Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1029: Respective methods

For C Kane, there are actually many troubles to face.

For example, the binding problem with 20K universe.

Another example is the potential harm of old branch factors discovered through the blackening of Zhao Wenrui.

Perhaps because he has stood high enough, these problems are just like his career development, and have entered a stable period, that is, the so-called upper track.

At a glance, all the interest activities he is engaged in now are simply summed up in six words-accumulate for thin hair.

This kind of career that was not exciting enough for drama and not enough for ups and downs made him feel uncomfortable at one time. Although it was not too prominent, it was also reflected in many details including changes in thought.

Is similar to Zhao Wenrui, but much lighter, his will is stronger, and not as lonely and dazed as Zhao Wenrui. He lived more soberly, and he could play tricks like play.

Then, by looking at Zhao Wenrui's little mirror, C Kane discovered many of his own shortcomings, and his state continued to improve. Now, he has basically adapted to the slow rhythm of God and resolved the restlessness from the heart .

Looking at my life now, it ’s really like a new driver driving crazy, piling up excitement, just like a profound little story says:

They are eager to grow, and then lament the lost childhood. They exchanged health for money, and they soon wanted to use money to restore health. They are anxious about the future, but they ignore the happiness of the present.

Therefore, they do not live in the present, nor in the future. They usually do not need to consider death; before they die, they feel that they have never lived.

C Kane feels that this story is very applicable to himself, and the blankness embodied by the human avatar Zhao Wenrui is precisely elaborating this.

How to live is what I want, and I can't regret it. This is actually not a problem once and for all, but a phased problem. That's why we need to stop by and look at the scenery and think about life, instead of looking down and walking into the grave from the moment of birth.

C Kane realized that some changes, in fact, should not be afraid, and it is always the same that is the problem.

So for a long time in the past, the fear of losing oneself, the fear of not being as pure and loving as it was at first, is a kind of narrowness in itself.

Looks will grow old, so will their mentality. Decaying dust is also a part of life.

Of course, he hasn't reached that point yet. He just said that change is normal. Thinking, guiding, and shaping are the things to be done, rather than sticking to certain principles to keep him 'fresh'.

Zhao Wenrui does not have this kind of ‘freshness’ thinking. He is even too lazy to think about who he is and what he is becoming.

The memories of the past have become more and more distant, he only lives in the present.

It's good now, so happy, he turned the famous Gaota Town so close to the belief that Ma Youzhen was so close.

"Bridget isn't dead, um ... then let her continue to die, the movement of the water element orb is so great, the digging gang should soon notice and make some guesses. Etc. When the soldiers approached the city, Brigitte went to the waves and made a **** to be a bomb, which should kill many people ... "

In fact, Quieg and a considerable part of the Masters group did not die.

Almost all of the advanced casters are like cats. Although the orb of detonating the water element is indeed domineering, Gaota Town is Quig ’s lair, naturally there is a secret channel, and it is a very high-end, ready-to-use teleport secret channel. . The relevant energy protection system can be run away for a little while.

Of course, it is just a click, so those with poor strength, poor consciousness, and bad luck are left behind. Became a spoils of war, after all, when the sacrifice was started, they were branded.

After Zhao Wenrui drove back, Gaota Town could already be renamed as Grey Town.

In the material plane, the power of darkness is a supernatural force that will be constrained by the laws of nature, so a surgical erosion of darkness will not make Gaota Town a natural scar. Ground.

So ash became the main expression color, and the whole town seemed to be smeared out of cement, and there was no vitality.

Zhao Wenrui did not like it, it was too easy to think of tombs and coffins. Although he doesn't mind digging a hole to build a nest, he still has a minimum requirement for vitality.

"In fact, it is not difficult to solve, the darkness embraces all colors."

Zhao Wenrui cast a spell, wherever the flying boat passed, the gray faded away like a tarpaulin covering the furniture, revealing a marble-like style characteristic of ‘milky white as the primary color and black irregular stripes as the change’.

Simple adjustment and control complete the skin resurfacing. It seems to be a bit of a force in one hand, but it is just a super-large magic applied superficially on the basis of thorough infection.

