Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1052: Glass wall defense line

Time flows in the sound of guns and guns, although the frontline soldiers feel like they are living like a year, there is still less than one hour left before evacuation.

The soldiers don't shoot much, because their ignition power is nothing to solve the surging bugs.

At present, it is mainly based on the flame **** pits made by mortar artillery. If it fails, it will reissue the individual cloud explosion bomb, if it is impossible, it will not be replaced with another one, or it will be bombarded with mortar.

As for those who rushed up, the Hornets machine gun array will teach them to be humans.

With the passage of time, there were only two defensive ports. Zhao Wenrui produced enough wasp automatic machine guns to obtain super-saturated blows.

This type of strike allowed the soldiers to clearly see what it means to face super-saturated strikes. Any resistance is futile, it is better to dance.

If there are no dead ends at all, even if you can practice Qiankun's move, you will definitely be hit and shattered within the attack range.

So no matter what kind of bug, no matter how much, if you enter this blow circle, it will be torn into blood mist.

The soldiers eventually became responsible for the aftermath. The individual lucky kittens were found and named. After throwing a few more chemical bombs over, the corpses quickly burned to black ash, avoiding excessive corpses and covering the shooting range.

Seeing this, Zhao Wenrui simply let the soldiers form a fire brigade and fill more bumblebees in the bunker.

Mechanical force replaces manpower, and the equipment is easy to use. Then it is shameful to let people lay hands on the equipment. This shows that people are smart, hardworking people, not laborers.

Not only the North Bridge and West Bridge ’s rangers were also liberated by increasing equipment.

Some Rangers are also dissatisfied with this. "What are we doing, watching?"

"You just think, there is no such good thing. You have to be a firefighter. The equipment is all brains. Maybe the worms change their tricks. They don't know how to deal with it. They will get you when the time comes. You have to learn. Simple maintenance, so that the equipment will obediently repeat the insect harvesting work for you. "

"Well, to say that this bug has killed a lot, and in the end it will indeed be repeated harvesting, which is quite boring."

"Okay, I know you want to be praised, but I do n’t have time, you can blow it with others on the wine table: I was in the excavation field, and the old man killed the insects and slaughtered, and found a machine to kill me. It was easy to cut off all the insects. "

This exploded the conversation box, and the soldiers giggled, "Yeah, without knowing it, the insects were cut, but Wayne, you don't seem to be enough."

"Fart, Laozi kills a lot more than you." ...

The soldiers' smiles were low and rotten, and sometimes people felt inexplicable, but they could just be silly.

Zhao Wenrui can also coax, but can never be integrated into this circle. His thinking is too complicated, and people who are too complicated are not worthy of simple happiness.

Jim Reynolds came together again, "This is really wonderful. The worm attack is getting more and more fierce. We are idle outside the worm and worm sea. We basically don't have to kill it by ourselves."

"Idle? You probably forgot that Zerg and a large number of tunnel worms are useless? Suffocating the bad, as soon as the shell is broken, it immediately collapses across the board, and there is no way to defeat."

At this time someone shouted: "Another wave of flying mantis is coming, from behind, from high altitude, so cunning!"

Zhao Wenrui glanced a few times and said, "The problem is not big, the missile tower will teach them to be humans,"

Sure enough, most of this wave of tactical flying mantis didn't have time to launch an attack, and was killed by a missile. There are so few attackers, all of which have limited power due to the distance, and the firepower is inclined to the facility.

At this time, the significance of the facility was not much. Zhao Wenrui was too lazy to let the SCV repair, but rather SCV has been vigilant, ready to respond to the tunnel worm attack that may occur at any time.

He drew a special long cylinder from the pouch at the waist, with a black top and bottom, a transparent material in the middle, a special card inside, and a piece of egg-sized irregular crystal stuck in it, which was shining and beautiful.

"Jim Reynolds, you have the protagonist's life, help me to collect this first, if I have the opportunity to board the ship, I will naturally ask you for it. If there is no chance, buy my brother a good place to stay."

Jim Reynolds took it, jokingly said: "You are not afraid that I will not do anything with the money."

