Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1031: Before and after the stage

Zhao Wenrui leaned back and sat in a large and comfortable high-back chair, listening to the loss report, his face unhappy and sad.

He did n’t really care about the series of construction of Baicheng, so although the loss was not small, he did n’t feel so annoyed.

"Is it torn off against a powerful opponent, it is normal to win or lose." He can still think so calmly.

If his flying boat was destroyed, it would definitely not be so calm.

The large claw-shaped device used to guide the path of the high-energy beam has been recovered, so just visit under the steps.

Of course, it has been sealed and can no longer function.

After listening to the report and issuing a series of orders for stop loss repair, Zhao Wenrui went down the high stairs to reach out a hand in front of the big paw, just like roasting fire at random, back and forth above the crystal at the top of the big paw Shaking.

He is feeling the energy involved in it, confirming the energy characteristics of the three shellings.

His vision and experience were still a little bit worse, and he did not expect this to be a blame-making operation by a **** to steal the energy of other gods.

What he thought was that the attack was initiated by a multi-god joint operation like the Five Gods of the United Kingdom of the Katyn Kingdom.

He knows that corresponding to the Kingdom of Bybosa, there is also a sparrow although it is small and full of organs. Behind the treasure digging team, there are four figures of this god. After all, the senior church thugs have appeared, and that project The deceitfulness of the deeds is indeed worth the greed of the deity.

"It doesn't matter, whoever you love." Zhao Wenrui thought lazily.

Despise strategically, attach importance to tactics. He held the Brigitte card in his hand, and he could blow it up at any time, so he wouldn't be stunned by the opponent's preemptive cut.

Of course, he also has to admit that if the enemy can do one round per day like this, then Baicheng will be completely destroyed, that is, within a week.

Therefore, there is indeed a certain amount of gambling in the posture of holding the neck and the opponent's hard consumption. Gambling each other's blows today is a costly 'off horse power' that will not exceed three waves.

Actually, Zhao Wenrui thought too much, not to mention three waves, just another wave, the ancient **** could not do it.

This time the reason for using such luxurious means.

First of all, he really attached great importance to Zhao Wenrui, or to the old support factors.

Secondly, the ancient gods coveted the treasure digging project, trying to gain more right to speak through this kind of strength display and side-strike.

Finally, this is an operation to clear inventory, similar to the ammunition is about to expire, or the weapon is outdated, maintenance and maintenance costs, it is a pity to throw it away, and the sale is equal to the enemy.

In the past thirty years, this ancient god's prestige has been related to this tactic of attacking money. It is a periodic muscle show unique to the old gods.

The gods all know what is going on, and generally do n’t touch the mold, but Zhao Wenrui catches up and becomes the target of being targeted.

But skipping the possibility of cooperation and directly evolving to such a situation of deadly hard battle, there are still some stories behind it.

This story even the high level of the crusade is only faintly aware, but C Kane is clear to see.

‘Black Vortex’.

It was the black vortex that exerted force behind the back and matched the match, which led to the crusade against Zhao Wenrui.

Black Vortex wants to be a siskin, using Zhao Wenrui to resurrect Godhead.

Actually, the Black Vortex has made quite good progress.

As soon as Zhao Wenrui became a prisoner of brute force, the tentacles of the black vortex had been secretly operating around Zhao Wenrui, and soon after, he successfully got enough weight of Zhao Wenrui's blood.

Although Zhao Wenrui has realized the extraordinaryness of the old branch factors contained in his body, he has not paid enough attention to it. This can be seen from the operation of blessing the black lich, black orc, and black figurines with their own blood so that they can resist radiation wind.

For a divine being, this approach is a bit stupid.

But C Kane could understand Zhao Wenrui, after all, even the deity, had done similar things in the beginning.

This method is simple and efficient, and the other is ‘freshness’ and ‘feelings’.

Similar emotions can be manifested by playing games. At the beginning, it was almost a trash guy. He didn't want to throw anything. When the back pack was full, he returned to the city to sell it. Later, some commemorative or chic items were stored in the warehouse, and the warehouse was full and would rather not throw it away.

These two emotions make the transcendental person who walks the puppet to control the flow, in the initial stage, takes extra care for the puppet, and even has special feelings.

