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Tải ảnh: 0.455s Scan: 0.979sUnder the joint management of

Sunflower Lady Zhaoyang, Marigold Lady Huaying, and Plant Lady Yuhuan, Thorn Lady Feiyan, etc., the Tarot City with a population of three million, except for a little discomfort when it was just taken over, soon, in the process of those nobles who wanted to watch the show being surprised, it appeared to be running well.

At the same time, in Chaoge City, which also has a population of one million,

Fang Hao also cultivated a group of city management senior officials.


Fang Hao cultivated Energy Flower Lady Lingshan as the new city lord of Chaoge City!

Although Energy Flower Lady Lingshan looks like a little girl, she is no worse than Zhaoyang in thundering means.

Moreover, she still retains the ability to breed energy beans and energy walnuts.

What's special is that the energy beans or energy walnuts bred by Lingshan are specially used on the bodies of plants and zombie generals.

Ordinary energy beans and energy walnuts are ineffective against plants and zombie generals.

Only the energy beans and energy walnuts that Lingshan personally nurtured can enable them to use the energy bean trick.


Fang Hao created a group of plant girls to assist in management.

They are the potato thunder girl, Donglei, who has a sky-high braid on her head and always likes to show two small canine teeth when she smiles. She looks a little cute and shy; the pumpkin head girl, Nanyin, who wears a pumpkin hat and carries a pumpkin lantern, and looks quirky; and the flashing flower girl, Qiuying, who is like a firefly and emits a faint light.

The abilities of the three girls are also different, and they can complement each other.

The potato thunder girl Donglei inherited the destructive attack skills of the potato thunder.

She looks shy, but she is actually not vague when she takes action.


The pumpkin head who wants to celebrate Halloween all day long.

Like the nut wall girl Shouming, she is good at defense.

Finally, the flashing flower girl Qiuying inherited the high-intensity light ability of the flashing flower.

As an auxiliary combat force, Qiuying is very significant.

Nowadays, the city management of Chaoge City has gradually entered the stage of development.

However, due to the short time of taking over, it is impossible to let the original people live a happier life than before.

At present, it only maintains that the people in the two cities live a life similar to the original level.

It is worth noting that after the compilation of the wise tree spirit and a group of internal affairs plant girls.

The"Code of Nations" that governs the entire city has also been issued, and everyone in the city must abide by this"Code of Nations" full of dictatorial atmosphere.》

《The first article of the"Code of Civil Law" clearly states that Fang Hao's will is above all laws!

All the following laws are invalid no matter how they conflict with the first article.

Except for the first article full of dictatorial atmosphere. The details of the formulation of this Code of Civil Law can make the human law experts in this world ashamed.

First of all, the"Code of Civil Law" stipulates the rights and obligations that must be observed by all people.

Secondly, in this code, the merits required for promotion from slaves to civilians are stipulated in a quantitative form.

The merits of promotion between civilian levels and the merits of civilians being promoted to nobles.

The strict hierarchy, on the one hand.

Forced everyone to work harder and harder to improve their status and obtain a higher status.

On the other hand, it also broke the almost unchanging hierarchy in this world-slaves are slaves, and civilians are civilians.

With the help of those nobles who have surrendered to Fang Hao for the benefit of their own families, and with the efforts of a group of internal affairs-oriented plant girls and Fang Hao.

Tarot City and Chaoge City have ushered in a thriving scene.

But people's hearts are unpredictable. In the prosperous appearance of the two cities, there are undercurrents.

In Tarot City, in a noble villa of the Walker family,

Sunflower Lady Zhaoyang, led the two plant ladies of the combination of fat and thin.

As well as the little ghost zombie general Poison Fang and the rampage zombie general E Lai, they quietly sneaked into this place.

At the same time, they also led an elite team of plants and zombies, waiting to be summoned at any time.

"Attack, kill without mercy, leave no one alive in this villa!"

Zhao Yang glanced at the huge aristocratic villa and gave a faint order.

"Attack! Kill without mercy!"

The four plant and zombie generals immediately summoned their troops and charged into the villa.

Suddenly, a miserable wail was heard from the villa.

Although the guards in the villa were of high rank, they were no match for these elite plant and zombie generals.

"I am Walker Dopps! Who are you and why are you attacking our Walker family!"

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