Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1085: Shock

Zhao Wenrui also felt that if the foot basin and stick inherited the orthodox ideas of the East Asians, then he could understand the spirit behind his special suggestions.

Speaking of which, he feels too much for the lighthouse country.

No matter how ruthless it is to the lighthouse state. But he really didn't like the gang of international capital.

Those vampires that know no borders are now gathered in the lighthouse country, so a cluster of flowers.

After going through a series of incidents, the European countries are basically over, and Mao Zi is basically gone. The four wastes in South Asia are the same as the ash dumpling tofu. The future unipolarization of the world is too serious.

Although unipolar can form a global village faster and then enter the space age, he feels that human beings cannot be without enemies or qualified competitors, otherwise they will stop advancing.

Rather than having absolute corruption in the future due to absolute power, stage the end of the dynasty and fight among the heroes, it is better to set something now.

Such as preserving cultural diversity.

Although it can't be like the days of the hundreds of schools in the heavens, the East Asian culture is so dying.

The ideological battle between the white man and the yellow man finally ended the yellow man completely, and he pushed it by himself. It's disgusting.

So since the foot basin of this world does not really commit those crimes, but just looks similar to the same height in the original world, then do n’t actually hate the house and the rabble so much, leaving them, and also leaving East Asian culture with some possibility of cheering up It's actually okay.

After all, apart from the feud, he still has a greater sense of identity with East Asia.

Not to mention the hatreds and hatreds. During the century of humiliation in China, which powers have not been bullied, and all kinds of hateful things have been reduced? The Chinese are building railways in the lighthouse country. What is the Chinese Exclusion Act, not resentment?

Could it be that the modern lighthouse country is more glorious, more stylish, and more powerful, so it will subconsciously chase up and down, and Xiaoha?

No, it's a bit of a resentment to really want that.

So the opportunity is still given a bit, do not ask for a bowl of water level, but not too much.

Moreover, it really needs to be compared. The set of white people representing the people of the earth holding the banner of civilization seems to be more difficult. A group of robbers and gangsters, how can they achieve positive results? Our hard-working, sturdy and intelligent farming civilization is not enough?

Zhao Wenrui felt that he was also picking up rotten leaves, and it was not good to pick them up.

Of course, even if the Celestial Dynasty is not perfect, it is still a little more biased after all. After all, it is the hometown, with more feelings, and more accustomed to its humanities and customs. When everyone has their own bad situation, help the relatives There is nothing wrong with not helping.

In the 55-day countdown, seven air and space battleships were delivered to the alliance. They were 433 in length, pistol-shaped, and had a big **** that spread flat. The propulsion system and anti-gravity system were there, so this ship was actually an air and space battleship.

Its main weapon is an orbital gun, which is also of the central axis type. The barrel is only a little worse than the captain's length, and the tail is tightly against the propulsion system.

A long barrel means a long acceleration orbit, so it can shoot farther.

The projectile is more particular about nuclear weapons, and its attack principle is similar to depleted uranium armor-piercing projectiles. After the hit, if the kinetic energy of the rail gun itself cannot break the armor, then the directional high temperature of the outer layer of the projectile will melt the armor and send nuclear weapons into the interior. After sensing pressure and gas environment (usually inside the ship), it explodes.

If the projectile's directional high temperature cannot melt the armor, nuclear weapons will produce a controlled explosion. Although this explosion has a limited range, due to the energy constraints, the power within the explosion range is stronger.

In general, the projectile itself is very intelligent and relatively poisonous. After the explosion inside the ship, there is gas that can be used as a conductive medium, and the shock wave effect can cause secondary damage. The constrained explosion is more suitable for the application of the space environment. After all, there is not much medium to conduct shock waves, and the restricted energy play area is melted down, just like the hand of the gods.

There is no ammunition production line attached to the warships. Zhao Wenrui prepared ten base ammunition reserves for the alliance. It is not enough to apply with him. Basically, it is usually open for supply.

The Alliance also wanted to fend off Zhao Wenrui, trying to make a ritual or something while receiving the warship, the core content was to kneel and lick.

