.

Duo Chi'er came to the window, looked at the competition that was about to end on the high platform below, and said, "Mom might as well stay and wait, my people are about to play."

Amu stepped forward with a puzzled face, and as soon as he looked down, he heard cheers from around him.

I saw the barbarian warrior on the high platform flew out backwards, spit out a mouthful of blood when he landed on the platform, struggled twice before fainting.

"Playing martial arts in front of us."

Great Zhao martial artist Wang Jiusheng on the competition stage swept his gaze over the surrounding stands and sneered: "It is ridiculous to say that it is too light to say one's own strength."

In this restaurant where nearly one third of the guests are barbarians and nobles, he dared to speak like this, naturally he had something to rely on.

In addition to his self-confidence as a master, there is also his dislike of barbarians.

After all, his own strength is limited, and he cannot change Da Zhao's weakness.

But he was able to regain self-confidence for the people of Da Zhao who lived under the rule of the barbarian country through battles, and let the barbarians see that Da Zhao was not without power.

Of course, the most important thing is to get Duo Chi'er's approval.

Otherwise, even if I borrowed a few courage from him, I would not dare to say these words, because that would definitely not survive for two days, and the barbarians who can kill him are too precious.

in the midst of a commotion.

A barbarian dressed in commoner stepped onto the high platform.

Now it is freezing cold outside, and the temperature inside the restaurant has been raised a lot through various measures, but after all, it is a wooden structure, and cold winds will blow in from time to time.

It's hard to see a person wearing a thin dress like this.

"Is this your person?"

Grandma glanced at Duo Chi'er suspiciously.

Duo Chi'er motioned her to read on: "Mom will find out later."

"Double Tiger Boxer Jiusheng."

Wang Jiusheng said with a cautious expression and clasped his fists.

"Nineteen slaves." The single-clothed barbarian replied.

His voice and tone were neither angry nor eager, as if he had lost his feelings.

With the organizer's order, the competition officially began.

Looking at the nineteen slaves who were motionless, Wang Jiusheng took a stance with him as the center, and moved his legs slowly, trying to find the right time to shoot.

From the point of view of movement, all the nineteen slaves were weak points.

From the actions of Nineteen Slaves before he came to power, it is not difficult to judge that he is also a master.

The gap between the master and the master is big or small, but it is absolutely impossible to be so big that the whole body is weak like it is now.

Moreover, his arrogant and arrogant demeanor also made Wang Jiusheng, who was vigilant, not make a move at the first moment, but tried to find a better time to make a move.

"I should have thought too much."

Wang Jiusheng circled twice in a row, and after reaching the blind spot behind the nineteen slaves, he decided not to continue, and his body suddenly accelerated and rushed over.

At the same time, the nineteen slaves turned their heads, revealing a pair of cold pupils.


Wang Jiusheng's heart was alarming, he hurriedly stopped, and two jumped back to the edge of the competition platform.

Seeing that the nineteen slaves hadn't caught up, he breathed a sigh of relief. Because of the sudden reaction of his body, his chest inevitably rose and fell violently, and it took several breaths to calm down.

"This feeling can't be wrong."

Wang Jiusheng put on a stance again, his face full of dignified color: "Weaknesses all over the body are just bait to let me relax my vigilance, but in fact they are not leaking."

And, he also found out.

This barbarian gave him the feeling that he was like a martial arts master he saw in his childhood before the ban on martial arts. Beneath the calm and inconspicuous appearance, there was a storm-like terrifying power.

In the face of this kind of enemy, if you are not careful, you will be defeated, and you must be cautious and cautious.

Wang Jiusheng tried to attack from other angles.

But every time he saw the sudden gaze of the nineteen slaves, he would jump away like a frightened bird.

This kind of performance caused boos from the surrounding guests, especially the barbarian who was dissatisfied with his speech just now, and was even more complacent and sarcastic at this time.

"The last time, if it doesn't work, I will admit defeat."

Wang Jiusheng made up his mind and moved again.

Faced with such an enemy at ordinary times, it will only stimulate his fighting spirit. After all, even if he cannot win, he can still gain experience against the enemy.

But facing this barbarian, if he can't win, he would rather admit defeat.

Because the opponent's eyes are too dangerous, so dangerous that if he loses with one move, the opponent will kill him without hesitation, and then he will either die or be disabled.

At this time, the nineteen slaves seemed to have heard something and looked at a window on the second floor.


Wang Jiusheng was excited, his inner strength penetrated his whole body, and he flew away quickly and violently.

The whole person is like a tiger rushing towards its prey, and a pair of seemingly weak fists even emits two tiger roars.


Nineteen slaves turned their heads almost instantly, leaned back to avoid a punch, and then slid past him with another punch with both hands.

"I think......"

Wang Jiusheng felt that he was surrounded by a terrifying aura. When he opened his mouth to admit defeat, his throat was flattened by a punch, causing him to swallow the words in his mouth.

bang bang bang bang bang ~

In the blink of an eye, the nineteen slaves fired a dozen punches.

Wang Jiusheng didn't even have time to let out a scream, before he fell heavily to the ground, his godless eyes staring out in both directions seemed to indicate that his life was over.

Nineteen slaves walked away from the stage without waiting for the results of the match to be announced, with the same expression as before.

After a few seconds of silence, there were bursts of cheers.

But many martial arts practitioners looked at the nineteen slaves who had left, and remembered the phantom scene just now, and they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

Several of them were really looking at the window he had just looked at.

When they found out that the owner of that window was Duo Chi'er, they then thought that this was his subordinate, otherwise they wouldn't be able to explain the look.

"Where did you find this expert?"

Seeing the performance of the nineteen Grandma couldn't help but look at Duo Chi'er.

Duo Chi'er smiled and said, "This is a weapon I cultivated."

Mother: "Weapons?"

"It took thousands of people and a lot of resources to finally create ninety-five weapons. I named them - Longevity Slaves."

Duo Chi'er licked her lips and said to herself, "Faced with an immortal slave who is proficient in fighting and battle formation, even the cavalry is far from an opponent. Who in this world can kill me?"

In order to cultivate them, not to mention the thousands of people who sacrificed before and after, the resources just consumed are huge, almost occupying nearly half of the harvest he has plundered all the way.

However, although the longevity slaves are strong, they have many side effects on their respective bodies.

After all, how difficult it is to achieve the realm of a master, not to mention the realm of ninety-five peak masters, and it is still a quick success.

But resources are the least worry for Duo Chi'er.

As long as he holds the resources, he can make more of this consumable. As long as he can achieve his goals, all the efforts are worth it.

"Ninety-five people..."

When grandma heard this, she was so shocked that she was speechless.

This shock lies not only in the ninety-five powerful masters, but also in why it is not another number, but a number that symbolizes the honor of the ninety-five Da Zhao.

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