Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1055: Win or lose

The Oran side saved the ghost machine brigade, and one of the reincarnations personally led the team to execute the mine sweeping plan.

As a result, I was dumbfounded when I saw the mine in the northeast.

I gave it a go and gave up on my own initiative. The mine was smooth and clean, and there was no hair.

OK, you are very good, go to the starting point of the Renault Rangers.

Still empty, from afar it can be seen that the air defense rail gun platform is compact and fat. However, several attempts have been made before the ghost machine stealth sighting of the nuclear bomb has failed. Knowing that there is greasiness there, you don't want to touch the mold. Moreover, there are no points.

Going to the south, it was equally empty.

This is a ghost. Does Renault's Rangers have the foresight to abandon the mining of silicon crystal in advance, is it not necessary to lose the throat cut? But both sides have a point slot that is immediately reflected. Renault Rangers' points are very tight, 4300+, while their own is 4800+. There is no gap between the two to despair.

So the question is, how do Renault Rangers earn points? It is not enough to pick up garbage by fixing a few points. The output of those raw material production lines per unit time can be considered dead.

Even if there are some chickens and dogs in the periphery that can be picked up, there is not much. It is definitely not enough to rise to 6000 at normal speed, let alone have to exceed your own efficiency during this time.

What did Renault Rangers think? Could it be that Mirahan was cheating?

The reincarnations did not give up, and rushed to the south central with the ghost machine brigade. There is a site closer to Mirahan, where there is the fourth silicon crystal mine in the whole area (Oulan 1, Mirahan 1, east to bottom 3, south-central 1).

This piece of silicon crystal is rich in reserves, but it is only relatively speaking, and it still cannot support the steady rise of points alone. Reincarnations also go with the attitude that there is no other place to choose from and can only go there to see. He was mainly worried that Renault Rangers would secretly talk to Milahan by mining at the door of Milahan's house.

The result saw a **** fish on the ground from a distance. That is the Galactica.

"I'm a big grass. The Renault Rangers are monsters. Without affecting the economy, they even made a super war patrol? This is a big Gorgon banshee. What kind of heart do you have? Let you put satellites under your eyes! "

The samsara got angry and then hung up.

When his attention was focused on the **** fish on the ground, the secretly guarded bee drone formation had long been staring at him and his ghost machine brigade.

The place where the ghost machine's bull fork lies is that it can be suspended in the air like a dragonfly after stealth, and then accelerates from zero to hundreds of miles in a few seconds like a sports car.

The short board is mainly thin, and the other is that the weapon is single and has limited power.

Zhao Wenrui installed a more powerful active search radar on the anti-aircraft rail gun platform. If you want to, monitoring an airspace is no problem at all, so the ghost machine has nothing to hide.

And the speed of the wild bee at Mach 8 makes the initial speed of the air-to-air missiles it drops extremely high, often soaring to Mach 12 in a few seconds.

In front of Mach 12, even if the ghost machine is flying at full speed, it is basically equal to a fixed target. It's awkward to say that depending on the quality of the material, the poking can also make a bad job, not to mention that it will explode.

Therefore, the ghost planes did not know that they were surrounded by dozens of air-to-air missiles launched by wild bee drones. The most vigilant was that the warning signal that monitored the suspected enemy weapon flashed before dying.

Then there is nothing. The volleyball exploded. Within seven seconds, nearly thirty ghost machines all became fireworks.

"The era of fighting for air control and driving by living people has long since passed. It is also a more complex support task for ground attack and can still use living people."

Zhao Wenrui looked at the fireworks in the sky and gave a fair evaluation.

Therefore, the Banshee helicopter does have the value of existence. The Viking warfare function is deformed, more flexible, and barely counts. The ghost machine should have been thrown into the historical garbage dump, anyway, he will not invest even a penny in this category.

He is a supporter of the theory of air superiority. When thinking of war, the first idea is to seize air supremacy. Then he needs intelligence and intelligence, and he must take the initiative and be able to abuse the other party aggressively. . In this case, how many tricks can the opponent play?

So either it will not come out, and when conditions are ripe, we can mass-produce drones, clear the sky in one fell swoop, and gain a Jedi air superiority.

As soon as the ghost machine brigade on the side of Colonel Oulan went, the only tentacle that could be probed was cut off, just like the dead bone in the tomb, so he could only sit on the wax.

Of course, they have a huge initial advantage. The growth of points is always not bad. They accumulate points and make nothing. They can indeed win the bet and reach 6000 points first.

But the essence of this gamble is more capable than anyone, Mirahan said, potential.

It's not really that anyone who can afford to pay is hired. Otherwise, Oulan has money, why take off his pants and fart?

What it really means is that no one is willing to play against the losers. Now it is the Oulan family who lacks the win. The money will not be enough for a while, and Mirahan will be so stupid that in this case, take someone with Oran died together?

