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The first round of artillery fire launched 100 small flashing flowers.

With the damage immunity turned on,

Fang Hao was not worried at all that the explosion would hurt his side.


The flashing flowers drew a beautiful arc.

Then, they landed directly beside the soldiers fighting the zombies. As soon as the flashing flowers fell, they immediately bloomed with a dazzling light!


"My eyes! My eyes~~"

The soldiers who had been fighting hard were suddenly in a panic.

They covered their eyes in pain.

You could see blood flowing out of them.

Soldiers at close range had their eyes burned by the strong light.

Even soldiers at a distance were dazzled by the strong light and could not tell east, west, south, north, and north for a while.

The strong light lasted for a full second before it gradually faded away.

At this time, the second round of artillery fire once again sent 100 garlic gas bombs!


As soon as the garlics landed on the ground, they immediately made a pleasant sound.

Then, billowing green poisonous gas evaporated from their bodies and spread all over the battlefield.


Once the green poison gas penetrated into the soldiers' mouths and noses, they would feel dizzy and their limbs would go limp. Soon after, they would faint on the ground.

"Bang Bang Bang……"

Cherry bombs and hot peppers were thrown from a distance one after another.

In an instant, scarlet and hot blood splattered, and blurred and charred flesh flew.

The sea of fire was raging, and the entire human camp was burned down!


Under this series of attacks, the remaining 50,000 soldiers were completely defeated!

Next, countless zombies rushed forward like wild beasts without any obstacles.

The whole scene was full of wailing and devastation.

A deep feeling of powerlessness had already filled Ald's heart.

"I expected this. Lord Mo, please take good care of my family."

"Children, let's give these zombies a magnificent meteor shower!"

Pard commanded a group of flame magicians and suddenly prepared a big move. Suddenly, a huge cloud of fire rose in the sky!

""Death struggle! Ashe, destroy it!"

After receiving the order,

Ashe immediately grasped the Ice Bow and brewed an ice storm.

Fang Hao also controlled the Imp Zombie Cannon and quickly raised the muzzle.

"Bang bang bang……"

500 ice mushrooms, along with countless ice crystal arrows, were thrown high into the clouds.

The air was filled with cold air, as if the season had suddenly changed to winter!

The flaming cloud turned into a large piece of ice in the blink of an eye.



The ice shattered and turned into hailstones that fell all over the sky.

"It’s over, it’s over!"

"I don't want to die! No……"

With the failure of this ultimate move, the remaining soldiers and magicians fell into the abyss of despair!

They began to flee in all directions, ignoring Palder's shouts.

""You bunch of cowards! Run away! Where can you escape to!"

Palder screamed in despair.

At this time, a group of zombie generals and plant girls had surrounded him.

"You are not human... Your essence is the same as those zombies and strange plants."

Parde said slowly with a solemn expression.

He clearly felt that the people in front of him were definitely not human, but zombies or plants in human form!

If these plants and zombies that can transform into human territory, the consequences will be disastrous.

It's a pity that he is no longer able to pass on this message.

"You don't have to do it... I hope to end my life with my flames!"

After Pard finished speaking

, flames suddenly burned all over his body.

"It's over."

It was already noon.

The war with the Tarot City army had come to an end.

The next step was to clean up the battlefield.

Without Fang Hao's instructions, the plant and zombie generals could give orders for him.

"My Lord, Eunice is really unimaginable."

"You were able to annihilate this army of Tarot City in such a short time! This is really an amazing feat!"

Beside Fang Hao, Eunice still looked moved.

"This is just a small goal. In the future, my army of plants and zombies will only become stronger and stronger."

"The entire Penglai Empire, and even the entire Crescent Moon Continent, will be in my hands!"

Fang Haoyun smiled calmly.

"My Lord~~Eunice also wants to help you! We, the dark elves, also want to go to the battlefield and kill the enemy!"

Now, with the protection of the dark thorn tree,

Eunice has also rekindled her desire to revitalize the dark elves.

All her reliance is on Fang Hao.

"The next battle will probably be a siege. This is not suitable for you dark elves."

"If there is a chance, I will consider it."

Fang Hao was not a soft-hearted person, so he just responded lightly.

He had his own independent considerations.

The Centaurs and Dark Elves each had their own specialties and characteristics.

If used reasonably, it would also have a miraculous effect.

"By the way, Eunice, I'll take you to a place!"

Fang Hao suddenly remembered something and stood up and said


Eunice nodded curiously.

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