Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1005: Cause (on)

Compared with other multiverses, Marvel multiverses are considered to be a special and complicated type.

One of the particularities of is the concept of extra dimensions based on the single universe.

The extra dimension is also called a subspace. If the monolithic universe is regarded as a giant egg, then the extra dimension is the grapes or soybeans hanging from the monolithic universe, and of course it may be apples or tomatoes, the specific sizes vary. foot.

The most important thing is that it is meaningless to simply discuss the size.

The reason why the main universe can be called the core lies in the perfection and balance of the law.

As far as this is concerned, applying the relationship between the plane of the extraordinary universe, the half plane, and the plane of the main matter, you will not feel a violation at all.

Negative space is a subspace of Marvel's single universe. It is a special area formed after the Big Bang. All the substances in it are negatively charged. In this space, there are atmospheres and living things.

The more famous races in the creatures, such as the Barurs, and the Oblivion Swarm (both villains in the Fantastic Four series).

C Kane knew them, but not many.

As time went by, the timeline of the chapter "Infinite Gems" was turned over. C Kane lost his prophetic advantage and had to prepare more for the unknown future and be vigilant.

After all, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has been distorted in the timeline, is dark. Since during the chapter of Infinite Gems, the sentinel can appear because of the changed history, and the true face of the star behind the star has not yet been revealed, then it is absolutely possible for other actors to appear.

For example, the strong of the single universe level, the king of chaos, the king of order.

Semi-universe-level Shuma Glass, Emperor Weishan.

Five creation gods of the multiverse level.

There are stronger transcendental gods, molecular humans, life courts ...

In short, it is precisely because there is too much in the Marvel Universe. With the distortion of the historical line and the constant "dark" prefix, C Kane gradually felt like sitting on the needle and could n’t help sending his staff to take the initiative to do things. Temptation.

He was afraid.

Did not expect to open the situation, neither the Green Worm destroying the Cree Empire, nor the exotic exploration of human incarnation as a vanguard, but rather the interaction of the superhero parallel universe, which is more common inside the Great Marvel Universe.

The superheroes of the Great Marvel Universe are notoriously capable of doing things. This world is not enough for them to play. Parallel universes, as well as past and future, all kinds of wear and tear, have also created one after another extreme Marvel universe.

By comparison, the dark Marvel 199999 where C Kane is located is far from miserable, let alone being badly played. However, due to its own various characteristics, once the crisis of extinction occurs, it is difficult to make the east and the west off. Therefore, the historical line quickly collapsed, and now it has entered a state of unrelenting backwaters.

And this time, it was Mr. Reed Richards, who stirred a pool of water.

There is no way. As a wise figure in the Marvel Universe, "Shen Bang De" is a versatile person, and is good at communicating with big figures who are unable to reach all kinds of talents. He has a strong network and is the most active in the Marvel Universe. One of the heroes for a long time.

After a hundred years, the culprit that caused the super bereavement virus crisis naturally came to the surface.

This also led to Captain Marvel and Nick Brave, who hated the matter for many years, and Fury hated the house and Ukraine, almost completely eradicating the first family of Marvel Universe.

At the critical moment, the great flicker of the **** stick showed its power again. After a statement of interest, he first nicknamed Freian.

As for Captain Marvel, although she is a very responsible heroine, she has to say that she has the carelessness and silly whiteness of American chicks, so as long as it is not a meeting, she is killed by a wave of recklessness, better than Nick Fury. It's a lot of coaxing.

Nick ?? Fury didn't hesitate to inform C Kane. Over the years, his policy of striving to strengthen interaction with C Kane has not changed, and this is a good opportunity.

C Kane really values ​​the Fantastic Four who are known as the first family of Marvel, mainly because of the technology they master. After all, this family came to Marvel 199999 for refuge, relying on technology, not luck.

The specific location of was chosen in Times Square, New York.

Is the season when the grass is flying, and there is a special view of Times Square.

Kane created a platform on top of the most famous NASDAQ screen. As a temporary place for meetings, from this platform, it can overlook the ‘crazy triangle’, and Mr. Magic ’s shuttle is there.

"The crossroads of the world, the meaning is good." Kane said, turning his head back, glancing over Reed, Susan, and their children Franklin and Valeria.

These four people are a little bit restrained at this moment, not because Nick Fury ‘had a vaccination’ in advance, but they already knew Kane ’s awesomeness.

Not only knew Kane's strength, but even understood Kane's habit of going straight, so Reed, as a representative, said directly: "Kaishen, we know the dimensional wall, or the fourth wall."

The fourth wall is the term for drama, which simply means that the actor interacts with the audience in the process of performing a panoramic drama.

'S substitution into this world means that Mr. Magic knows that they are characters in comics and movies.

Nick Fury, who was also a participant in this meeting, frowned, apparently he understood. After all, the centuries have not been in vain, and Nick Fury's knowledge reserve far exceeds ordinary people.

Reed apologized to Nick Fury at this time: "I'm sorry, according to the instructions, only when Kane is here, can I say these things freely."

Nick ?? Fury snorted, he naturally understood Reed's meaning-as long as Kane was there, if he did not want him to get the relevant information, he could naturally get rid of his memory afterwards.

Kane also understood, he smiled: "From a certain perspective, we are all the way, but I personally prefer Nick Fury, because in my memory, although the light will also be for the majority, sacrifice A handful of guilty traits, but they are too arrogant. Since the establishment of this secret organization, they have basically not done anything beneficial to the group. Although the original intentions are very good. "

Reed looks a little awesome, he is a regular member of the Illumination Society, he has participated in all the activities of the Illumination Society, and those experiences are vivid in the eyes.