C Kane analysis believes that Zhao Wenrui is currently in this situation, and has invested in the original batch of creations, like the car and the dog, willing to invest.

However, such an operation is equivalent to leaving hidden dangers. After all, dealing with puppets is easier than dealing with Zhao Wenrui himself.

Black vortex is to achieve the purpose of collection through the erosion of the puppet.

Even when Zhao Wenrui tried his best to throw the bone beast and the shadow demon in the old town, he was hibernating and playing role-playing in the river city, the black vortex completed the erosion.

The black vortex was originally arranged in the huge dome ruins underground in the old town, and a big drama was specially arranged to capture Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui also discovered the remains of the dome, and even planned to find out.

But Zhao Wenrui ’s good luck is really powerful, and suddenly his thoughts surged, and then he threw everything away and went to Happy like crazy.

Even if there was a wave in the end and a ridiculous one, he did not stop there and worked hard to go the right way. Instead, after returning to the old town and simply gathering his belongings, he started a journey that said that he would leave.

Black vortex can only continue to lurking, waiting for the opportunity.

It is absolutely good at waiting, after all, human life is not worth mentioning in front of its patience.

It was Zhao Wenrui's apostasy that really made the Black Vortex seize the opportunity.

Black Vortex originally wanted to take the opportunity to control Zhao Wenrui in one fell swoop.

As a result, the prosperity of the old support factors completely disrupted its plan. It could only retreat to the second place and control the puppets.

Also had a greater interest in Zhao Wenrui, from one of his original goals, to becoming a must.

Further back, the black vortex miscalculated again. The shadow demon, who was originally in the puppet sequence, actually came to the fore in the process of Zhao Wenrui's blackening, which was better than the three-axe bone beast and the shadow crow, let alone those more peripheral puppet creations.

This miscalculation made the black vortex insufficient investment in the shadow demon, so that in the process of blackening promotion, the influence was not successfully passed down, but was washed away like waste.

So Zhao Wenrui's seven generals did not have two or five. There are two black orcs promoted by the bone beast, but the positioning of the black orcs is the thugs, and they were arranged to follow the black lich to gather power for Zhao Wenrui, and failed to stay with Zhao Wenrui.

Has to say that Zhao Wenrui's luck is still so powerful.

Black vortex at a glance at this situation, can only think of ways to create new opportunities.

The digging treasure group wanted the water element orb, and Zhao Wenrui quickly became enemies with the Quege line, and the black vortex began to operate in secret.

Concealer of the Holy Domain and the ancient gods and horses are drawn by the black vortex.

The ancient **** was more interested in the two traits possessed by Zhao Wenrui.

One is the old branch factor. The ancient **** believed that the old branch factor represents a mystery never seen before, and is an opportunity to release the restraint of the Great Star Universe on Him.

Second is the dark divinity. Zhao Wenrui's dark divinity is very coveted in the eyes of ancient gods.

Understand that blackening and darkening are two concepts. Blackened ‘black’ refers to the disposition of temperament towards the evil side of universal standards, including the depravity of character, and the extremes of thinking. It is necessary to mark it with an accurate conceptual attribute. In fact, "evil" is more appropriate than "black".

Evil really matches Black, but evil is basically a concept based on matter, life, and wisdom, but black can transcend the universe.

So evil things, evil spirits, evil gods, these are not rare, and the high dark affinity is very rare.

And Kane are inseparable from darkness.

The deity established a close relationship with the darkness in one fell swoop. All avatars and missed bodies born from this root have hidden attributes of affinity and darkness.

Black Kane is one of the best, second only to the deity of the Dark Forces contractor.

And after devouring a large amount of black shabu's flesh and blood power, he further deepened the degree of conformity with darkness, and at the same time obtained the 'bridge' attribute of darkness and evil.

The old dominator was originally a multiverse-level evil spirit, and Sabine Nicholas is one of the three pillar gods, whose attributes are darkness and reproduction.

These two key attributes are exactly in line with Kane's most fundamental power attributes, as well as extraordinary system attributes (worms).

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui ’s affinity for the power of darkness actually inherited a series of ‘results’ produced by ‘causes’. This ‘result’ is very rare, but it is also true.