Zhao Wenrui was not very good at serving, and felt cold for licking too much, and looked at bystanders, like the emperor's new clothes, quite stupid.

So he refused this ritual, but also said more humanely, the ship gave you, it is yours, you want to engage in propaganda, and enhance the confidence of the people, just do n’t mention me, I am very tired of this.

The Alliance said it understood the meaning of the uncle, that is, to be an invisible predator, no problem.

Alex and Nagata met again, the comradeship on the surface was still there, greeted each other, and expressed happiness and excitement to be able to fight side by side again, bravely shoulder the heavy responsibilities.

In fact, after the {Super Warship}, the two had their respective roles as instructors. Alex did not become the captain of a certain ship as the commander-in-chief of the fleet expected at the commendation meeting, but landed on the shore. , Work in the base. Mainly to tell a group of officers about the experience of fighting against the G-stars, and his unskilled and funny character always makes jokes, so when he was optimistic about his boss, he was also embarrassed by the wrong person.

Nagata's post-war road was relatively stable. However, the seriousness of the ranks of the foot basin is almost the first in the world, and the situation of class solidification is also one of the best in the world. Like Yong Tian, ​​there is no deep background when you hear the surname. Even if you have outstanding performance, it is just a small jump. In short, it is 10 years of less struggle, but it is still black on the top, and there is little possibility of squeezing it up.

He knew the routine of the group he was in, and he did n’t have much idea. When he was a captain, he was a colonel. Because he was promoted by one and a half years, he was a major general on the surface, but in fact it was equivalent to saving a few more years of qualifications. If there are no special circumstances, he will retire with the rank of lieutenant general. And there will be basically no chance of getting on board.

After all, the major general must be a big ship, and there are not many decent big ships in the foot basins of this world. Battleships are not popular, and regular aircraft carriers cannot be built due to the restrictions of the lighthouse. (The lighthouse regards the Pacific as its own backyard swimming pool. There is the second one with ocean-going strike capability), so only the helicopter carrier is a big ship, and with a few cruisers, it is conceivable how fierce the competition is.

In addition, the foot basin is also a country that pays special attention to the face. If you ca n’t do anything like a major general to command the small ship, then Nagata can only spend the second half of her life on the ground.

However, the name of Zhao Wenrui changed the fate of Nagata. Nagata suddenly became the actor who is most likely to win Zhao Wenrui's favor through his performances. International superstars can't compare it. This is a performance for the foot basin people to win the future of fate. Multiple burdens. What a glorious role?

So although Nagata was still a major general, he immediately stood out among the major generals, and the glory was eye-catching. The domestic basin is also creating momentum for it, not to mention the enveloping aspect.

The two warships under its control, one named "Musian" and one named "Sihan", the latter need not say more. The concept of "sen" is the product of Taoism in China's indigenous religion, so Although Mu Xian is not as straightforward as Sihan, they all have the same meaning.

The licking of the foot basin is so straightforward, and its recognition is this: Uncle Zhao is relatively self-humorous, which is in line with the habits of East Asians, but we licking ca n’t follow Uncle Zhao as a mortal, but we must hold it up. Nausea is nauseous, and it is straightforward and faithful.

Zhao Wenrui naturally understands the idea of ​​the foot basin in seconds, knowing that this is indeed an East Asian feature. Later, he was used to being a dog, but his internal strictness level had already been forsaken.

Even the sticks, the seniors scolded at random, even if they did it, the juniors would have to go on, and if they were pumped, it would have to cause you trouble, and then turned their heads and vented down, such as his wife's family or something.

This is the case with East Asian culture, where the recessive class is strict, so all are official fans. I tried hard to climb below, and when I went up, I felt that it was reasonable to give orders.

Therefore, if the demand for someone or a certain force is far greater than the necessity of maintaining the external face, then you can make a fancy lick with a very low degree of shame, which is very different from the image you usually maintain. It ’s a feeling of collapse.

