Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1038: Expel

At the beginning of the operation, Zhao Wenrui emphasized that during the operation, the team member needs to execute the command he issued without discount, even if the command sounds ridiculous.

And this is not a difficult thing for the pot heads. Although they do n’t have many times to cooperate with the extraordinary, they are not rookies, and in the daily related training, the instructors also make three orders.

Now, as Zhao Wenrui issued an order, everyone immediately went to the ground.

And Zhao Wenrui also turned around and waved his sword.

The thumb sends blood through the bloodletting device. The blood is multiplied by ten times to scarlet energy, and flows along the blood groove of the knife body. With the swing of the blood-drinking sword, the scarlet energy is transformed into fierce fire by ten times.

The effect is like throwing gasoline in a wicker, and then the gasoline burns. When you leave the knife, the scarlet energy has the texture of liquid splashing, and then outward, it is a plasma flame.

It's just that this flame is different from the ordinary orange-gold flame, it is not incandescent or blue-white, but it is full of strange scarlet.

With Zhao Wenrui's body-turning knife, the blaze formed by scarlet flames, like blooming flowers, with ripples spreading repeatedly, sweeping in all directions with a layered feature.

The birdman caught in this flame does not burn, but sprays a lot of blood mist from the opposite direction, as if the body fluid was boiled in an instant, and then spewed out along the only vent.

‘Pooh! ‘‘ Pooh! ’The birds are falling with the heels of the head, and it ’s screaming.

Willis saw clearly that the moment the bird was caught in the scarlet flames, the birdman ’s consciousness had disappeared, so the instant became a free fall, and the original inertia or leaping inertia became the driving force for the fall, and it has already It doesn't matter which part hits the ground first, or how to fall, so each one looks extremely miserable.

Less than three seconds, the entire area is cleared.

Zhao Wenrui received the knife and said at the same time: "Okay. I'm sorry I didn't let you participate in this killing feast. The gunshots were too loud, which would trigger some kind of trap, but you still have a chance to show your combat power."

"..." Everyone didn't know what to say.

Willis felt that it was really necessary for Zhao Wenrui to see a psychiatrist. During his handling of the case, the indifferent attitude towards life that he revealed from various details was very abnormal.

Under the mask of the bird's beak, it is indeed a face, but obviously not a person.

If the general characteristics of the corpse can still be blamed on the blood and fire slashing performed by Zhao Wenrui, then the strange features such as fangs and horns cannot be backed by Zhao Wenrui in any way.

"This is probably a cultist!" Willis sighed.

To say that all kinds of secret religions and cults are really rampant in this world. Zhao Wenrui can fully understand this feature. After all, in his cognition, the kind of cult that used a gimmick to blow a snail and did n’t have any dry goods can make such a big move, and it can really do what is called a “miracle”. The cult of this world is not strange at all, is it?

In fact, it is precisely because of evil things that aggravated the economic downturn, poor public security and other social problems, this world's half foot into the sky of aliens about to leave the earth, it seems so powerful.

No harm without comparison. The celestial dynasty of this world can ride the dust and lead the world. In addition to the fact that most citizens have a hard-working heart, it also has a lot to do with successfully smoothing the extraordinary troubles.

Even the nation-building history of the Federation, which is less than three hundred years old, and the geographically superior countries are plagued with extraordinary problems, not to mention those ancient countries with a long history and negative negative burdens. As for Africa and South America, it is even darker. It can be said that it is the world of voodoo. The only thing in the world apart from the heavens can be regarded as clean, one is Australia and the other is Madagascar.

Both are very large zoos, and humans set foot late, so there are not so many extraordinary things. In the final analysis, negative negative transgression, as long as it is still based on the soul of wisdom, if it is only a natural spirit, no matter how dark it is, it is nothing more than a flavour of the wilderness, not to mention evil.

Therefore, people are the most poisonous in the world.

Just like now, Zhao Wenrui went over and inspected the bodies of several birdmen, and said, "Half of the people in Shudun Town are here."

Willis knew that the population of Shudun Town was 2332 at the end of the previous year, so he naturally asked why he said that.

Zhao Wenrui pointed out that the leather robes worn by these birds were made of human skin, and they chose the back piece.

Willis looked at the stitches of those big stitches. Roughly, every leather robe had seven or eight pieces of leather, and there were more than a hundred birds.

