Infinite Sims

Chapter 252: 1 meter 4

(Anti * Chapter, Anti * Chapter, Anti * Chapter)

(Anti * Chapter, Anti * Chapter, Anti * Chapter)


, [You bought the black sword with most of your savings, you are very happy and feel that it is worth the money. 】

[Two months later, you found a special change in the territory. 】

[After thinking about it, apart from the people in the territory becoming more unlucky, several people broke their legs, it hasn't rained for nearly half a month, and the crops have been attacked by small animals, there seems to be nothing else. 】

[At this time, a caravan claiming to be attacked by thieves entered the territory, and the lord's son received them warmly and placed them in the castle. 】

[Three nights later, you died in a sweet sleep. 】

"Is this dead?!"

Seeing the last line of words, Jiang Ren looked a little surprised.

In the system interface, the world where the substitute is still changing, the pale white faint moonlight has turned into a dark red rich blood light.

Countless lava spewed out from the ground, covering most of the territory.

A beast-like blood-red claws stretched out from the lava, grabbed the fleeing and hiding humans, and dragged them into the lava.

As the last person disappeared, the picture gradually faded away.

"I don't even have the strength to resist."

Jiang Ren found that he couldn't even see how the substitute died.

But what made him even more puzzled was, why did the fiery red lava and those monster arms appear?

Black great sword?

Or the caravan that claimed to be attacked by thieves?

"Judging from the text description before the death of the substitute, it is most likely that the caravan, but the root of all this is probably the black sword."

Before Jiang Ren could continue to think about it, the system interface was refreshed.

[This time The Sims is over! 】

[You are the son of a mediocre farmer. You have finally become a knight attendant by your own efforts, and half-footed on the extraordinary road. 】

[However, you, who lacked strength, also lacked reverence for the unknown, so you inevitably went to death. 】

【Evaluation: ☆】

[Reward: 1 (Fate Point)]

"Are you missing the fear of the unknown?"

Jiang Ren shook his head, he really lacked awe just now.

The narrator has clearly told himself that there is a problem with the sword, and he still made the choice to buy it.

"It can't be said that this choice is wrong. If it was me who controlled the stand-in, maybe the ending would be completely different."

"But a stand-in is just a stand-in, it's impossible to do exactly as I thought."

At this moment, the interface suddenly changed.

Another reward popped up.

[Reward: Doom (one-time)]

[(Skill: Doom)]

[(One-time skill, duration 3 seconds)]

[(Apply this skill to the target, the target will be afflicted with bad luck for the duration of the skill)]

[(This skill can only be used in Reality and Advent Mode)]

"Half a star has a special reward? And is it still a reward that can be applied to both the real and simulated worlds?"

Jiang Ren blinked, confirming that he was not mistaken.

At the same time, this also made him confirm one thing, the ability of the black great sword is bad luck.

"In this way, this revision seems to be not bad."

"Although it's only a one-time skill, it's enough just to affect reality."

"And, more than that."

Jiang Ren found that there was an extra memory in his mind - the application of fate value.

All system-rewarded skills can use Fate to extend their duration before their time reaches zero.

According to the strength of the skill's impact on reality, the time that each point of Fate can add varies.

Just like this "doom" skill.

A bit of Fate can extend the duration by three seconds.

The only pity is that the skill can only be used once, no matter how much it is extended.

After accepting the skill, another word popped up.

[(After each simulation world is settled, you can choose one of the selected talents and inherit it in the next Sims draw)]

[(The same talent card can only be selected three times at most, and it can be re-selected after refreshing it later)]

"Inheriting talent is equivalent to improving fault tolerance."

"And in the event of a lucky round and a good talent, but unfortunate death, there are still three chances by inheriting the talent."

Jiang Ren understood the key points after reading the introduction.

[Please select a talent card to inherit from the following talents:]

【Orange · Mystery Box】

【Green·Life on the Line】

【white · strong body】

"Strong and strong" grows with the substitute, and the reason why the substitute can become a knight attendant is inseparable from it.

"Life is on the line", not to mention, if it wasn't for this talent card, the substitute would not have survived to be twenty years old.