"It will be called Baicheng in the future." Zhao Wenrui, a temporary guest painter, said casually.

He went back to the pig and whistle tavern, and the bartender Leah was still there.

But the appearance of white marble is just the disguise of Gaota Town. The people here are the same as the past, but only the outer shell.

"Why torture us?" Leah finally couldn't hold back and asked this question.

Yes, there is no injustice, even the relationship is fairly harmonious. Suddenly, it is turned into something that is not human and not ghost. The past life is all ruined at once. Anyone who is afraid of changing will be resentful. ?

Zhao Wenrui put down the glass and thought for three seconds, then pouted: "Maybe it's because of selfishness."

Leah opened her mouth, and finally did not know what to say. In fact, she didn't expect that Zhao Wenrui would say the reason frankly. She thought that Zhao Wenrui would find a bunch of beautiful speeches, pose a hypocritical face, and even paint herself as an innocent.

The interaction between Zhao Wenrui and the Master Group is seen by people, and people like Leah who grew up in Gaota Town since they were young, let the Master Group let Zhao Wenrui patiently wait for Quege to approve this statement. Realized that Zhao Wenrui is likely to be served with tea.

Wait until Zhao Wenrui drummed out the flying boat, it would be great to get out easily. In the dark side of Gaota Town, most of the local people have a mirror in their hearts. From a certain perspective, this is a bandit village. All ordinary people who seem innocent are actually contributing to the prosperity of the bandit. No one is completely innocent. of.

However, Zhao Wenrui did not spray this, nor did he quibble. He just used the unimaginable strength and means to rub the entire tower town forces on the ground, and then showed that Laozi was playing mass slaughter and collective imprisonment. hate.

Now I do n’t mind admitting my own evil, so black and calm, so that the questions of others become pale and weak.

After a long silence, Leah asked: "Is it possible to let us go?"

"Do you know that means death?"

Leah nodded solemnly: "I know."

"Do you have a religious belief?"

"No, but even if there is, I think it has gone through this incident and it is gone."

Zhao Wenrui naturally understands that Leah refers to the critical moment when God failed to initiate salvation, and the believers escaped without a door and were sacrificed.

Zhao Wenrui can even analyze that the reason behind this is mostly a question of cost accounting.

After he became a demigod, he found that the dark evil **** possessed by him was very compelling, and even in comparison with the true god, it did not fall off the wind, even more difficult.

This determines that all the operations with ‘divine pollution’ he engages in will be like radiation sickness, and once contaminated, they will cause permanent damage, joint damage, and extremely headache.

Under such a background, the gods might not be willing to spend their energy to rescue the general public who have deteriorated, and at the same time provoke mad dogs like him.

So speaking, it is still a question of accounting for investment and return.

"With the determination to die, why not dare to live?" Zhao Wenrui asked Leah in this way.

"Because it is very painful to live like this now." Leah said boldly.

Zhao Wenrui shrugged.

Think about it. There is nothing wrong with this statement. Everyone is different. You cannot use his standard as a public ruler.

Although there is no physical damage after being sacrificed, the soul is eroded. The external performance is to have nightmares every night. This is actually a kind of capture of spiritual power, which is essentially the same as the harvest of the belief power of the **** of faith. , But the practice is more violent, regardless of self-collection, it is really like growing leeks, one crop after another.

Zhao Wenrui felt that the people in Gaota Town were probably tolerable, but now it seems not to work, at least Lia is very hard.

"It seems to have tried suicide?"

"Skip the tower."

Zhao Wenrui nodded and thought, "It seems impossible to die, and it is not a good thing."

People in Gaota Town cannot die, mainly because there is such a large cloud of water elements in the sky. The powerful water element nourishes the power, blessing every creature in the area, suicide will only suffer more pain.

"Perhaps you can look forward to it. Throughout history, people like me are casual, unscrupulous, and countless enemies generally live shortly. As soon as I die, you are free. You should use a nightmarish time in exchange for With the overall adjustment of the body, all hidden injuries and injuries are erased. "

Said again: "But poisoning in wine is not an influential operation, so don't take out the disgusting people. You have also seen my power attribute, this kind of evil door is really bad."