Zhao Wenrui instructed the pot lid heads to pile up the corpses of the birdmen and let Mike get some firewood.

Mike is now a personal multifunctional machine. Give some simple tools to act as an excavator, forklift, bulldozer, etc. It is natural to collect firewood. If Zhao Wenrui had no requirements for the ringing, the house demolition and collection would be the fastest.

Anyway, in about ten minutes, the bonfire frame was ready, and the corpses of the birdmen were also put away. Zhao Wenrui snapped his fingers, and the bonfire was lit by the scarlet blood fire. All the corpses were under the cover of this strange fire light.

"Okay, as long as this bonfire is not extinguished, the evil can no longer use these corpses."

In fact, there is a half sentence Zhao Wenrui did not say, this kind of gameplay in front of him is actually a kind of sacrifice, which is regarded as a special squeezing method.

He used blood fire to evaporate the blood of these birdmen. In fact, it can also be regarded as a means of extracting vitality. These vitalities are now surrounded by fine water vapor particles.

Through this ritual, the essence of the sacrifice can be completed.

At the same time, the remnant souls of these birdmen, and the dissipated not long ago, but the soul power that has not yet had time to return to the market completely, can also be squeezed.

Disappeared naturally and waste more, it is better to cheap him.

This is also considered a high-tech welfare, after all, the blood quality system is born out of the sin soul system, and he has the demise of the deity, and he has the right to expire without expiration.

In addition to life power and soul power, the demonized corpses of birdmen, including human skin robes, can be used. It's just that Zhao Wenrui hasn't forgotten that he is working part-time in the system. His online EQ makes him understand that eating can't be too ugly.

A group of birdmen came forward to intercept, indicating that the group was walking on the right path.

This is said to be Willis, even the lid heads can roughly figure it out.

Under Zhao Wenrui's leadership, a group of people quickly arrived at the destination, Shudun Town Hospital.

In terms of location, it is not the center of Shudun Town, but it is the center of an extraordinary large area that includes the farm where Zhao Wenrui was demonizing.

The hospital itself is a community-level, independent building with four floors and a floor space of more than 500 square meters, which means that the practical area inside is less than 2000 square meters. The periphery is a small park with a small parking lot in front.

But it is so clear that it is full of deadly traps.

Not allowed at all. Zhao Wenrui reminded that people with red eyes can see some strange sights.

The simple description is as if there is a translucent giant tree root system in a three-dimensional way.

The center of the root system is in the small building, and its thick roots, branches and branches stretch out in all directions.

And these translucent roots that creep slowly like sea worms are not difficult to understand. Those slender are their tentacles, and those thicker are their mouthpieces. They are like pythons. The front end can suddenly open and give people a look. Swallow it.

Although no one is currently recruiting, people can see clearly. Because those thick root hairs, the ends will open from time to time, just like blooming flowers, and some light mist is sprayed after opening, and the light mist makes the entire area enveloped in a dire green color, it seems that this is a root hair The required living environment.

"It seems that the missing person was captured by this thing. This is a tree, evil tree?" Willis sighed and asked.

"Not naturally generated, but artificial evils refined by evil methods."

"What shall we do?" Willis looked at the dense and waving roots and couldn't figure out how to disturb them into the hospital.

"Keep it, let the scholars and leaders in the bureau come and visit it, maybe it can trigger some inspiration." Zhao Wenrui said, extending his hand, using his right index fingernail to cut the palm of his left hand.

Immediately, the blood turned into a scarlet spirit snake and headed towards the hospital.

This spirit snake drills left and right in the air. The thinnest part can be as thin as silk thread, and the thickest part can also be more than 3 meters in diameter. Constantly, it just swam into the hospital in the air.

Because everyone else is blessed with red eyes, including the scary fire that was obviously very strange before, and the blood snakes now, in their view, they are gray, and they do n’t feel too strange, but they are a little mysterious. .

After a while, Zhao Wenrui said: "Okay."

Said that when the left hand flicked, this end of the blood snake turned into a cup of blood, smashed to the ground, and became the base of a slowly opening scarlet blood door, and the scratch on his left hand also recovered.

Obtained the alchemy potion on the vest, drank two tubes, and waited for the test tube to return, and the blood gate was completely formed.

He left Mike to guard the gate, and everyone else followed him into the secret realm through the blood gate.

The first thing people do after they enter the secret is to put on a mask-type breathing filter.

