Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1074: Super Battleship Post

Zhao Wenrui's task is good, and the points feedback is good.

He capriciously bought Cain's blood for a high price.

Cain is the ancestor of vampires, at least in some worlds.

The blood quality system has a looming connection with the dark blood of the vampire, but Zhao Wenrui will not try to integrate the two, because he feels that doing so is equivalent to putting the dark blood of the vampire on the blood. He felt that the compulsion of blood quality should be higher, rather than the ability that was received by a severe curse.

But it has to be said that some application methods and ideas of the dark bloodline are worth learning by the blood quality owners.

More importantly, as the ancestor of Cain, his blood contains power. This deconstruction mode containing extraordinary power is worthy of analysis and reference. Just like smart power storage and packaging technology, it may also involve extraction and purification. Advanced technology?

Anyway, the real intention of Zhao Wenrui to purchase Cain's blood is to study and analyze it, not to use it directly.

He now has more content in his leisure day, that is, to conduct research in his newly built underground laboratory.

Milano was able to support him in establishing a high-end laboratory in all aspects, and he came out a little bit, which is a good place to pass the time.

On this day, he had lunch in a good old shop. When he saw a pretty girl with light makeup and a girl next door, he decided to talk to a prostitute. As a result, there were competitors and the handsome man in warm sunshine.

He didn't intend to quit, but played with a teasing nature. It was just a test of the little emotions of this pair of men and women, but suddenly found that the girl's image has the shadow of Rory Jonson , Suddenly felt dull.

Withdrew politely, even when asked by the other party, he admitted that he was planning to play a rogue and was not easy to get married. When the woman was dumbfounded, the man wanted to leave calmly with a beating attitude on the spot.

Zhao Wenrui felt that he didn't want Bilian a little bit, but if he was so calm, it would be a bit of a realm. As for what state it is, it ’s up to him to make people think of forcedness.

A few days later, Zhao Wenrui walked in the drizzle and walked, and he hooked his fingers on a passer-by, who at first pretended to be inexplicable, but chose to compromise in Zhao Wenrui's serious expression.

Zhao Wenrui waited for him to come over and calmly said to him: "If you let me find a watcher again, I will treat it as a harassment. I promise that no matter who your backstage is, how hard it is, I can uproot it and let this The whole family dies from top to bottom. Give your superiors my attitude. "

Zhao Wenrui, who usually seemed okay, suddenly issued such a grim manifesto, leaving many people sweating and sweating for a long time, and they did not doubt Zhao Wenrui's ability to honor the statement at all. So, although the meaning in Zhao Wenrui ’s words expresses the attitude that you can continue to monitor as long as you are clever enough to prevent me from feeling monitored, but no one dared to try again, at least for a long time no one dared to try Too. After all, this pot can't bear it. The cost of failure is to die the whole family from top to bottom. Under the blow of this method of sitting together, God knows how many people will be involved.

Zhao Wenrui actually did not plan to kill the whole family, but he would not be lighthearted. He felt that with the hardness of his fists and his contribution to this civilization, he had the power to live a relatively free life. After all, he did n’t fight for power and took money. If you do n’t want to mine to occupy resources, you will have a simple life, and this will not work. That is why the high-ranking person is too boring, and makes him feel uncomfortable, and he will make some people feel uncomfortable. This logic is not wrong.

Regardless of how the watcher went back to his peak in fear and fear, he said that Zhao Wenrui, after experiencing a discomfort, immediately arranged an affair to comfort him.

At the corner, I met the mushroom cooler set up by the girl next door that I met at the fast food restaurant that day. It seemed that there was a quarrel between the young couples. One walked straight and one buzzed like a bee.

Zhao Wenrui laughed, and said that he was still young and energetic, but unfortunately without a camera, this scene can be used as a movie, which is quite romantic.

A tragedy drama was staged, and he felt romantic. This unusual twisted attitude was quickly retaliated. Both of them walking across the street saw him smiling across the street.

Zhao Wenrui felt that Mushroom's eyes were bright when he saw him, and then he rushed over. He was almost hit by the car. The driver, who was in a hurry, bent out and scolded, "Are you looking for death?"

This mushroom is cold and does not apologize, as if the weary boat saw the warmly lit bay and bumped into it.

Zhao Wenrui said: "I'm going to be a troublemaker!"

But he soon discovered that he was actually wrong. The key is that the behavior of the handsome guy in the sunshine is incorrect. The other party did not come over and beat people, but roared across the street: "You would rather choose such a thing! You are really good! "Then, just like a robot, yelling and yelling away, almost pulling the whistle on his head.

Zhao Wenrui said: "What's wrong with my stuff, do I need to be a little bit?"

He thought that Mushroom Cool was just a heart attack, and he was used as a shield. Unexpectedly, the warm guys and handsome guys were gone. Mushroom Cool was still very enthusiastic and further sticky. That meant something wanted to happen.

