After everything was packed up, Fang Hao was not in a hurry to leave.

Fang Hao first dismissed all the victims who were abducted here.

He also gave them some gold coins as travel expenses.

Then, Fang Hao was going to start working!

The geographical location of this area is very advantageous.

Fang Hao was also planning to open up his own No. 2 base here!

Fang Hao, who had abundant energy resources, began to lay plant green carpets and zombie tombs without hesitation.

Soon, this area was brand new again.

The plant green carpet was full of vitality, and the zombie tombs were dead and eerie.

The two are mixed together, but they do not conflict.

On the contrary, there is a peaceful atmosphere.

Satisfied, Fang Hao soon rode a fast horse back to Shangluo Village.

"Da da da……"

When Fang Hao returned to the village entrance, he found that the old village chief and a group of villagers were still waiting there.

"You are……"

Seeing Fang Hao coming back, they all bowed down to the ground.

"Sir! Thank you for saving my child!"

""Sir! You are truly the hero of our village!"

Fang Hao understood.

It turned out that among the victims abducted by Guitou Village, there were also villagers from Shangluo Village.

Fang Hao got off his horse and stepped forward to greet and respond one by one.

In his heart,

Shangluo Village was also his base, and no one else would be allowed to invade.


In a blink of an eye, a week had passed.

At this time,

Fang Hao was in the newly built country house.

With the large amount of gold coins seized from Guitou Village,

Fang Hao took out a part of it and renovated the entire Shangluo Village.

Since it became his base, it couldn't be too shabby.

The small wooden house he originally lived in was also expanded into a spacious and beautiful country house.

"Now, it's time to go to the southern grassland and wipe out the demon insect nest!"

Fang Hao was full of confidence, his eyes were shining brightly.

He left the comfortable mansion and came to his No. 1 base impatiently.

After a week of development, the overall combat effectiveness of the plant and zombie army under Fang Hao's control has skyrocketed!

In the No. 1 base, a huge zombie army of 30,000 has been assembled.

"Uh! Uh!"

Row after row, row after row.

All the zombies were arranged in an orderly manner, just like a well-trained army!

In the No. 2 base on the other side of the Shangluo Mountains, there were also 20,000 zombies active.

At this time,

Fang Hao, who had more than 50,000 zombies under his command, was full of confidence!

Moreover, the energy level of most of the zombies had reached level 4.

The size of this army was comparable to the regular army of the Penglai Empire of mankind.

Of course, the two sides could also compare. It was just the combat effectiveness of the basic soldiers.

Fang Hao was currently lacking in advanced combat effectiveness.

As for plants, hundreds of green carpets of plants were lying quietly in Fang Hao's storage space.

The plants, nourished by natural energy, had successfully reached the energy level of level 4.

As long as Fang Hao spread out the green carpet of plants, the army of plants numbering in the thousands would fire together and kill the enemy without leaving a single piece of armor!


Fang Hao himself had successfully broken through to the fifth level of cultivation.

Everything was ready, only the east wind was missing!

""Go, attack the demon insect nest!"

Fang Hao gave an order.

The mighty zombie army, led by Fang Hao, marched towards the southern grassland!


Along the way, the zombie army was rampant.

The monsters near the base had already been wiped out.

The remaining weak beasts and insects were so frightened by the army's momentum that they dared not even breathe.


When they reached the outermost edge of the southern grassland, Fang Hao ordered the army to stop advancing.

The first imp zombie reconnaissance team sent out had reported back.

The demon insects were now in their nests.

It was early morning, and the demon insects who loved to move at night had already returned to their nests to rest.

""Bomb squad, move out!"

Fang Hao's mind moved.

The bomb squad consisting of 300 zombies immediately came out.

In their hands, they all carefully held a bunch of red cherry bombs!

When the bomb squad arrived at the surface above the magic insect nest, the little ghost zombies immediately pushed aside the grass and exposed the entrance to the nest.

""Fire in the hole!"

Fang Hao smiled brilliantly.

The next moment, a total of 300 cherry bombs were thrown in.

Under Fang Hao's control, they suddenly exploded!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of loud noises exploded, shaking the sky and the earth!

In the smoke and dust that filled the sky, it could be seen that the entire grass surface had collapsed, forming an extremely huge pit.

Under the surface, the hollow magic insect nest was completely exposed.

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