Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1071: On the Importance of Dragon Set

This time, Zhao Wenrui did not throw away Rolly Jonson like used toilet paper, but gave the other party full satisfaction, and also gave some more blood quality for rejuvenation.

The unhealthy life of the rotten house has reduced the appearance of Lori Jonson to a certain extent, and even premature aging. It is a bit unsightly to remove the makeup.

What's more, as a 73-year-old, the {Comprehensive Memories}, which was completed in 2011 and released in 2012, is already a 38-year-old mother. No matter how protective her face is, she can't bear the characteristics of Europa, and people will look old in middle age.

Besides, the life and rest of the actor is definitely not healthy. All kinds of flashing lights, all kinds of entertainment, all kinds of staying up late, dieting, fattening, weight loss, and makeup, can look bright, but also rely on money.

So once the goddess in this film, a closer look will make people huh.

That is, with a good foundation, first-class makeup, and professional photography, it still looks beautiful and moving.

So when does this turn into reality? Obviously, in reality, no one's field of vision can be the angle of a professional camera, and he can always grasp the other side of the other side as much as possible.

So whether it is the real Lori Jensen, or the fake wife, the beauty is beautiful, but it is definitely not so inviting to commit crimes.

Of course, you have to drill into the dark alleys of the dark streets, and sows are also at risk of being robbed.

Give more blood quality, more magic, more choice, instead of optimizing by consuming life. If it does, the appetite will be better, the fat burning effect will be better, and the optimization process will be slower.

But Zhao Wenrui thinks it's worth it, and it's worthwhile and meaningful. Really Rolly Jonson had some high-quality thighs, and wanted to take off.

Lori is naturally happy, after all, her experience is simply an alternative to Cinderella and Prince Charming, which is a godsend for her longing for feelings.

So she laughed in her sleep.

Zhao Wenrui also feels happy, and sometimes giving is a happy thing, especially when the other party reports happiness, it will be very fulfilling.

But he is still busy.

Milano has been working to help him set his next goal.

When the original history of Kehegen finally launched an attack on the colony, he had 50,000 mechanical and police officers.

And he only got 10,000 in the Federal Building, there are nearly 40,000, where are they?

Milano searched for some past deeds of the Kehegen team, and through information analogy and analysis of detailed data, found out the clues. Kehegen was hiding in a warehouse not far from the specific ladder. .

Coupled with the warehouse inventory of this leather bag company, Ke Heigen's private army is almost all there.

The remaining nearly 30,000 are legal armed forces registered through regular channels. It is also an intuitive manifestation of Ke Heigen ’s private terrorist attacks, discredited rebels, and the expansion of the mechanical military police that he has won.

In fact, another 20,000 is also on the so-called process. As long as Ke Heigen can succeed, then this batch of combat power will just complete the process and belong to legitimate federal official property. Until then, they will always be in a certain link of the process, actually exist, but nominally between production and non-production.

Such tricks are nothing to politicians, but it does have a real impact.

Zhao Wenrui must deal with them.

This time there is basically no skill at all. The warehouse is externally tight and internally secured, and is guarded by a professional security team. There is no reason to clean it, send it out, or check the water meter.

Then it can only be a raid, or a sneak attack.

This Zhao Wenrui is actually quite good.

The blood is in your body and you can fly, let alone glide. When in place, the function of simulating an optical cloak is also in hand. Taking the opportunity to enter from the ventilation duct, the laser monitoring network was solved with nanoworms all the way to the security monitoring room. Then he fell gently as a ghost, his hands waved, his blood glowing like a sword, and at the same time pierced into the body of all security personnel present.

After about 5 seconds of convulsions, these security personnel became themselves, and then the nanoworms invaded the monitoring system.

With the cooperation of the monitoring room, the independent operation of the LAN computer room was completed, and the rest was a simple attack. With the cooperation of the monitoring system, Zhao Wenrui can always be surprised, and the patrol security team was accidentally put down. Became a blood slave.

The security staff was smoothed out, and everything in the warehouse became deprived.

Zhao Wenrui watched the time after finishing his work, 2 hours and 12 minutes, the efficiency was okay.

At the same time, the protagonist Doug Quig's plot is a bit stuck.

The reason is also simple. The military police in the Filmont district are no longer the original military police.