"I think this is taking advantage of your emotional instability, taking advantage of you." Zhao Wenrui said calmly.

"What? Do you feel guilty?"

"Let you say this, I don't want to be a stubborn boy, I'm sorry for the glorious image that was established at the fast food restaurant that day."

So I rolled the sheets.

Then it was the first time that the other party was found.

"Do you mind?"

Zhao Wenrui knows the meaning of estimation. In the Federation, in this era, for the first time it means trouble, trouble, not playing, making the other party have a bad experience, etc., rather than chastity and precious things.

Therefore, Mushroom Cool's words actually have the meaning of apology, which is roughly equivalent to saying, 'Trouble you. ’

But this is a hindsight, right? It seems that there is no sincerity, right?

"I don't mind, I like the feeling of loading for unsealing."

"Then hug me and wash."


When washing, Mushroom Liang didn't mind Zhao Wenrui's help, Zhao Wenrui said: "Our relationship feels a little weird!"

"Listening to what you mean, what do you plan to do in the future?"

"Maybe, but if I find that my head is a little green, I must say goodbye."

"So you really care about this."

"Yeah, I sometimes find myself too difficult. After all, there is no way to control a person's soul, only to try to control the body?"

Mushroom coolly laughed, "You're too hard to tell the truth."

"Yeah, I also feel a little deliberate. People who are not free and easy are often easily caught by the other party's weakness, and the nose and mouth are bloody."

Mushroom continued to laugh, and after a while said: "I didn't think before, but now I think we can try to walk together for a while."

A road of life.

In this way of acquaintance, Zhao Wenrui himself said: "Our encounter is not very healthy, I am a little worried that I will not produce any good fruit."

Mushroom Liang said: "You save it, we are still trying to get along for 100 days happily, you start thinking about the Second Five-Year Plan, are you tired?"

"I just think you're boasting that I am actually a very forward-looking person."

"Even if I really praise you, can you feel it? The face is so thick."

Although they are always squabbling from time to time, the two are actually doing well. Mushroom naturally quickly discovered that Zhao Wenrui was actually a lazy man who lived in a rent-collecting life. He had no ambition, and his mouth was a little greedy. He kept thinking about which food was delicious all day long.

A man with no ambition is a bit despising, but at some point, Mushroom Liang is now empty, lonely, and cold, and needs someone to accompany him, and Zhao Wenrui, who seems to be eating and drinking without worrying about money, seems to have a leisure time, so this is quite suitable , Even a little bit tightly fit.

Feelings are more crooked, and my feelings are a little warmer. Mushroom slowly found out that Zhao Wenrui was actually much better than she thought. Even the ones with little interest in getting rid of flowers.

In other words, being able to meet her is almost exactly the period of Zhao Wenrui's estrus. This is the only way to take advantage of it, otherwise it will definitely be a stranger, even one that doesn't even have a glance.

Only at the right time, at the right place, was it possible to know. Then, at the right time, the right place, and the right way, you can really walk into her life, which makes her a little lamented about the wonderfulness of fate.

"Hey, don't you care about the long-legged devil's figure? That's all natural!"

"Ha ha!"

"How do you look like a pink skull, are you a moral monk?"

Zhao Wenrui shrugged, he didn't want to answer this question. He had to tell him in person that he could be a fart in his eyes. Forget it, it's easy to cause too much trouble, and still have a comfortable life.

Then the task came.

Mission World: The Super Battleship

He knows the super battleship, a popcorn movie jointly launched by Hasbro. Like {Complete Memories}, he thinks that the main commercial elements should be there, but the box office is not good, or it is a big defeat, and the audience does not buy it, perhaps because the top 30 can be shaved off with Occam ’s razor minute?

This work does have a lot of criticisms, but it is marked as a popcorn movie, with steel muscles, beautiful women, a protagonist, a ship naval battle, can you watch a happy one? I don't know why such science fiction movies always die so miserably.

So what's going on?

The Lord God didn't hide and tweet, he directly explained.

The original so-called collapse direction was the {Super Warship} movie. In the end, although the satellite station was still destroyed, it was about three minutes slower, so that the avant-garde alien main ship successfully sent to his hometown. Military intelligence. Its significance is about the same as that of the Spanish expedition ship that successfully returned to the country from the Americas and brought back the gems and gold everywhere, and the temples were built with gold.

After Zhao Wenrui looked at it, he naturally understood it in seconds.

The alien force received ‘Earth, people are stupid and have a lot of money! After the news of ’, the next thing is naturally swarming, so the war of tearing the aliens from the earth is about to start.

So what he will actually experience is not related to {Super Battleship}, the process of {Super Battleship} has been completed, he went there next, but it just continued the setting of {Super Battleship} in some aspects .