Many politicians in Beacon Country now feel this way. In the absence of the celestial dynasty, the foot basins are used to support the face of Asians, or they have always claimed themselves as the highest ethnic group in Asia, so they are also for their own faces. For this, various pressures of the lighthouse country have not allowed them Be completely succumbed, full of tenacity, stubborn and uncompromising, Beacon Country praised it.

Unexpectedly, it can be so shameless! You yellow guys are really crazy!

In fact, this is the case in East Asia, and South Asia and even Southeast Asia is another kind of scenery. Asan's non-violent non-cooperation is also quite famous.

In any case, the alliance is generally happy to take over the ship, and naturally it is a variety of sighs after boarding the ship. However, it is only 55 days before the G star soldiers are under the city. Adaptive training alone takes a lot of time. During this period, there are also a team of scientists to accompany the research. There are many professional subjects, and there are still shows, so the time is also tight.

The Alliance soon arranged a series of special reports, near-saturated bombing, to preach the fighting power now possessed by mankind. Seven warships are naturally the protagonists, but the unicorn drama is boring, and there are other supporting actors, such as the Starport Fortress and the Deep Space Industrial Fortress. Armed to the teeth, it looks very powerful, as well as the orbital turret system, battleships, and air and space fighters, which are also pretty good.

The people also deeply feel that the country has really done its best in the past two years. Before that, it was only possible to jump in the atmosphere. In a flash, it will be the space age. We all know the difficulty of this step.

Hollywood also took advantage of the opportunity to work overtime to make several theme movies, including semi-documentary, vigorously shouting for the official.

The more the wartime, the more important the propaganda is. Inculcating directly, the public will feel that preaching and being raped will produce rebellious psychology, but if it is integrated in the film and television to guide, or if it is lured through heroism, the effect will be much better.

So Hollywood is not bankrupt. Of course, their performance has indeed declined significantly because the market has shrunk across the board.

In the past period of time, California and the West Coast, represented by Hollywood, played white and left, and there was also commercial demand. After all, if you want to buy film and television products and peripheral products around the world, is it not like having money against racism?

But now is another scenario. Many false whites have moved closer to the official tone of serious centralization, not to mention any free rights and interests. Now they are closely united around the leaders, sharing the crisis and allowing human civilization to continue. The main melody, so the overall direction of media entertainment is also exaggerated, dedication, continuation of civilization depends on everyone, the leader is the big flag, the people must follow him.

Of course, there will always be antipathy, and even the prophecies of the prophecy will have cults and waves, not to mention that this is a true disaster. In the context of people's instinctive attempts to obtain comfort in the heart, religion has a market. There is no shortage of followers in one category.

Those who have been screened in the hidden social screening, see no hope, but have not died yet, have become the main participants of the cult, so even the lighthouse country is also a group of demons, let alone European countries.

The exhausted official had to raise the butcher knife again.

In fact, the official is not willing to do so. After all, this kind of approach, because the reason is so grand, will inevitably make people chill.

Moreover, people ’s ideas are always full of change. At this time, at that time, they felt understandable at this time, and they will forget the current crisis afterwards. After all, many people have not been really persecuted. Of course, it is too late to be persecuted. But if you are not persecuted, your feelings will not be deep. Afterwards, you may lighten the severity of the persecution, and you will feel emotionally hurt. You will feel that the slaughter is terrible. On his own head.

So there are some dirty things that are really stains that can never be washed away. And the people say that they do n’t know how grateful they are, but people ’s lifespans are short-lived, and they do n’t change their thinking fast. The thoughts of a generation differ greatly from one generation to another.

Without personal experience, it is impossible to rely on imagination to understand the danger of overturning at any time, and the family will be ruined at any time. Maybe a few jealous and unscrupulous rogues who have seen you have gathered together can make you all kinds of tragic and turbulent terrible of.

They will only remember some headlined things, stand up and speak without criticism, and still stand in the lower reaches of history, irrespective of the pressure on the people at that time that was unknown or even dark and desperate.

Take the implicit screening method developed by the lighthouse country.

If future generations can still discuss this practice, it means that human civilization has successfully continued. When reviewing history at that time, their thinking was often based on the inevitable foundation of the continuation of human civilization. After all, it was already the fact that it happened.

