""Woof woof woof!!"

Upon hearing General Clefttooth's order, the 10,000-strong army of giant hyenas immediately burst into wild barking.

Giant hyenas are a fifth-level magical beast with a ferocious and violent temperament.

They have thick necks and jaws with amazing bite force, which can easily crush the hard bones of their prey.

This earns the giant hyena the terrifying title of"Bone Crusher"!

On the other side of the river

""Roar, roar, roar!"

The 15,000-strong Fiery Porcupine Army, led by its leader, General Kut, roared and attacked.

The Fiery Porcupines were also level 5 monsters, with extremely fat and huge bodies.

At the same time, the countless hard and sharp thorns on their bodies were comparable to a weapon rack full of swords, spears, and halberds!

Soon, the two armies launched a charge and jumped into the river.

They collided fiercely.

The blood instantly dyed the river red.

The fierce battle lasted for half an hour.

""What's going on? Why haven't those lizard dragon crocodiles been seen yet?"

Grom was almost going crazy.

Because of the disparity in the size of the troops on both sides,

Grom specially chose the battlefield in the riverbed of the Emerald River.

And secretly asked for help from the overlord of this place, the lizard dragon crocodile clan.

Who would have thought that he would be abandoned now!

The giant hyena army that was once so aggressive has now completely turned into a group of miserable dogs in the water!

""Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

Grom was so angry that his fangs were about to burst.

At this time, the morale of the giant hyena army dropped sharply, and they all rushed back.

Just as the giant hyenas pushed each other and tried desperately to get ashore ,

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

On the river bank,

20,000 ferocious and violent zombies suddenly rushed out!

With them came a strong black death aura that was indissoluble!

The giant hyenas that fled in panic became headless flies in an instant.

Facing the zombie army rushing from all directions, they had no time to organize any effective resistance in a hurry.

They cried and fled, and were torn into pieces by the ruthless iron claws of the zombies!

""Javelin hunters, throw!"

Fang Hao looked down at the entire battlefield indifferently, his eyes were hot and blazing.

In front of him,

3,000 zombie hunters holding poisoned javelins swung their arms and threw at the same time!

The poisoned javelins were not only incredibly fast and had strong penetration.

The javelin tips also contained a deadly poison that paralyzed the muscles!

3,000 javelins fell densely like a rain curtain!

In this round of volleys, nearly a thousand giant hyenas were nailed to the ground, dying.

Seeing this scene,


Grom suddenly grinned and roared, and rushed into the zombie army with his four hooves.

However, before he could start killing, two huge shadows suddenly appeared in the air!

When Grom raised his head in surprise, he was shocked to see two watermelon-sized skull hammers smashing down on his head!

"Boom! Boom!"


On the other side, just when General Kut was about to lead the army of porcupines to pursue the victory, behind them, a zombie army of 20,000 people also rushed out!

The deathly aura filled the air and connected to the other side, forming a large fog of deathly aura that blocked the vision!

"Hammer Hunter, Spin Throw!"

"Whoosh whoosh……"

An inexplicable gust of wind blew up.

3,000 zombies holding burning chains in their hands began to spin continuously at an accelerated speed!


3,000 chains wrapped in flames were thrown in the same direction. As soon as the burning chains landed in the group of porcupines, a terrible explosion occurred!

Even the thick-skinned porcupines were blown to pieces, with rotten flesh all over the ground.

Similarly, just the first wave of attacks caused the porcupine army to lose an astonishing number of nearly 2,000 people!

"Howl, howl, howl! What's going on? Who dared to attack our troops?"

"Kids, turn around and kill all these zombies!"

The hot-tempered General Kut roared.

He took the lead and rushed towards the zombie army behind.

""Roar! Roar!"

The porcupines were also extremely brave, charging at the burning chains that were flying down from the sky.

"Zombie air force, attack on all fronts!"

Not far away, looking at the group of fierce and unusually fierce porcupines,

Fang Hao's mind moved.

The 1,000 balloon zombies hiding behind the zombie army on the other side and the 500 zombies equipped with flying rotors immediately began to move.


When the sound of the flying rotors spinning at high speed was heard, thousands of zombies took off together and rushed towards the group of fierce porcupines from a high position!

"Puff puff puff……"

The balloon zombies held a green curved blade in their hands.

With a gentle swing, the green curved blade could shoot out a rotating wind blade more than one meter long. In an instant, countless wind blades poured down!

Four or five hundred porcupines were cut to pieces, their brains torn and their intestines spilled.

Not only that, after the first wave of attacks, the wind blades changed their attack trajectory and shot in another direction.

In this way, another wave of ruthless harvest of life.

Soon , a similar number of porcupines were strangled to death, their skin and flesh flying!

The rotor zombies held cherry bombs, hot peppers, and ice mushrooms. They threw them wherever they saw a large number of porcupines. First, there were ice mushrooms. White frost fell from the sky. The freezing range of an ice mushroom covered an area of 500 meters! When one ice mushroom after another was thrown down in an orderly manner. Almost all the porcupines were frozen into frozen pork!



The cherry bomb exploded, and terrifying energy spread!


The hot peppers burst into flames, and flames spread in all directions!

"Roar, roar, roar……"

Faced with such a heavy bombardment by the air force, the Fiery Porcupines who had managed to survive were completely terrified and began to flee in all directions.

The whole scene at this moment became a one-sided massacre!

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