The air here is full of strong ammonia smell and sulfur smell, with a nose and spicy eyes.

Another thing is bullying, which is only about 0.5 atm. This directly makes people feel uncomfortable, such as inflation. The oxygen in the lungs seems to be boiling. The effect is similar to the situation faced when skydiving.

Zhao Wenrui looked at the situation, shook his head slightly, cut his index finger with his thumb nail, and bleed out about blood, and then grasped it violently.

‘Call! ‘A scarlet fire was squeezed out of his fingers, turned into a fire like an earthworm and flew towards everyone.

With the guidance of Red Vision BUFF, there is no need to specifically lock the target this time.

Everyone felt that a warm current entered and flowed along the blood vessels. All the places passed were lit, giving people a sense of comfort in the warm water, and they couldn't help but shudder.

Then, all the discomfort disappeared.

Afterwards, Zhao Wenrui glanced a few times, pointing to one of the pot lid heads and said: "You, come here."

The pot lid head stepped forward, and Zhao Wenrui tapped the middle of his forehead with his index finger, and a drop of blood turned into a blood needle, piercing his pineal gland directly.

Lingshi is open, similar to perception, but more penetrating. The feeling of the pot lid is difficult to describe, but it feels very good. It is like wearing some perspective glasses, but it does not hinder observation from a normal perspective, and is refreshed. Cool, I feel particularly sharp.

"Okay, you are now the eyes of the whole team. What I ask, you can tell what you see in a concise and orderly manner as much as possible."

"Yes!" Said Gu Getou excitedly.

"Remember, if you start to feel dizzy and the sight you see becomes blurry, don't hold on, report to me immediately, unless you plan to burn your brain into a mess of rice."


After, it was simple, Zhao Wenrui asked, the pot covered his head, other people adapted as soon as possible, and then still in that dense formation, walked out from the hospital.

Although the hospital is still that hospital, it is seriously rundown and decay. This rundown and decay is not the kind of time-honored, but it has just been ruined and is suffering an extremely vicious biochemical crisis.

There are reed-like substances floating in the air, as well as finely crushed particles, slowly moving, giving people a sense of being in the sewage.

Blood stains can be seen everywhere, traces of battles are everywhere, there are piles of decay, I do n’t know whether it is flesh or other, creeping, shaking, and sometimes viscous juice flows out, because of the influence of red vision, it can also be distinguished It is impossible to find out whether it is blood or not. Anyway, in addition to making people feel gratified, the bloodiness is quite low.

What's weird is that in the hospital in the secret area, there is electricity, but the facility is damaged badly, in some places, the lighting has been scrapped, and there are places where electricity is leaking, and electric sparks splash out .

Zhao Wenrui feels that the atmosphere here is really good. If the camera crew of {Strange Story} came to shoot, it would save a lot of special effects and props money, and the content could be fuller. A large number of long shots, detailed details, realistic effects, let the audience watch Excessive addiction.

Unfortunately, there were no monsters to slaughter in the hospital, and Zhao Wenrui led the team and left.

Come outside.

If you do n’t pay attention to the floating objects and the creeping and decaying lumps, this is more like a normal tree stump town, mainly with electricity and lighting.

Zhao Wenrui looked around, rubbed her teeth, and felt some pain.

This is really a good place for him, but unfortunately he is not suitable for a large number of transformations and drawing the power of darkness. So there is a feeling of being empty-handed when entering the treasure house.

Willis is struggling with which is the real stump town.

Asked Zhao Wenrui, Zhao Wenrui directly pointed out: "This secret realm was once used as a garbage dump, which is similar to a nuclear waste landfill, of course, it is extraordinary. Some people have used this, and they are obviously not interested in being a person. Big."

At this time, a bell-shaped female voice sounded in the air, aunt god, with such a slutty lust, it is easy to think of a grinning old bustard: "What's so good about being a man?"

"For example, Zhaolu, it's hard to go. It's hard to be a man, but hard work can bring happiness. You still have a goal to achieve, you may not feel it. It won't take long, you will understand that boredom is the enemy of consciousness."

The world is blowing all over the world, Zhao Wenrui dragged two short lines of "Songs and Songs", and naturally he was not afraid that people would not understand. However, he was still stunned by the other party: "Did you pretend that you are an extraordinary person coming from the Holy Spirit?"