Therefore, when Doug was questioned by his branch boss, the white-haired Asian-faced McLean with a gun at the memory code company, no pair of military police arrived in time to destroy McLean and tortured Doug.

I have to say, perhaps because there is no corresponding space to explain clearly, the scene of the military and police that appeared in the original history is very embarrassing, and it can even be said that it lacks logic.

Because they came just too right, as if they were out there, completing a fishing law enforcement operation, so here Doug was just injected with a false memory potion. In McLean ’s words, the military police had just happened He accidentally broke in, even finding the right path, and then the preparatory work for the key position was successfully completed.

Such tacit cooperation seems to only start to work with a potion of false memory, and the protagonist can seamlessly open the super agent experience to explain it to be reasonable.

But in fact in this mission world, Doug Quaid did not enjoy the super agent's false memory journey, but he had problems himself, like Neo in {Matrix} felt his life was not real, so he ran Go to the memory code company for possible help, and then stimulate the original memory, making the real memory system unstable. It made the instincts of some super agents awake, and then became a sturdy master who can overturn a group of loaded guns and police.

Then this super instinct seems to be not very stable, especially the mental state is not a super agent, so it is not very good, and the main idea is to counsel and escape.

Therefore, in the process of torture with the fake wife, instead of countering the other party, letting him die, maiming, or binding, he fled all the way and played parkour. It just made the fake wife more and more manpower, almost caught, and finally the arrangement before the amnesia, with a certain dramatic escape.

Of course luck is also essential. Otherwise, it will be exposed at the bank.

In any case, the memory code company's raid by the military and police was the starting point for the protagonist's outbreak all the way. It was because he killed the talent and panicked.

So now, the military and police are not. Although the gray-haired guy McLean looks a little too aggressive, he points his gun at the protagonist.

But obviously he didn't have much intention to kill. He just worried that his business might be targeted by some difficult characters.

False memory, this gameplay is quite gray in itself, and it is also a typical cyberpunk black technology element.

In-depth analysis of this concept will lead to a series of questionable questions.

How did these false memories come from? Yes, what would it cost? Does it look like it? As the protagonist said in a conversation with McLean, illusion is an illusion whether it is true or not.

So how can we successfully deceive the subjective and make it difficult to distinguish between true and false? Would it be better to use other people's real memories to create super 3d video-like content?

Injecting memory often means that the memory can be extracted, at least it means that the brain's chemical signals can be analyzed and presented through third-party channels.

The specific performance in the movie, such as checking whether the protagonist's memory violates the taboo of the memory code company, is to achieve image presentation and information interpretation. McLean knows that the protagonist is very spoiled for his wife through a special device, and there is no third.

All of this means that the injection of false memories is actually based on a taboo technology involving ethics.

It is no wonder that McLean will be nervous. He should know that his industry officials really need to take it seriously. It cannot withstand censorship and involves too many specific violations. So he is more sensitive to spies or something.

But does he dare to kill the spy?

Obviously dare not. Mo said that he was just a businessman who opened the door to do business and wanted to make money. Even if he could be in vain, and he was ruthless, he had to think about it. Did the agent debut? His murder is directly a crime, is he afraid of not convicting? Still die fast enough?

So it can only be said that he was also angry at the moment, and the other is that he wanted to swindle and see if he can swindle some useful information to decide how to deal with it later.

And the protagonist Karl Hauser ’s memory has not recovered, and the mind consciousness is still the fart who dared to cope with major events. He quickly explained: "I do n’t have, I do n’t have a third, and I do n’t know what the agent is. Say what."

Probably, the words that should have been used to deal with the military and police were all told to McLean.

But without the third party's pressing and intensifying, McLean's original intention was calm, and the atmosphere quickly calmed down. He didn't understand it, but he quickly made some guesses.

He said to Doug Quaid: "I am quite sure that you have real agent memory. So you have to experience super agent, which itself violates the principle of virtual memory experience of the memory code, and will cause irreversible contradictions. Your The head will burst. "

Doug was naturally surprised, how can I have real agent memory, and the special potion has just been injected into it, does it mean that my head is going to be burned?

McLean has been observing Doug's reaction. Doug's natural performance has convinced him that Doug hasn't cheated him on memory issues, and Doug himself doesn't know that he has special agent memory.

So good, McLean is the one who tinkers with memories and the like. His professional knowledge and logic and associative skills in this respect are not comparable to ordinary people.