Said, he drank the rest of the wine in the glass and turned to go out.

When he came in to drink, how much did he have such expectations, or was conquered, or Stockholm syndrome, no matter what, he hopes to have the original atmosphere, even if it is just a false appearance, it can also make He feels comfortable.

But it turned out to be like seeing the goddess who had a crush on it 20 years later, and found that the other party was already a vulgar and market-oriented, but also turned into a yellow-faced woman with a blasting tube due to the uneasy character of her children.

More than just Yixing Lanshan.

In the following days, Zhao Wenrui mainly focused on perfecting his flying boat.

He is like a rich man who has understood that hundreds of millions of net worth are no longer available through hard work, and has no interest in earnest practice.

Although he was under pressure to survive, he could even vaguely feel that the power to destroy him was brewing, but he chose to do something that interested him.

He is implementing the concept of "people are alive, the most important thing is to be happy".

At this stage, playing the flying boat makes him feel happy.

Was positioned as his home because of the flying boat.

The home made by him personally makes him feel more at home. The belonging to each other is more than that of Baicheng. Even if Baicheng looks at this time, it is indeed a nest he is free to control.

Zhao Wenrui did n’t waste the definition of ‘nest’, he cleverly used some of the original settings of Gaota Town, established a summoning door system, a prison cage system, and a slaughter production line.

With pure dark power as a bait, with the attitude of having a date and a date, he never pays attention to certain planes and tries to summon creatures.

Simply put is that it can release the evil waves energetically. After being lured, just like humans treat pigs, they are recycled from the inside out, and even the soul is used as energy.

Zhao Wenrui has already created the evil soul furnace and the devil soul furnace. He did not engage in the soul furnace, not because of good intentions, but because of the evil radio wave + the power of darkness. It does not attract ordinary life.

That's it. At least a considerable part of the white city with white skin and black heart has become a terror processing plant that fears demons.

Quig's alchemy guards triggered Zhao Wenrui's inspiration to a certain extent, and he began to build his dark kingdom through dark alchemy.

The first thing to turn to is a small dwarf-like thing. Zhao Wenrui is used to naming himself under the word 'black' and calling them black gnomes at will.

Black goblins like to create and invent. They are keen on the cause of darkness, killing, destroying, and destroying. They are also used to tying strong thighs. As long as the other party can provide them with various stages of death, they are willing to offer loyalty.

After being summoned, he was not stuffed into the slaughtering production line, but returned to his hometown to recruit more black goblins, which could have more than 10,000, which made Baicheng lively.

With their assistance, puppets called black guards began to appear one after another. These puppets with bright and beautiful shapes and shells can be said to be a combination of demon parts. At the same time, it is also a killing weapon with darkness as the axis and the source of strength.

Zhao Wenrui made these things out, obviously not to make the world a better place, but to make the next tearing look more splendid and epic.

In addition ~ ~ He also did not kill less, the frequency of the evil **** can be a good measure. In the town of Gaota, many people meet the standard.

Zhao Wenrui turned them into monster figurines, and some individuals with good qualifications became black orcs.

Unfortunately, the black lich is too special to copy, otherwise Zhao Wenrui does n’t mind creating more dark gathering teams.

Yes, he has begun to taste the sweetness that a dedicated team has dedicated to him.

This made him realize that really driving others to make money for himself is the right way to get rich. To put it plainly is exploitation, billionaires, no matter how tortuous the process, the essence must be this.

Therefore, the collection team lacked the ability to stand alone, but he could also create a ‘money corps’. The artillery rang, the gold was 20,000, the money was earned, and the excitement was also watched. How cool! ?

Then, after just three months, the earth was rejuvenated, and the treasure digging team appeared under the Baicheng city, as well as Quig and his mage group, as well as other active or invited crusades.

On the rooftop square at the top of Baicheng, Zhao Wenrui felt the blazing light below, nodded with satisfaction, each blazing light represented a strong man, and the number was very large, and he spent his energy to maintain Brigitte. Special stability until now.

Was finally able to smash people with **** shit, Zhao Wenrui looked forward to it.

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