Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1058: The board decides how much money to make

From the perspective of war, such a thing as Chongsila, in fact, it is a novelty and a novelty, which is not suitable for war.

That is to say, the kind of exotic country in the foot basin, shouting what decisive weapons, will get some similar designs, not embarrassing or embarrassing, and do not know how to connect with other arms.

For war machines that emphasize coordination and unity and have tightly connected components, such oversized components are destined to be short-lived.

The Queen of Blades is also rich and capricious, and when such a thing is done, mad dogs generally scramble in the central square of the city.

There are actually biological heat ray cannons, bizarre weapons like bio-acid missiles, and they can shake lice and generally shake out a bunch of life-defining knives, biting like crazy dogs, looking stupid.

Of course, there are more than this weapon, but there are no other features. Like sickle claws, mammoths are fascinated by playing. It is just an enlarged version, but it seems a bit stupid.

There is also a tail pin, which can pierce through the tank with a pin, but this design is still a bit laborious. After all, the weapons are generally powerful enough, not blindly pursuing power. When playing a bumper car with a battleship, the surplus of the tail-needle's attack power is greater than the attack. The audio-visual effect is even better. What practical effect does it have?

Zhao Wenrui hid in a building and observed Zusra for a little while. In the end, he still didn't choose nuclear mushrooms, but killed Zusra with a special sniper rifle.

This sniper rifle works more like a speargun, shooting a bullet-like warhead, a crossbow made entirely of nanoworms.

If this shot goes down, it is equivalent to tickling Zyzra.

But the nanoworm will usually go to its heart.

Although Insila has three strong and powerful hearts, most of them are not necessarily useful. In the end, under the influence of Nano Insects, in the heart disease of the three strong hearts, Insila died of cerebral hemorrhage.

After a while, Zusra stood up again, but his behavior became wild and uninhibited from the original wildness.

Nanoworm succeeded in controlling it, and it is undergoing a certain degree of specialization. Later, Jim Reynolds launched the Southwest United Sudden Action. This guy can advance on the ground to attract firepower. Anyway, the skin is thick and rough. Although the swarm is not short of butchers, he wants to chop this big piece into bits and pieces in the past half a minute. It's easy.

After solving the insects, Zhao Wenrui took a walk around the buildings around the square, and there were really survivors. There were 16 security personnel from the Mobius Foundation in the two combat groups, which was a surprise.

Going back to take a break, the number of puppets he dispatched broke through the 100-person mark again.

And the survivors rescued in succession have exceeded 10,000.

He discussed with Jim Renault, sooner rather than later, these survivors are not safe here, and may also be a hidden danger, take the opportunity to sell a good price.

So he contacted the commander of the twentieth fleet, and first gave a record of the iron belly battles, saying that he had done it, and that it was unambiguous to give first-hand information.

Then ask the commander if you want performance, now a lot of fresh refugees, and the staff of the Mobius Foundation can be used to deepen the relationship with the always high cold foundation, and you can have rich and famous relationships.

The commander shook.

So Zhao Wenrui took advantage of the opportunity to make money, send a boat to pick up people, the speed was the benefit, and the delay was changing, and there were many sellers, not necessarily the 20th Fleet.

The deal was quickly concluded, and Jim Renault was happy to see the eight-digit deposit on the account.

The key is that Wenrui Zhao also contacted the Mobius Foundation. A large number of detailed audio and video materials prove that Renault's Rangers did a good job of searching data and personnel thoroughly. Now there is still a large area left.

In order to secure the personnel, they all handed over to the 20th Fleet and withdrew from the battlefield far away, so remember to hit the money. If you want a horse to run, you have to graze. This is an unbreakable truth. The Mobius Foundation must know the trick.

The trick is to make money. The Mobius Foundation has also made money. After all, it ’s just a matter of calculation. The investment of Renault Rangers is really a lot (the iron belly is also considered to be Rangers), and the results are also very good. The cleaning is fast enough, and the insects killed are enough. More, the places I searched are cleaner than those I licked, and I am very dedicated.

So it was another eight-digit credit, and Jim Renault's breathing was much thicker.

Teks Finley murmured: "It turns out that you can make money like this. The trading that Lao Tzu talked about before is equivalent to being pitted."

