Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1027: Crap stick properties

Affected by the old support factors, Zhao Wenrui has a significant improvement in arrogance.

So he couldn't really give Quig, the owner of the tower town, as a dog.

The main reason for persuading him to join the Tower Mage was that he really wanted to see that when the Youton digging treasure project was composed of high-end combat power, the famous sky team was born under the water element, and the famous Quig and his mage The regiment can still protect the asylum and face the pressure of the kingdom level without compromising.

Leading the battle, is it?

Although he can work around himself, he still feels that he is a hard choice in the face of a strong group like a cloud, and he does not command much.

And if more forces can participate in the project, it is another situation.

Even if he decides to cooperate first, and then divide the money, it is more beneficial to him than a well-prepared and well-planned single organization to promote the project.

As for how to make Quig and Gota Town out.

To tell the truth, he didn't worry about it at all. The fantasy-level battle group of the treasure digging project itself has shown that this project is a high-end project that will attract even legends and even gods.

And in the process of obtaining the water element orb, he also confirmed this from the perspective of the strength of the seal guard and the technical grade of the seal place.

So Quig will definitely be interested. The fact that the town of Gaota can stand in Baibosa and become a unique independent individual proves that Quege ’s network is never bad.

So Quig has both the strength to participate and the interest, and what is lacking is nothing more than a suitable entry opportunity.

Regarding solving this problem, it is a big deal to give Quige the orb of water element.

Although Baozhu itself is indeed a baby, he is not very rare to be honest. After all, he plays dark energy. In this context, it is the baby who can play the value.

Therefore, from the very beginning, he regarded it as a conspicuous pledge to participate in digging treasures. How to use it can only be said when he said that this kind of goods, he is not worried that it will rot in his hands.

In the wilderness, Zhao Wenrui's confrontation with Brigitte continued.

Dark fog successfully eroded Brigitte's magical mech. Brigitte crashed immediately, the core cabin popped up directly, and disintegrated in the air.

Brigget came out of the cabin with golden light, and even the thin armor was dyed golden, looking like the legendary Valkyrie.

Although this information was not known in advance, Zhao Wenrui was not surprised.

"It turned out to be the holy law system, the deity."

Zhao Wenrui has realized that the situation is a bit troublesome.

In his cognition, the deity believers bluntly believe that they are believers who interact with God in good faith, generally believers, or fanatics.

No matter in life or work, these people basically treat matters related to the God they believe in as the core or first thing.

This means that no matter what reason Brigitte caused the tower town to send to arrest or hunt, it means that it has a close relationship with God.

Therefore, the person who started Brigitte specifically, that is, he is equivalent to grudge with God. The weight of this reputation is really not light, and I do n’t know if he happened to be in the right place, or whether the tower tower master group is special. 'He.

Brigitte, who liberated the true power, is also a BIUBIU stream. Hundreds of magic missiles were shot in the air with a wave of hand, and their power was in line with the round of shots of the anti-aircraft position.

Zhao Wenrui decided to carry this wave hard within one hundredth of a second, because after calculation, compared to hard-wounding this wave of strikes, the use of ignorance is more expensive.

So in the area of ​​more than 100 square meters, the soil was rolled up like a rocket, the soil was turned over, the ground was thoroughly plowed, the snow was melted, either melted into the soil, or turned into steam rising.

And Zhao Wenrui stood in it, holding his hand, stepping on a piece of snow with a diameter of more than a foot, and there was no mud idea on his body.

"Come down!" Zhao Wenrui looked up and looked at the golden version of the superwoman with long flowing hair, said Brigitte suspended in the air.

Brigitte was about to ridicule. Suddenly, he was inexplicably dizzy, his eyes were black, and then he fell like a rock to the ground, and his face hit the ground first.

"Wow, another practical technique." Zhao Wenrui said in his heart.

The old version of the Dark Curse, the most powerful in general, because of the unreasonable San value hit.

If the usual San value drop is radiated, continuously affected, and the power increases, then the Dark Curse is like a blow of the San value effect into a fist, a dizzy punch. . Invisible and phaseless, the effect is extremely strong.

This attack showed that she completely defeated Brigitte. She almost got up quickly by combat instinct. Then she felt as if a big ice tuo was stuffed into her head.