Don't joke.

So the situation has evolved like this, and Renault ’s Rangers have actually won.

At the moment, the queens of Milahan were kneeling and licking their queens with all kinds of numbness, saying that they were wise and insightful, and they looked forward. The original seemingly fierce and domineering Oulan was just a fat pig with a strong head and a strong stem. Fortunately, I didn't rely on it. Otherwise, I would not be treated as a cannon fodder, or would like to cry without tears, and count the losses.

Oulan learned that the ghost machine brigade that was finally saved was annihilated, but even the intelligence of what the enemy was was not exchanged, almost fainted on the spot.

Clenched his teeth and pointed at the reincarnation: "Look at the good things you did. This is your trick? It's just that the opponents came over and deliberately defeated me!"

One of the reincarnations looks gloomy, like shooting this stupid pig.

The result was stopped by the companion. As soon as Olam died, they would immediately become hostile to Oulan's men. Even if they have the ability to kill a **** path, they have lost their tools.

Now they are more senior reincarnations, participating in some famous chapters of these epic battles.

For such tasks, the influence of individual combat power has become very limited. No matter how strong, the rage of the ordinary man is only five steps of blood splashing, which does not help the overall situation. The blood of the dead corpse mountain paid a great price, but in the end it lost the general trend. It was almost a loss of life. After a few rounds, it became a beggar. It is difficult to get Dongshan to come back.

Therefore, we must not be blind.

The reincarnate, who is better at planning, stood up and said: "Colonel Oulan, the opponent is superior, and seized the opportunity of victory, we should face it. We still have some room to move."

"First of all, you have been operating in Oulan Heights for a long time, and it is as strong as Tietong. We will strengthen the air defense. Renault ’s Rangers want to be hard, and they are afraid of breaking a good tooth."

"They are building decisive weapons. Our battle patrols are not bad. I am a good technician. I can improve the performance of battle patrols. By then, relying on favorable terrain and ground fire support, I may not be afraid of them."

"Furthermore, under the reward, there must be brave men. There is no shortage of those who want to take advantage of the opportunity to make hot money. We can throw out a lot of money to get some fighting power."

"Finally, we have the dirty black history of Mengsk in our hands. Contact him, as the imperial emperor, his power has penetrated everywhere, and there must be some in the Port of Necropolis. We want the ghost unit to let him send officers to help. Otherwise he His dirty black history flows from our hands, and it is him who suffers the most. We are protecting his secrets for him, and he has no reason to do anything. "

After some analysis of the reincarnation, Oulan listened. So frowning: "I'm afraid it would offend Mengsk."

"Colonel Oulan, we are doing this business, today or tomorrow, we can make a good life, we can make a rich road, and we all rely on breaking through. Looking ahead and looking back, we can't break through this barrier. We still have to worry about offending Mengsk? Just rush You have touched the black history of Mengsk, and with the mind of the emperor, you will easily believe that you have no backup? Do n’t be naive, we danced on the sword from the beginning. "

"Okay, okay, Lao Tzu fights, if Mengsk does not come up with some decent power to save the field, Lao Tzu will know the whole universe where his bad things are spread."

"That's what I dare to do for Colonel Oulan. Rest assured, we may not have a chance. Mengsk can cultivate characters like the Queen of Blades. His men are not easy ..."

The reincarnations conspired over the various matters of the second half confrontation.

The first half is not over yet. The scores of both sides come in 5000+, but the next competition seems to be lackluster.

The construction of the Galactica is on the right track, and the shipborne ai is already on the scene, and it can plan and construct parts on its own.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui opened his torch with a torch and started a round of harvesting of silicon crystal mines.

It is directly high-grade raw materials. After packing, it does not seem to occupy much space, but it is a weapon for redeeming points. The points quickly broke through 6000 before both mines were completed.

"Congratulations, Reynolds, you won the Potential Tournament, and now, the most powerful force in Port Necropolis is for you to drive." Mirahan said on the channel Yan Shi Meixing.

Said it is the strongest military force in Port of Necropolis, it is bragging.

The Port of Undead is made up of several forces. The advantage of Milahan ’s army is that there are many space ship docks. The defensive unmanned fighters built are first-rate, and the other is the ability to build battle cruisers. Her ground troops are actually not very good, mainly relying on the transformable evil fire, and the reaper to support the field.

Mirahan now can't wait to cooperate with Renault Rangers, and naturally fancy Zhao Wenrui's wild bee drone technology.

The core of the UAV is the ai driving system, otherwise the best UAV is not a target.

Zhao Wenrui's wild bees showed the cleverness of Mirahan. She thought that the ai system of this fighter was smart and estimated to be embroiderable.

If she can introduce this system, his defensive unmanned fighter may be more than the previous level.