"Do n’t be arrogant, what kind of money should you get, what brand of Rangers are you? What kind of organization forces often carry out dozens of ships to perform missions? So you have a brand, you can ask for a price, just a few light infantry, that is It ’s impossible to set an eight-digit number for diamonds. "

Zhao Wenrui explained this, Jim Renault and Teksfinley also understood that mercenaries and mercenaries cannot naturally get the same amount of money. If they want to get more money, first of all, they have to look like a card and let others have it. Faith, when it comes to saying, this is an army, not ah, these are a few desperates.

"Horton, you have a big part here." Jim Reynolds also knows how to spend money.

"I got it, I really want to make money, it's not bad. You have to buy some retirement insurance for Swan and they can't follow you to death or death, but they didn't end up. So there is still a lot of money to spend, a few splashes It ’s gone, tight earning is n’t slow enough. Well, no nonsense, work, the boss is quick to make money, we have to serve others, this is called professional ethics. ”

"Well, if it's just killing insects, we're very moral." Jim Reynolds was full of energy.

The fleet of the 20th Fleet arrived, pulling the refugees away.

The numerous temporary bases were suddenly cleared.

Under the command of Zhao Wenrui, the successful Rangers began to pack in an orderly manner in preparation for the evacuation.

The Huberian is in space orbit, while Galactica is in the sky, and the regional airpower has always been firmly in the hands of the Rangers. This is also the basis for the iron belly and other ships to dare to save the team, otherwise no heavy pair of worms is needed. When an empty unit comes out, a team of flying scorpions can make the ship group call dad. After all, it is just a hard belly, and it has a high tolerance to strikes from the ground.

Taking advantage of the fleet's preparations for the southwest raid operation, Zhao Wenrui reorganized the scattered commanding heights and established a line of defense for the southwest waterway. His strength was also concentrated.

The precise shooters are over three hundred.

Zhao Wenrui made a decisive decision and changed an iron belly into an iron barrel ship. A large number of side shooting windows were opened. The five-story building was convenient for accurate shooters to shoot volley guns.

He thought about it, and when he was there, he would stick to the ship at low altitude and go there horizontally. It was an excellent shooting platform. It was possible to kill worms in batches by relying on precise shooters to kill them. It will be wiped out in minutes.

After all, behind each shooting port are living people who can think independently. It is not as effective as the so-called smart machine gun. It can only be effective when the insects are willing to cover the fire when the insects are holding the group. If the insects play with the cornices, the impact will be greatly reduced.

This will not happen, as long as it is within the range of a few hundred sniper free hunting, the annihilation effect should be very impressive.

Of course, this trick is only for the light infantry units of the swarm. If it is a cockroach with thick armor and a Hydra who is promoted to a heavy unit, the effect will be greatly reduced, not to mention the weapon of the chariot vehicle such as the thunder beast.

It must be said that the Queen of Blades faced the Renault Rangers in general, and the means were relatively convergent. Perhaps they knew that the Rangers had few Miao people. With the power of worms, if they were too serious, they wo n’t win.

One of the most frightening units of insect swarms in the real battle is the poison blaster. Whatever you are, it is a one-shot explosion and can heal other bugs. They are definitely the tough players in the mixed combat strength of light infantry, and they are flightless rpg combat powers. Everyone has a headache.

Even if it is Zhao Wenrui, when he encounters poisonous explosion insects, the long knife will be very awkward, and the energy protection can't stand the consumption of the continuous explosion.

What other precise shooter is riding a face will die.

There are also special warfare like Corruptor, Host.

The former can parasitize, even mechanical units can't escape its magic palm, but can also damage toxins, infected creatures become aberrant combat power, devouring the same kind of energy.

The latter can release subunits, the attack range is very far, and it can sneak away, which is very troublesome to deal with.

So even if there is no air combat intervention, just the ground troops, once the combat units with rich swarms are mixed, it can be said that any troops are facing each other, and they are mentally prepared to shed a few pounds of blood.

Correspondingly, the Renault Rangers encountered so far have really converged. Maybe only when you are head-to-head with the Protoss, will you really go all out in the future, let's try all kinds of combinations of arms.