He immediately thought that Dougquid's memory should have been cleaned, even his current memory is false.

After pondering for two seconds, he decided to tell Doug Quaid this speculation, not because he was a good and helpful person, but because he wanted to get rid of the trouble.

There is no doubt that no matter who has done a thorough brainwashing and false memory implantation to Dougquid, the other party is very energetic and not very troublesome. After all, Dougquid's old memory is an agent. Even the agents who brainwashed them dared to do so, saying that they were desperate.

Since Doug Quaid is involved in such troubles, will he be involved in the memory code company? Obviously it will, because Doug ’s troubles involve memory recovery or something, which is one-sided with brainwashing and false memory implantation. Doug will inevitably seek help from Memory Code Company when there is no way to tell.

So sometimes it is better to tell the truth after the situation is judged. McLean just said directly: "You are doing a big deal, we don't want to be implicated by you, I tell you what happened, even if the benevolence is done, please hurry up!"

Doug Quaid is not a thick black and strong, well-calculated Karl Hauser. He is now an assembly line worker, one dead person, and his will and ideas can't sustain a decent confrontation at all.

So even in the face of McLean, he also defeated, McLean did not force him with a gun, he said: "Okay, okay, I will go."

This is the case for ordinary people. They are not willing to cause trouble to others. When they encounter problems, they find ways to solve them. They instinctively make themselves difficult, and see if there is a way to solve their problems by reducing some of their demands or sacrificing something.

Dougquid went home instinctively, he now needs more solace in the heart, he even regretted his humble run to the memory code company, now that the truth is revealed, the tip of the iceberg, he really is not an ordinary person , But in fact he was not prepared to bear the extraordinary.

The warning of the good friend Harry is like Huang Zhongda Lu, making him feel guilty and embarrassed, but a good little life, but such a beautiful wife, you have to do it, feel empty and lonely and cold, but find yourself uncomfortable, what now? It is a terrible sense of helplessness to advance and retreat, and have neither money nor ability to meet the storm of truth, or even know where to start in order to further understand the situation.

And the reincarnates who secretly tracked also felt the situation was a bit tricky.

They finally felt the problems caused by the changes in the military and police.

Despite being a dead runner, it is also unavailable. Without them, the scene can't be lively, the protagonist doesn't step on some shrimps and soldiers, does not violate the camp, and is not forced to the end of the road.

But it is obviously too late to regret now, but the thinking of the reincarnations is also meticulous.

They immediately thought that the military and the police were very different. Does that mean that the fake wife would chase down the protagonist, and would not get the support of the military and the police?

Without the support of the military and police, it may even be arrested in reverse, and the fake wife can't get up! A scene in which a dangerous element is subject to an official wanted arrest has turned into a seven-year itch, a murderous war for murdering a pro-husband, is this not a grade at all?

Perhaps the protagonist was anxious, running and running and felt: "Go to Nima, you are not finished yet." Then turned around and made a fake wife kneel.

What should I do next?

The whole story is completely screwed up.

Is the dragon set so important?

Damn the dragon set, we must solve this problem, and immediately find a way to find out whether the military and police can't really move, they don't recognize Ke Heigen, and they don't recognize the order of the fake wife.

If so, how can they be brought online and turned into a loyal dog cannon fodder for the actions of fake wives?

So the group of reincarnations immediately moved, including calling Ke Heigen to explain their speculation.

Ke Heigen is energetic in this country, at least he will be able to find out soon.

Ke Heigen secretly scolded his mother when she knew the situation.

He also knows that the chief of the police station in the Filmont district works with the police, but the Filmont district is very sensitive. Even if it is usually, it must be resolved with care. If you are not careful, you will be caught by the political opponents of the hostile position. Crazy attack.

Now he plans to watch the arrow on the string and has to send it. Naturally, he ca n’t solve this kind of broken thing. Instead, he will first appease and wait for the major event to settle, and then turn back to deal with these critical moments.

In this regard, he even received a guarantee from the department official. The department official said that the director was dissatisfied with the distribution of inherent interests and wanted to reshuffle the card and set rules. Before taking more, they were still willing to listen to orders in the event of major events. Background Blatant betrayal of the Federation will do them no good.

So now it's okay, can my order be executed, is it still a good thing I said?

It will be known after a try.

Ke Heigen quickly made several calls.

Then the face was sullen like a pot bottom.

