Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1035: House witch

Laughed and scolded, raised his hand at will, and killed two monsters one after another.

Zhao Wenrui looks very compelling, calm, calm, powerful, and even mysterious, people do not know where the upper limit is.

But in fact, if he really understands his temperament, he will know that he is holding on.

The strength is not enough to make up for it. If it is not enough, Zhao Wenrui will not be more BB when the fighting state is not released. "The villain died from talking too much". He often exhorted himself in this way.

While the side of the couch opened to allow others to sleep soundly, he was not arrogant enough to be in a room with strange monsters, and then rested peacefully.

Will not let strange monsters lurking in a place less than 10 meters away.

Including throwing myself into the sofa chair before, it was actually unsustainable, but had to be prettier and chic.

Mike is a black version of the black figurines he made in a hurry. At the time, he was also a BB in the ward with Mikele, just to continue his power in secret.

Know that Mikel has a gun and intends to kill, but in this case, he is half spread on the hospital bed, still hanging a bottle, and chatting with each other, which is a bit too much.

Estimated that Mike was a mentality of watching the drama at that time, and wanted to know how he would keep his costumes intact.

Of course, as a killer who came to kill his mouth, Mike himself was very unprofessional, and the reason was simple. Like when **** a girl, male animals will subconsciously display the style, just like the male peacock.

So Zhao Wenrui thanked Casey for being there. Even now, although the strangers on the field should have no interest in Cathy, it is very possible to want to abuse Cathy, but it must be said that Cathy is a good supporter, whose fear, bewilderment, Xiaobai, the true completion Without Green Leaf ’s mission, he would not look as compelling as he is now.

But after all, he ca n’t replace power, even though he knows clearly that it ’s right to chase the poor courage, and even the muddy water of this rotten orchard farm should not flow, but he has no way to analyze it with his experience and wisdom. Since someone has dug such a round, blind escape is not possible.

And he has no such strength at the front, he is like a tuberculosis ghost master in Gulong's novel, coughing and vomiting blood will die at any time, but as long as he does not die, he can squeeze out some power at any time to give any deadly threat to the opponent Hate and fear.

"Throw it out, the stinky bad guy's mood." He continued to maintain the personnel, so he ordered Mike.

As a simple black figurine, Mike can't cope with the extraordinary existence now, so he can abuse the mortal, and he can't be a master, otherwise he will leak obvious shortcomings.

Mike silently picked up the burnt 6-minute corpse and threw it out of the house, and Zhao Wenrui took another sofa chair and sat by the fireplace, legs on the short table, and said to Cathy: "Relax with peace of mind, if any waste dares to come close, I'll just kill it. This day, I'm so tired, I'm too lazy to move ..."

Said, closed his eyes.

Had to say that Zhao Wenrui himself felt that this statement was too superficial and superficial, but anyone with a little brain, fine pecking rice can analyze the problem.

But he said it, after some thought. The first is to be skeptical about strange IQs, and the second is to evaluate and analyze the thinking characteristics of the federal.

If it is a heavenly dynasty, he would definitely not say such ‘There is no silver three hundred and two’ here. Rather willing to play mime, let the other party guess and make up. But here, it's better to be simple, so as not to show the blind show of pure body language.

Sure enough, nothing happened the night after, so that he succeeded until the sky was bright.

"Uh, poo!" Zhao Wenrui spurted black blood into the ashes of the after-fire of the fireplace, and immediately threw a fierce fire, accompanied by a pungent stench.

Cathy, who hadn't slept all night, pressed her dark circles and exclaimed, "What's the matter with you, Marquis?"

Zhao Wenrui sucked and spit a few more blood foams, and smiled, "I'm much better."

After scanning for four weeks, he grinned again: "But it's not much better here. To be honest, this is contrary to my expectations, but I like it."

This time, it ’s really not a comparison. After all, Xie Zuo always takes darkness as a hotbed, and this is extraordinary. For him, as long as it is extraordinary, even if it is evil, it is better than those that are audio-visual and pleasant The usual place to relax.