Therefore, even if he has been fighting against the insects all the time, he has achieved very good results, and even suspected of hanging, but in the heart of Zhao Wenrui, he has never been proud, nor dare to be too intrusive, so as to prevent the bug from taking it seriously, giving him a cruel . To tell the truth, with a small force like the Renault Rangers, it can't stand the serious friction of Zerg.

The southwestern raid was the same this time. It was serious about the battle in front of it. As for the Queen of Blades and her licking dog, she played a house-demolition game and ignored it completely.

The flames paved the way, the precision shooter quickly cleared, and the road came out.

Of course, it is also necessary to eat the spore artillery and the thorn attack of the Hydra. Fortunately, the iron belly is well tolerated, and it can be rotated in battle. The replaced ones are tried to repair with nanoworms. This operation pays more attention to continuity and suddenness. It is too late to go back to rest and need to traverse the road all the time.

Due to the almost full-vehicle deployment, even if light infantry occasionally land or seize the commanding heights, they can also go up and down through the rocket jet pack, so the bugs are also helpless. The result is to be hunted freely. The killing efficiency of the precision shooter is really okay. Especially to clean the light infantry, it is basically one shot and one kill.

Finally a large number of flying mantis participated in the battle.

Unfortunately, they were discovered as soon as they were launched, and then the wild bee drone group sent hundreds of air-to-air missiles. The blood and the explosion exploded, and they failed to fly at all.

The cockroaches and thunder beasts did not move. They chose to dive, but they could not dive deep, and they would still be bombed by targeted ground-drilling bombs.

The gas bombs seem to be unfavorable, especially in the urban area where high-rise buildings are lined up. After the oxygen is consumed, they can't come back for a long time, and the bugs have become soft and soft, killing them like killing a pest.

Once the light infantry was reduced, the spider mine improved by Zhao Wenrui became active. The spear of the needle spines was helpless to this too swift and small thing. When it was pasted, one spattered blood and water splashed, and two were dead. Too.

Spore reptiles and needle spines were killed by spider mines.

Zhao Wenrui also pays great attention to the cleaning of the carpet rug. Without the support of the carpet rug, the carpet cannot be maintained on the asphalt road, and it will quickly rot. Without the fungus blanket, the bugs are unable to achieve the wind and the buffs with high recovery are often in effect. Therefore, as it advances, the carpet must be clear.

Forcibly swept along the way, and even failed to use Zusra, relying on the firepower of the war group alone, it has achieved great results.

As a result, Tex Finley had a bad breath: "I think bugs are a bunch of scum!"

The retribution came, and a large number of infected insects appeared, as well as the iron beetle and the Hydra.

Infected worms are not as slow as zombies in the game, but very fast, but their bodies are deformed, poorly balanced, and easy to fall.

But is this a thing? Maybe it just circumvented the bullet.

In a word, speed is not slower than zombies, but they are not like zombies, their actions are logical, they are deformed, sometimes they run straight, sometimes they run diagonally, sometimes they are like orangutans, sometimes Crab, quite arbitrary.

This makes it difficult to judge their trajectories. Even the brains of individual combat systems have expressed the lack of big data, and it takes time to establish new templates to make trajectory judgments.

This means that full manual aiming is required, and the individual soldier system can hardly be expected.

Insects are not only fast, but also have a variety of attack methods. Needless to say, infected marines will shoot. Ordinary insects will spray ribs like a snake, and some will spray like a cockroach. Saliva, and some will burst, in short, everything.

The group itself seems to be an inferior version of the mixed Zerg army.

The armor jumper and the Hydra are specifically targeted to increase the frontal armor, similar to the cuticle of the armor of the module, which has excellent resistance to the spiked weapons used by precision shooters, a good day for one shot and one life It's over, it takes several shots to kill one.

Such a monster mudslide came turbulently, and Renault's Rangers were a bit unbearable at the time.

But at this moment, they swept the back road all the way, the ground was cracked, and a series of tunnel insects broke out of the soil. A large number of purple jumping insects and Hydralisk surged out. Surrounded by cavalry.

Although the structure of the purple insect swarm is simple, but their source, the worm's nest, does not know where it is, perhaps in parallel time and space.