I was caught by the few special employees who came to help. The chief of the police station in the Filmont district executed orders selectively and was discounted.

For example, they agreed to arrest Doug Quaid, an important suspect identified by Ke Hegen, but they did not agree to obey Lori's orders and cooperate with his actions.

This at least means that the military and police in the Filmont district have a high degree of vigilance against him and the federal government. Any attempt, or any indication that there is a possibility of breaking up their team, will not be accepted.

Just like this time, you say that someone is guilty and want someone, we can go to catch it, but if we want our people to listen to you, this will not work. We only listen to our immediate superiors. No one else has the right to instruct us.

Ke Hegen said: "The hilltopism has reached this level, which is similar to the warlords. Is Nima going to play new autonomy next?"

This is unbearable, and you have blocked my way. The ladder is from the federation to the colony. The first stop is the Fremont area. The bridgehead is not mine. When I commute with the big troops, you blow up. Can I bear the special train? The special-track train fell into the ladder track and broke down. When it was salvaged, it was estimated that all the trains were stinking!

No, this matter has not been discussed, absolutely can't bear it.

So Ke Heigen thought of reincarnation.

He called the reincarnation, went, and got me the police chief. I would send a management team to take over, and the airborne took over. Whoever refused to accept it would betray the Federation. Shooting on the spot without hesitation.

However, Kehegen apparently overlooked a problem. The communication network in the Filmont and Callan districts was in the hands of Milano. Kehegen and their dialogue were promptly reported to Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui laughed as soon as he heard it and said, "Then give them a small surprise."

In this way, the first tear of both sides began.

After the start, Ke Heigen soon discovered a bad new situation. He had intended to issue a special order through the Mechanical Military Police Maintenance Center in the Filimont District to regain control of the mechanical military police.

In this way, the military force of the Filmont district immediately wiped out at least half of it, and he even insidiously planned to make the mechanical army police suddenly retreat and cooperate with his airborne team to complete the power seizure.

However, the maintenance center told him that when they tried to connect with the mechanical military police, through simple instructions to ensure that they gave priority to the maintenance center, they found that some mechanical military police did not give a correct response, and these mechanical military police are functioning normally. of.

This means that the Philemon Police Department is using some unknown method to quietly tamper with the priority control of the mechanical military police.

Zhao Wenrui asked the maintenance center to reply to Ke Heigen like this, naturally because he considered that the reincarnations assassinated senior officials such as the chief, and he would probably use mechanical military police to achieve his goal at a critical moment.

Well, answering this now is equivalent to saying that I do n’t know which military police ordered us or the police.

In this way, when the samsara found that the command was not moving, it could be understood that it happened to be under the control of the police station. Even they dare not use this trick, afraid of playing the grass and frightening the snake, or they may just count.

Sure enough, Ke Heigen soon told the reincarnation of the news, saying that the situation is now very serious, and the control of the mechanical military police is also in a semi-failure state, which increasingly requires reincarnations to create miracles, not only to quickly eliminate the police station The mainstay of a series, but also after the arrival of Ke Heigen's management team, actively cooperate to kill those hard-hard elements who are trying to resist.

The samsara said: "This is so noisy, why has it become such a bad thing."

They replied to Ke Heigen: "Now we don't even know how far the police department has controlled Fremont, what is the degree of communication, and the fear of communication is not too safe. Take the space satellite, and then we need intelligence. Support, information from the police chief and important officials, where they live, etc. "

Ke Heigen said your concern is justified, so I will change the communication mode. In addition, the police chief ’s home is in the Federation, but he has n’t been home since he was the king of the mountain. He currently lives in a very good apartment hotel, and they rewashed the stalls in the Filmont district. Part of the victory outcome of the card.

The reincarnations discussed it and felt that it would be more appropriate to go three for insurance purposes. It is almost enough to leave two people to watch the protagonist who has not broken out. Even if the fake wife begins to tear the protagonist, they can also have one person start the arrangements to secretly help the fake wife, and the other person always keeps track to prevent emergencies. This is Will not be shaken.

The three reincarnations found the apartment hotel based on the information. Then they have super advanced equipment and extraordinary ability. They used a method similar to see-through eyes to see the personnel situation in the apartment hotel.

And through the situation of guard patrol and guard duty, the specific position of the chief of the police station was confirmed.