Is pure and highly compatible. Zhao Wenrui's dark divinity possesses characteristics that even God cannot match. At least there is no match among the surviving gods.

It is precisely because of the concept of ‘darkness’ that can transcend the single universe and the mystery of the old branch factors, the ancient **** saw a chance of detachment.

Therefore, the black vortex just released the message just right, and the ancient **** entered himself.

Actually took a lot of setbacks in establishing trust with the line of Quige and the line of the treasure digging team.

In the end, Consai not only helped the treasure digging team to get 4 other (in addition to earth fire water wind, and dark) elemental orbs, but also made a vow that they would not compete with Aris for the benefits in the tomb. The alliance laid the foundation in one fell swoop.

Interestingly, Aris was originally trying to get a substitute for the Orb of Water Element, and opened the tomb, let's talk about others. After all, for Aris and the gods behind them, there is nothing but a feud between Zhao Wenrui.

The project is so big, it is inevitable that ‘knock and bump’, the awakening of the masses of revenge, etc., they actually thought about it early in the morning.

It is precisely because of his heart, so what is more important than pursuing the tomb? Who doesn't understand the truth of night long dreams?

Therefore, they did not rush to liquidate with Zhao Wenrui, and did not even plan to take it back from the water element orb in Zhao Wenrui's hand.

Other seal halls, they are one by one Raiders, and later a series of Confucius joined to help. They knew how powerful the guards in the hall of seals were.

But this powerful force was wiped out by Zhao Wenrui in a short time.

No matter what method Zhao Wenrui did, he had to admit that he was terrible. They have made a lot of noise with the help of Confucius, but Zhao Wenrui can quietly engage in the strategy, which is stronger and weaker, it is easy to compare.

Is also because it is known that Zhao Wenrui is not easy to provoke, so the digging team is willing to join forces with Kong Sai.

The team of digging treasures did not even give up hope that Kongsai could help them. First, they successfully achieved the purpose of the action on the side of the tomb, and then went to Zhao Wenrui's trouble.

The result is that the soldiers are disappointed and disgraced, and they are taught to be human by the cruel reality.

Specifically speaking, the water element orb substitutes they made could not support the pattern of genuine water element orb.

This is flaws and hidden dangers. According to Murphy's law of "there is a possibility of bad things happening, then bad things must happen", it is not difficult to understand that the seal system has seized the opportunity to bring a group of people to death.

After eating this big loss, they decided to honestly start with getting the water element orb.

As for the line with Quige, it is more straightforward to use each other. In contrast, the line with Quige is in a weak position. I hope this thick leg can help him complete his revenge plan.

, While Conce and Aris, regarded the Quieg series as cannon fodder.

Black vortex, continue to hide in the dark, affecting the development of the situation in favor of it, planning to be a cardinal when picking fruits.

Therefore, the relationship among the crusades is quite complicated.

Fortunately, from the perspective of the specific performance of the project, the Concei system is not only a living place in the town ~ ~, but also leads by example, taking the lead and working hard, and playing a good leading role. Contradictions have been successfully suppressed, and the fighting forces overall can still fight and execute.

However, it is possible, but it is not enough to defeat Zhao Wenrui.

Kongsai they do n’t think they follow up, but C Kane can see clearly, Zhao Wenrui ’s combat power is extraordinary!

C Kane even believes that Zhao Wenrui does not need to use Bridget's "divine nuclear bomb", as long as the tactics are proper, he can hunt down the crusade against the ground. Even if Kong Sai opened up to let the angelic group come to help, it might not be able to stabilize Zhao Wenrui.

But if it is said that the crusade has no chance of winning at all, it is also wrong. The two artifacts held by Consai are extremely powerful killers. Once Zhao Wenrui fails to cope well, there is a possibility of defeat.

Especially one of them, contains the power of time and space, and more particularly, if C Kane did not look away, then this artifact has the characteristics of dimensionality reduction.

If this is the case, then the technology contained in the artifact is enough to be called gold in the sand in the eyes of C Kane. Has a very high starting value.

And in the final way, C Kane felt that Zhao Wenrui's performance was crucial.

So he has secretly made a secret shot, or prepared to help Zhao Wenrui ...

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