You ca n’t do it if you want to destroy it, so you can kill more and more, but you can get more and more, and it ’s endless. This time, even if it is a typical performance, eight tunnel worms send troops, and a wave is more than two hundred. It's three waves. The snake's prismatic attack saves and shoots, and it has a certain effect of covering the sky and the sun.

"Rise up, rise up! This is a **** trap!" Jim Reynolds was anxiously corrupted.

Thanks to the power of Zhao Wenrui, a group of small ships were turned into iron belly, so that the Rangers are more arrogant and can use the vehicle to play the sweeping. If they are still advancing on the ground as before, they will be in despair in minutes. Too.

Even so, the Rangers paid a certain price, and four iron belly bellows fell into flames one after another. Two of them were completely unlucky. They were propelled forward at the front. After a certain injury, the team recovered and the purple insects appeared in large numbers from the back, too late to rise to a sufficient height, and they were shot into the sieve by the snakes.

Fortunately, the iron belly that was lost was all a bombshell ship, which meant that there were not many rangers, but only puppets who carried ships and fire control.

The rest wounded seven or eight iron belly, needless to say, as long as they can escape a robbery, and look back is a hero.

Airborne worms are also arranged.

They are obviously also afraid of flying units like Guibaba's flying mantis, and have died a lot before they have achieved merit, so they have mass-produced self-explosive mosquitoes.

Speaking of mosquitoes, the size is actually not large. After all, only a few can blow up hundreds of meters of battle cruisers, which means that the biological explosives carried by them are not only qualitative but also not too small.

And the carrying capacity determines that the size of the self-explosive mosquito cannot be too small, after all, it is necessary to consider fast flight.

In fact, their wingspan is similar to that of the Global Hawk UAV, but their wings are wider and they are much bloated than the Global Hawk. They look like enlarged moths, not mosquitoes.

Honestly, this kind of worm is dealt with by air-to-air missiles.

Available machine guns often involve air dog fighting, and as a super high-speed fighter, the wild bee's dog fighting ability is not very good.

And dogfighting is relatively time-consuming. After all, the attack time is often only a short moment. If you want to attack again, you must complete the trailing or interlacing again.

Of course, the most annoying thing about self-explosive mosquitoes is the large number.

The resources for producing a flying mantis can produce 6-8 self-explosive mosquitoes, so self-explosive mosquitoes can easily become an army.

Therefore, this series of factors lead to wild bees facing the self-explosive mosquitoes is also very difficult.

Of course, it's just hard work. The Galactica is sent in the whole machine, and 300 wild bees can be released. This is not a small number. It can be said that one wave can hurt the self-explosive mosquito, even if the number is large.

However, the wild bees are also a bit injured, mainly due to the relatively large and rapid consumption of ammunition. As high-speed drones, their ammunition carrying capacity is actually very limited. The consumption is so large, which means that they must return to the mother ship to supply. To go is also to consume, as well as time.

Therefore, a wave of self-explosive mosquitoes was successfully handled by the wild bees, but Zhao Wenrui was not happy. He knew that if Rangers were pulled into the rhythm of consumption by Zerg, it was only a matter of time before they died.

This kind of defeat is not simply about how many people died, but to lose money in the war. The final calculation, the comprehensive consumption is too large, in this case, the Rangers can not play.

Reality is not a game after all, there are many aspects to be considered, economic losses, the Rangers can only use wood sticks to fight next time.

It may be an exaggeration to say this, but the fact is that when you have no money in your pocket, you will save subconsciously when you hit a bullet, and you ca n’t let go of your hands and feet. It is a self-cutting of combat power, let alone what is specified. Costly combat plan.

Some people may say that if you have less money, you can't fight anymore? Is it necessary to burn money in the battle plan?

On this point, Zhao Wenrui, who has experienced the reality, must say that, under the premise of not waste but normal use, it is really where and how good money is spent! This is what you pay for.

Like these few battles, to put it bluntly is to burn money. The value of the nanoworm itself can make the world's richest people bankrupt.

If it weren't for him to rely on the thick foundation and the skill to burn it vigorously, there would not be so many miraculous battles. The battle is definitely a different situation.

