Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1060: Charity does not return

With the new toy of blood quality, the days are not boring at all, and the time is waved away.

Soon, the time for the third mission came again.

At first glance, Zhao Wenrui is still a chapter of the wings of freedom in StarCraft.

Okay, it's good to grab a place to scour the wool.

Mission Chapter: Runaway

After several battles, Renault Rangers have a good reputation in the human world.

So when the emperor did nothing, the people suffering from the bullying of the worms thought of the Rangers.

Dr. Ariel Hansen published his own research report at the age of 11 on plant genetic mutations.

So, this is a genius agronomist.

Not only that, but also a spiritual leader who pioneered the people's planet.

Renault ’s Rangers had previously helped Dr. Hansen and her people evacuate their homes occupied by Zerg.

Like many refugees, Dr. Hansen and her people spontaneously withdrew to the planet Hoffman as a relay station, hoping that the empire officials would give them some help and guidance in building new homes.

As a result, the Zerg infection was also brought to Huffman by the refugees.

The biggest temporary refuge soon fell.

The runaway chapter is about the bad things about Huffman.

The reason why the main **** sent Zhao Wenrui is that the Zerg side has more parallel space reinforcements, specifically the addition of the purple and white gold worm family.

Zhao Wenrui said: "This Nima is the four kings of the Torch!"

Of course, this is a rotten stalk. In fact, the purple, white, and golden green refers to the Yormgarde insect swarm that last dealt with Zhao Wenrui, as well as the white Beloge, golden Gram, and cyan. Fenris ethnic group.

Different ethnic groups, different brain bugs, different characteristics, and different fighting styles.

To put it bluntly, different ethnic group development experiences have created ethnic groups with different characteristics, which is similar to the fact that different people in the earth create different ethnic groups.

Especially when he was dominating, he set himself apart and set himself free.

The Queen of Blades is nothing more than the princess who was the most beloved of the Pharaoh during his lifetime. There are still some problems with the bloodline, and the brain worms of all ethnic groups are equivalent to princes.

So in fact, the grid brain worms in this world are not so much a bird queen of blades. At least at this stage, the queen of blades has not yet allowed them to submit to kneeling and licking.

As for why the brain bugs of the parallel world are so passionate about the private career of the only princess of the descendants of the old king, that is not what Zhao Wenrui can guess. Maybe it's a spare egg?

Zhao Wenrui knew that the violent chapter was originally a simple story. In a word, the summary is:

People kill monsters during the day and blame at night.

Because the Hoffman star has direct sunlight that is more cattle than the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the worms will see the light and die.

And because Huffman is a typical nowhere, when the temperature drops suddenly at night, a relatively large wind will form, and the sand will be full of dust, and the worms will come by the wind, and the ghost film atmosphere is created very well.

This is the way it is. The big bug with two distortions will only appear at night. You need to fight at night to kill each other and harvest valuable biological resources.

But now that the purple, white, and gold are blending in, the battle is immediately filled with the unknown, because the bugs can move during the day. And insects mix and match insects at night, the effect will not be bad.

In addition, the purple, white, and gold have their own characteristics, and they may come up with some tricks, so this battle is definitely impossible to pay tribute to the V-shaped agent team like the original history. If it is not done, it will be protected by the fancy invasion of the swarm, and finally open for dinner.

The system prompts that there are teammates this time.

However, he also reminded his teammates that they ca n’t count on it. They are Xinding, who feel the war atmosphere by playing soy sauce. When the mission is over, everyone is alive.

And he is a veteran, and if he loses the battle, Jim Reynolds will be here. The epic battle of the entire universe will also be affected. Kerrigan ’s path to becoming a **** may die early, and the fallen Sarnaga will be laid in advance The basis of victory, and finally restart the entire sc universe, **** horse star spirit, zerg, human beings, all die!

With such a large stake, Zhao Wenrui cannot afford to lose.