At that time, she is the queen who controls the starry sky of the Port of Undead.

The potential of Galactica's UAV mothership is naturally seen in the eyes. Knowing that this is an expedition weapon, a mobile fighter platform, and a general battle cruiser, if you encounter such a mothership, you may have to offer it. knee.

So this is another great weapon. The kind you need to get at any cost.

So shortly after announcing her surrender to the Renault Rangers, she couldn't wait to get over, talk to Zhao Wenrui, and let Jim Reno help to say good things.

"Mila, I know what you want." Zhao Wenrui was also open and honest, without any reason, vague. He said: "Although I know Mila you are a good man, but hyenas in the battlefield are not credible. It is an indisputable fact that anyone who gives more money will sell their lives for them. If you are me, you must guard against it.

"Technology sells to you no problem, there is no backdoor kind. The premise is that you have to be your own first. Rest assured, you are not my dish, even if you are willing to do beauty, I will not call you. I am talking about Matt. You can let Matt know that you are really good and become a formal boyfriend and girlfriend, then you are yourself. Anything technical is easy to say. Otherwise, I can only say that there is nothing I want there. I am not interested in doing simple things with you. transaction."

"Okay, please, the old lady is going to attack Matt now."

"Okay, as you are happy, friendly reminders, careful counterproductive, Matt's idea is very right, want to blaze his heart is not easy."

"Humph!" Mirahan left.

Jim Reynolds leaned in, "Is it really good for you to treat Matt like this?"

"Matt is actually a sufferer, and he needs a strong insider to help him housekeeper. Otherwise, he will be at ease and waste his talents. I'm doing it for him. After all, you can't manage him for a lifetime."

"Yeah, I can't control him all his life, I can't even greet myself, and I'm tired long ago."

"Carrigan's humanity has not been completely destroyed, and her importance to the entire world is beyond your imagination. So you have to fight for the welfare of the rest of your life while you are still playing."

"There is still well-being, and the rest of life?"

"Yes, the end of suffering is happiness. Your life is so strong, there is indeed a chance."

"Then borrow your good words. By the way, Tax Finley asked me to take him to ask you, what can't you do?" Jim Reno asked half-jokingly.

"Birth, I thought about making a uterus to give birth by myself, but later it was too complicated, and I gave up. So it is really inexperienced to have children." Zhao Wenrui was serious.

Jim Reynolds dumbfounded.

In the second half of the cut-throat battle, there was actually no suspense.

The economy is the lifeblood and the throat. After completing the integration of the regional crude steel raw material production system, Zhao Wenrui extended his black hand to Colonel Oulan.

He took advantage of the air-making advantages established by the wild bee drone system to interrupt the raw material supply of Colonel Oulan's crude steel raw material processing system. To put it bluntly, all metal waste will not go to Colonel Oulan, whether it is air transportation, Or belt transportation.

As a result, the score of Colonel Oulan was 5900+, which was almost tens of points, and he was disgusted. He finally digged the pits filled by the mines of Oulan Highland. It was a wave.

As for what is solid, it is a joke at all.

Is n’t it just Oulan that has nuclear facilities?

Zhao Wenrui can also make three-phase bombs, and even cleaner hydrogen fusion missiles.

The positioning and guidance capabilities of the wild bee drone's fleet are no worse than ghost fighters.

An air burst exploded, and many facilities were damaged to varying degrees, including emp and powerless meltdown.

In this case, the ordinary surface-to-air missile tower is virtually useless, and another ground explosion can basically knock gg.

Zhao Wenrui was also detrimental, deliberately leaving a glimmer of hope to the other side. The Oulan side made the copper walls and iron walls very well. There are many missile towers. As a result, the resources of both nuclear bombs fell, and Oulan lost all his money as a public official.

As for Mengsk's strong aid.

The samsara was right about part of Mengsk's judgment. As the most powerful old beep of all mankind, Mengsk is indeed manned in the Port of Undead, the kind that is ready to use immediately, and even a regional riot is easy.

But the question is, will Mengsk really pay for that black history? Or is it possible to grasp Mengsk by relying on that black historical record?

That is dreaming.

If Mengsk really cares about black history, he can let Taxfinly solve this matter in the original history. And from the acquisition of Black History to the borrowing of the Empire Broadcasting System to reveal the black history of Mengsk, it has always been very important. If he takes a stab at it, it is impossible for this camp to be completed successfully.

Mengsk knew very well that it was impossible for simple public opinion to bring him down. As long as the thick black is properly taken out, the information is a fake thing deliberately concocted by the intentional person, no one can really treat him.

What's more, his emperor's position was not correct. The people who attacked him could fill the long street every day. Was he drowned by spittle? No, it's impossible.

Even if he loses, it won't be because of the so-called master's level. So Mengsk knows what the real focus is.

