The moment countless peas poured down, it was as if the whole earth was torn apart!

Biu, biu, biu... biu, biu...

The three thousand archer corps roared and howled!

In front of this dense rain of peas, the carapace of the second-level stag beetle was like paper.

In the blink of an eye

, it was beaten into a pool of meat paste! And the fourth-level blue-eyed patrol ant was hit by the continuous peas.

The carapace on its body also burst into pieces!


The strong joining of the three thousand archer corps was completely a sweep.

All the crawling demon insects were beaten to pieces and defeated!

The broken scales and broken armor flew all over the sky!


At this time, the flying magic insects that had been shooting cold arrows in the air became angry.

Even if their vision was blocked, they could still determine the location of the plants by smell.

Suddenly, a terrifying black cloud composed of tens of thousands of flying magic insects was brewing a storm above the green carpet of plants.

"Hold up an umbrella!"

Fang Hao gave the order calmly.

""Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!"

On each plant green carpet, there are four two-meter-high lettuces planted in an orderly manner.

When these four lettuces open their broad leaves at the same time, the top of the entire plant green carpet will be completely protected!

There is a protective umbrella of lettuces above, and nut walls in front and behind.

It can be said that the archers have completely hidden in a solid bunker.

They can vent their artillery fire to their heart's content!

"Snap! Snap! Snap!……"

One by one, the black-winged devil insects landed outside the protective umbrella of the lettuce.

They gnawed the lettuce leaves frantically.

However, these thick and hard leaves were really hard to eat, and tasted like chewing wax!

"hiss hiss~~"

At this time, the group of demonic poisonous moths hovering above the lettuce leaves opened their mouths and spewed out countless tiny corrosive poison powders.

When these corrosive poison powders touched the lettuce leaves, they immediately produced a strong corrosive effect!

""Big Mouth Flower, it's your turn!"

Seeing this, Fang Hao's mind moved.

Two orders were issued at the same time.

The first order - Lettuce close the umbrella!

The second order - Big Mouth Flower attack!


A beast-like roar suddenly sounded.

Just as Lettuce suddenly put away her umbrella, a group of huge black shadows suddenly broke out from the gap.

""Shua shua shua!!"

With lightning speed, it swallowed hundreds of demonic moths at once.

Under the light, the black shadow revealed its shape.

It was a purple fang-like mouth.

The big-mouthed flower usually likes to curl up its roots.

But once it attacks, it can stretch its roots and jump to more than three meters high.

""Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

There were not many demon moths.

Most of them were killed this time, and they all fled in panic. The black-winged demon insects that were still on the lettuce umbrella soon faced another round of attacks from the big-mouthed flowers that had finished chewing.

The big-mouthed flowers were very excited! The demon moths were too small.

They were thin, like white paper, and they were gone in one bite.

The black-winged demon insects, on the other hand, were very chewy.


Crunchy, chicken flavor!


The collision between the zombies and the sea of insects has already produced an overwhelming result.

With the cooperation of the zombie army and the plant army, the overwhelming offensive has completely defeated the demon insects.

""Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"

Finally, the tiger-headed longhorn beetles that had been watching from the sidelines became furious!

With their huge bodies, they directly crushed into the zombie army. They rushed all the way and had no chance of fighting.

"Little Devil Bomb Squad!"

Fang Hao, who was well prepared, quickly issued an order

""Hehehe! Hehehe!"

Groups of little ghost zombies laughed and played.

With a bunch of cherry bombs in their arms, they ran away with their short legs.

The tiger-headed longhorn beetle saw this strange cherry again and turned around and ran away in fear.

However, many little ghost zombies were like lingering ghosts.

After locking onto the target, they chased after it relentlessly.

So... these one hundred cherry bombs once again showed their power!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The level 4 cherry bomb exploded at close range.

Even the level 5 tiger beetle was blown to pieces, with its blood splattered and its limbs flying.

This time, more than a hundred tiger beetles were killed.

"Unfortunately, the exchange energy of cherry bombs is too expensive, and now it is completely used up."

Fang Hao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Then, a zombie army that had been lurking beside Fang Hao officially entered the battlefield.

These more than 500 zombies are all elite zombies with level 5 energy!

In addition, there is also the level 6 roadblock zombie that Fang Hao has focused on training!

With the addition of these two high-level combat forces, this battle has entered a white-hot stage!


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