The items in the primary item store are all sold in the form of cards.

Once you buy the card, the subsequent mass production of items only requires basic energy such as sunlight, moonlight, and spiritual light.

"Buy, buy, buy!"

Fang Hao, who had nearly 400,000 gold coins in his pocket, couldn't wait to start exchanging them.

【Exchange for Marigold Card, costing gold coins*2500】

【Exchange for Gemini Sunflower Card, cost gold coins*5000】


【Exchange for Melancholy Mushroom Card, cost gold coins*7500】

【Exchange for Steel Ground Spike Card, costing gold coins*7500. 】


Fang Hao exchanged for six plant upgrade cards.

As for the rest of the plants such as Cattail Grass, Gold Magnet, Ice Watermelon Pitcher, etc.,

Fang Hao could not exchange them for the time being.

【Marigold: 500 sunshine, 250 spiritual light exchange】

"Marigold, this is an automatic money printing machine!

Fang Hao immediately summoned a marigold.


The little marigold danced with its eyebrows.

It grinned at Fang Hao with its two big white front teeth.

Fang Hao waited patiently for a while.

Then, he could see the marigold open its little mouth and spit out a shiny gold coin!

The marigold produces about ten gold coins a day.

This production speed is amazing!

Fang Hao immediately asked Shouming to find an open space.

Then, he laid down ten brand new green carpets and planted 5,000 marigolds.

In this way, Fang Hao could harvest 50,000 gold coins every day without doing anything!

"Or the spiritual energy is too little."

Fang Hao looked at his spiritual energy which suddenly dropped by nearly half, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Next, Fang Hao exchanged for related zombie equipment.

Poisoned javelins, burning chain balls, gust of wind blades, flying rotors and imp zombie cannons.

These equipment can be said to have made up for the fatal flaw of the zombies' single attack method!

After the zombies are equipped with equipment, they will automatically master the relevant attack skills.

Soon, a day passed.

Fang Hao's zombie army added a brand new zombie special forces!

3,000 zombies, equipped with poisoned javelins containing highly toxic substances.

3,000 zombies, equipped with burning chain balls that explode at the touch of a finger.

A long-range zombie hunter army was born.

Fang Hao equipped all the 1,000 Swift Blades he exchanged for balloon zombies.

In the air, the effect of the Swift Blades will be more obvious.

Fang Hao also exchanged for 500 flying rotors.

A flying rotor is a small iron propeller that can be installed on the heads of zombies.

By rotating at high speed, zombies can fly.

And the flight direction and altitude can be controlled at will.

This is equivalent to.

Fang Hao can use this to create batches of zombie air forces!

Finally, Fang Hao exchanged for 100 Imp zombie cannons.

Think about it.

Endless Imp zombies suddenly fell from the sky like a heavy rain.

It is also an extremely maddening thing!


【Exchange for life nutrient solution, cost gold coins*30,000】

【Exchange automatic seed drill, cost gold coins*50,000】

【Exchange for a teleportation black hole, costing gold coins*100,000. 】

Finally, Fang Hao exchanged for these three types of auxiliary props.

Life nutrient solution.

The recovery effect is effective for plants, zombies and even any creatures.

Regeneration of broken limbs, recovery of magic power.

This effect is simply amazing!

Next is the automatic seeder.

With the automatic seeder, Fang Hao no longer needs to sow plant seeds or zombie eggs himself.

The last teleportation black hole.

After determining the landmark of his own base.

Fang Hao can instantly return to the base anytime, anywhere through the teleportation black hole!

After dealing with related matters.

Fang Hao, who was a little tired, returned to the mansion to rest.


"Alarm! Alarm!"

Around the middle of the night, a series of rapid alarms suddenly woke Fang Hao up!

【Dangerous species spotted!】

【The number of dangerous species has reached 10,000! They are approaching the host's base, the White Deer Forest!

Fang Hao was suddenly startled and broke out in a cold sweat.

This time, the alarm in the illustration was more sharp and urgent than the previous attack by the demon insects.

"Switch to the front view!"

Fang Hao quickly calmed down and gave the order immediately.

With the help of the vision of the little ghost zombies ,

Fang Hao suddenly saw an amazing scene.

Hundreds of magic owls composed of inexplicable energy stood quietly on the trees.

These magic owls almost covered most of the White Deer Forest!

Just below these magic owls , countless agile figures were quietly entering the White Deer Forest.

What surprised Fang Hao was that the zombies who had been patrolling nearby did not notice these enemies at all.

These sudden invaders... white skin, pointed ears, slender The figure and delicate face are natural elves!

Fang Hao gradually sneered.

He was not too surprised by the attack of the natural elves.

As early as when Fang Hao went to the Black Stone Cemetery, there was a report from the White Deer Forest.

A team of natural elves tried to enter the White Deer Forest.

As a result, they were discovered by the zombies.

However, this elf team was quite powerful.

They quickly fled before the zombie army formed a scale.

After that, Fang Hao kept an eye on it.

I think the natural elves who found that the White Deer Forest had changed hands will definitely come again!

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