Then the warning of the **** she believed roared in her mind: Encountered by the divine blow, she immediately rose!

From Zhao Wenrui's point of view, Brigitte stumbled up, braved his golden light, and then slapped his head against his head.

'Snapped! 'Foreheads are collapsed.

A slightly human-shaped golden light and shadow flew from its head. At the same time, the sky hung a beam of light, like an elevator shaft made of tempered glass, forming a clear, translucent light between the sky and the sky that constitutes the outer wall. Pipe, Brigitte's soul, that is, the golden light and shadow, in this pipe, 'Hey! With a bang, it disappeared without a trace.

According to Zhao Wenrui's estimation, the speed is at least Mach 50.

"There is this Sao operation, yes!" He sighed.

And C Kane, who was watching, curled his lips and muttered: "It is worthy of the post-god age."

In the eyes of the examiner, the battle ended inexplicably. Like Bridget, or the **** behind Bridget, he was very afraid of this person who claimed to be Hannibal. He would rather open the door of ascension and let Bridget go to the kingdom of God. May the rest be entangled with Hannibal too much.

Zhao Wenrui himself had a similar understanding. He did not understand why the **** behind Bridget did not support his caregivers, but let him directly admit defeat in such a decent way.

It should be known that **** benefactors, like voters, have a special existence and are not easy to be born. This type of existence is highly co-frequency with the spiritual frequency of God. It has a series of advantages such as low consumption of communication and power transmission. It can be said that there are more benefits. This is a simple logical question of the herding cost of believers. On the contrary, it is difficult to go to the Kingdom of God and want to come again, so it is better to stay in the main material world and devote ourselves to the cause of God.

Has such a cognition that Zhao Wenrui naturally becomes more and more incomprehensible to Brigitte's operation.

C Kane knew.

Because from a certain point of view, Brigitte is enough. At least the **** she believes thinks so, because Brigitte was directly attacked by Zhao Wenrui's divinity, so that the soul was contaminated with the divinity. The **** Brigitte believed was directed at this divinity, Only then called Brigitte to the Kingdom of God.

"It's a bit interesting." C Kane thought in his mind. From his point of view, the next focus was on how to choose the **** that Brigitte believed in, whether to avoid it like a viper, or to try to devour it.

The reason is also simple. The obstinateness of the old branch means that it can break through the constraints of the universe and become a diverse and advanced life. But again, it ’s no harder to eat an old stick that can be swallowed by the universe than to eat a dish of soybeans. No one can predict whether Zhao Wenrui represents such a fairy pit.

Because even the gods can't peep into Zhao Wenrui's secrets, it's not good to use divining prophecy. This is determined by the characteristics of the information represented by Zhao Wenrui that is not within the scope of the information contained in this universe.

The battle is over.

Zhao Wenrui is suitable for the black orcs and monsters to move the parts and core cabin of the mech, and he himself walks towards Brigitte's body.

The four appraisers also appeared, with doubts, and they came together, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

Zhao Wenrui pointed to Bridget's body: "Can you use it as a loot?"

"Yes." One of the examiners answered very simply.

Brigitte's corpse is very maddening to the Tower Mage, because there are often some blessings of God blessings in the body of the deity, and peeping and cracking these secrets will be regarded as gods Blasphemy.

At the same time, the body of the deity is also seriously contaminated by divine power, and it cannot be used as a spoil. It is really a blasphemy, which is equivalent to declaring war on God. Although looking for someone to arrest and murder God's dependents itself means doing right with God, it is still very different on the table or in a secret contest.

Zhao Wenrui pointed to the magical mecha again.

The appraisal officer can be considered a man, and said happily: "It's also yours."

Then I saw that the magical mecha was twisted into scrap metal in a burst of toothache, and then began to melt.

Is it violent? Perhaps, the missing magic armor is very valuable. After all, it is a hand-made boutique with high artistic value. The design is unique, and the technology contained is more valuable.

But the display is not suitable, can not be used, it is indeed a way to return to the furnace, those materials are indeed rare.