The lord **** is also very humane, knowing that let Zhao Wenrui come alone, there is neither compulsion nor practical problems. After all, the sc universe is war-themed, and each one is full of a big battlefield. The level of individual combat power is very small for the direction of war.

what did you say? One punch superman? Super Saiyan? The main **** space said that my temple is small and can't raise such cattle, they usually fly alone. And most of these people are full of dwarves in life, kneeling girls licking sisters, admitting to the official, pretending to be silly and cute, low is not good, it is not recommended to learn.

Zhao Wenrui appeared in the sc universe and found himself in the Port of Undead, and Jim Reynolds only escorted the refugees to the Hoffman Star.

In other words, he has at least 24 hours to prepare.


Zhao Wenrui immediately contacted Mirahan.

Mila said that the ten Galactica sister ships could be delivered long ago, and Zhao Wenrui would not pick up the goods again, and Mila was ready to charge a late fee for the docking fee.

"So I'm not here."

In the specific delivery process, Mirahan specially showed off her own drone carrier system.

What is called the love like fire series, the first ship Mira, the unmanned fighter is called Matt i type.

"as long as you are happy."

Zhao Wenrui knew that Milahan had been working hard at all times during this time, and he did not hesitate to hollow out his family. He had basically completed a major blood exchange for the combat system. Her previous defense fighter series were all handled by her.

Now there is a lot of warfare, just fighting with bugs, there is a big gap in arms, and weapons and equipment can be sold without worry.

With the new UAV mothership system, coupled with Milahan ’s signature weapon, Magna Thunder, the space in Port of Death ’s Harbor is the only one of the Mirana family.

She is further integrating the satellite city-level shipyard system, trying to make a major industrial merger and upgrade to prepare for the next big orders to sell arms.

Therefore, the person of Mirahan is actually very thoughtful of the grass-headed queen. He is resolute and daring, he dares to act, he has strong practical ability, and he can grasp the general trend. Deserve the wind and water.

It's just that Mirahan is not Zhao Wenrui's dish. And the more she knew that Zhao Wenrui was boring to her, the more Mirahan liked to tease and make some ambiguous meaty pieces.

It has to be said that Milahan, a spoiled woman, is a veteran driver who is raised by the soil and water, and looks like a big-eyed, big-three and big-thick Matt Horner. In fact, she is a little sheep under the paw of the female wolf.

Of course, this does not matter to Zhao Wenrui. He also believes that Milahan ’s cleverness understands the significance of Horner to her. Whether it is emotional or the need to wash ashore, Horner is irreplaceable. If Mi Lahan could not understand this one day, so she should die.

He didn't even need Zhao Wenrui's hands, and the enemies of Mirahan could chew her bones.

Pick up the boat and go to the first order space station.

The position of the first order space station is a bit biased and naturally has many disadvantages. One of the advantages is that anyone who comes here is either a friend or an enemy, at a glance, otherwise no one will deliberately detour.

The space station was named Milano by Zhao Wenrui, and was named after his nano-worm Zhinao.

Because of this space station, Milano ’s doppelganger was managing.

Its external understanding is generally a wheel-shaped star city, with the life circle at the outermost end, which solves the gravity problem of the living area by rotation. The form is somewhat old-fashioned, but the classic is not outdated and more economical.

The core of the wheel-shaped star city is the central axis. The dock area is under the wheels, and there are many tentacle-like frame passages that extend into space. The ship is moored against these frames. When the ship is full, it looks more full and certain. A sense of accomplishment.

The sister ship of Galactica can fly automatically when it leaves the factory, but it needs time to improve, so Zhao Wenrui will let them dock at the dock for as long as possible, which is equivalent to saving him a lot of nanoworms.

When I came to Milano, I naturally had to inspect the situation of the officers and men.

The operation of collecting people on the battlefield is often rude. If it is not just a temporary use, then many lessons need to be supplemented afterwards, including the identity of these people and so on.

The other is the transcranial high-frequency electromagnetic surgery, which is also not a one-time job.

Again, if you only use it temporarily and discard it after use, there are no problems, and some problems can be tolerated. But if it is used for a long time, it will involve many problems.

People who have undergone surgery like this often show mental instability, which is far beyond the level of general psychiatric hospital treatment.

