However, the two million human troops entrenched in Penglai City consume a daily amount of various materials that is an astronomical figure.

If Penglai Empire was not one of the strongest empires on the continent and had not prepared countless materials for the battle with Fang Hao, I am afraid that the two million troops would have eaten them up before the battle even started.

However, it is not a long-term solution for two million troops to gather in Penglai City all the time.

If Fang Hao adopts the tactic of siege and clearing the countryside, it will only take a year if the two million troops do not move at all.

Even with the wealth of Penglai City and the complete supplies, it will be eaten up by the two million troops and defeated without a fight, and easily fall into Fang Hao's hands.

""Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

At this moment, a magician in charge of surveillance suddenly changed his face and shouted loudly.

The next moment, in the city of Penglai, a total of 18 magic towers scattered all over the place lit up.

Dazzling magical lights gathered in the sky, forming six huge energy magic arrays constructed by various mysterious and strange magic runes.

The huge energy magic array slowly rotated.

Strings of mysterious runes with huge energy fluctuations slowly intertwined together, and holy lights kept flashing and intertwining together.

Finally, it was constructed into a four-winged angel who was fifty meters tall and full of majesty and holiness.

The four-winged angel slowly opened his eyes and looked at the overwhelming stone shells and plant shells.

"Level 15 energy... I didn't expect that the trump card of Penglai Empire is so powerful!"

Fang Hao, who was far away, estimated the powerful energy level of this four-winged angel through the detection of the advanced detector!

Level 14 energy is the strongest person at the first level of the Supreme;

Level 15 energy is the strongest person at the second level of the Supreme;

Level 16 energy is the strongest person at the third level of the Supreme, that is, the strongest person at the peak of the Supreme level.

You know, the most powerful Pope of Light recognized on the continent is only a second-level Supreme with level 15 energy.


The terrifying power fluctuation of level 15 erupted instantly, and the four wings behind the four-winged angel flapped.

The next moment, the same overwhelming light wings shot from all directions at the raging boulder shells and plant shells, and took all these long-range firepower shells.

Even a true god with a level 15 energy level could not perfectly intercept all the boulder shells and plant shells like this four-winged angel.

In a sense, this four-winged energy angel might be able to compete with the supreme level 3 peak powerhouse with level 16 energy.

Even if the powerhouse with level 16 energy level continues to fight to the death with this four-winged energy angel.

Then, the one who falls to the ground in the end must be the powerhouse with level 16 energy level.

This is because this four-winged energy angel can continue to fight as long as the magic power in the magic tower below continues.

And the powerhouse with level 16 primary strength energy level, although the power is also huge and the instantaneous explosive power is strong.

However, after all, one point of power consumed is one point less.

Of course, a strong man with a 16th level of energy would never fight this four-winged energy angel.

As long as the eighteen magic towers are secretly destroyed, this four-winged energy angel will collapse without a fight.

If there is any weakness of this four-winged energy angel, it is that this energy angel cannot move like a real strong man, nor can it think.

Moreover, after starting up, the magic power consumed is extremely abnormal. It can be said that it is burning the empire's gold coins every second to fight.

In terms of combat power alone, the combat power of this energy angel has reached the lowest level of gods in the war of gods.

It can be said that the Penglai Empire has created a god who can't move and think.

Then, the energy four-winged angel, his eyes fixed, looked into the distance.

He stretched out his hand, and a series of holy magic runes condensed in his hand, turning into a magic bow with terrifying power fluctuations.

The four-winged angel made of energy stretched out his hand again.

A holy magic rune condensed in his hand into a magic arrow.

Then, it placed the magic arrow on the magic bow, bent the bow and shot.

A terrifying holy white light flew into the distance as if it had torn through space.

Dozens of miles away, dozens of catapult zombies were instantly submerged by the holy white light and directly wiped out from this world.

The power of this holy white light is extremely terrifying.

However, the catapult zombies in the distance, as well as a group of pitcher corps, were also very scattered.

Otherwise, this arrow would be able to kill everything that was in the way. In the sky, the four-winged energy angel was doing its best to intercept the long-range artillery fire that was constantly coming from afar. At the same time, it would occasionally draw out an energy magic arrow to bombard the long-range artillery arms in the distance.


On the other side.

Penglai City has four gates in the east, west, south and north. Many warriors and magicians are stationed on each gate.

On the ground.

Led by 1,000 giant zombies or bronze zombies and ramming car zombies on each side.

The dense, endless dark zombie tide is divided into four teams, rushing madly towards the four gates of Penglai City.

Moreover, among those dense zombie tides, there are plant zombies that have been fused!

For this strong attack, Fang Hao mobilized all the current plant and zombie long-range artillery arms to bombard Penglai City from all directions!

The four-winged energy angel built by the top-level spiritual crystal magic defense system is extremely powerful.

But facing the powerful firepower assembled by Fang Hao, it is already very BT to be able to intercept them all.

As for the zombie army charging below, it really can't spare any strength to stop it.

However, those standing on the walls of Penglai City are all elite warriors from the twenty magic corps of the Penglai Empire.

Each warrior has a cultivation of 5~6 levels of energy, has cultivated a powerful fighting spirit, and holds an extremely sharp magic sword.

After several battles, the Penglai Empire has understood.

Soldiers who have not cultivated fighting spirit cannot break the extremely hard iron skin of the iron barrel zombies.

Only warriors who have cultivated fighting spirit and hold sharp magic swords can hurt those terrifying iron barrel zombies.

At the same time, magic corps with countless honors led by great magicians are ready for battle, standing on the city wall, looking at the almost endless tide of zombies rushing towards them from below.

"Taksim! Come out at my call.……"

Seville, the great summoner of the imperial capital, stood on the east gate, holding high a magic wand inlaid with a high-level magic beast crystal core.