Zhao Wenrui snorted and said, "Yeah, if someone offers a price below eight digits, that guy must treat you as a knight. This is a rare element extracted from silicon crystals, and many cutting-edge studies can use it. By now, it is especially useful for the research of Youneng, the key is that it is extremely difficult to prepare, and the time is particularly high. "

"Hush!" Tex Finley whistled. With eight digits, he couldn't figure out what it was like to pile up so much money.

Jim Reynolds, they do n’t know, but Zhao Wenrui knows that this copy will go crazy at the last minute, and the number of soldiers will increase tenfold. Comparing the set time of this level in the game with the time of this mission, the result of the settlement is that the Zerg will be crazy in the last half hour.

The time is almost up, and once it starts, it is estimated that it will become a dog, and it will be a luxury to say a few words in full. It is rare to take advantage of the opportunity to salvage the soldiers, the cost of raising troops, and the cost of keeping ships. The Huberian is a bottomless hole. Jim Reynolds has been so poor that Swan has repeatedly vomited, and the boss's face has been lost.

So as long as he is gone, the rare element of the nanoworm can make Jim Reynolds reluctantly obtain the comfort of being the boss of everyone for a few days, not the slave of everyone.

If there is a chance to meet again next time, he believes that Jim Reynold's expression will be very interesting.

The last fierce battle started inadvertently.

Swarms of ground insects raged like floods. The sky was full of empty head pockets, and the defense zones directly smashed were full of temporary carpets. Jumping insects pounced out of their empty head pockets, bite when they caught people, and nibble when they caught things.

The flying mantis came out with the dark clouds pressing against the top, and the earth shook, and the tunnel worm finally appeared.

"Very impressive, but I still have a way to choke you!"

Zhao Wenrui gave a command in cold hum, and the nuclear flash exploded at the North Bridge, West Bridge, and in the air almost simultaneously.

When the plasma fireball appeared, the shock wave lifted the dust like waves, swept like a tsunami, destroyed and swept, swept the world, was notified earlier, and the soldiers with certain preparations tied themselves to the steel floor and were not blown for the first time Fly, and a large number of Zerg, especially the jumping insects, are not so good. They are all blown away by super strong winds of nearly 100 meters per second.

The swarming attack of the swarm was like a person who was about to yell and was suddenly choked with throat and stagnation for a while.

The tunnel worm did not know that the other cooperation had been disintegrated, and one by one the amazing momentum came out.

If you don't prepare in advance, when these big guys appear, they are really shocking.

But if they are prepared, their movements are stupid and redundant, with obvious characteristics of rushing over the head. It takes some time for them to return to the running state of the channel with the mouth open.

Within a few seconds, Zhao Wenrui was successfully used.

The "ex-wife", that is, the micro missiles, got into the head of the tunnel worm, and then a violent big explosion occurred, which was worse than the scene where the baseball bat knocked on the watermelon.

The tunnel worm's skin is extremely flexible, and it loses its head. It even resembles a springy monkey band that shrinks in a single swish.

Zergs can still climb out of the already opened pits, but both experience and efficiency have changed from riding a roller coaster to free climbing. It's not a little bit worse.

Zhao Wenrui looked at the time and counted down 26 minutes.

This time the three-dimensional mushroom strike was quite powerful. It counted back and forth, and it dragged on in ten minutes.

Yes, just ten minutes.

Mushrooms are amazing, not too extraordinary.

In addition to the quantity and individual combat power, there are also their steel wills in the places where Zerg is terrifying.

No force can destroy their resolve, at least not with a nuclear bomb.

Ruchao offensive is rapidly recovering.

The soldiers also kept their feet busy. It's funny to say that the wasp machine gun was blown down a lot by the strong wind of the talent, and it needs to be supported again.

It's basically okay to have no conscience, because someone always needs to control it.

There is nothing else in other aspects. The human side uses such a simple device, so that the worms can't get in.

Both Zhao Wenrui and Jim Reynolds belong to that kind of excellent grassroots commanders. They are used to arbitrarily fighting fires everywhere. This fire may not be a dangerous situation created by the enemy, but may also be popular.

Unstable people, small complaints, small complaints, seemingly small problems, but may cause a major disaster. The grassroots commanders appear in time, show their personal charm, and make a few jokes, and the small problems will be resolved.