In this case, some people will feel that the screening of the lighthouse country is really foolish, slaughtering the people, self-defense martial arts, everyone has been killed, and you still play an egg. Did you know that as long as you are braver and give a little shelter, more people will survive. G-Stars are not as strong as you think on the surface, and there is no need to use national power at the refuge level. In terms of engineering, some similar civil air defense fortification clusters, or even a little reinforcement of the subway system, can cope with the past.

By then, more citizens will survive.

And the screening method is too rough and delicate. Many people can still save and it is worth saving.

This is a typical example of standing on the lower reaches of history.

But now, even Zhao Wenrui is suspended in his heart, worrying that he will not be able to complete the mission at low altitude, but in the middle and later period he has changed his original intention to a certain extent, and sent the alliance a full set of technology, as well as various support including warships.

So where is the confidence of the coalition countries that they can save most of their citizens?

Similarly, if there are some choices, the vast majority of people are still willing to choose the best of both worlds, the best of both worlds, and the best of both worlds. But in the eyes of the authorities, there is often no choice, and the problem cannot be solved without being a bad person.

Countries in Europe, such as those who experienced refugee injuries, large reserves, international status fell, the Union ’s internal treatment has been reduced, public credibility has suffered, domestic problems are many, and evacuation plans are seriously lagging. At this time, Huairou could not be played, nor could it be delayed, and could not afford it, because after a delay, more problems tended to breed. For example, if more vacillating people were added to the cult, the cult would be more inspiring and follow suit. People jumped out and so on.

So he was squandering quickly, knowing that there must be excuses for those who are guilty, and those who were not guilty to death, but they were all cut. Relying on **** crackdown to solve the problem is already the ultimate, most helpless and reputation-damaging method, but it is always better than bankruptcy.

The European countries are in such a situation, which can be described as a surprise. It is a pig teammate who has fallen off the chain at a critical moment. Even they have already opened up. Even if human civilization wins this war, they will have no chance to lead human civilization in the future. So from the top to the bottom, it was a bit mourning. It is more and more deflated.

The lighthouse country is naturally a place people all over the world yearn for, and the most uncontrollable one is Mexico.

In the eyes of Zhao Wenrui, Mexico is actually a trash can prepared by the lighthouse country for its own home. It is easy to enter the country and it is difficult to enter the country. The scum of the real society takes that place as a holy place of refuge. Such a big name came out.

So can the scumbag be a good place?

And it's the lowest and the scum that makes it easy to make big news. After all, the high-end ones have some net worth, and spending money to use channels can have more choices. Only those desperate people who have no way and no money will consider Mexico. And dogs can't change the way to eat shit, they want to live well without money and money, and they won't be safe to go anywhere.

The most important thing is that Mexico itself has become a shaker under constant bullying, and the serious cash crops of poisonous plants have fallen into this category, so there is nothing to say.

Today, the big trouble is coming. It can be said that it is the last round of disaster avoidance. The degree of madness is self-evident. Do n’t think of any wall to block the torrent of population. Just like {Zombie World War}, by stepping on the stacked wall, it ’s very Soon a human ramp was formed, and then a crazy rush. The soldiers of the lighthouse country guarding the border were dumbfounded, and their hearts were numb, and the galloping horses were countless cocks.

California was quickly hit by a full blow, and the lighthouse country was also shocked. Mexico, with a total population of 126 million, even launched a massive shock of 10 million people. God ’s general mobilization ability. A large number of lighthouse countries are not easy to deal with with a knife, too much. In the past, the eradication of North American natives was a time to erode, including making them fall into a bad situation and killing themselves to achieve their goals, instead of directly striking so much, not to mention tens of millions, none of them, ten. Wan was killed in units of years in the fiercest years. Now he is going to kill ten million, and the soldiers will collapse. It's not appropriate to throw mushrooms, after all, it has already rushed into the urban agglomeration and mixed together.

For a time, the lighthouse country was melancholy broken. Later, it was still analyzed by think tanks. The lighthouse country gritted its teeth and started a propaganda war, that is, a big flicker, to solve the problem.

