"Very good!

Fang Hao smiled with satisfaction and waved his hand to disperse the restless big-mouthed flowers.

At the same time, he asked someone to take these elves away.

"This is the compensation for the defeat I demand, gold coins, magic cores, not a bit less!"

Fang Hao directly threw the list of items he had just drafted to Elune.

Elune couldn't stand it after just the first glance.

The lion's mouth was wide open!

The defeat compensation at the beginning alone required 1 million gold coins, plus two level 9 magic cores and five level 8 magic cores!

Added together, this is a compensation of 3 million gold coins!

After that, there was also a long list of ransoms for elf captives!

For one elf captive, he asked for 500 gold coins, or magic cores of equal value.

Among them, the price of seventh- and eighth-level elf captives was 30,000 gold coins!

Finally, Elune saw her own

"Elf Princess: Then give me another 1 million gold coins! I can exchange it for an eighth-level magic core and two ninth-level magic cores."

"How about it? If you think your worth is not worth this much, I can add more!"

Fang Hao smiled and looked at Elune.


Elune was shocked and angry.

For a moment, she couldn't utter a word to answer Fang Hao.

Now, she hoped that her worth was not so high.

Undoubtedly, this huge compensation for defeat would make the Elven Empire, which was already in crisis, even worse!

"Tsk! Which is more important, life or money? Princess, you are so smart, you can figure it out, right?"

"Without further ado, write a letter back to your Elf King. He must be missing you very much now!"

After saying that, Fang Hao asked someone to find paper and pen.

"Wait! I want to see all the elven captives first and make sure they are safe."

Elune reminded

"No problem! Just follow me!

Fang Hao nodded and walked straight to the other end of the botanical garden.

Elune hesitated for a moment, but still followed quickly.


When she saw the scene in front of her, her gloomy eyes suddenly brightened!

Beside Fang Hao, countless plants babbled and danced, making Elune feel as if she was in a fairyland!

"What are these plants?

Seeing this scene again, Elune still felt incredible.

"They are plants created by me"

"How is it possible! Aren't you a necromancer? How can you possess the power of nature blessed by the goddess of nature!"

Elune exclaimed.

As far as she knew.

The magic of the necromancer dealt with dead things such as skeletons and zombies.

They were the spokespersons of death and decay.

When did the necromancer create a plant with a strong breath of life?

Fang Hao was too lazy to answer her and said directly:

"The elf captives you want to see are all over there." Sure enough, Elune saw the tightly tied elves on the green grass not far away. Fortunately, they were not in the mouths of those big-mouthed monsters! Fang Hao has not used the charm mushroom on these elf captives yet. He has to use them to lure the naive princess into the trap first!


""Princess! Great! Goddess of Nature, you are still alive!"

The elves shouted in great surprise.

Elune also reacted excitedly and subconsciously wanted to step forward.

But Fang Hao stopped her and said coldly:

"I just promised you to see them."


Elune couldn't help but become anxious.

She could see that many of the elf captives were seriously injured.

If they were left alone, their lives would be in danger!

"I want you to heal them. For this, I can give you this Moonlight Necklace!"

Elune knew that this greedy necromancer would not agree to her unconditionally.

So, she could only hand over the only treasure she had.

【Ding! High-level spiritual energy body detected! Can be converted into a ball of high-level spiritual energy! 】

High-level spiritual energy!

When Fang Hao took the Yuehua necklace, the illustration immediately issued a prompt sound! This is a higher level of spiritual energy than the intermediate spiritual energy converted from the Queen Insect, Thunder Python, and even Dragon Fang!

"What a pleasant surprise.

Fang Hao collected it calmly.

Fang Hao was still thinking about how to break Elune's"turtle shell".

He didn't expect her to hand it over.

"Good! No problem."

Elune was so generous, Fang Hao would not be stingy. He gave each of them a bottle of life nutrient solution and distributed it to the injured elves.

"Everyone, please believe in Elune. These medicines can heal your injuries! Please drink them quickly!"

Faced with the elves' doubts,

Elune guaranteed in her own name.

Fang Hao was a little surprised to see this scene.

Finally, the elves listened to the princess's advice and took the life nutrient solution.

The next moment, their injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The wounds healed! The broken arms were reborn!

"This is amazing! Thanks for your help!"

"I will contact my father as soon as possible! Please keep your promise and don't hurt them!"

Elune said happily.

However, she still reminded them very carefully.

"This is natural.

Fang Hao smiled, but his eyes had changed.

Looking at Elune without the protection of magic, it was like looking at a lamb on the chopping block waiting to be slaughtered.

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