People's hearts are often enthusiasm, and in most cases it is always hot. What kind of brotherhood or friendship is this?

Relatively speaking, Zhao Wenrui's people are better coaxed because they are really stupid to some extent.

Correspondingly, it is really bad to provide people with transcranial transformation.

But these are covered up by fierce things, such as war.

The bugs came up again, the tide was general.

This kind of description is annoying, but there are really not many more vivid words to describe the dense, spectacular and cloud-like scene.

Then the fire fell from the sky, without conscience.

The cannonball splashed in the air with a beautiful light juice, and then melted and dyed everything it touched.

No matter what was there, in fact, only the heavy earth can carry it.

Eventually it turned into a glowing lava pool, the hell-like orange-gold light, twisting the air and seriously consuming oxygen, making the worms near the lava pool live very painful and suffocating.

At this time, the fire across the bridge was not very violent. The soldiers were practicing the marksmanship. The bridge length was more than 300 meters. When the lava pool was counted, the worms were almost 400 meters or more. It is also quite difficult to hit the target at that distance.

This gameplay is also good for Zhao Wenrui.

The most important thing about him is actually the big database owned by Wisdom Milano.

This quantum intelligent body carried by the physical hardware built by Nanoworm is actually an extraordinary existence, and it is very closely related to Zhao Wenrui.

It's just that Zhao Wenrui didn't materialize the adjutant and followed him.

All activities of Nanoworms are based on the control of Milano. Conversely, Milano also tested all valuable data to grow.

Therefore, any operation related to Nanoworms is meaningful. Zhao Wenrui's experience and experience are naturally meaningful, which will make Milano more complete and powerful.

Insects are always deflated in front of the suffocating fire lake made by unconscientious guns. Abathur may change the related systems of insects in the future so that they no longer depend on oxygen. But at least today, this deflated endure.

In fact, they do n’t need to endure too long, they can launch a semi-suicide charge regardless of it, but without conscience, they can stop them and cut off their torrents, so that the suicide charge in front becomes a futile useless work.

In the past few hours, the Zerg has been unable to solve this problem, so it has repeatedly bowed in front of the seemingly simple defense line.

Even Jim Reynolds feels magical. He used to slam with the worms. It ’s really rare that the worms ate like this. It ’s just not good. It ’s useless to say anything. Heavenly boughs usually don't come, which is more evil than the legendary vampire can't pass the salt line.

Even so, the Zerg's attempts never stopped, as if dragging on a few people as a result, they were all considered victorious.

Then it is to think of other ways. Before that, I usually saved enough waves to start the impact.

It's a pity that this kind of strong bug in Jim Renault's memory was still killed by Zhao Wenrui's means. Even Jim Renault couldn't see it, and said: "Don't give it away, I will feel sorry for you. Resources! "

Zerg shows with actual actions that we must persevere when we make waves.

Now that there are potholes, the potholes can continue to send troops.


Zhao Wenrui slightly changed the contents of the unconscionable artillery shells, so he made ‘golden juice’ for the worms who walked the pothole.

It's really stinky, and it burns at high temperature, and in super oxygen consumption, especially in potholes, the effect is just right. So often a wave of lava flows like a gut, and there is no movement in the cave for a long time.

After all, there are only a few people who are burned down along the worm path, and most of them are suffocated. As soon as they die, the entire passage is basically dead. All humans need to do is to look at the monitor to confirm whether there are new bugs.

No one needs to see it, even if the insects want to spray the other person's face from the hole, the coping method is relatively fool, just need to confirm that there are insects, pour the golden juice once, you can live for a few minutes, the new zerg If you want to use the passage, you have to be responsible for cleaning up the same kind of dead in the tunnel, it is really very difficult.

In this situation, Zhao Wenrui's "I'll break it, you go" plan seems to be at risk.

Zhao Wenrui said he was not too worried. Abathur's experimental unit had not yet appeared, and anyone who underestimated Zerg's madness would pay a heavy price.

Sure enough, the Zerg, who believed in miracles, sent a luxurious lineup, Hydra + Flying Squid, these two mixed forces fully attacked the bridge defense line, and the kind that fired while bursting into the fire.