Who would have thought that this secret association of the most intelligent heroes, such as Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and Professor X, was so kind enough to do bad things again and again.

Kane ’s statement made Nick Fury very useful, but he did not show it, but grasped the concept of the “fourth wall” and confirmed the question: “So for a high-dimensional world, we even the entire universe But is it the existence of books, movies and the like? "

Reed nodded heavily, and his wife and children looked very bad. Obviously, until now, they have not been able to face this information with a real confidence.

Nick ?? Fury looked at Kane again: "So what about you? Always know."

Kane whispered: "Well, it's embarrassing to throw this concept now."

Nick Fury tried to pretend to be calm: "To say that I have made progress over the years, that is, any eccentricity can be accepted. In my opinion, this world is true and my life is true, and this is also true enough."

"It's a good thing to think that way. What's more, since I came to this world and distorted history, the so-called 'destiny' effect on you has been very low and low. You have been writing your own life, and Legendary. The only feature is very strong, and now it gets the "Aloof" attribute. "

This time Nick ?? Fury really feels a lot better. After all, Kane did not have to compliment him, nor did he have the habit of doing this.

Against this background, these words of relief appear to be extraordinarily true and useful.

"Once I was a puppet of 'Fate', but for a long time in the past and now, I am writing my own history and creating a future of my choice."

When Nick Fury was affirming himself, Kane had turned to look at Reed and asked, "So you are here for me, what happened to your universe?"

"Fourth secret war." In front of Kane, Reed did not have any reservations and was concise, and he did not dare to open his mouth and arbitrarily.

"His ..." Kane inhaled subconsciously.

Nick ?? When Fury saw this, he was ‘chucking’ in his heart. He knew that Kane had no problems with pretending gestures, and his response only showed that the situation was very, very serious.

Then subconsciously interjected and asked, "Is it troublesome?"

Now that it has been broken, Kane will no longer tweak.

Although since ancient times, there is a saying that "If you don't have a secret, you'll do it."

But like Kane's attitude just now, compared to Reed and Susan, he trusts Nick Fury's three views and IQ more.

Whether it is the confidentiality of the relevant information, or the thoughts and actions caused by it, he trusts Nick Fury to make the correct or acceptable choice.

So when Nick Fury asked, he explained frankly: "The Marvel multiverse is people of the origin world, the title of the multiverse you are in. Marvel is the name of a company, with comics Get started. And my last prophetic memory of the Marvel multiverse is the fourth secret war. "

He also said: "From the perspective of comics, the fourth secret war represents a restart, and then entered a new and completely new stage. To put it bluntly, the brains of comic creators also have a ceiling, and are affected by the times. , Business operations and other factors. "

"Human beings are short-lived species, it is difficult to plan a setting that is ambitious, long-term, detailed, and always meets the needs of the times. Coupled with the savvy of passionate creation, it is inevitable that" eat books " Problems, again and again. "

"Later, it's not just about eating books. The Marvel heroes in the pen have various outfits and flyings in the multiverse, and finally reached the extreme level of extinction and creation. It's awkward to continue Boring. "

"After all, the" Emperor's Golden Biandan "has expanded to the extent of ordinary people's thinking to guess the degree of cognition and thinking of the omnipotent God in the entire multiverse. Resonate and recognize. "

"After entering the information age, the expression of the work has gradually been replaced by more intuitive and infectious film and television, and the film and television are affected by the space and special effects technology, so they have to be adapted, so this universe was born. Marvel movies Universe, number 199999. "

"The movie universe is the new darling of the times, and is recognized and sought after by more people. In turn, it affects comics, and comics have also entered an empty and boring state, then come to the new life after destruction."

"So, the approximate gameplay of the fourth secret war is to catch and eliminate, between the single universe and the single universe. Or more specifically, the parallel universe and the parallel universe merge in a fierce way. There can only be one, who should live and who should die, naturally there is a fight, and in the end, there is only one left, and it has been greatly affected. They all die, they all live, but they are completely different. It means something completely new. "

"Of course, the so-called completely different is just the creator's reason to give readers a reasonable reason to eat books from the point of view of basic logic. In any case, it is not a Marvel hero who portrays a story after so many years. Give up completely, there are feelings, commercial value, etc. here. I believe you can easily understand ... "

With Kane's story, Nick Fury subconsciously swallowed saliva, and the Mr. Magic family, all kinds of emotional packages ~ ~ a mixed taste.

Although they knew the fourth wall, they could not jump out of the boundary and analyze it as easily as Kane, pointing directly to the essence, it is really that they as Marvel heroes, 'only in this mountain', so deeply immersed , Especially if you put too much emotion into it, you ca n’t do it if you just pull it out.

Instead, Nick Fury is more calm and objective. "In any case, from the time they reach you, the influence of‘ Fate ’is bound to fade.”

Kane relentlessly pours cold water: "Zhuang Zhou Meng Die, Die Meng Zhuang Zhou. Dimensional Wall is playing tricks very well, Marvel heroes ran to confront the group, asked to modify the script, and even slaughtered. Of course, to the people of the original world In fact, this is not true, but what about the people of Marvel's multiverse? So my existence is not a story of a fanfare novel. "

"So, thinking is more harmful than wine. Too much self-flying, thinking about those that are not, is just asking for trouble."

Nick Fury nodded, he understood the truth, but people have never been able to make a correct response just by understanding the truth, and there are emotional parts. It is really too much investment. If you want to turn back or just put it down gently. , Easy to talk about.

Of course Kane had similar troubles, but it wasn't this mouth, so he could pretend to be more rational than to fly, and calmly turned his head and asked Mr. Magic: "Which stage of the war is going?"

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