He kept chanting magic spells, and powerful magic waves kept surging in his body.

When he finished chanting the last scale, he pointed the magic wand in his hand.

The huge magic power tore a big hole in the sky, and a terrifying black dragon head slowly stretched out from the hole.


A forty-meter-long dragon, covered with black scales as big as copper bells, with a hideous and terrifying appearance.

The purple-black dragon exuding a powerful aura of up to level 14 flapped its huge wings and flew out of the hole.

"Seville, do you still remember the agreement between us?"

After flying out of the big hole, the terrifying purple-black dragon opened its huge dragon eyes, stared at Seville below, and asked in a thunderous voice

"Taksim! 20 beautiful girls, 300 high-level magic beast crystal cores of various systems, 5 million imperial gold coins, I have prepared them all for you!"

Sevier stared at the sky, and the terrifying and powerful purple-black dragon said slowly.

Since the extinction of the dragon knights on the continent, only summoners can serve dragons.

However, the relationship between dragons and summoners is not the closest comrades-in-arms like dragon knights and dragons.

It is an equal exchange relationship, equivalent to mercenaries.

Summoners prepare things that dragons like in exchange; dragons will also provide summoners with necessary combat power.

However, this relationship is very unstable. If the dragon feels dangerous, it will refuse to continue to serve the summoner.

Dragons are silver in nature, and the various sub-dragons on the continent are their various hybrids.

Moreover, dragons like to sleep and roll on shiny things.

Therefore, imperial gold coins, high-level magic beast crystal cores, and beautiful women are all payments for their work.

The black dragon Taksim nodded his huge dragon head with satisfaction and asked slowly:

"That's right! Seville, who do you want me to help you kill this time?"

"I hope you can help our Penglai Empire to repel those zombies below!"

Sewell quickly put forward his request.

The black dragon Taksim looked from afar at the densely packed zombies below that were rushing towards Penglai City, and the four-winged energy angel in the sky that was intercepting long-range artillery fire.

With his powerful perception, Taksim felt the power, and then he opened his huge dragon mouth and said:

"Wow! Damn, I refuse! This request has exceeded the value of your sacrifice, and! If I participate in such a war, even I will be in danger of falling!"

Taksim is not a fool.

He is different from those giant dragons who hide on Dragon Island, who have great strength but are ignorant of the world.

On the mainland, he enjoys the comfort of fine wine with his tyrannical strength. He even established his own family in a certain kingdom. Taksim, who has enjoyed himself for nearly a thousand years, is smarter than most humans and knows the principle of self-preservation.

If facing an opponent who can be crushed to death, Taksim does not mind taking action.

If it encounters an evenly matched opponent, it would rather choose to avoid the opponent.

Anyway, in terms of lifespan, the lifespan of dragons is only a few kinds except for gods. It can be compared to the high-level turtle-like magical beasts, so it must live longer than its opponents.

Whoever survives to the end is the winner!

What's more, what they have to face now is Fang Hao's army, which defeated the three coalition forces of magical beasts, elves, and humans in one night and suppressed the Penglai Empire.

The pride of dragons and the dignity of the strong do not exist for Taksim.

The antique dragons on Dragon Island still follow this set.

If hitting with a club or using a dirty hand can make things simpler, he doesn't mind doing so.

After saying that, Taksim wanted to fly into the space channel that had not disappeared yet.

"Lord Taksim, please wait a moment. I am willing to pay three times the sacrifice."

"You don't need to attack directly, you just need to release your powerful dragon power to the zombie army below!"

Sevier said hurriedly.

The dragon's dragon power is undoubtedly a killer against low-level creatures.

Under the influence of the dragon's power, low-level creatures can only use the seventh level at most.

This is one of the reasons why no one dares to mess with the dragon clan.

This is also one of Sevier's killers.

"I will only help you if you offer five times the sacrifice!"

Taksim thought for a while and did not find any harm to his safety from this proposal, so he took advantage of the situation and said:

"No problem! Please do it!"

Sevier did not hesitate and immediately agreed to Taksim's request.

"Roar, roar, roar~~~"

Then, Taksim flew over Penglai City and let out a dragon roar that shook the earth.

Waves of immense dragon power spread toward the oncoming zombie horde.

""Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!"

However, the terrifying dragon power had no effect on the zombies.

The dense tide of zombies continued to rush towards Penglai City.

"I have already acted as agreed, don't forget my five times sacrifice!"

After a dragon roar,

Taksim found that it had no effect, and his face turned red.

But he was so thick-skinned that he didn't care at all, and immediately flew towards the space channel without looking back, he didn't want to get involved in this matter anymore.


Seville was helpless.

Seville looked at the direction where Taksim disappeared, sighed, and chanted a magic spell.

A space channel appeared again, and then a level 12 magic beast, a four-armed red fire ape, walked out of it.

Only these were not as powerful as Seville.���Only high-level magic beasts can be completely controlled by him.

At this critical moment of life and death.

One by one, the great magicians of level 7 and 8, as if they were free, kept crushing the extremely precious strategic magic scrolls.

Slow spell, weakness, gravity spell.

One after another, huge and wide-coverage magic ripples continued to explode in the terrifying zombie corpse tide.

However, facing these auxiliary magics that originally greatly weakened the zombie corpse tide.

The white radish zombie hidden among the zombies stood up and opened his big hand.

One by one, extremely tough magic defense shields appeared above the zombie corpse tide.

Those strange magic ripples disappeared one after another as soon as they came into contact with the magic defense shields.

This scene immediately changed the faces of the imperial magicians who were observing on the wall.

And those holy-level magicians began to lead the magic legions behind them and began to chant the powerful holy-level range attack magic.

Under the huge magic support and the precise control of the holy-level magicians.

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