And it does not count the damage, it just fills the pit of super-saturated blows per unit time with quantity.

The corpses in the air are raining, but the flying mantis ignores it. Whenever possible, it will attack several soldiers who control the unconscionable artillery. The ground is similar. The strangling of the wasp machine gun is very strong, but the Hydra is reached before reaching the end Will try to spray ribs as much as the unconscience gun.

This brought great survival pressure to the soldiers, and the launch of the unconscience gun naturally delayed.

But the first thing that went wrong was the Qiaoxi Rangers. These guys from pirates and mercenaries were a little bit of heart, or said that they were a little bit optimistic. I also expressed a little counsel. The unconscience gun failed to sound for two consecutive rounds, and the more anxious it was, the more likely it was to make mistakes. It was a simple launching principle. It was damaged due to improper operation.

The thing is not distressed, the key is to delay time, the worms immediately become the trend, the wasp machine guns are invincible, and they are ruined by the Hydra, and the defense line will soon collapse.

Zhao Wenrui knew that he couldn't collapse at this time. Once he collapsed, he destroyed all the tanks. He used the repaired tank gun and drove people to the resources. Jim Reynolds and Tex Finley also rushed over.

In fact, it is difficult to live with manpower, the full Hydra lineup, plus flying scorpions, that blow can be said that people will be shot in the face, and the nest will be shot and splashed there, but this time can only be human Go to the top, you can't stand it and you'll be blown away.

It is this kind of eggshell defense, which cannot be broken, and there is no cure when it is broken.

After a crazy exchange of fire and casualties, the rhythm of the unconscionable artillery was finally restored. After this was restored, the front line was basically stabilized, and it was more stable to repair some damaged wasps.

Several big names who defended the line before were ashamed, and they could be messed up with very simple tasks, and they were unprofessional. But this time is not suitable for scolding mother, Jim Reynolds still gave a personal and encouraging impromptu speech.

Unfortunately, without saying a word, Abathur's experimental unit appeared.

Because the mobile units were transferred to guard their mouths, the three-headed worm was only killed one time this time. Although the other two were injured, they successfully established a slideway to allow a large number of worms to appear inside the defense zone.

When Zhao Wenrui looked at these slightly deformed jumpworms, they had a magical light with a gem-like bright blue extinguishment, and they knew that they were experimental.

Nothing to say, start the preparation plan immediately.

He was actually quite afraid of the gullies turning over. Ning Ken's tragic tragedy did not play, but also had to ensure that Jim Reynolds had a chance to get on board.

Gyroplane formations appeared. These seemingly half-sized desktop-sized aircraft can hang 25 kilograms of heavy objects. Zhao Wenrui hung them with bullets, supplemented by Zhinai AI, and turned them into air shooters.

Now these shooters are in deep space, rushing to the tunnel worms, and set fire to kill them before the worms have spread.

The gun is a precision Gaussian rifle, but it is newly created by Nanoworms. It seems to be quite different from the soldiers. The key is lighter, but more reliable. After all, it is a completely new design and manufacturing.

The experimental jumper is not thicker than the normal jumper. The shot is also a big blood hole, but the recovery is very fast, visible to the naked eye, and the injury is just between breathing.

Zhao Wenrui has eye mask imaging, and Milano has a direct connection with a large number of nano insectification equipment, so he can use the camera hole on the rotorcraft to see the first line.

Naturally it is creepy. This high recovery reptile is a light infantry nemesis. It can be healed by ultra-fast damage, which is equal to N times the chance of making mistakes. How many claws can you carry?

Therefore, the soldiers are just like this kind of guys. It's easy to lose one-on-one. Two of them are absolutely dead, and now there are more than 100 successful first wave.

"Using a special bomb!" Zhao Wenrui ordered and hurried toward the other side.

At this time, the nearby "ex-wife" had already mobilized a wave, and successfully killed one of the tunnel worms, while the other saw the opportunity quickly and slipped by himself.

However, hundreds of fluorescens are already spreading, and their goals are also very clear, without conscience.

Among them, the one on the west side of Benqiao naturally collided with Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui threw the gun directly, hung it diagonally on the hanger on the back waist, and then pulled out the long knife.