With a good heart in mind and a sturdy head, they then performed the skills of the top assassin, walked through all the obstacles, and calmly killed the police chief's room.

When they saw the director, there was no nonsense, they killed them and talked, and then found that they were blind, and then they knew nothing.

Nuclear mushrooms are precise and controllable, with strong destruction within the scope, but basically no impact outside the scope.

Taking the police chief's room as the core, nothing was left in the circle with a radius of 50 meters, but outside, there was no noise or explosion.

It was the sudden appearance of a nuclear plasma fireball that melted everything within range.

The samsaras took the lead in knowing the situation, because the instant communication of the Lord God reflected that the three team members were dead.

Suddenly it was cold in my heart.

The hostile reincarnation shot!

The most important thing is that I don't know what method was used, and suddenly killed three people.

And it is already clear that the hostile reincarnation is the behind-the-scenes hands of the military police in the Filmont district.

They almost knew Zhao Wenrui's ideas in seconds. To help the protagonist, it is not necessary to turn around the protagonist to stop Ke Heigen's attack on the colony. If Ke Heigen's big move is not out, he will bite himself and soon he will be finished!

The way to stop Ke Heigen can actually be very simple, hold the other side of the ladder, or even more extreme, blow up the ladder. That's all.

If you think about it with your butt, you can understand that once the ladder is finished, a big piece of stuff is stuck in the special track of 12756 kilometers long, and once damaged, it will be pulled by gravity and fall to the center of the earth, and the center of the earth is almost zero gravity. In the space-like environment, the wreckage of the ladder will eventually be stuck there. For the Federation, it was salvage at a depth of 6,000 kilometers. Afterwards, it was necessary to repair the orbit damaged all the way due to the misalignment of the ladder. This project cannot be small. It would be normal for a year and a half to be delayed.

But Ke Heigen couldn't last so long, anti-terrorism can not be regarded as performance, people will only ask, why the more anti-terrorism? However, there is no performance, but there are a large number of mechanical military police orders, which will inevitably be grasped by political opponents, so the probability of Ke Heigen and his team kneeling is quite high.

How to do? Persuade Ke Heigen to launch the offensive in advance, and he has two people in the Monlis district, trying to guard the port of the ladder?

It seems not very good.

Now that the hostile reincarnation thought of this strategy, the bombs might have been set up on the ladder over there, and they could not be investigated at all, or even if one was missed, a big situation might occur. No one can afford this pot.

And maybe there is another trap, and in the past it will be instantaneously killed by some unknown means!

The three members of the samsara group now feel unprecedentedly melancholy. They are now lacking combat power and need to worry more, and the hostile samsara has just performed how insidious and malicious it is.

After some discussion, the three felt that they could only fight a bit now. There might be some chances to fight a bit. If they didn't fight, there would be no chance at all.

This opportunity was Ke Heigen's offensive in advance.

But for Ke Heigen to make up his mind, it is not enough to rely on the current dangerous situation, and he cannot even tell Ke Heigen that it is very dangerous to use the ladder now, which will affect Ke Heigen's determination.

The reincarnations felt that the main way for Kehegan to start now was to get Marseilles, let Kehegen obtain the military intelligence advantage as in the original history, and attack the positions of the colonial rebels to convince him The army can win a great victory if it comes over.

The two reincarnations on this side do not need to guard Doug Quaid. After all, the main value of Doug is to let the Federation find the exact place for Masais.

Two reincarnations ~ ~ can replace Kehegan's pioneer strike force.

In history, Kehegen was about to succeed on the side of Karl Hauser before arranging the pioneer troops. After receiving the information, he immediately informed that side and launched a sudden blow to hit the rebels in one fell swoop.

There is no obvious progress in searching for Marseilles. Kehegen is also afraid of playing grass and snakes. Even if there are people in the colony, he has not activated it, nor has he sent reliable support. It is also difficult to strike in time. Reincarnation comes in handy. With their high combat power, they can achieve a strike effect.

Then Ke Heigen became more and more convinced that his army in the past was just a tail sweep, and he could achieve his goal quickly. You can play it out. I'm here. I saw it. I won.

And the reincarnations bet on the treasure, and the troops in Keheigen can smoothly come through the ladder, not 50,000, and 10,000 or 20,000, and they can almost sweep. By then Ke Hegen won.

That's it, it can only be done, let's get started!

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