As for the "Mystery Box", the 100-year-old restriction made Jiang Ren ignore its existence for a while after The Sims started.

"From the picture, this world is more like the Western Middle Ages with extraordinary power."

"But this kind of power is not used on ordinary people, so the life expectancy of ordinary people is mostly around thirty to forty years old."

"It's too hard to live to be a hundred years old in that kind of environment. Mystery Box is almost equivalent to a useless talent."

Jiang Ren thought about it, and finally chose—

Mystery Box!

Whether from an intellectual or emotional point of view, this is his best choice.

After all, although the Mystery Box is difficult to meet the opening conditions, its rarity is several levels higher, and the opening conditions are extremely difficult.

Once the requirements are met, the profit will definitely far exceed the ordinary talent card.

"Three days at most, I can still afford it."

After Jiang Ren finished his selection, the interface returned to the world selection interface.

A casual glance.

He tried to click on the seventh world.

[This is the second time to open the simulated world today, and it takes ten Fate Points. Do you agree? 】

After clicking "No", Jiang Ren closed the system.

Half a star only gets 1 Fate Point, who knows if five stars will only get 10 Fate Point, and Fate Point can also increase the duration of the skill, which is obviously much more precious than before the update.

In addition, the simulation world can be used for free once a day, so it is not cost-effective to use Fate Points for this.

The next day.

Jiang Ren got up early.

Since moving here, his work and rest time has changed a lot compared to the past.

Put more time into self-exercise.

Gu Fang first trained in the yard for half an hour, then washed and changed clothes, finished breakfast not far from the door, and then set foot on the bus to the company.

The day of the business trip is the fifth day of this month, so Jiang Ren still needs to go to work normally.

The bus stops at one stop.

Some people get in the car and some people get off.

But because it is in the peak period of commuting to work, most of the time the car is full.

Stopped again.

A man and a woman crowded among several office workers.

"Finally found a less crowded car."

A slightly plump young man, Mai Daming, wiped the sweat from his forehead, swiped his card twice with his mobile phone, and looked back at the woman with heavy makeup behind him: "Sister Xiaoting, why did you choose this time to shoot a video? "

Ye Tingting glanced at him angrily and said, "If you hadn't lost your camera phone last time, the bus series had been filmed a few days ago, and now you don't even need to get on the bus."

"I didn't know that the phone was in good condition, so why was it suddenly lost."

Mai Daming responded with a smirk, a flash of pain in his eyes.

I lost the mobile phone in my own hands, so the responsibility naturally lies with myself. Although I don’t need to pay for the mobile phone in full, the monthly bonus has been reduced a lot, which has already affected my life.

Ye Tingting snorted coldly.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw a familiar man on the side row of seats with their backs to the window.

The man looks ordinary and ordinary, and wears a pair of ordinary black-rimmed glasses. Apart from being a little taller than ordinary people, he can't find any outstanding advantages.

At this moment, he was sitting quietly in his seat, looking at something on his mobile phone.

"Mai, do you still recognize that guy?"

Ye Tingting immediately pinched Mai Daming, who had not yet reacted, and asked him to focus on the figure.

"he is……"

Mai Daming looked at it carefully, and said bitterly, "That ultimate straight man who won't give up his seat to my sister, do it, if he hadn't been so annoying, my video would have been filmed long ago, and the procedures would not have been lost."

Ye Tingting remembered the embarrassment after being rejected that day, and sneered: "Do you want to get revenge on him?"

Hearing this, Mai Daming quickly waved his hand: "Sister Xiaoting, stop joking, fighting is illegal, and you have to lose money."

He really doesn't like men with glasses.

But this kind of dislike can only support him and scold him behind his back. If he really asks him to go up and do it, he doesn't dare.

"Who told you to fight, what do you think every day?"

Ye Tingting glared at him.

Mai Daming didn't say a word, he pretended to smile honestly.

"listen to me."

Seeing that Mai Daming had his ear attached, Ye Tingting whispered, "I'll go in front of him later, and check his mobile phone in the name of him secretly filming me, then you remember to turn on the video in advance, and then support as a passerby. I, I want to kill him completely!"