A jumper flew over, he was cut in two, he took the knife, and another jumper was in a different place.

More jumping insects came up and saw him fluttering, his pace was strange but with a certain rhythm, his upper body was constantly twisting, as if dancing on the ice, turning around, moving in the water, the long knife was a glorious piece. Every time it shines, there are broken limbs.

"That guy, is it the legendary Juggernaut? Why is it so pretty?" Old Tex looked dumbfounded and couldn't help grunting.

"There is time to talk nonsense, it is better to have a few bugs! Oh **** it!" Jim Reynolds scolded.

Although Zhao Wenrui successfully attracted a large number of bugs, they still threw them at Jim Reynolds.

The so-called watching people work is not tiring, admiring Zhao Wenrui's long-sword killing insects is quite pleasing, but this does not mean that these experimental insects are easy to deal with.

Jim Reynolds immediately felt the tangle of this bug after they got started, and they must give more than twice as much ‘love’ as ordinary bugs, or they will soon jump to life again. And it is particularly tenacious in itself, it is not easy to hit several shots in a short period of time.

You know, they are not one head, but they know how to cover each other, and they do n’t look much different, and they are also colorful when they are injured. It is difficult for people who are busy to lock up one of them. . But if this habit is used here, it is very likely to do useless work. The wounded bug will go around, and the injury is likely to be cured, and it will become a threatening enemy again.

So even a battle-hardened veteran like Jim Reynolds feels pressured to deal with it.

On the contrary, it was Zhao Wenrui, who took advantage of the long knife.

His knife is a special alloy, which is extremely sharp and does not need to be boosted. It only needs to dance and hurt.

With two cuts and two cuts, the wounded area of ​​the triceratops is often too large to recover, so it is common to die under a knife.

He rushed to the north bridge all the way to ease the pressure there, but still went a little late, there is no protagonist like Jim Reynolds sitting there, unlike the west side of the bridge, just experienced a backstepping manpower.

By the time Zhao Wenrui felt, the four soldiers who controlled the unconscionable artillery had all been killed.

Without time for sorrow, Zhao Wenrui let the other three of the fire brigade control the unconscionable gun, and he danced the long sword to protect the three. It's not easy, but he's not bad.

Without conscience, the pressure from the bridge side suddenly eased. The other precision shooters harvested the Zerg quickly and effectively, and the front stabilized again.

But this time, the human side has some power to remove all hidden dangers in its own home.

Gyrocopter shooters are still functioning, in fact, without them, this wave of attack by experimental reptiles will not be so weak.

It was because suddenly there were dozens of more air shooters, and the reptile could only be beaten and could not fight back, so the rhythm was disturbed, and even a little embarrassed.

But these machines can't replace people after all, like tunnels, they can't help it.

Abathur changed hands and sent another pile of test subjects.

What surprised Zhao Wenrui was that the tunnel worms were still experimental, super resistant, and they were all blood gourds. The slideway was still erected, and the Zerg version of the infantry chariot was launched.

These guys equipped with more than 100,000 special tendons fire like blasts from machine guns. The frequency is almost the same but the power is more powerful. The quasi-head is more full, and they are not afraid of melee. The arms of the sword spread out quite fiercely.

Many people disagree with Hydra's little buttocks and swaying while walking, but they are not really slow, and if there is a fungus blanket, it can be called drifting all the way.

These guys are labeled as super recoveries, which is undoubtedly more difficult to kill. It can even be said that the soldiers' Gauss rifles are not enough to watch.

Fortunately, Zhao Wenrui's methods are endless. SCV + RPG, these automatic engineering vehicles have good discriminating ability, and can be competent for rocket launchers.

And SCV's fearless shooting of Hydra can be straightened up.

After launching, there will be no SCV.

While a rocket flew into the soul, the infantry chariot rested without any problems.

So when the SCV suddenly appeared from a facility, after the facility, and the sweet one flashed, the Hydralisks were also very injured.

In addition, even the command center was armed with Zhao Wenrui, who could stretch out some recoilless guns, machine guns and other ping-pong fires. The barracks have not escaped the modified poisonous hand.