The words and grammar are very Chinese, and Zhao Wenrui will certainly not feel awkward or even kind, but he should still be upset: "You do n’t have to sit here and calmly call for reinforcements. I ca n’t help it. The sound appears here, can you be defeated by your handful of soldiers who have won by volume? The benefits are almost the same, you know, hurry up, I let you go, let me lock your real position, You will be dead. "

"You are bluffing!" The woman shouted in fright and anger with a sharp octave voice.

Zhao Wenrui sneered: "You said to continue to endure, do not take the initiative to jump out and talk, I may be afraid of one or two, move slowly, now, can you bet that I am talking big, or just because the salary is low, Not motivated enough to pay you a price to kill you! "

The woman did not respond anymore.

Zhao Wenrui didn't change BB anymore. Instead, he switched on to seeing again and searched forward. Ordinary people's mental strength is really limited, even if these pot heads have experienced war, their will is stronger than ordinary people, and they can't persist for ten minutes using Lingshi.

But there are many people in the team, enough, anyway, try to save his own mental energy consumption is the purpose. As the name implies: Let you also be useful people and enjoy the sense of accomplishment and victory, instead of playing a half-day tour of the magic cave with a mascot hat.

Not much effort. In the west, a flash of light suddenly flashed, and then it seemed that the starry sky could be seen over there.

Zhao Wenrui nodded and said to Willis: "The enchantment merged with the secret realm is closed. It should be taken from the core magic weapon. The guy escaped and can now release his hands and feet to search and rescue."

Even if the case comes to an end, there will be garbage time behind. In the secret realm, and even in the town of Shudun, there is still some evil and strange combat power.

But these combat powers are actually half-hangers stuck between the extraordinary and the ordinary. Packing up ordinary people is naturally very sharp, weird and fierce, and they are often assassin-style raids, not to mention fart people. 'S veterans can't carry it either.

But these people raised by the special service are not for dry food. The AA-12 automatic shotgun can finish 20 rounds of drums in 4 seconds, filled with magnesium powder and ceramic powder. Burn, these half-hangers who still eat ordinary damage just won.

Of course, if there is a real transcendent, such as some art witches who direct the response and combine witchcraft with the actual situation, the threat of these miscellaneous fish can be multiplied, and the transcendent old bird may not necessarily turn over If there is any more geographical advantage, and there are organ traps or something, it will be even more powerful. This is how the three pairs of the Special Service Bureau have been trapped.

Therefore, it is true that the decapitation tactics are used here. Once the leader is divided, the rest is a bunch of scum.

Zhao Wenrui will not specifically save his body to clean up the miscellaneous fish. There are red eyes and blood double BUFF, and the three groups of pot heads can stand alone.

Of course, Zhao Wenrui will not say that he is forced to be high and disdain to participate in the general cleaning, but is lazy on the pretext that he needs more important work to complete.

Actually said that being lazy is not accurate, and beating the oil is the truth, even though he knows that the witch who jumped out of his mouth and took the most valuable and extraordinary items away. But in case? What if the witch is just a little trash with limited vision, and there are missing treasures for him to pick up?

It's like seeing something authentic in an antique stall, is it right?

As a result, the authentic product was not found, but his own soul fragment was found.

The Soul Shard is a polymer of Soul Shard. Although its appearance has greatly reduced the difficulty of his Soul Puzzle, it is still a huge project.

The most important thing is that, according to his analysis, it seems that the fragments of his soul have become the source of extraordinary turbulence in this world.

Like this town of Shudun, if it were not for the fragments of his soul, the witch wanted to make such a big move today, fearing that it would have to accumulate for another few decades in silence.

In fact, the witch is also a bit bitter. It was originally two sisters, one farming and one hunting.

The nature responsible for hunting is the one on the farm.

As the saying goes, rabbits do not eat nest edge grass, Shudun Town is the last bite of fat, and can be used as a cover in the first and middle stages, of course, the interior has long been empty.

If you do n’t eat the grass, then you have to hit wild food if you need it.

Because of Zhao Wenrui's Soul Fragment, the sisters' career is in the rocket rising period, and the hunting action is more frequent.

Originally, Shudun Town was quite deserted, and the hunted road was not a national highway. And those travelers who knew that the world was awesome and were still running on this wild road in the middle of the night were really suspected of death. Even the local police are too lazy to manage, even if they are traced by the person concerned afterwards, they are directly classified as missing persons or simply refuse to admit it. So the witch's hunting is basically safe.