When went out, it was really misty and foggy, and without seeing the sun, Wan Lai was still, like death.

Last night, two bodies were thrown one after another under the steps outside the door.

Cathy noticed and reminded Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui's smile on his chest: "It's good, save the effort to search."

Then traced the trace, and soon came to the side of the house.

This villa has a basement, but the entrance is opened outside, and the entrance is a small slope, it is not difficult to find.

The door opened, ‘Om! "Thousands of blackhead and fly flies flew out of them, forming a disgusting tide.

However, Zhao Wenrui was already prepared, and he was not covered by his face, but was all grayed out in the area in front of him.

These large soybean flies seemed to be wise. When they saw this, they tried to scatter, but where could they get rid of? You can't even do it if you want to go back, you can only keep moving forward and then dissolve the dust.

Is four or five seconds before and after, and there is no one left.

At the same time, I heard a dry scream in the basement.

Cathy looked pale on the side, almost fainting.

Zhao Wenrui waved his hand, and the ashes left after the flies died were all condensed into particles, held in his hands, and looked like broken carbon.

He said to Cathy: "Look, it's just some carbon residue, deceptive spells, like some magic on stage."

After listening to Zhao Wenrui's explanation, although Cathy was still doubtful, she did feel much better.

"So disgusting, so horrible!"

"This is a common trick of evil law. It provokes emotions, makes people feel sick, and subconsciously does not want to go deeper, which can further strengthen the horror caused by the unknown. And fear in turn stimulates emotions, making people more The panic made it impossible to think and discern rationally. A vicious circle. Therefore, the core of the evil law is basically to confuse people's hearts and is an ancient psychology application technology. "

"Oh! This is also what the federal police detectives teach?"

"Course of the Special Affairs Department. I had intended to enter the Special Affairs Department and promoted relatively quickly. While still being able to fight, I can see if I can climb to the position of the Sheriff."

Cathy stared at Zhao Wenrui, and suddenly said emotionally: "Marquez, let's make peace!"

Zhao Wenrui laughed: "Don't be stupid, I can understand your current mood, and even guess to a certain extent what you think. But in fact, this is very similar to our mentality when we first fell in love, and our passion for a while is ultimately no match. The trivial things in life pass away. The scars on each other's hearts are not as easy to eliminate as you. "

He also said: "I know you think I am responsible, very man. But this working state is almost the best in your heart, but life is not a delicate party, our relationship is like this, It is because tolerating each other requires too much sacrifice, like living in shackles, and the feelings between us are not enough to make us willing to grieve ourselves for so long. "

Cathy shed tears silently, just because all these words spoke into her heart.

She is now weak, helpless, and worried, and Zhao Wenrui shows a big leg, she instinctively wants to post it, and even the love in her heart is resurgent.

But Zhao Wenrui's words are a pot of cold water. This made her feel miserable while recognizing the reality.

When she was her age, her parents were too old to be able to rely on her. She originally felt that she was very independent and very good. Now she discovered that this kind of independence is established in a normal legal and social environment. Once she is out of this kind of greenhouse The environment, the skills she relies on, are simply a joke.

This is what makes her truly frightened. After all, she escapes strangely, but she cannot escape the reality of her own weakness.

The society that stripped the coat of law and justice is so sinister that it can cause great harm to her body and mind at any time, and death is even worse than death.

When she understood the truth behind this glitz, and then reviewed her previous life, she would find many ideas and practices stupid and ridiculous.

And even if she could return to a civilized society, she would not be able to return to the original silly life after she got rid of this black forest-style lifestyle.

Of course, in fact, she is not white at all, nor can it be said how sweet, silly or silly is limited, otherwise you will not want to understand this so quickly. More than 50% of women encounter such things, they will only scream and cry, and keep complaining.

Zhao Wenrui did not have extra energy to care for Cathy. He felt that he could make it clearer, even if it seemed cruel, it was better than grinning. Not planning to fuck, why coax, and give the other party a fantasy? Is that bad?