Therefore, fighting is to burn money, and to burn life without money, but burning life is a fierce fire, which is fleeting. If you want to last forever, you must burn hard.

Jim Reynolds ordered a temporary retreat, and before leaving, Tax Finley sent two blasts to the swarm.

The mushroom cloud rises and the purple insect swarm is hit again. As for the insects or something, the loss is limited. The main reason is that Tex Finley did not dare to throw nuclear weapons. After all, the search and rescue have not been completed in the front area. Jim Renault also did not agree.

The group retreated to the temporary base, and the silicon crystal mine on the base had been collected.

As long as Zhao Wenrui totaled, Zuo Fan was almost packed, and there was no burden, he simply changed his base.

The North Worm Nest was taken down by Jim before, where the silicon crystal mine can still be mined for a while.

Don't look at this kind of minerals that can be collected in the battle. It seems that it can almost fill up the holes consumed by the ammunition in a battle. So this is not a mosquito leg, but at least it is a chicken leg. The value is still there.

So the Rangers moved collectively, the iron belly in good condition, guarded the towing ship with the facilities to the northern lair, and in bad condition, they used the shipyard to repair. The shipyard itself can fly, but it is not high or fast. There is no protection ability, but the Kaladiga drone mother ship is photographed at high altitude, and there is nothing wrong with it afterwards.

Since the supply facility has also become mobile, the Rangers can leave no one except for the automated machine gun fort that guards the mouth.

Machine gun fort can actually be dismantled, but it's not necessary. They have already recovered the cost several times. Let them be there as a testimony that the Rangers have come.

The northern worm nest is also a natural high platform with a relatively small area, but the terrain is more favorable, the mouth is easier to guard, and there is a building with tens of thousands of square meters of space available on the side.

This building belongs to the Mobius Foundation, and the Rangers have rescued some people from here. They did not expect to go back and forth.

With a mechanical master like Zhao Wenrui, the building was soon used.

The buildings of this era are all equipped with a lot of mechanical and electronic facilities, and all of them have the high-tech buildings in the eyes of the people of the 21st century. They are well used and have many functions.

However, the main reason for Zhao Wenrui's waste of time is to make a speech.

The Mobius Foundation believes that under the shelter of the Renault Rangers, it is safer than on the twentieth fleet.

It turned out that the voyage of the Queen of Blades of the 20th Fleet finally annoyed the Queen, and she made a subtle plan to let the tracked 20th Fleet deflate, the flagship Wahala was injured, and other ships fell several times Including a battle cruise.

The Twenty Fleet ate such a big loss, and became a bird of surprise. It said that they would not continue to swim in the muddy water. The videos and refugees they got from the Rangers were enough for them to explain to the emperor and the country. So, why continue to take risks?

So people from the Mobius Foundation ran to the Rangers.

Of course no problem, as long as they are willing to give money.

Mobis said that we are not bad money, please provide the best service.

Zhao Wenrui said that there is no problem. The office facilities you originally used are quite spacious and comfortable. Please continue to use them, but the security has changed for the Rangers.

In this way, the Rangers added another sum of money to make up for the loss of four iron belly before, plus the caution of being injured by the offensive frustration.

Jim Reno said that this wave of money condolences came in a timely manner, and similar condolences can be more.

Zhao Wenrui said: "Like us, the main thing is to talk about performance. And our actions can't stop. For every 1 force we recover. Bugs can increase the force by 10 more. According to this trend, sooner or later we will crush us."

Jim Reynolds asked: "What new plan do you have."

"Must have. The new plan is that you start from the current base and go west along the upper line of this area. I have analyzed that this area will have a good probability of high gain. It can even be said that after this area is searched and rescued , Our main task is basically completed. "

"The search and rescue work in this area is naturally not simple, but the trip we carried out before has no problem itself, but it was just pinched by the worm and completed a sudden enclosure."

Jim Reynolds recalled his previous actions and nodded in agreement with Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui said: "This time you are still going to be steady. But this will last longer, and the worms have the possibility of catching up to form a siege. So I am responsible for making a big noise and attracting the attention of the worms. I search and rescue , This can greatly reduce the complexity of the task, and the mobility is also guaranteed. I will hack and hack, hunt and kill, kill the worms, and send troops to come to kill, our goal is achieved, the pressure on your side Would be much lower. "

"But is this too dangerous for you?"