The appraisal officer approached Brigitte and then said to Zhao Wenrui as the leader: "Mr. Hannibal, congratulations, the appraisal passed. Next, please be patient and wait for notice, I believe the appointment of Earl Quigg will be sent soon Arrival. By then, you will be a member of the Tower Masters. "

Zhao Wenrui knows that Quige likes to call him Earl rather than legend or guru. Although the latter is more aggressive. But the count in Baibosa means having the power to implement his own custom laws and regulations in his own territory. This feature makes the existence of Gaota Town more legal.

But what he did not know is that, generally speaking, when the Grand Master joins, the Master Group can decide whether to absorb according to factors such as evaluation, without the need to notify Quigg.

So the assessment officer's statement is actually a pretext, the reason is naturally that Brigitte is involved in extraordinary things.

In addition, although they did not understand what happened to the battle between Bridget and Zhao Wenrui, they vaguely felt something unusual, so they decided to handle it cautiously, return to thinking, analyzing and investigating, and then give in conclusion.

Zhao Wenrui didn't care about waiting for the news. Anyway, he didn't really want to be a member of the High Tower Magistrates' League, and he would contribute to the development of High Tower Town. While catching up with the progress, the project was advanced to the second stage, and then he shot to muddy the water.

In the next few days, Zhao Wenrui was very comfortable. The main thing every day was to taste a variety of food and sightseeing, occasionally hands on, arm the puppet slaves including Brigitte, or perfect the car.

Unlike the Kane family, Zhao Wenrui really loves cars and driving, and has very little interest in trekking.

More precisely, he likes the comfort and living atmosphere of RVs, which actually stems from his need for a sense of security and his desire for home.

In any case, building a big car was a routine operation that he started from the Druid period. It has become more and more perfect now, not only the technology, but also to understand what kind of vehicle he wants.

Finally, considering the general road conditions in this world, he finally built a floating RV.

Of course, it is possible to say that it is a flying boat.

In the process of building a boat, his playfulness was inspired. Anyway, the technical needs can be carried with the knowledge excavated in the blood, so how can you be happy?

For this reason, it almost wiped out the wealth accumulated before.

The thousands of dollars are scattered and come back, the most important thing is to be happy when people are alive!

Even C Kane had to admit that Zhao Wenrui was more free and easy than him.

This free and easy style has a considerable degree of disregard. After all, the technique of making boats is easily coveted. For C. Kane in Zhao Wenrui's position, he will not act so high-profile.

Zhao Wenrui also knew that he was being followed secretly, but he was running on the idea that the lice were more tickling, and the debt was more worry-free, just for a moment of freedom, not to think about the rest. How many troubles did you not realize at all.

On the day when the flying boat was basically completed, the notice waiting for Zhao Wenrui arrived.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hannibal, although Count Quigg appreciates your abilities, many members of the Tower Mage are ambiguous and worried about the extraordinary power you use. Earl Quigg cannot do it for you alone And ignore the feelings of a large number of members. Therefore, according to the terms, the assessment will be settled by a headhunting task. This is your remuneration ... "

Zhao Wenrui is naturally at a loss. If it is a real headhunter, he will only go to the hunter of the gods when he is full of support. The salary paid by Gaota Town is not enough to travel.

What's more, the fighting power of the sage is beyond the same level, but the headhunter's remuneration is not reflected. It is only calculated according to the normal level. As a transaction, it is naturally very unfavorable to the order taker.

Zhao Wenrui showed disapproval.

He took over the salary, and while a little bit of the market was counting in person, he smiled and said, "That's a shame, I thought I could be a friend for a while."

"..." The clerks listened to this awkwardly and said: "What is‘ can be a friend for a while '? "


of course not.

The Tower Masters quickly knew what Zhao Wenrui meant.

Zhao Wenrui was very clever and left Gaota Town within the prescribed time.

And some people in the Gaota Town Master Group, privately organized a headhunting team, intending to hunt Zhao Wenrui, mainly fancy his flying boat.

Brigitte was right, Quigg and his mage were not as glamorous as they seemed.

In fact, Brigitte's headhunting was also an operation of a similar nature, except that the operation was approved by the Master Group, and Zhao Wenrui was chosen for the specific work.

However, the headhunters quickly changed their name to the vengeance team, and the number of personnel has also increased exponentially.

Because Zhao Wenrui sacrificed Gaota Town.

Very very saucy operation, can be said to be a kind of self-sacrifice.