Mai Daming scratched his head and was a little puzzled: "If he didn't take a secret photo in his photo, how could he be killed?"

"If not, it must have been deleted in advance."

Ye Tingting raised his chin, looking like he was winning.

Daming Mak suddenly understood, but a new question popped up: "But what if he doesn't want to hand over his mobile phone, or call the police to verify it?"

"If you don't want to, then you are guilty of being a thief and call the police. Then we just don't post the video after that."

Speaking of which, Ye Tingting sneered: "The video is in our hands, how to cut it? How much to post? What is the truth? Isn't it up to us?"

Mai Daming's eyes lit up: "Sister Xiaoting, when you say this, I feel that money should be used as a pusher when uploading videos. Maybe it will be the last national hotspot, and it will be at least a few million dollars by then. fan."

"It's good to know, and take a good picture for me later."

Ye Tingting took out the vanity mirror to touch up her makeup, and then started to organize her clothes and accessories.

Mai Daming took out his mobile phone for work and turned on the beauty and special effects that had been set.

Thinking about what angle to shoot at, so that Ye Tingting can be photographed better, and the man with glasses can be photographed more wretched and more like a bad guy.

But what the two of them didn't know was.

Their voices clearly entered the ears of the man with glasses.


Jiang Ren sighed helplessly as he looked at the hot topics of current affairs on his mobile phone.

When people sit at home, disaster comes from heaven.

Although I'm not so unlucky, but taking a bus to work quietly, I can jump out of my personal desire to find trouble for myself, and trouble is the kind of social death that can destroy a person.

"A lesson from a cell phone doesn't work."

Jiang Ren recalled his last experience on the bus, and calmly looked at the man and woman from the corner of his eyes.

He has good hearing and can hear very small sounds.

But this is limited to subtle sounds within five to six meters.

Once beyond this range, on this noisy bus, even if it is a normal conversation, it is difficult for him to hear it clearly.

But the two of them just happened to be in this range.

At this time.

Ye Tingting seemed to be ready. She pushed through the crowd and squeezed in front of Jiang Ren. In order to prevent her appearance from being recognized in advance, she turned to face the front of the car.

On the other hand, Mak Daming has also secretly started filming.

"Exactly, how about trying this skill."

Jiang Ren did not hesitate to turn "bad luck" into an alternative state.

In fact, in the face of this routine of framing people and causing the society to die, the best solution for ordinary people is not to follow their rhythm.

For example, she told you to take pictures secretly and asked you to hand over your phone.

You said she was a new type of mobile phone grabbing routine, and then called the police in person to stop her from leaving. If her accomplices stand up pretending to be passersby, you can say that they are robbing mobile phones together and let them wait for the police with you.

It's not that there is no risk at all, but at least the risk is minimized.

"Target selected!"

Jiang Ren chose the "Doom" target as Ye Tingting in front of him, and then activated it directly.

In order to prevent the three-second duration from being too late to produce bad luck, he also invested 1 Fate Point at the same time, extending the duration by three seconds.

--5 seconds!

In front of the normal bus, a ghost boy riding a modified motorcycle suddenly The driver responded quickly and stepped on the brakes.

——4 seconds!

The people in the car swayed under the influence of inertia, but because many people were holding the things in the car to fix it, and people were crowded, nothing happened.

But Ye Tingting didn't know what was going on in front of him, and there was a vacancy for one person.

In order to show off his long legs, Ye Tingting, who was wearing slender high heels, fell forward without any accident.

--3 seconds!

Snapped! !

Ye Tingting slammed to the ground head-on, and there was a sudden explosion from his full left chest.

A bit like a balloon, and a bit like a bomb.

——2 seconds!

Along with the screams, her face also touched the ground, her nose slanted to one side after being hit, and blood flowed, so miserable.

Fortunately, because her left breast exploded, she had passed out in a coma.

The sudden explosion made the people around them still not react, and their faces were a little confused.

--1 second!

"This bad luck is a bit strong..."

When Jiang Ren saw this scene, he felt that this skill was somewhat useless.


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