Unfortunately, his life was bad, and he met Zhao Wenrui who escaped in the middle of the night. One was killed directly.

The rest of this was very scary, and I knew that Shudun Town could not withstand the scrutiny of professionals, so I started the Devil's Cave project in a hurry. Expectation can also be one of the taboos widely recognized by mankind, to put it plainly is the extraordinary version of Zhanshan is king.

The results are difficult to understand, the key is that the strength is not good, bad luck is still strong to participate in the project, it is normal for the flagpole to fail to succeed.

Probably such a thing, Zhao Wenrui basically wanted to understand in less than a quarter of an hour.

Of course, if there is a sense of humanity, Shudun Town has extinguished three-quarters at once, and at least half of the 400 alive people have mental problems that are either light or heavy, which is really miserable. It is also the largest vicious case in the entire Federation this year.

In addition, the earliest involved in the investigation of Robert ?? Hammer and Neve ?? Campbell is also very miserable, the former is the kind of near miserable, the latter is miserable by various rounds of abuse, basically miserable.

Coupled with the first few waves of pot heads, and the other two pairs of law enforcers' two-way injury, the Special Bureau's loss is also quite large.

It's just that Zhao Wenrui can't feel the same for these. After all, he still remembered Robert's feelings. After his farm was demonized, it was Robert who chose to trust him. He came by helicopter for the first time, only to have his later peak turn and joined the special service.

So this time, Zhao Wenrui was kind enough to help Robert and Neve.

Niv is Robert's hearth, and it is the kind of true partner who has been in love for a long time.

Therefore, before Mike kicked Nilf who was angry with him, and Robert resisted the woman Zhang Mu who didn't replace himself, Zhao Wenrui thought it was barely personal.

Like Zhao Wenrui, who thinks highly of himself, naturally disdains the feeling of owing to others.

This time I paid it all together.

Said to Robert: "The grace of referral, Mike's foot has been paid back, we are clear."

Robert said emotionally: "I owe you."

"Don't, I don't do the basics." Zhao Wenrui finished and left.

Afterwards, the upper level of the Special Service Bureau was happy for Robert's recovery. Every extraordinary inspector was a valuable asset in the Bureau. Experts who heard psychiatry before said that Robert might not be able to fulfill the law enforcers' rules. They were very sad. for a while.

Zhao Wenrui took action to cure the trauma that is almost impossible to cure, and the senior officials of the Special Bureau naturally know it.

This is just one more extraordinary ability to be coveted.

The detailed report from Willis, as well as the report from the general manager of Shudun Town's Demon Action, urged Marquis Zhao to conduct a spiritual evaluation, were read carefully.

, Together with the coveted heart, was pressed into a confidential file. A good player like Zhao Wenrui can count over a slap in the special service bureau. Will it take a lot of brain damage to get rid of it for greed that is difficult to achieve?

Let's talk about it again, Zhao Wenrui is 'Hua Minggui', and he went straight to Tianchao if he didn't do well. Can you still chase the deep space satellite city? It is not easy for federal parliamentarians like political backgrounds and not low social influence to want to live in satellite city for a few days ~ ~.

Anyway, Zhao Wenrui feels that this job is ok. The report tossed him a furnace named Gangdou (one of the 21 ancient goddesses of the gondul, meaning magic holder) to write, and he did not need to participate in the work of sweeping, or even a small case. It does not require him to visit and follow up, but like a heavy weapon, but when he comes on the court, he basically bombards him. Direct and cool!

At noon the next day, he returned to his new home and continued to love Kathy.

Cathy's living habits are very healthy, running, fitness, and paying attention to diet, so the body is well maintained. Zhao Wenrui also likes the feeling of being careless when playing, but he is not a model or a movie star.

The former is because of thin bones, and the latter is because of the fact that it is born for the lens, in reality, it is basically a small face with a big slap, and the characteristics of the industry make its life difficult to rule. The so-called beauty depends on makeup And he has outstanding Ji attributes and outstanding table attributes. He prefers to be the next king of the mid-range community, and he would not want to mess with the stars, even if it is a poster.

Has to say that sometimes people can't brag, and they are easily retaliated.

Zhao Wenrui had this feeling, just told Cathy bragging that the big star self-recommended pillows were too lazy to take a look, the new case came, and it happened to involve a female star.

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