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"Oh? Saruman, what can you do?

Fang Hao turned his head and looked at the old lich monster who was completely hidden under the black cloak.

"My Lord, if you believe in me, please let me join the battle.

The will-o'-the-wisp in Saruman's eyes flickered, but he kept it a secret.


Fang Hao nodded decisively.

The damage just now was nothing to him.

He also believed that Saruman, who was the top magician of mankind during his lifetime, was definitely the ancestor of these wizards' magic!

At this time, a trace of anger condensed between Fang Hao's brows.

He turned his eyes to Gargantuar and a group of plant and zombie generals and said:

"Time is running out, we must conquer this giant valley today!"

""Roar, roar, roar! Kill!"

Gargantel raised his head and roared like a wild beast.

All the giant zombies behind him roared angrily at the same time, responding to Gargantel's call.

The Goron giants lined up in an orderly manner on the opposite side also felt Fang Hao's strong killing intent and held the boulders in their hands.

Especially the fire giant Alman, who was right in front of the Goron team, roaring in a rough voice:

"Come on! Ugly zombies! If you dare to invade our territory, you will be killed!"

Fang Hao's eyes turned cold and he shouted,"Attack!"


Gagantl roared and rushed out like a wild horse.

Another 500 giant zombies, like rampaging beasts, followed closely behind Gargantl and charged.


The fire giant also roared at the same time.

Behind him, 300 Longs threw the boulders in their hands with him. The

300 huge rocks were like meteorites falling from the sky.

The huge shadow instantly enveloped the charging giant zombies.

The speed of the forced charge team led by Gargantel did not slow down at all.

Because the pitcher army in the back had already launched the first wave of attack at this time.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Corn bullets, cabbage missiles, and watermelon cannons work together.

The pitchers who launched the attack together threw out plant shells that looked like green meteors.

They smashed the boulders before they fell.



Two equally fierce and sturdy races, in front of the vast valley entrance, had an unprecedented tragic scene.

The sound of rocks and flesh colliding, shouts and zombies roaring, echoed for a long time.

These 500 giant zombie vanguards, all of whom were infected by Gargantuar's"War Roar" and the power of Gargantuar's giants, were like mad dogs, extremely ferocious.

As the first echelon of the assault team, the 500 giant zombies were still no match for the Goron giants blessed by wizard magic.

Under their powerful strength, they soon fell into a disadvantage.

But it doesn't matter.

If these 500 giant zombies died, there are still 500 waiting!

The huge and numerous giant zombies were like crazy.

After the Goron giants lost their impact, they pounced on their huge bodies.

Even if their bodies were torn apart by the Goron giants, these giant zombies would also With their ferocious nature, they bit off a piece of meat from the Goron Giant.

For a moment, the Goron Giant, who did not take the giant zombies seriously at all, was immediately trapped in the corpse tide Wang Yang, from which he could not escape.

As the vanguard of the two teams and the most tyrannical general.

Gargantel waved the giant totem pole again, and violently collided with the fire giant who was also rushing towards him.

The roar of the totem pole and the stone fist, the collision of power and power.

Immediately exploded in the center of these two angry monsters.

Gargantel and the fire giant each retreated three steps.

Then they mustered up their strength again and collided with each other.

One blow after another, without dodging or evading, constantly pouring out their unparalleled tyrannical strength. The rampage zombie general E Lai, the armored zombie general Di Sha, and the balloon zombie Tian Gang who also followed the charge.

At the moment of collision.

They swung their weapons violently and strangled the oncoming Goron Giants to the ground.


Like a watermelon being smashed, the ugly faces of many Goron giants were instantly smashed by a group of zombie generals.

Pasty flesh and blood splashed several meters away.

The strong smell of blood made all the zombies around roar excitedly.

However, among the Goron giants, there were also powerful beings of level 11 or even level 12.

Soon, the whole scene fell into chaos.

Both sides were powerful fighting races.

500 Goron giants, more than 500 giant zombies and zombie generals, the fight was so intense that even outsiders could hardly intervene.

The three totem stone pillars that caused Fang Hao's army a lot of trouble last time were erected on the ground again by the three Goron wizards this time.

The Goron giants inside the stone wall were immediately wrapped in a lot of rocks.

And under the command of a Goron wizard, a group of Goron wizards swung the tree clubs in their hands.

Facing the rain-like attacks of the pitcher corps, they began to rush to the outside of the stone wall.

Fang Hao frowned.

These totem stone pillars brought huge attribute bonuses to these Goron giants.

It made each of them become surprisingly terrifying.

If these totem stone pillars are not destroyed, these Goron giants will be difficult to defeat.


"My lord, everything is ready!"

""Strange Night Dark Erosion!"

Saruman's tiny body was hidden among the giants and looked very inconspicuous.

After he completed this strange magic, the magic that the Goron wizard blessed for the Goron giants caused a strong corrosive effect on the Goron giants themselves!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the rock armor on the Goron giants was corroded and peeled off.

And the sudden change of dark erosion force corroded the body of the Goron giant for a long time!

This scene made the Goron giants, including the fire giants, fall into shock and panic!

Seeing this scene, Fang Hao in the distance finally raised his mouth slightly.

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