"Wow, what a great product! I really want to take one home!"

"These elf captives were all elf warriors before. This identity alone can double their value!"

""Keep your voice down, don't let anyone hear you!"

The rest of the Emerald Caravan and the carriages were all staying in the botanical garden.

Under the supervision of the Great Sword Knight Gars, everyone was on high alert.

However, when this group of elf captives were escorted over, they couldn't help but talk about it.

"Humans... How could they be humans?"

Elune was so excited that she thought it was the elves' team. But when she saw the Emerald Caravan, she was immediately frightened.

"They are... the Emerald Chamber of Commerce! No!"

How could Elune not recognize the emerald on the caravan flag!

Elf slave trade!

In their elven kingdom, they have been completely banned.

However, the Emerald Chamber of Commerce has relied on the umbrella behind it.

It has always been hidden in the elven empire.

Their evil claws still reach out to countless innocent elves!

"Sorry, I didn't send your letter."

Fang Hao suddenly walked in front of Elune and smiled coldly.

"You...what do you mean?!"

Elune widened her beautiful eyes.

"They offer a higher price, so I plan to sell you... to them!"

Fang Hao deliberately spoke slowly.

At the same time, he stared at Elune's expression.

From disbelief to horror.

And then from horror to uncontrollable anger.

"No! Absolutely not!"

"How can you break your promise! They are slave traders!!"

Elune screamed hysterically.

At this moment, she threw all her calmness and composure out of her mind.

"Okay, I promise you."

Fang Hao was not angry.

He smiled and put his head close to Elune's ear.

"Give me the mark of your soul oath, and I will stop."

To subdue the elven princess Elune is Fang Hao's goal.

Fang Hao knows that her faith in the goddess of nature is as solid as a rock.

Even in the face of the threat of death, she will never compromise with him.

But what about the current situation?

Although he would never hand over the elven captives to the Emerald Chamber of Commerce, but, why not put on a show?


Soul mark?

When Elune heard this word, her heart skipped a beat!

Fang Hao whispered in her ear.

Hot, cold, and extremely insulting!

"You want to refuse? Okay!"

Fang Hao smiled grimly, as scary as a night owl!


Elune saw that the group of humans had already started to inspect the goods.

Their movements were rude and their behavior was evil, completely exposing their beastly nature!

"No! No! Please!"

Tears instantly blurred Elune's eyes.

""What is your answer?"

Fang Hao suddenly grabbed Elune's wrist and pulled her over roughly.

Elune, who was bound, had no power to resist.

She just shook her head desperately and cried bitterly.

Fang Hao held her arm tightly, getting harder and harder.

The physical pain, coupled with the mental torture, made Elune almost collapse!

"Your answer?"

Fang Hao asked again in a cold voice.

"I...I, promise you!"

"Is this how you agreed to this?"

Fang Hao insisted.

"I, Elune Thranduil, hereby swear to the goddess of nature that I will be loyal to you forever."

"If...if I violate the soul oath, I am willing to accept the punishment from the gods."

After saying these words,

Elune seemed to have used up all her strength.

She handed over the mark of her soul oath.

Fang Hao grabbed the strange blue light and held it in his palm!

""It's done!"

Fang Hao smiled evilly.

He picked up Elune who almost fell to the ground.

At this time,

Ralph came over excitedly.

"Sir, this must be the Elf Princess! She is so beautiful!"

"Unfortunately, our Chamber of Commerce has not yet had time to raise enough funds.

Then, Ralph began to ramble on and on, praising Fang Hao for not mistreating the prisoners.

"Are you done?"

Fang Hao interrupted him indifferently.

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