It ’s not just fooling the Mo people, but also fooling your own civilian soldiers. It probably means: you see, I gave them the way of living. I am generous, I do n’t care about the past, and I give them back. They still ca n’t do it. Too. So do n’t sympathize with those who do n’t work, just shoot.

The specific living roads, to put it bluntly, are big recruiters, and digging caves is similar to building roads and dams. As long as enough materials are available, as many people can be stuffed into it. In ancient times, there were hundreds of thousands of large-scale constructions. Nowadays, the ability to coordinate and control logistics is stronger, and naturally more people can be controlled.

Digging the hole is also for you to live, there is still some time now, three shifts, people will not stop tools, work hard. The main source of the lighthouse country is supplies.

Since there are no major problems in the lighthouse country, this year's agricultural harvest has also steadily arrived. The lighthouse country has always been the world ’s first grain exporter, so the agricultural income is stable, the grain is enough milk, and the old grain in Curry is just launched. The light industrial products are also sufficient. The heavy industry is due to the increase in industrial grade and the increase in production capacity. No shortage, nothing more than the problem of some time difference, you need to advance funds first, although the number is huge, but you can make up for it by going back.

There is no shortage of mountains in California. The Cordillera Mountain System passes through California. It is these mountains that act as a barrier to block the penetration of the humid air currents in the oceans. Only then did the Gobi Desert in the western America, including the Mojave Desert familiar to C. Cain, etc. Wait.

Therefore, the Mo people were dug to dig the mountains, and it was just that.

In fact, the requirements of the Mo people are very low, and I hope that with this basic order and security, the supply of living materials can be stable, which is enough.

It is because the chaos within the Mexican country cannot do this now, and people have no way out, and they have unanimously gathered together to start this tide.

Now I have to leave my hometown, I am guilty of three points, plus the unconsciousness of the lighthouse country, the soldiers' live ammunition, the timely supply, the order is also maintained well, and they dare to pretend to be punished by the Ming Dynasty, and the people will soon settle down. Down. It was very cheerful and pleasant, and it seemed a bit cheap.

However, there were fifteen on the first day of the junior year, and there were many people in the Mo country who were in deep water. Many of them were not forced to take a risky gamble, so they chose to wait and see.

In fact, they won't be able to survive for a long time. Now that they see such a situation, they immediately start to escape.

Every day, people flow together and go northward, just like a big migration.

After a lot of calculations, the lighthouse country executives gritted their teeth and said, "Let them come, it's running out of time. We have to eat and drink for at most two months. With the G-stars together, most of them have to become slag."

The lighthouse national costume has been in the air for a while, but the Mexican country can't hold it back. Both the official and various civilian forces are afraid of this large population loss.

Without shrimp, who shall we eat?

Therefore, the Mexican nation began to restrict the movement of population spontaneously, and even shot and killed 100 people.

Compared with the Mexican countries, the four wastes in Asia indicate that we are very stable and calm, but all the evils are exposed to the broad daylight, and no one presides over justice and becomes a common natural phenomenon. Instead, society has entered a deformed stable state.

The appeal of most people is to live one day at a time, while at the same time being completely liberated. Because I ca n’t see the future, and I do n’t know if I can live tomorrow, so people ’s spontaneous love will do whatever they want. Ethics and morality will go away. Anyone can do something with anyone as long as they want. Unwilling, as long as one side is strong enough and the other side is willing to endure, then something can happen.

People gradually only care about the most primitive point of appeal, eating and drinking Lazarus, that's all.

Of course, there are more ideas, basically relying on military support to achieve the appeal, but this is generally not long, the competition is too fierce, you need to guard against dead enemies, you also need to guard against younger brothers, not ordinary people can play, One was careless or unlucky and was killed.

As for the dead, the original treatment method is no longer popular, and burial and cremation are too wasteful. It is better to send it to the slaughterhouse. Like handling pigs, cattle, and sheep, almost every part can come in handy.

Zhao Wenrui once thought that human beings had reached this point and had long since collapsed, and then perished in madness.