In the words of Jim Reynolds: "All metal equipment made by people has been added weapon attributes by that guy."

It is by this method that the human side is facing the swarm of insect swarms.

In the end, a new round of fierce recruitment by the worm swarm was launched, and the empty bag fell like rain, and more combat units directly entered the defense zone.

At the same time, the king insects are not going to be sent out of the cluster.

This kind of super hot air balloon with flesh and blood version, the little guy like "ex-wife" is not enough to watch, it takes a few pieces to kill one, and the king insects rely on the thick skin and fleshy, they just fly across the river and spout to make temporary Bacteria blanket, while releasing bugs.

Zhao Wenrui said: "Look, Zerg will never let people down, even if the arms are not the same, it will still make things lively and lively, making people claw ..."

Faced with such a three-dimensional offensive, the human side really hurts, and full firepower does not solve the problem. And with the decline in mechanical firepower, for example, the rotorcraft was exploded by the Hydra, the SCV was screened by the range, and it can no longer serve as an RPG shooter. The counterattack of the human side is obviously more and more weak, which has caused more Of Zerg are active in the defense zone, a vicious cycle begins, and rapidly deteriorates.

As the days passed, the Huberian finally arrived. Once the fire poured out, the actual results were the same. At least, the dangerous situation faced by the soldiers could not be solved.

At this time, the Zerg has formed a blocking front against humans. If you don't move, I will grind. If you move, you are the target.

So boarding has become an extremely dangerous adventure.

Jim Reynolds greeted everyone to break through, he was the protagonist, the bullets went around, it looked terrible, but in general, the promotion was okay, Zhao Wenrui ’s side, basically hung on all kinds of consumption Too.

In fact, many are just injured, but at this time, the difference between injured and hung up is already very limited. If you can't carry out effective tactical maneuvering, you will be expected to die.

Zhao Wenrui still intends to save a few good seedlings, can be a foreshadowing, but also can strengthen the Renault Rangers, so he took the fire brigade to join Jim Renault.

Zhao Wenrui's killing and joining them greatly reduced Jim Renault's pressure. Especially the two healing girls, it is just rain in time.

To know that a team like Renault Rangers is mainly to play the charm and creed of the leader, otherwise there is no advantage in recruiting.

So it ’s not just Jim? Is Reynolds sincere? He ’s going to have to bear the ‘do n’t abandon, do n’t give up’ and he ca n’t die.

Therefore, he was injured and disabled, and the scene was naturally ugly, which seriously affected the efficiency of retreat.

Zhao Wenrui is a new force. After joining, the effect is naturally just right.

"What about your people? That's all that's left?" Jim Reynolds asked.

"There are still a few people who can't walk there, standing hard."

Jim Reynolds was silent. His people would have to drag back even if they were mud. People in other people would have to play self-explosive when they get on, which is obviously very unfair. But at this time, he was really overwhelmed by himself, seeing his own design collapse.

Another tunnel worm has burrowed out of the ground, with both experimental Hydralisk and Hydra. This kind of thing at this time is definitely worse.

"Remember our transaction." Zhao Wenrui pulled out his long knife and rushed towards the swarm before Jim Reynolds responded.

Jim Reynolds wants to call Zhao Wenrui back, everyone will carry it together, but reason tells him that he ca n’t carry it, let the test bugs come up, they all have to die here.

Old Tex has been calling impatiently again ~ ~ Jim ?? Renault's feelings all turned into a sentence: "If you don't want to die, give me the strength to breastfeed!"

Zhao Wenrui turned his head away from behind and looked at the countdown time remaining on the retina. A slight grin appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he had to keep fighting.

"Now, let you know why Lao Tzu is surnamed Zhao!"

Buzz! The crimson light was shining on the long knife, and Zhao Wenrui took the **** afterimage and killed the zerg.

Space, inside Leviathan.

Warning: 9 levels of secluded energy fluctuations are found ...

"Hmm ..." The Queen of Blades opened her eyes, not the later purple light, but the golden ones, and her eyes were more and more cold and ruthless like the pupil of the beast.

"It seems that there are some good guys around Jim. Before I hurt me, I was worried that he would not play, and I might be accidentally killed. This is a lot more interesting ..."

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