He knows that Kerrigan is an extreme nature that must be reported. He can't kill him early, and he will inevitably have a big problem. So he worked together to solve the problem. For this reason, even the raging swarms in the border areas are ignored.

Sheng Mien, Dou Miqiu, the border area has a poor foundation, and the people's hearts are also the most expensive. If Mengsk puts resource experience there, the efficiency is low, and the cost is high, so he is not worthwhile.

He paid close attention to the ill-fated land and obtained sufficient financial resources to strengthen the military. Hold the gun shaft to start other tasks. And Kerrigan will affect his gun, which is why he is deliberately thinking about drying Kerrigan. He has experienced the war, and he knows how terrible bugs are than many dignitaries.

Such a person, under circumstances that are clearly unfavorable, will not sacrifice latent pawns and bear the blame for a battle destined to fail.

But Mengsk still dispatched manpower, Youneng agents, in order to use nuclear suitcases to destroy the evidence.

Unfortunately, the watchdog hired by Olam at a high price has a ghost person (when playing the game, he will be found at the door of the command center with heavy artillery, the ghost of the mission, not the ghost).

The result was found, and then the reincarnate jumped out. Agent Neng could do nothing, and directly detonated the nuclear suitcase, exploding the reincarnations into disgrace, and one of them broke his arm.

Compared to the body, the most hurt is the heart.

"Hey! Who are these! Despicable and shameless, is there any morality at all !?" Reincarnations are very depressed.

Facts have proved that Mengsk is a sinister old rogue.

Mengsk refused to give strong support and suffered two nuclear greetings. The most optimistic people are completely blind to hope of solving problems. Now I'm afraid it's only left to be solved, and it's fancy to be solved. The other party will do whatever he wants.

Colonel Oulan was very indifferent and begged his tail to Jim Reno. He had been lurking on the Huberian and the assassin on the side of Mirahan also reported that there was no chance of poisoning or assassination.

Then don't waste people's design, quietly withdraw, so that Anko is still in a latent state, and maybe it will be used in the future.

Withdraw it, this time the main God space mission is lost. But still can't die, at this level, who hasn't had a few life-saving tricks?

The reincarnation who is longer than the calculation said: "Come to Japan and be long. The technical characteristics of the reincarnation of the other party can feel a little bit noisy this time, and can be compared with the enemy. It is indeed extraordinary. This kind of guy needs a special pit. It may be done. Go away, the ink is useless. "

So the reincarnations withdrew, Oulan knelt down, and Zhao Wenrui completed the space mission of the Lord God, and was able to choose to stay for 24 hours.

Of course, to stay, a lot of finishing work has not been done, a lot of things have not been arranged. This is the case with the farming school. The stalls are spread out. If you want to stop doing things neatly, the loss will be great. You have to make a lot of arrangements. People leave, but some people have to do the work.

In fact, it doesn't matter if it's serious, it's nothing more than doing things for the poor Jingle Renault Rangers.

The Galactica, the Renault Rangers are actually not used for a while, not because they are not needed, but because they lack qualified personnel and cannot afford them.

Then you can only put it here in Mirahan, and give it a little technical sweetness, even if it is hired to help take care of the cost of the ship.

What can really help the Renault Rangers is the special towed ship that follows.

This ship has little technical content and can not fight, but it can be pitted one by one, and the barracks, heavy factories, shipyards, and super supply stations are all placed somewhere in the tow ship.

Such a ship is equivalent to a semi-packaged base. These facilities have been upgraded by Seiko, which can save much more than the current build. They can also produce better equipment, including those that are not available in regular series of drawings, such as Jim Reynolds had a very good tricycle in the Port of Dead.

The towing ship has a simple structure, low technical requirements for maintenance personnel, and low maintenance costs. It is a typical economic type and is very suitable for Renault's commando ~ ~ And with the towing ship, the miscellaneous ships on the Huberian You do n’t have to mess around everywhere. This is actually a safety hazard. After all, the Huberian is actually a warship. If there are more safety hazards, it is equivalent to adding the possibility of martyrdom to yourself.

In short, the tugboat is very practical for Renault ’s Rangers. The money saved by the long stream of water can be found to be quite impressive. The ship itself is also durable and low power consumption.

Jim Reynolds couldn't wait to kiss Zhao Wenrui a few bites to express his gratitude.

"Reynolds, I need to leave. The salary is too high, which is not good. Even if you have the same temper with the boss, you can only occasionally cooperate in a friendly and busy manner, usually you can only go your own way.

"The door of the Ranger is always open to you, brother."

"Well, we will see you again in the near future. If you jump like this, the invisible gold masters are very optimistic about you and the Rangers!"

In this way, Zhao Wenrui said goodbye to Jim Reynolds, and then found a place where no one left the mission world.

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