But in fact he obviously underestimated how low life can be in order to survive. Wisdom has almost become a burden at this time, then give up wisdom to a certain extent, do n’t think much, do n’t touch emotions, just ask for some superficial ones, meet basic survival needs, and then simply refresh, one day Just sent it.

So it's just that, at a very low level, society is actually running, and it's actually a flow of people, and it's like a shuttle. And there are hidden levels, different levels of circles, different ways of living, and some of them also look decent, but overall, the degree of civilization is getting lower and lower, and the creation of manpower, such as manpower tricycles, etc. The more there are, the less mobile phones are, and the electricity supply in many areas has basically stopped. The factory was dismantled, but the workshop was opened, and various new products based on the original daily necessities and living garbage were born, such as supplies made of waste plastic coke bottles.

Behind this seemingly order is that the population is declining madly, and the cultural tradition is also dying quickly. The people at the bottom are more and more like savages, and the creeps of the middle and upper classes who can live the days of basic civilization are often creepy. The blood-spattered five-step attack appeared, and they basically would not succeed, because it seemed completely overwhelming, and the egg hit the stone. But the state of being indifferent and not being able to pass on people's words still makes people feel chilled. This situation is getting more and more, and it feels like walking into the jungle and being thrown and attacked by wild monkeys. There is no way to reason, even It is useless to intimidate, and it will sprout in a perverted manner.

Gradually, class splitting became dominant, and those who could still maintain the status of basic civilization had to build walls, pull power grids, set up checkpoints, sniper positions, etc. like the lighthouse soldiers who built green areas in Baghdad. To maintain the security of the area, the outside is basically an enemy-occupied area, and there are dangers at any time and any place. Certainly, the government order cannot be enforced.

In this way, in the four waste countries, some people were surrounded by their compatriots and gradually become islands.

Society is still operating in an ultra-low state with order in a strange chaos, but the rule is basically over. Even the military heads and bandits gradually discovered that the ruled ones they thought had become human-shaped beasts.

In the past, when I was looking for a mushroom cool, I still struggled and cried, but now I have nothing, quite numb, but there is no lack of violence in the numbness, just like a sudden mental illness, suddenly burst out to hurt people, without tools. Like the beast, even if it can be killed in time, it will be a cold sweat, think about it, and then be afraid, and then feel boring, after all, the lunatic and the beast have no sense of achievement and are dangerous.

Anyway, from the normalization of cannibalism, the mental state of humans in the bottom circle begins to fascinate. At least people who analyze and act on the basis of human thinking logic are increasingly unable to understand the behavior of those people.

Then these are still the logical thinking of normal people, whether they are gangsters or people, or politicians, they have all been isolated. Gradually, I felt like going deep into the jackals to build an adventure camp.

Going out, even if there are teammates and guns, there is not much security. Some people were hysterical after the conflict, but found that it was still not crazy enough, because the humanoid beasts could stage live tearing and even devouring, and many people were mentally scared by similar scenes.

In this way, the smaller armed groups quickly perished, as if swallowed by nature, of course, leaving no trace.

Zhao Wenrui's 10th countdown from the arrival of the G-star ~ ~ has generally observed such a scene in the four waste countries. It has to be said that the speed of the originalization is far beyond his expectations, and the route taken is also far beyond He expected. In general, not as many people died as he thought, but self-reduction is indeed happening, more terrifying, the cycle is longer, and the destruction of civilization is more thorough.

On the ninth day of the countdown, the alliance dispatched 7 warships to fight against the G Star Fleet.

The main purpose is to detect the comprehensive information of the G-Star Fleet in order to facilitate the corresponding adjustment of the Earth Circle.

The First, Second, and Third Fleets of the First Order actually departed two days earlier. Zhao Wenrui's purpose is similar, mainly to find out.

The Fourth Fleet still has some internal affairs that have not been completely completed, and temporarily stationed in the moon orbit as a guard force.

Due to the use of a higher level of anti-detection technology, just like the ships of humans during the super battleship cannot find the G-Star Scout Fleet ships through radar, the First Order Fleet is invisible to the Alliance.


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