Entered the basement along the concrete staircase, which contained the dirty and messy blood in Dacheng, as if it was a semi-ruined hunter specimen showroom built on the basis of an old-style slaughterhouse, and then a few barrels of dirt in the sewer were poured.

Of course there is no light in this place, but dim vision is Zhao Wenrui's basic welfare, so it is true to see, which also led to his success being disgusted. Especially the tragic witch who was killed by witchcraft.

Folded bark-like skin is pierced with many black and yellow ancient pieces and teeth, and the shriveled upper part is full of ornaments. The face that has been deformed is covered with skinny bags, and there is no shady cloth on the lower body. Where he died, the abalone seemed to have a long tongue sticking out of the sea cucumber that was cut open, and with the thick yellow hair, it looked quite horrible, and he didn't know how many bags were stuffed in his head before he made himself like this ghost.

Of course, it is more sympathetic to the people who died in the hands of the goods. Look at the scattered wreckage in the corner. With Zhao Wenrui ’s professional vision, at least ten people died. Now there is so little wreckage left. The utilization rate of flesh and blood is quite high, maybe the two goods encountered last night were made by this guy.

Zhao Wenrui just glanced around for a while and then retreated. Raised his hand to give Mike a blessing, pointed to the basement, "Go!"

Mike did not say anything, went down to eat.

Is not ordinary chewing or licking, but the process of eating is still disgusting and terrifying, which is not humane.

Although Zhao Wenrui is quite lacking in energy now, this kind of eating environment is really appetizing, and it is not a last resort. He does not want to be so difficult for himself.

So let Mike go and evolve a good dog, which is not bad.

Not to mention, the two corpses that were obtained last night were not here, which made him realize that there were still evil things hidden here.

Quickly focused his attention on the farm tool house.

This rectangular building with an arched corrugated asbestos tile roof seems to have been a stable. There is also a wooden barrier in the innermost part that has not been dismantled. Two small fences are made, echoing from left to right, and there are several sheep in each circle.

Zhao Wenrui saw that in the fence on the left, there were two lambs and a ewe, and in the fence on the right, a ram was mating with the ewe, and nothing else was special.

He laughed, turned around and ran not far away, took the pitchfork standing against the wall, and walked back again.

Sheep belong to the type of seasonal estrus. But long-term artificial domestication has become a year-round estrus, and there is no distinction between breeding season and non-breeding season.

So the sheep mating itself in midwinter is fine, but witchcraft can't hide Zhao Wenrui's eyes.

Strikes like electricity, Zhao Wenrui poke on the neck of the ram, ‘Duo! ’Nailed it to the wall.

The ram couldn't scream, twitched a few times, his eyes rolled, his mouth swelled, a black smoke poured out of his mouth, the volume was quite large, and there was a cubic, just a flowing ribbon .

Eyes are about to fly to the high ceiling, Zhao Wenrui's hand draws a simple magic circle that is drawn instantly in his hand, emits gray light, enveloped by a cone of light, and the black smoke is immediately sucked like a blower, Fly to the palm of Zhao Wenrui.

In the black smoke, a human-like head was vaguely visible, his expression was frightened and frightened, his mouth was open and howling and roaring, but there was no sound, it tried to break free, but unfortunately it was of no avail. Was swallowed.

Zhao Wenrui's palm array's ray of light became brighter and brighter after swallowing, and eventually gathered into a gray bead. He threw the bead at the ewe that was previously sunburned. After hitting it, a handful of smoke burst. After dissipation, a woman wearing only a pair of socks appeared. It looked pretty, with long hair fluttering. It's just that my eyes are demented.

Zhao Wenrui pouted, the heart disease is the most difficult to cure, the best result of this woman in the future is also the kind of half-silly, non-committed housewife. If the correct psychological rehabilitation treatment fails to keep up, the rest of your life will have to be tossed in homes and mental hospitals. I hope she still has family members. The evil is really harmful.

Of course, the most poisonous thing is the human heart. The witch who was killed in the basement before is the only living person, and the rest are either puppets or evil spirits.