Therefore, the organization of the First Order looks mysterious and bright on the surface, and some small actions behind it are actually quite dark. The so-called inhuman treatment methods, once announced, will be enough to ruin Zhao Wenrui and be sentenced to death by all human galaxies.

Zhao Wenrui is no better than other Kane, he still cares about these. It's just that the two evils are less important, and he can't do anything about it. He can only bear guilt, and then tells himself that these people actually died in the war. In this way, he can feel better, after all, from a certain angle, he is equivalent to borrowing the bodies of these people to avenge them, and asking for and paying is also a kind of explanation.

I have to say that even if the technology he mastered is almost indescribable (in his opinion). However, the human brain and human consciousness are still more daring, that is, someone can't succeed anyway.

Simply put, even after several rounds of operations, about 7% of the people will still be eliminated, only to let them die completely.

This ratio is not low, after all, the number of people in the first order is now more than 400, and once they are eliminated, dozens of people will be erased.

Calculating the input cost is not cheaper than hiring a strong mercenary. It ’s just that mercenaries have a free mind, and no puppets are so obedient.

In addition, Zhao Wenrui did not dare to hire soldiers. They were all veterans, and it was easy to bring bad spirits.

His puppet men were originally professional high scores, other low-energy idiot geniuses, once the atmosphere is broken, the whole team is afraid that it will be finished.

So to a certain extent, puppet people are quite fragile, and they are not suitable for fighting with the rangers and playing for themselves.

Zhao Wenrui came over this time to understand all these situations one by one. The on-site clues that can be solved are solved. The unsolvable heart is a bit overwhelming, and he comes back to find a solution.

From a certain perspective, the management team is constantly solving problems. If the problem is solved enough, then unity can always maintain a better state.

In addition, the precision shooter is certainly very good, but as the career grows, Zhao Wenrui actually needs technical personnel including pilots, but the soldiers, how to say, the most relatively least technical content is them.

It may be that some people don't like to listen to it. The soldiers are also technical, and good tactical play is very different from rookie.

That's right, but in fact it is cruel to say that the soldiers are trained with a perfect training system, and then they are eliminated in actual combat. Cannon ash has the use of cannon ash, and death is dead. Some of the remaining ones become natural. Easily used.

But other technical arms have no way to apply this gameplay. They have been more technical from the beginning. Even if the pilots seem to be able to play this way, it is just that the overall cost is relatively high, but in fact the improvement of the comprehensive literacy of qualified pilots is a very unusual investment, even if there is a basic education for all, it is not enough.

Although the first order is mainly a drone system, it will still use people, such as maintenance and other positions, combat staff and other positions, all need people, at least with the assistance of people, relying on the mental logic of wisdom brain, will A fatal loophole has occurred.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui feels that he is also very difficult, the power should be high, first of all, personnel literacy must be mentioned. It is useless to have a bunch of soldiers who can only burst.

Of course, this is now a bit of a suspicion of "far-sighted". After all, it is still operating and there are no problems that need to be solved too urgently.

It's just that Zhao Wenrui believes that people who have no worries must have near worries. Some things should be planned early, and they have to start, instead of waiting for the **** to reach the **** door to find that the pit can not be found, and there is no toilet paper.

With a considerable sense of anxiety in mind, Zhao Wenrui finally set off from the Milano Space Station.

The task is still to be done, early arrival has the benefits of early arrival.

Even so, when Zhao Wenrui arrived at the Hoffman star, Jim Reynolds still stuffed himself and the Rangers thoroughly and deeply into the incident.

In the words of Tax Finley: "You are so nice to that chick!"

Is this praise, not conspicuous, replaced by modern humans, this is equivalent to scolding unconditionally kneeling and licking the road girl, and still taking advantage of the interests of brothers.

Are the brothers born and died just for you to show off in front of the road girl, making the kneeling and licking posture more attractive?

But this is already the case, and many beeps are useless.

The worst point of this battle is actually Jim Perno's persistence.

Anyway, Huffman's refuge point is basically no longer alive, you leave the survivors chant?