"How dangerous can it be? I have a hatred from insects. I can't do anything. My ability is invincible. The insects in the sea were not successfully hidden. So your efficiency is the biggest on my side. stand by."

"Okay, don't say any thanks. The Rangers and I owe you one."

The plan was implemented. Zhao Wenrui started with two iron bellies. One of them was modified by him like a fifteenth-century Galen ship with a five-layer shooting port.

The rest of the iron belly, accompanied by the Rangers, walked on the north-west line, next to the edge of the area, detoured, and then cut into the western Zerg control area to start a search and rescue operation.

Both sides have a limited time for action. Zhao Wenrui started the battle first, and Zusra ended the dive state, and went to the surface to show his strength.

Nanoworm's self-proliferation and transformation has never stopped, so it hasn't been seen for a while. Now the insect has a semi-organic and semi-inorganic character, and looks like a nightmare monster made by Dr. Mad.

Under Zhao Wenrui's design, Zusra removed the heat ray cannon that was useless in his opinion, and the tail needle was also discarded, but a large poison sac was added, and the tail became a large ovulation port.

Insula is like a female cockroach with a big belly. Its eggs can hatch a velociraptor with a sickle forelimb in 30 seconds. This short-lived insect with a life span of not more than 72 hours is highly metabolized. Against the sky, super explosive power, super power and speed, super healing, it can be said that unless a single blow kills, this monster is a killing weapon that no one can enter.

Facts also prove that they are indeed masters of chopping. While they are struck by the thorns of the Hydra, they can also be tough with seven or eight headed worms at the same time, and then win.

Somewhat unreasonably, when designing them, Zhao Wenrui failed to pay attention to their design, so that these killing weapons would slip on the carpet, so that the repeated rushing was too fast, turning and slipping, and then surrounded by jump insects. The tragedy of the corpse.

Therefore, the war worms of the worm swarms have been tried and tested, and they have been shaped by repeated measurements. It is not that someone can compare the design of a biological weapon with a little brain and talent. The latter inevitably suffers from such omissions, and comprehensive adaptability often does not work.

But in any case, the card of Chong Sila started.

Iron Belly acts as a bodyguard for Insla at a low altitude. The free shooting of the precise shooter can greatly reduce those attacks against Insla.

The fast-moving insects that Zongsila produces continuously can also effectively harvest the upper jumping insects, or some worms coming from the ground.

As for the big guys, for example Thunder Beast. Chong Sila said that what Lao Tzu is not afraid of is the so-called big man. No one can say big in front of me.

The giant sickle claw against the Thunder beast is naturally a win for Slug. Three times, five divisions and two, the Thunder beast is cut into pieces.

Chong Sila also has biological missiles available, so it's quite a sensation to bomb from time to time.

Later, the flying mantis appeared accompanied by the self-explosive mosquito, and the insects began to struggle.

Self-explosive mosquitoes are also quite indifferent ~ ~ no longer only hits air units, and big guys such as Insula have become the targets of their self-explosion.

Chong Sila was blown up several times in a row, shaking his head and shaking his head, not badly hurt.

Fortunately, the bodyguards are awesome. During the recovery process of Zyzra, they successfully defended and did not allow the self-explosive mosquitoes to further expand the results.

In order to deal with self-explosive mosquitoes, Zhao Wenrui prepared a large number of oxygen-consuming bombs. This weapon is a partial door product developed on the basis of cloud explosion bombs. It does not need high temperature, as long as it consumes oxygen.

From time to time, it was lost, so that a low-oxygen or even anaerobic combat environment was formed.

Anyway, Zhao Wenrui basically didn't need to consider the issue of oxygen consumption, and because of the inorganicization of insects, the dependence on oxygen is extremely low, that is, the fast running insects are a little hurt.

But compared to Zerg, it has become soft, and Xun Ben Zong temporarily does not have to go all the way.

Let those who have been born form a team to find a direction to advance the death, and before all the battles die, they can cause no small damage to the Zerg.

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