The witch died, the evil spirits perished, and the various distortions of witchcraft quickly recovered.

The sheep in the fence on the left have all returned to human form, crouching and huddled on the dirty dry grass.

And the bodies of the two puppets who were killed by Zhao Wenrui last night also appeared, hanged not far by the iron chains and meat hooks hanging from the thick room beams.

The real appearance of this farm house is not as empty as before, but more like a cold store filled with pork. It's just that hanging pigs is not so compelling, it won't appear here.

Came out of the farm tool house, the mist has begun to dissipate, although the winter sun does not have much heat, but it is still enough to dispel the kind of gloomy feeling brought by the smog.

Of course, the most important thing is that after the disintegration of the extraordinary enclave, the technology equipment can be used normally, such as cars and mobile phones.

Zhao Wenrui thought about it, or let Cathy's mobile phone make a call to someone in the special service.

Marquez knew the case before and nodded. But now it is an option.

"Hope that the special service really wants to be as powerful as it thinks." He explained to Cathy in this way.

Mainly felt a little scared to go directly to the anti-social and anti-human Kangzhuang Avenue.

After all, his current strength is poor, he is wanted, he is chased by black and white, and he has to wander in human society. It is simply a nightmare of his own choice.

Previously, there was no way, but it happened to be such a spooky case, but it was an opportunity to submit a reputation. If the Special Service can grant asylum, then he does not mind mixing up for a while, even as a stained witness.

In this way, he has a short rest period and also has an account with his family. This time, although he is not full enough, he can also stabilize and raise him to a human limit after digestion. The key It is the self-consistency of the gods and souls, even if it is distorted to a certain extent, it is better than being immobile or hallucinating.

Of course, this method of building his own safety on the skills and decisions of others makes him very uncomfortable, but enduring this is better than being a family dog. Obtaining the necessities by stealing and snatching with extraordinary means, it will not be long before it will attract the pursuit of extraordinary powers like a special service.

Moreover, those who want to put him to death can also hire extraordinary powers. The extraordinary are also priced, and they are not as high as ordinary people think.

The special bureau came very quickly. Not only did he lock his position through his mobile phone, but he also drove the helicopter directly. This gave him a little more confidence in the Special Service.

Wealth is rich and powerful, with such a background, probably to pretend to be as generous as possible, right? I hope.

The helicopter had not stabilized yet, so he jumped off the acquaintances in succession, first two men, one woman. Men's hair is gray, a very charming uncle, women are heroic, and there is a bit of the **** taste of John Connor in Terminator 2.

The result is not only watching the hot temper, but also throwing fists without saying a word.

‘Bang!’ Mike directly kicked, kicked it a few meters away, and rolled his heels.

This can completely make the other party angry, scolding ‘asshole’ in his mouth, and the female leopard usually rushes over.

"Niv ~ ~ Enough!" Uncle sneered.

The woman who rushed down put her fist down and spit to the side, glaring at Zhao Wenrui, that means: let's just wait and see.

Zhao Wenrui reviewed the memory of Marquis and knew what was going on.

Smiled and said to the uncle: "So you bring Miss Campbell over, test it, and give me a chance by the way?"

Uncle hummed: "If you want to think so, that's it."

"Mr. Hanmer, please visit here first, and then tune in."

Robert ?? Hammer naturally heard Zhao Wenrui's subtext saying: You are not qualified to pretend to compare with me.

He frowned, instead of spraying with Zhao Wenrui again, but turned back to give the soldiers a wink, and suddenly two soldiers armed with teeth looked at Zhao Wenrui trio with vigilance, and even opened gun insurance.

And Robert greeted Neveu and Yu Zuo and began to investigate the situation here.

Cathy clutched Zhao Wenrui's arm worriedly.

Zhao Wenrui comforted her: "Benefits and grievances are all put on the face, which is not necessarily a good thing. I have pitted Ms. Neve once before."

"..." Cathy felt that she was the husband who never really knew her.

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