Task: Stop the destruction of human beings.

Hostile reincarnation: yes (competitive mode)

Zhao Wenrui knows everything in seconds.

The competition mode means that the main purpose is not to kill the enemy samsara.

And the last mission also let him know that the main **** is not one, but many, just like the numbers 9527 and 9526, 9528.

Most of the hostile samsaras are under the control of other main gods. They are either competitive or hostile, and rarely have cooperative relationships. So basically, hatred is greater than friendship. It is relatively restrained to meet or not torn up.

Well, Cain's blood structure has also been analyzed, and it really played a very important role in understanding, developing, and strengthening the blood quality system.

He enjoys this process of research and development, which he has started, to obtain technology to improve his strength, rather than buying and buying directly from the main god, and fattening into a pig.

Milano has also become smarter during this time to obtain information and data from the sc universe and the comprehensive recall world simultaneously.

Now, Jing Jing thought, it is indeed time to practice.

let's go!

As usual, when on the road, there is about an hour to see the mission briefing.

The content is actually nothing, after all, the story of the super battleship is already in the past, and there are not many places to learn from. The main thing is the continuation of information and the background environment.

The most shocking thing in the background environment is that the sky is gone!

In the original work, there is also a saying that one of the alien squadrons collided with the earth satellite (true low), which caused the communication components to detach, and crashed into Hong Kong, causing a certain loss. Here, the entire heaven was gone, and I must say that the God of Harmony Is the most powerful god!

The area of ​​the original land of the dynasty became a sea, called Huahai, and Mongolia can finally have a navy. Everest is one of the most holy places for climbers because one of them faces the sea directly at an altitude of nearly 9,000 meters. But so far, no one has been able to reach Everest from this side of the sea ...

The world and civilization are successfully self-consistent, and China has brought cultural influence to neighboring countries. It has also become a kind of mythology and legend similar to Atlantis.

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, they began to copy the foot basin of the dynasty, naturally retaining the most cultural heritage, so in terms of cultural thickness, they can directly compare with Asanjia in South Asia in Asia.

Then there are sticks, there is no stick, there is only one stick, because of geographical factors, they still do not deal with the foot basin, and said that they are the most inherited mysterious ancient country culture.

The main reason for tearing this off is naturally because the long-standing cultural heritage is often a kind of heritage of great powers, which represents the characteristic charm of civilization, national cohesion, and many spiritual core things. It is not easy to be invaded by foreign popular culture and lose oneself .

In short, without China, other Asian countries, especially the East Asian countries, will have to bear great external pressures. It is quite painful for foot basins and sticks with serious resources including territories, population, and natural resources.

During the Cold War, it was overwhelmed by two behemoths, and after the end of the Cold War, it had to bear the fierce power of the only superpower. Now that the world is more polarized, although it is better, it is not much better. After all, there is no big country with ideological opposition and the ability to carry the flag. It is also very difficult to keep the ideas and characteristics of East Asia.

For the same reason, Mongolia has become a battlefield for many forces.

Firstly, the climate has improved greatly because it has become facing the sea. A lot of natural cliffs and good harbors were born in the scottish highland terrain of the southern coastal area.

The humid ocean current on the back even affects the northern part of Mongolia, making it like the northeast. Although the winter is longer, it is also suitable for cultivation, and even rice is no problem.

And Mongolia's own mineral resources are relatively abundant. There are coal, iron, and even rare earth.

Then there are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. These inland countries of Central Asia also have estuaries and are also affected by the humid ocean currents. Including Afghanistan, the barren land has improved.

And these mean that they can afford more people, have a bigger market, and are worth international capital, or other countries can invest in order to obtain returns.

In this way, Da Mao must also attach great importance to this direction. After all, the port here can be more valuable than the frozen ground port on the side of the Okhotsk Sea.

So the competition for the interests of Huahai, a big bath, is also very exciting. The change of Asan is not much. The barrier effect of the Himalayas is still there. In the face of this cliff, no matter what you want to do, it will be a super project. Of course, in southern Kashmir, they still have some room for operation. Domestically, going there is also a big climb, the terrain is too high, there are ocean monsoons, the environment is still not good, invest there, and the return is not high.

As for the world situation, due to the lack of heaven, Da Mao ’s life is very difficult, but the Europeans are also very depressed. The lighthouse country has to eat, and the demand will not decrease because there is no heaven, and the world lacks new economic growth points. Under the circumstances, the days are even more sad. The things that could have been stolen from the heavens fell on other countries, South American countries, the Middle East, and even European countries.

At the same time, because there is basically no ideological confrontation between East and West, (foot basins and sticks can't support this banner, making at least this confrontation less prominent), the lighthouse country does not need to deliberately defend the NATO group.

