""Dreadnought mecha!"

Fang Hao heard Dr. Zombie's hoarse and gloomy voice, but it was like hearing heavenly music.

After nearly a week of production, Dr. Zombie had completed the production of the Dreadnought mecha.

"Master, let me take down this Warcraft Lord, Misal, who dared to offend you!"

Dr. Zombie's eyes burst out with cold murderous intent.

The powerful Dreadnought mecha is his confidence, enough to destroy all enemies who dared to offend the master!

"Okay, I will gather the army immediately and head to the Agate Plateau base!"

Fang Hao's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent.

""Conquer the world, starting tonight!"

At this moment, Fang Hao's heart was burning with fighting spirit.

Enemies who dare to challenge me, Fang Hao, will be waiting for revenge with blood and fire!


Night began to fall, and the wind was filled with the stench of wild beasts.

Fang Hao stood above the base on the Agate Plateau, used the clone again, and put on a black mask on his face.

According to the current analysis of the wisdom tree spirit, the Warcraft is not involved with the human empire like the elves.

The reason why they chose to attack with all their strength at this time is because the Warcraft also has their own intelligence system.

Fang Hao thought about it and it was indeed the case.

Warcraft is also divided into humanoid and beast types. The humanoid type can often be seen in the brothels of the imperial metropolis, while the beast type is everywhere.

But whether it is beast-type or human-type Warcraft, they are all native inhabitants of this planet. It would be strange if they did not collude with each other.

So Fang Hao, under the reminder of the wisdom tree spirit, began to conceal his identity in front of the enemy.

Especially when facing a strong enemy, it is necessary to prepare some self-protection measures.

"Pojun, is everything ready?"

Fang Hao was above the battlefield, looking at the gathering place of the magic beast army from afar, feeling half worried and half anxious.

The energy level of these magic beasts is at least level 6.

Speaking of brutal combat power and vitality, they are stronger than humans and elves.

If the magic beasts don't know how to use powerful weapons and tools like elves and humans, they will probably be the most difficult enemy to deal with at present.

"Sir, everything is ready. When night falls and the enemy relaxes their vigilance, we can take action."

Po Jun stood beside Fang Hao and said solemnly:

"A mere Misar is not your opponent."

Fang Hao nodded. Now.

He also dispatched a large number of troops from other bases that were not fighting for the time being, and gathered an army of 1.5 million plants and zombies.

Time passed by, and Fang Hao rode the giant axe king Saru, led a group of plant and zombie generals, and walked out of the position.

The wind began to whistle slightly, and there was no light in the shadows of the woods and hills except for the hazy moonlight.

Pojun stood beside Fang Hao's left hand, holding the bone magic gun. His sharp eyes, like two sharp swords, slowly swept across the enemies stationed near the woods.

Wanjun, who had recovered as before, held the skull hammer in his hand and stood behind Fang Hao. At the highest point, under the moonlight, he looked angry, ready to attack at any time.

Garganter, who was mobilized to come, was wearing heavy armor, holding a huge giant totem pole, with bloodthirsty eyes, and stood beside Fang Hao's right hand with the calm but cunning Dr. Zombie.

Even Saruman, who had been in seclusion studying the magic of the dead, was summoned.

At this time, he was fighting on the hill behind Fang Hao, looking at the many enemy troops in the distance with sinister eyes.

After a period of magic research, Saruman's aura became colder and colder, and his body looked more like a corpse than a human.

As for the other plants and zombie armies, they were all in position at this moment and the arrangements were completed.

""Missal! It's time for us to understand each other!"

Fang Hao looked down and shouted in a cold voice.

His voice spread to the entire army of Warcraft through a sound amplification magic cast by Saruman.

Before the voice faded, countless pairs of green animal eyes suddenly lit up in the dark shadows of the forest, looking eerie and scary, like ghosts that could capture people's hearts.

At the same time, a series of animal roars stretching for more than ten kilometers resounded through the forest.

""Roar, roar, roar!!!"

These terrifying roars came from Misal's main combat force, the Earth-shaking Lions.

They are known as the strongest magic beasts on the continent. Every adult Earth-shaking Lion has a terrifying strength of up to level 9 energy.

They are wild, agile, bloodthirsty and full of power.

In this main force, there are also vassals of the Earth-shaking Lions.

The Red Flame Demon Tiger, the Shadow Demon Leopard, and many kinds of magic beasts tamed by them.

These creatures are also bloodthirsty and brutal, full of aggression.

If it were other creatures standing in front of them at this moment, they would probably have shuddered at this moment and surrendered without a fight.


Fang Hao's eyes were calm, and the large group of zombies behind him also did not feel the slightest fear.

On the contrary, under the roar of the opponent's beast, the zombies could not hold back the violent fighting spirit in their bodies, and also let out a roar that shocked the world.

"Oh, these zombies want to fight us at night? They are looking for death!"

"That is, don’t you know that we, the Warcraft clan, have more advantages in fighting at night?"

"Roar... I think they are so scared that they are anxious to get rid of it."

"Roar, haha……"

Amid the disdainful taunts of the great group of earth-shaking lions, a sharp whistle and the sound of flapping wings resounded throughout the forest.

A large group of brightly feathered, naked harpies suddenly flapped their wings and flew into the air, circling in protest.

There were a total of 100,000 of them, and they were agile.

Without a strong anti-air force, it would be difficult to deal with them.

Harpies are also a subsidiary race of Missar.

They have the heads, arms and legs of elf women, but have huge vulture-like wings and claws.

Their hair is a bundle of black feathers, and their eyes flash with a cold and sinister light.

According to Saruman's additional introduction, according to rumors, there are no men among the harpies.

They will kidnap males of other humanoid races as mates, and then eat these men as food after reproduction.

Harpies are far less strong than earth-shaking lions.

But they have extremely strong vision and flying speed, and are proficient in bow shooting and various curse magic.

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