Specifically speaking, is to use the characteristics of Brigitte's followers, combined with the old branch of his body, to use Brigitte's body as a carrier to tinker with a false **** empty shell.

In addition to the chaotic divine characteristics, this false **** empty shell can be said to be useless, but it can indeed become the target of sacrifice.

This is enough.

Zhao Wenrui didn't ask for any benefits after sacrifice, his purpose was to disgust the Master Tower of the High Tower for good disgust. Even if it just caused a major accident.

As a result, the sacrifice was stumbling and completed, which was beyond everyone's expectations except C Cane who was watching in secret.

The scene at that time was extremely lively and progressive.

Initially thought it was just an erosion and destruction initiated by multiple points at the same time.

The leadership of the Master Regiment also reprimanded the inspectors and monitors for this, saying that they were negligent. So many 'magic dirty bombs' could not be found in advance.

At this stage, the Master's response plan is mainly to arrange people to solve the problem on site, similar to the fire brigade.

As a result, people are still in the middle, and the new information came back, not general pollution, but annihilation-level power of darkness.

The so-called annihilation level of dark power is somewhat similar to the effect of negative energy, and the external performance has the characteristics of positive and negative cancellation.

This means solving problems requires a lot of extraordinary energy, and there is basically no requirement for the specific properties of energy.

So the Mage Group decided to adjust the related functions of the Magic Tower of the Tower Town, and mobilized a lot of energy for neutralization.

Only found out after hedging that this dark power has the divine transformation qualities, hedging with energy is equivalent to beating a dog with meat buns.

The correct approach should be to cut off the supply, just like in the face of forest fires, cut trees to create isolation belts, so that the fire can not continue to spread, so as to achieve the purpose of stopping losses.

Because of a series of previous affairs, this time the fire of the sacrifice is complete. It seems that the entire tower town has turned into a black super bonfire.

At this time, he insisted on trying hard, in fact, it is still possible to end the most powerful "sacrificial sacrifice" damage.

But most people were frightened by the wild black fire. Under the protection of the Mage regiment, they escaped from various emergency exits and through various vehicles.

This escape does not matter, the most critical force-the power of the souls is missing.

There are so many people who are not afraid of death, or who have fulfilled their duties and have strong self-confidence, insist on fighting the sacrifice of the black fire.

But this loyalty finally fell to the lack of the power of the souls. That is to say, only if all the people in this town resisted and did not make sacrifices can they succeed.

Otherwise, the divine black fire can transform energy of any nature. Unless it is a superb energy treasure of the level of a basket of water element orbs, the black fire is completely extinguished through full coverage, otherwise it is converted, it is only a matter of time.

And other Masters found that the real focus was too late.

Those who thought they had escaped were actually tagged at the beginning of the sacrifice. Unless the sacrifice was terminated, it would be useless to go to the end of the world.

In this way, one person after another in the tower town was in the vehicle, in the wilderness, in the temporarily built camp, and some in their own homes, and completed the sacrifice.

At this time, Quig was naturally alarmed, and several friends, rushed back from the outer plane regardless of cost. The implementation of emergency measures, coupled with the higher resistance of the members of the Master League ~ ~ finally survived the crisis of sacrifice.

This is another checkpoint loss. It can be said that Gaota Town is basically finished. Although the things are still there, the sacrifice is completed. For them, it means that all items are cursed, including various valuable items in the secret vault, and even the gold and silver gems hoarded in the vault.

The loss of construction and personnel is even greater.

Quig almost stunned.

The survivors of the Mage School who were scared fiercely also felt their faces were swollen.

Thankfully, their IQ was still online at this time, and they quickly analyzed the biggest suspect, Hannibal.

However, in this analysis, they made a mistake. They thought that Hannibal was a lord of God like Brigitte, but a lord of evil gods.

The **** that Brigitte believed in was precisely because he didn't want to go to war with the evil gods and the mad dogs, so he chose forbearance.

If Quig knew that Zhao Wenrui was actually a demigod and an old branch of evil spirits who were afraid of even the gods, he could recognize it. It is a pity that he did not know that he felt that his face and the need for revenge to calm down his anger were greater than the bad consequences of killing a beholder of an evil god. In his words: "I'll settle this tone!"

Well, that's it, the vengeance group is on its way.

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