Therefore, the exploitation of the European countries was revealed earlier than the original earth, and the relationship will naturally not be more harmonious. Instead, it is gross, because it is also the victim, and China has not digested his heavy industrial products, energy, nonferrous metals, etc. At the same time, he is economically, light industry, and agriculture, so he can only move closer to the EU to resist the fierce power of the lighthouse country.

In addition, international capital also has to eat hard. Without China, their eyes will be on A Sanjia, a populous country, and countries like Malay and Indonesia.

It is still a sweatshop, but these countries themselves have been infiltrated into a sieve by international capital. It is not enough to pass the red line and then extend to the conventional defense force. The industrial structure is incomplete, finance is manipulated, and the neck is everywhere. Therefore, although they developed rapidly under the stimulation of cheap manpower, they did not make much money.

In other words, the country is not rich and the people are not strong. Moreover, under the endless greed of international capital, the consumption of civil power and national power is too fast, which is a boost to the seedlings. By 2012, when the {super battleship} took place, it was already showing full decline.

The situation shown is that the price is high and the cost of living has soared, but the people have no money in their pockets, and the wages have risen, but they are farther and farther away from maintaining a okay life. The development of finance has made the pre-consumption system popular, and the advantages of everyone ’s debts and cheap labor have quietly faded, while national issues, customs, and even the state ’s investment in basic education and other aspects are insufficient (the country itself has no money is a Important reasons), all make the quality of the population lack.

With low population quality, qualified industrial workers cannot be produced. In this case, production costs will increase. In the past, labor shortage could be used to offset this deficiency to a certain extent, but now that labor costs have come up, the quality of the population is still not enough. Even because of the flashiness and bubbles, people become more agitated and profitable, diligent and diligent. There are fewer and fewer stable jobs, so both foreign and local investments have gradually withdrawn due to many problems and low returns.

Then there is a vicious circle. Everyone has to eat a meal. Local officials cannot pay full wages. But it is even more onerous to get up and down. Where does the money come from? Of course be greedy.

Ordinary people also have to eat a meal. In the past, they could talk about a long time, and now they are full of bad coins. Everyone is doing short-term, and they ca n’t wait to kill three kilograms of blood with a knife. If you don't follow Daliu, you will die early.

As a result, many industries collapsed. If you fail to make money, people will march into those industries that can make money, follow suit, and then quickly ruin the industry as if it was a childhood bad film, and then go to other industries.

The last thing is to do nothing, why pay nothing. The entire social circle was smashed, and foreign goods did not appear very much, because the market said that the locals had no money to buy, and the market qualification was being lost.

In fact, it has reached the stage of either dying in silence or erupting in silence. There are more and more dangers going on, the public security is plummeting, and then social turmoil.

This environment has become a paradise for ambitions. If you order it, you can pull up a large army to march and make trouble. The cost is so low, why not make trouble?

If you succeed, you can earn benefits, whether it is policy or whatever, in short, it is profitable.

Modern people often find such a situation, when you are not short of money to spend, banks, insurance, investors are all around you, take the initiative to send you money to spend. And when you need money, especially when you need money, such as life-saving, banks and investors are playing the role of debt collectors. They would rather bear the losses of breach of contract and try to get as much as possible from you. take money.

The same is true of the country. When the world is booming, all kinds of international loans and investments are coming in swarms. When capital is needed to overcome the difficulties, the international capital is cold-blooded and does not give money? Did you see my big fist? I can cut you a meal and take it myself.

Therefore, when Zhao Wenrui traversed, Malay, Indonesia, Philippines, Asan and other Asian countries with good populations or many Asian countries were falling into the abyss, the kind that was not saved.

It is foreseeable that bankruptcy, division, and killing will be staged in turn, until a lot of blood is shed, knowing that the land can carry the population that can be supported by the most basic social production, and a large number of deaths will end.

By then, the people on this land would be destitute, and UU reading began to accumulate real wealth again, but then they would also be more irresistible sheep, allowing them to shear or slaughter.

The world is so real, there are no big trees to shield the wind and rain, Asians are no different from Africans, they are two-legged sheep.

Zhao Wenrui's character is not bad, anyway, when he understands these situations, the main emotion is gloating.

"Originally on Earth, you jumped out one by one, as if everyone were grandchildren and monkeys, they could all come to the ground when they were too old. Now, the sky is soaring, you capable people, but they are supporting the Asian pattern. !?OK?"

"The regional environment has shaped your national identity. Naturally, there are shortcomings. One by one, I do n’t know if I ’m burdened. I do n’t know that you have a card, largely because there are big trees to support the sky. Even if it is to deal with the big trees, outsiders can How much is sweet to you, barely treat you as an individual. Now there is no big tree, you need to support yourself, you will understand what you are. "

"Well, what kind of comforting feeling of seeing a **** get retribution?"

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