Do not! We must be sentimental and meaningful, and we must destroy the infected buildings. We must cooperate with Dr. Hansen ’s observation and research to try to find an antidote to cure the infection. Can rescue a few living people or whose dog.

It can be said that it is quite politically correct.

Well, this is Jim Renault, the hero of the Terran, and his and the Rangers' popularity in the civilian world, mainly by brushing up this kind of bad things that are actually irrelevant to the great cause.

Having said that again, what is the great cause? Different people have different answers. Aktulos Mengsk ’s answer is definitely not the people ’s heart, and Jim Reynolds will tell you that if you do n’t give up, do n’t give up, there will always be justice in the world. …

"Hi, Jim, an old friend of the Rangers, Ethan Holden is here to visit you again!" Zhao Wenrui felt like a greeting for the Spring Festival party of a famous cross talk actor, and every year it was ‘I want to die you! Haha! ’

"Ha, old man, good friend, I am so happy to be able to see you here." Jim Reynold's rare frowns, and his usual denim outfit is better than anyone else.

Nor can he blame him for forgetting it, he is really happy now.

The appearance of Zhao Wenrui is equivalent to resolving his embarrassment to a considerable extent.

Because the Rangers have formed an established concept, that is, Essen Holden up and down hundreds of thousands per second, absolutely no money, no matter what the Lord of the Three Treasures.

He appeared, so it means that the current experience must be a very important event. You ca n’t understand it, but you ca n’t deny its importance, because Ethan Horton ’s time is very valuable, and he will not be uncomfortable. The bad things on the countertop appeared.

Of course, Jim Reynolds are actually experiencing some kind of bad things to some extent.

From the last task of evacuation, it has fallen into a quagmire of bad things.

Those who evacuated were not happy at all, and the insects would kill the whole family at any time, but they were still reluctant to make pots and pans, altars and pots, they were really trying to kill people alive.

The most annoying thing is that this is a humanitarian rescue mission, not only have no money to take, but also have to pay for it.

Well, we have marketing expert Uncle Houghton, which is also a search and rescue task, and counts money to get cramps.

Therefore, we can now say bravely that Lao Tzu is not short of money and willful to help you!

As a result, Jimmy Reynolds was addicted, not only generously assisting refugees, but also playing escorts all over the world. Many of the broken, old-fashioned interstellar immigration ships were older than his grandfather, and he was in danger from time to time.

Another is the Rangers, posted technology, posted resources to help repair and replace parts.

Thanks to Uncle Houghton, the towboat is the real treasure ship. The mobile factory can repair anything and build anything, and it also produces good things. Even the first ranger technician has a bad temper. Swan, whose mouth was damaged, secretly admired Horton's skill.

But no matter what, resource consumption can't be avoided. This is money.

The refugee boats were repaired one by one, they were settled down, and the rangers lost their grandma's house.

But he had to pinch his nose to admit that Jim Reynolds was fighting fiercely with refugee leader Dr. Ariel Hansen.

As a result, Huffman arrived. Hoffman was a refugee distribution center, waiting for arrangements here, not only Ariel and their stinky farms, but also many people from other planets.

Now you can dump the burden ~ ~ After all, these are the people of the empire, and although the Huffman star is a bit desolate, the star field it is in is the hinterland of the empire, and the empire official has no reason to ignore it.

As a result, Jim Reynolds still couldn't do it, and he ran farther and farther towards the public welfare causeway.

Please, we are mercenaries, not Greenpeace, nor the International Red Cross. Just good people and good things will do.

Could it be that the truth is "Crazy Stone"? The middle brother commented on Li Xiaomeng: "You are really a **** girl!"

So with the brothers losing money and dying, just to smile for the Bomei, Jim Reynolds was a bit close to himself. He knew to play like this again, he could play eggs alone. It is impossible for Rangers to accept such a long-term leader who is not doing business and is still fancy.

So Ethan Holden is coming! Immediately let his operation have a certain justice and forward-looking.

It's not Ge Lang, but you have never understood the importance of this series of operations. Although I don't understand it myself, it does not prevent me from taking this as a reason and taking pride.

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